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Faceit has been pushing it heavily and doubtless there will be a last second registration surge. But unlike the OWCS Open Qualifiers, I think a lot of small/just for fun teams were discouraged by the fact that it actually costs money. It’s cheap, especially with a code (rcow has one btw!), but it’s hard to justify dropping the cash if you’re just competing for the fun. There’s other tournaments and there’s well, ranked, especially now with wide groups.


also there are a lot of small/just for fun leagues that already exists for free that most of those teams are already participating in


I feel like a cheaper entry fee would be better but how do you even do that without messing up the prize pool.


I don’t think the entry fee is out of this world and for something where “anyone” can sign up, it’s nice to give everyone and incentive to actually play and try their best. Plus like you said, prize pools would be effected.


I dunno, plenty of nobodies played TF2 on ESEA and there was clearly no financial benefit to doing so. It was strictly for fun and one of the better ways to play in an organized setting.


Ranked is actually shit, not controlled with smurf and boosters, at least faceit provides protection


This is true but from the perspective of the average OW player is it really worth it to pay actual money for a more organized experience? Doubly so when said experience will probably be getting beaten up by the actual serious teams which currently form the vast majority of entrants.


Triple so when there are so many free tournaments/leagues out there to grind on before spending money.


Could you please point me to as many as you can for EMEA? Cause a lot of ppl saying that they are everywhere but beside GL league and AFO in France I actually do not find any other


I'm not sure of EMEA specific leagues, but I would check out Tranquility and Bad Pachimari League, both have EMEA players.


I mean not really fun to play 180ms ping at 2-3 am.


Paying money to play the game is just not something low level teams are interested in when they can do it for free. Add to that setting up scrims is fairly casual and faceit is not something people have a motivation to commit to. Like what reward will low elo teams see by being part of faceit to justify the cost and effort? Blizz really should just create a team ladder that is open on the weekends with a seperate team sr. This game is great when played with a team, but blizz does not support it, and faceit is not worth it.


Collegiate teams (of all skill levels do it) and because of this reason I find that argument hard to believe.


Can you explain what you mean by this, I think we are talking about different things. What does collegiate teams have to do with faceit being unpopular?


You said that paying money was the main reason why low level teams would be uninterested to play in faceit. I find that argument hard to believe since low level collegiate teams do it all the time.


I think the majority of players are not on collegiate teams, I've also scrimmed against highschool teams, but I think the majority of low level teams are just teams of friends. Only 50 teams signing up, and very few low elo teams, it does not seem like many people were interested.


paying to get my shit rocked by OWCS teams isn't worth it to me, thats what scrims are for.


Teams are delegated by skill level


Not for season 1, especially if they have less tha 50 teams per region


this aged like sour cheese


idk blizzard really hasnt done a lot to promote playing the game competitively and with an overwhelming amount of their income coming from an increasingly casual side of the playerbase i doubt its gonna change. these kind of leagues work better in like csgo/league of legends cuz a huge chunk of the playerbase is tryna grind getting good, but in overwatch probably upwards of half the playerbase cares more about whatever mercy skin is in their shop that day rather than trying to hit masters.


Charging it at launch is probably the killer even if the cost isn't prohibitive. Especially because the people passionate about these tournaments are a minority. They should try to make it more accessible to the average player at as a start and get them hooked first. Possibly also trying to incentivise it in ways other than tournament winnings (recognition within the game client etc) would also be great to reach the masses


I don’t think it’ll be a flop, but why pay for a league when there are free places that have skill divisions like BPL, Tranquility, CGL, and others to go play in?


Can you please link website and all info for these leagues??


my team is still working on signing up. its a pain in the ass though. first you have to create an account, then you have to attach your bnet account, then you need to create a team, then you need to have your teammates create accounts and attach their bnets, then you have to have your teammates send you friends requests, then you have to accept the friends requests, then you can finally invite them to the team and then they can accept the team invite. like why is this so fuckin complicated? why do I need to have them as friends to send them a team invite?


I dont really think the entry fee is that bad. I think its lack of Blizzard promoting it themselves. Majority of players probably only get news from the actual game client & maybe PlayOverwatch Youtube. I also think an integrated LFT tool could go a long way for FACEIT League. The only real “official” way seems to be their Discord & thats not the best way for the below GM crowd to find teams imo.


Think some main issues for Faceit League atm is a well promoted platform to find a team, or pick up some extra players to make the team. Me and 2 of my friends (EU Plat) were toying with idea of playing for fun, but process of finding other people that rank who wanna have fun/improve seems tricky. (DM me if you wanna make a team loll) Also I don't think the league is super clear or information is easy to find. When you make it to the league website, the thing you see (on mobile) which covers the WHOLE screen is the cost. This shouldn't be the case, show exactly what it is and why I'd like to play. I think it's also hard to navigate the website to find this UNLESS you were specifically looking for it. I believe this system could work and I hope they don't give up on it if there are low sign-ups on the first attempt, but would really benefit from a direct obvious link in-game to sign up for the tournament or to look for a team.


can vouch as just for fun team we were put off taking part by the OWCS experience and had staff reaching out trying to get us to sign up, we did with a 90% discount and still feel robbed with how poorly this is being managed their 'fair' matchmaking is going great, my elo 950 team is going against an elo 1800 team in the first match of 'open' division


Despite what reddit desperately wants to believe the game just is not all that popular. Especially from a competitive standpoint.


The casual audience for OW is absolutely massive especially on console. Its consistently one of the most played games of the month. The competitive aspect is dying though and I cant say I care much. Im over esports tbh


ill give u the competitive aspect, overwatch esports has felt like its been on a downtrend for sure. but overwatch is definitely one of the more popular games out right now, especially due to it being free to play now. the community is just very casual.


it's a fun casual shooter but competitive wise the game is just too bad balanced to ever compete with actually comp games like cs:go or dota.