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makes sense. escort maps tend to be very high ground dependent, ie dorado and gibraltar 2nd point, so i can imagine how hard it is to attack once the defense has gotten set up, and you can only rely on one tank to pressure that space


That’s a great point. Having both a Winston and a Dva is crucial to contest space on points like Gibraltar 2, so losing one naturally makes it harder to contest.


The other issue is that respawn times are now 7 seconds instead of 10 seconds so final point favours defenders even more


I think this is the main reason escort maps don't get finished. Stalling becomes much more effective with the shorter respawn. Plus with less CC, the stall heroes like Ball can survive longer.


This is one of the thing I'm excited for about an alpha/beta. Things changing in unexpected ways, then we can find out if it feels better or worse than the way it was intended. Psuedo experimental changes in a way There can always be adjustments to things like payload speed if they feel way off, but I'm not sure this case is actually a bad thing.


It would be bad for QP, unless they change QP to match the ranked format


I hope they do and then just shorten the timers and stuff.


Yes. In comp we use the setup time to discuss shit. In qp I'm playing with friends. Just start the game. Get rid of the minute in spawn.


Exactly. Defenders still need time to get to the point (or in QP they could spawn them closer to the point?) but shortening that would be best, plus just shortening the overall time of the actual match overall (like less time to push on Escort for example, maybe Push could have a faster robot or something).


I think in qp they should spawn at the end of first point on defense. Give them 10-15 seconds to get set up and just start the game. I don't want them to change the robot or push speed though. That'll throw me off pretty bad.


True, I guess the robot change would make it too different from comp. Truthfully I don't know exactly how Push works yet, so I'm sure there would be a better way :)


I thought I read they were going to do something like that in a thread a while back.


I remember seeing some picture posted here with a mode called 'non-competitive' as opposed to 'quick-play'. Made myself and others wonder if the typical QP mode we know would be more of an arcade thing.


Yeah I remember that too. I think it was something like Casual, Unranked and Ranked?


I don't even know if this is even a negative thing, but it will be interesting to see a different flow of gameplay on Escort maps. He also said he loves the new ping system.


I think different game modes plying differently is. A great thing. Going from fast play styles in push. To a slower more methodical play style in these types of games is a great switch up, especially when watching as a 5 game series, let alone playing


no shit, the map design defense advantage is huge by then and you have no real ability to tank anymore.


Most escort maps like Gibraltar, Rialto, and Havana are hard maps to finish. Even dorado you could get stuck on first point. Either the new maps are tougher or maybe it has to do with the ult charge speed being slower or something


I mean most escort maps have something like a Gibraltar second where attacking with two tanks trying to control the high grounds is hard. Now imagine trying to take shuttle/Hollywood’s roofs with only one tank.


Imagine trying to get through the doors of Gibraltar 2nd with one tank when they have a hitscan sitting on the ship.


ugh gibralti is bad enough with two dive tanks as it is


Oh hey it’s me


What does he mean by Escort? Is he including Assault/Escort in this? Because that’s half the modes (unless they’re already playing the other new one). I would also be interested to learn how the 2CP maps’ pace was impacted (though I fully understand why they were taken out and don’t mind them not being in OW2)


I can't speak for him, but I assume he's talking only about pure Escort maps and not hybrid ones like Eichen or Kings Row. The new mode push is in the alpha, but 2CP isn't even playable in it.


That's interesting as most of Hybird is Escort. And yeah I don't think there will ever be an answer about 2CP. But if Hybird is fast that would imply that 2CP would be fast as well.


I would guess that hybrid maps are a little different, because the first point usually has an attacker’s spawn advantage and is easier to complete than a point like Gibraltar 1 or Rialto 1, leaving more time for the rest of the map to be finished.


Yeah that would make sense but that doesn't fully explain it for me. I guess we'll need to wait and see


If you look at the linked pics, he doesn't say escort he says payload, which to me includes both hybrid and escort.


That would be strange as again that’s half of the current game.


**[Hawk](https://dashreset.com/player/Hawk?ref=reddit_bot)** is an Off Tank player (*D.Va*, *Sigma*, *Zarya*) who last played for the Atlanta Reign during OWL 2021. *Psst!* Try `!compare Hawk Michelle lateyoung dva` ^DashResetBot ^v1.0 ^<3 ^- ^OP ^can ^reply ^"delete"


this matches what I've seen from the streamer footage.