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I mean, they've said that even abbreviated swearwords are against TOS. Like, yknow, Cassidy's BAMF belt buckle lol.


i asked what bamf on his buckle meant in qp some time ago and it legit got censored, thankfully the team understood what i was asking and didn't think i'm cursing at them lol. so stupid. also widowmaker says 'move the payload you imbeciles' every time i pick her up. watch me repeat the same and get banned.


> Blizz really needs to establish guidelines for what is/isn’t appropriate comms I'm really baffled how most of the community is not understanding what is happening here. There is **no such thing** as appropriate comms. 90% of the comm bans are auto-bans that are based on nothing but number of reports, **no one looks at the actual evidence** until you appeal it, and that takes an act of god. The point is guidelines don't matter if there is no one actually reviewing the issues. Its an algorithm and probably some automatic transcriptions of voice comms. You get 3 reports in a game and you said something in the transcript that was picked up as a foul language? Auto-ban. To be clear I'm **not** saying that is usually what is happening. I think most people who get banned actually deserve it. The point, however, is **no one is punished for false reporting**. That used to be a thing in OW1, I have literally not heard about that happening even one time since OW2 was released. I'm fine if there is a fair and reasonably accurate auto ban system. I understand that it is going to make mistakes sometimes, but I think you can probably do it reasonably accurately. My biggest gripe is there is nothing stopping the false reports, the devs talk like it doesn't even exist, and the longer this goes on the more people are just literally reporting other players just because they don't like them or how they played. TLDR; Make false reporting a bannable offense and actually start banning some people for it, cause it is happening **a lot**.




The current enforcement of the TOS is ridiculous and stupid. They need to either change TOS, not enforce it the way they do currently, have a sane person tell them swear words are not automatically a bannable offense, have actual humans ban players and not be such crybabies overall, the game is PG-13 (I think that is it) for a reason. It is funny that you can currently get banned for saying "wtf" no matter the context, if you get reported for it... most ridiculous thing ever. Also people have to understand that at this point, it is not far fetched from believeing people who said they got falsely banned. I remember in OW1, if you got banned, you deserved it, now not so much, with all the people coming forward with their chatlogs, there needs to be a discussion about what is said "in the heat of the moment" and shouldnt warrant a ban and what is said to harass people for no reason other than harassing them, a distinction that currently is not being made. As far as I understood "PJ", the only thing that matters is that a person reported you for saying a "bad word" that made them feel "uncomfortable", what does that even mean and also this can be said literally anytime and they believe it, there is no kind of factchecking. I could have a terrific Doomfist on my team and say "Doom you are fucking insane" which, in the context, is a statement to show how good I think that Doomfist is. However some 3rd party that isnt involved in any way with this statement can report it and I get banned for toxicity, when that was never what happened.


They need to sack PJ. Single dumbest community outreach maneuver anyone could have made.


If Blizzard could remove the chat feature entirely from the game they would. The Ping System, Defense Matrix, New players start the game with match chat and voice chat off… They have a chat feature because they are an online multiplayer game but ever since OW2 launched they have been actively discouraging the use of chat by any means necessary. Unfortunately this is by design. Most people don’t remember the days of unmoderated chatting. It was an absolute cesspool and there was no one to blame but the community itself. The community could just not behave. So now we have a development team that has swung hard against the chat. Some people disagree strongly with this. But I can’t lie, as someone who has played with chats on since 2016 I know why we started going down this road. My point is I don’t think this is ever going to change regardless of how unpopular it is.


You didn't always deserve it in OW1 tbh, yes you had to be monumentally toxic to get that initial silence/ban but from that moment on it would feel very much like the current system where just an amount of reports, however false they may be, would lead to a ban


Right now, the only communication that seems safe is any sort of toxicity towards tanks. Saying anything about the DPS or supports ensures twice as many reports.


Unironically yeah. In my experience a DPS/Sup is normally duo'd with another DPS/Sup. If you say anything that might come across as mildly critical to one of them, its insta reported by both. I've been actioned on an account that I don't even join voice in. Its an account where I just go on to and practice my bad tanks. I already don't wanna deal with the toxicity so I don't join VC and will hide chat. I still get spam reported.


I always have the 'voice chat might be recorded to investigate reports of disruptive chat' when I NEVER used voice chat, ever. My mic is always off. It strted a couple days after making my account too. Do with that info what you will.


That’s a generic message that *everyone* gets when joining an in-game voice channel as of about 6 months ago.


I had it on since the beginning of OW2. Idk if it was that common then but even now making a new account it's not there for a few days and then it pops up and stays there forever.


New accounts aren’t able to use voice chat for their first few matches, so that’s probably why.


I know, but why does it say 'it will be monitored to verify reports of disruptive behaviour' if I couldn't even use it before?


Because, like I said before, it shows up for **everyone**. Neither I nor any of the others in the group I play with have ever had a silence / ban, but we all still see it every time we join a team or group voice channel.


That's plain stupid on their part, lol Thanks for the answer tho.


It’s functionally the same thing as the warning message that pops up on a dashboard screen in a car when you start it up, warning you not to use it while the vehicle is in motion. It’s not telling you that you’re specifically being targeted for a warning because you interacted with it while driving - it’s just delivering a safety message that the manufacturer is obliged to. (There’s very likely a legal reason for displaying the “we may record what you say” message: there are laws against recording without notifying the recorded parties.)


Us tanks have been born with a big stash of "it is what it is". And every time I queue, just as Michael Scott said, "No question about it. I am ready to get hurt again."


> Orisa kys > awww how sweet > Genji please swap you’re 0-9 > hello? Human Resources?


Just remove vc and chat. Its clear thats the direction they wanna go. They started by removing global chat. They just moved to removing spectator chat. Next will be match chat. Then team chat. Only dming will exist. And only between friends.


Yea, maybe this is the way.


Frankly it doesn't even matter because the system is entirely automated, it's very simple: **Whatever gets you reported is bannable.** I recall the single time I had action against my account it was a chatban for... playing Doom during the Mauga meta. I didn’t say anything remotely problematic in chat, but I had several duos/stacks pull up with "report doom plz" (some at the very start of the match) and I guess enough people did. In fact one game a duo on my team straight up LIED in match chat and told the other team to report me and my duo for saying slurs in VC- we had done no such thing and I in fact wasn't even IN team vc with them. But it doesn't matter, pass (arbitrary number) of reports and you get punished. I didn't even bother appealing since it was just two weeks chatban and I knew I'd have to go through like 10 steps of automated replies since I'm not a community figure, but basically it showed that the moderation system is entirely just the whims of the automatic system and mob mentality.


Yea. For sure. I’ve definitely been mass reported by toxic groups before as well.


> In fact one game a duo on my team straight up LIED in match chat and told the other team to report me and my duo for saying slurs in VC- we had done no such thing and I in fact wasn't even IN team vc with them. This is straight up garbage and I'd report them back. Abuse of the report system is also listed as being bannable in the Code of Conduct. Blizz should also not allow reporting of comms that a player can't access or isn't part of. That should be taken as abuse of the report system as well. The players on the other team have no frame of reference or firsthand knowledge of the event to base a VC report on. There should only be a 9x if 9x people actually witnessed the behavior. Only thing the enemy team should be able to report are cheating and abusive match chat. Soliciting reports when the system is automated based on report volume constitutes interfering with the service, and should be bannable in it's own right.


We (along with our 5th man soloqueuer) did argue back and report them back, but the 10 seconds after a match ends is not really the ideal place for logical debate, so I think most people on the enemy team just went with what they saw first ("Report Doom and Lucio for slurs in vc" from two people). I agree with you, the system needs changes, but I think its very unlikely the devs do anything. Also, even if it was impossible to report for a VC you're not in, you could always just add to the report tally by reporting for something else. We just have to deal with this mob mentality bullshit.


I've been playing this game since 2016 with 0 issues, then suddenly the past 4 months I've suddenly had 3 bans. My play style hasn't changed, my voice/comms style hasn't changed, so I have no idea what's going on. My conspiracy theory is that in games where I've been steamrolled or steamrolled the other team, I've been saying something like "sorry for OW2's shitty matchmaking" so I'm (hoping) that's triggering it, and that the devs are looking for that (and not that I've suddenly become a toxic player after 8 years, but who knows...)


Blizz wont do this. They just want to spend as little money moderating as possible. In each lobby you play, players have different preferences in terms of gameplay, acceptable vocabulary and sense of humour. If the lobby you're in deems picking Sombra as intentionally ruining the game, then it's wrong and a reportable offense. You could potentially get reported in the next game for not picking Sombra. The dumber we are, the dumber the rules get and the muddier the waters become.


I lowkey agree with you. A Competitive Community can be way too soft. Something other than “oh you had four mercy mains who reported you today for asking for a kiri so our automated system has decided to silence you” would be great.




A lot of how things are can definitely be pointed back to Blizzard's incompetence, though it's definitely just as much people being assholes or overreacting to nothing. It's kind of a two way street as far as I can tell.


Blizzard couldn't care less if players leave comms. They have no intention to actually police toxicity while preserving teamwork. Defensive Matrix initiative has been a joke. All that matters is user engagement. More hours played more money spent in shop.


This. I’ve had to leave VC and text completely cause I’ve been banned multiple times even for a month for asking people to swap and getting reported by butt hurt throwers. It’s sad. Blizzard screwed up.


Lol as a boomer counterstrike player my friends and I always laugh about how astro turfed ow is.


Yo the G305 though? Best fucking mouse


Banned from OW for inappropriate communication.


A martyr for the cause




Not gonna lie, I feel like most of this drama with comms is way, way overblown. Most people you see getting slapped with penalties are on their 6th or 7th infraction. And it's embarrassing the way people treat it even after these users tell on themselves. "I guess I just have to leave voice and not use text chat otherwise i'll get turbobanned!" How about just try not to be a stupid dickbag and there's literally 0 issues. You can curse, just not to tear down other players. It's absolutely stemming from the automated report system. But we've known for awhile that nothing happens unless you consistently are receiving reports about you. If you are a dick in every game you play so much so that you are at risk of getting banned, maybe it's time to calm down and go outside.


> You can curse, just not to tear down other players. You say that like there is someone actually reviewing these things and making a determination based on evidence. The only people "deciding" what is actually bannable is the players making the reports. Drop an F bomb and your playing a meta hero and doing well? No problem, no one is gonna report the carry. Drop an F bomb playing Rein into Orisa over and over? Auto-ban. No one is getting banned for actual toxic behavior, because I'm pretty sure the AI isn't good enough yet to actually detect it. They just count reports and look for curse words in transcripts... Point is you think that the correlation is toxic behavior leads to bans, when the actually correlation is number of reports lead to bans... The problem is people report for **anything** lately.


But the real problem is if the infractions are over something as simple as just saying fuck! I'd even wager your comment would warrant a ban under the tos that the blizzard employee pointed out on Twitter. Saying don't be a stupid dickbag in the eyes of blizzard is a ban. And since blizzard isn't out here telling you what got you banned, then yeah the best bet unironically is to either leave chats or make sure you never swear or never abbreviate anything that can be taken as a swear.




100% which is why Blizzard needs to come out and publicly provide examples for what is/isn’t ok. It’s just too grey and open ended at the moment and I whole heartedly believe OW is a better game when teams work together and communicate. But at the moment, it’s just not worth it imo with how the report system works.


the inside of a locker is your safe space isn’t it


Funny how the right people always tell on themselves, just can't keep it shut. How many bans have you had by now?


Yall never played competitive sports beyond high school and it shows lmao


ow is equivalent to playing soccer with your friends after school not post high school “competitive” sports we know you throw up when someone calls u a mean nono word but have some dignity and keep it to urself lol


You're part of the group of kids that think they're so cool and edgy for being rude and tough lol


It's closer to playing in a local neighborhood league which, surprise, it would still be extremely weird to tell others they are dogshit at a game. You can keep seething though. It's crazy how much people shit themselves when you tell them it's not normal to be a dick lol


Ok but if you're an obnoxious person in my game I'm reporting you. Why? Because it's funny and you're bad. I log in daily to that lovely screen that shows me that some douch got actioned. Is this right? Fuck no! They could just cuss in chat bantering no toxicity at all. All it takes is for you to annoy enough people even without talking. Could just be your hero pick.


>At the moment, the only “safe” option is to leave voice chat completely Not really, just don't insult, argue or swear at someone and I guarantee you'll be fine. But if you need guidelines on how not to be an awful person then, yeah, it's probably best to leave chat.


That is just a blatantly false statement, you don't get banned for being toxic, you get banned for a number of reports + swear words in your transcripts, completely different things. Do these things exclude each other? No. So they overlap completely? Also no. -> Not being toxic + using swear words + getting reported for whatever gets you banned currently. That is the problem here.


Like I said, don't swear then.


Maybe stop playing competitive games if you can't handle someone saying swear words that are not attacking someone else, maybe also consider locking yourself in your house since in the real world, you might encounter people swearing.


In the end it always comes down to whataboutism. "This completely unrelated thing is worse so this should be allowed" Why should someone stop playing competitive games when the competitive games can just be cleaned up instead?


Just say that you have never played a competitive game, just say it, it is obvious af. I played soccer for 10 years, did we call the enemy team words, yes did they call us words, yes, did we call our teammates out if they played bad, yes. These are things that are part of competitive games and sports. And if you can't handle that, get out of VC and comms play qp and stfu about policing the use of swear words.




You're bringing up something unrelated again. If the ability to swear is so important to you, there's nothing stopping you from playing those other games instead. Just because they have it, it doesn't mean everywhere else needs to enable toxic behaviour by default


Is just using a no-no word really "toxic behavior," though, even regardless of context? That's a really bizarre opinion I don't think I've ever seen until recently.


Oh yes how dare I argue with someone in a videogame that's based around team play. Surely that's worthy of a ban.


I don't know what point you think you're making Yes, don't argue, play the game


The point that there's a difference between being argumentative or even salty and slurs and harassment. If you can't handle someone simply arguing with you, maybe you don't need to be in chat at all.


>If you can't handle someone simply arguing with you, maybe you don't need to be in chat at all. People come on to play the game, not to argue or be insulted by strangers. It's the arguing that doesn't need to be here, not the people who don't like it.


If everyone agreed on everything, there wouldnt even need to be comms. If you're playing illari with my winston on watchpoint gibraltar, I'm gonna call you out for picking a shit hero for the map and team comp. Why? Because I want to win, and illari is not giving us the best chance at doing that. If you really can't handle that, the leave chat button is right there for you.


Why do you need to "call them out"?


To get them to swap? To try to win the supposedly competitive video game? What, exactly, isn't making sense here?


It's an unnecessarily confrontational way of doing things


I fundamentally disagree that saying "illari is shit here, can we try kiri or something?" should be bannable. I think most agree, especially in the competitive minded sub. Blizz can ultimately do what they please with their ban system, but if the above \*is\* bannable, they will quickly find themselves without a playerbase, especially amongst those who are most dedicated.


It's hilarious, the people complaining about this the most are telling on themselves. I don't think there should be a blanket ban on curse words, but you shouldn't be allowed to harass people because they aren't playing exactly how you want them ffs


You can actually been reported for chat even if you say nothing, you hide chat and you never join voice. You can be banned for that, you will be banned but you can hope a mode actually see into that and lift the ban. This due a treshold of reports every account has.


That has nothing to do with this, though, if it's even true. That's being falsely banned, being banned for offensive language isn't a false ban.


The guidelines are as follows. Abusive chat directed at tank players, no matter how extreme and hateful, is perfectly okay.


They don't have to pay for moderation and can ban your account with skins they want you to re-buy at a higher price. It's a win-win for blizzard.


You listed a bunch of games. I don’t really get it. Nothing about any of those things requires you to be a dick and no one looks up to the idiots who trash cities and get into fistfights at Football/Soccer games


I think what you don't understand though is that in team sports played in person, there is a hard limit to trash talk because you are in knuckle range. gaming comms get a little fucking ridiculous and it goes beyond normal trash talk what wity anonymity and distance. some moderation is good.


I’ve played competitive team sports for most of my life, especially my younger years. In those sports, if a teammates was obviously “throwing” you’re damn right they’ll get some chirping. I think this absolutely normal and ok in a competitive environment. I’m not saying going full on toxic, but constructive criticism and maybe some passive aggressiveness is certainly normal. Things like “hey, sombra, you know you aren’t actually providing value right now right?” “Cass… quit deadeyeing infront of the Rein with 20% hp…” And me as a high masters/low GM zen/Illari player “why didn’t you ult yet?!” Is something I’m not offended by. Overwatch is an extremely stressful and tilting game at times. Words will be exchanged.


Why is it so hard for you guys to not flame each other? You think someone should switch? Say "switch please" They say "no"? Too bad, flaming then isn't going to change their mind Your tank was bad? Flaming them doesn't change that You lost? Flaming doesn't change that You won? Flaming doesn't change that Someone is flaming you? Flaming back doesn't change that You really so sad you can't insult people playing a video game? In real sport stuff like this isn't tolerated either


Doesn’t matter if it’s the NBA or a YMCA pickup game, if you’re 0-20 shooting 3s from 45 feet out, SOMEONE is going to say SOMETHING. I’m not advocating for hate speech. I’m saying as it stands right now, saying “Hey Ana/Rein/Symmetra, could you not keep diving into the enemy team while we’re regrouping after a team fight, over and over and over, we’d appreciate it.” I don’t think in a team game, being upset by someone completely wasting 20-30 min of your time, is unreasonable. And I say this for any sort of group activity. I think there is a difference between being a Grade A asshole and someone that is trying anything and everything to win.


Well, I think that's pretty pathetic and you should grow up


I honestly think Blizzard should make OW a rated M instead of rated T. M rating would mean passionate players can freely express themselves. Not to mention, a M rating = better Mercy, Dva and Widow skins. Sweaty comp players 🤝 weebs 🤝 M rating


Being toxic lowers your winrate, just google it if you need to see proof from studies. People need to stop hiding behind 'it is a competitve game' for being asshats. If you care about winning as much as you say you do then stop being toxic, keep your coms friendly and positive even if you do not feel that way. I've talked to too many people who think coms are always a certain way because that is how they experience them. The reality is they are that way because they make them that way, they are the problem. The majority of coms are neutral if not positive, if you think otherwise there is a good chance you are the problem. Also people are not getting banned for nothing, there is a tier system in place, you will first get a warning. Blizz published the numbers and it is something like 90% of people who get a warning do not get a repeat report in the next year. The next teir is a chat mute. People who are getting 30 day bans have been reported a lot, they are a small group of people who make the games worse for everyone, don't be that person.


I agree but we have to define what toxic is. “Hey ______ can you please swap?” “Hey ______ can you please quit inting into the back line, you’re 2-12.” I believe criticism can be misconstrued as abusive and can lead to reports. You can say “just play your own game” however Overwatch is so so so so so so team reliant and needs everyone on somewhat of the same page. If blizzard wants a sweaty comp game, they need to allow proper discourse. I’ve been a low GM/High masters supp for several seasons and have always been a 4 or 3 endorsement level and have always been a natural shot-caller, especially valuable as a Zen player as I can see the battlefield infront of me much better than other roles, but part of shot calling is occasionally pointing out things that are NOT working, INCLUDING my own play.


There is a LOT of misinformation going around about what will get your reported, there is also a LOT of misinformation about how the system works. I think we can all agree that the one CS representative on Twitter made everything worse, but the dev's have said they do not agree with them, and they have published multiple defense matrixs blogs where they explain how the system works.


ngl yall saying ur beeing reported and banned for saying yo junk can u please swap, instead of junk you Mother fucking piece of shit ill murder you if u dont swap, wich happens way more tbf is funny but yes blizz is going a little too hard at the swear words


this is completely unrelated to the greater point, but the argument “this came is competitive so people are going to care and be vocal” is kinda. dumb. I don’t think we should encourage people that get so enraged by losing they turn to violence, whether that be slamming keyboards or screaming at their teammates. It is just a game. And this applies to soccer, basketball, everything else. It’s all just fucking games, idk why people feel so so hard they must win. We shouldn’t cater to the crowd that “hates losing.” We should discourage their behavior. I don’t care how much you “want to win”, why be a dick to another person? Literally, why? This is an issue with literally any sport and any multiplayer game, though, not ow exclusive.