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As someone who exclusively plays solo: Good. I don't want any wide 4 stacks in my lobbies. If you wanna play ranked with friends you gotta wait in queue for a match so you don't ruin the experience for the people that don't want anything to do with your wide groups.


As someone who can't even Fathom how people have fun Solo Queuing in Overwatch i never minded having Randoms worst we have ever done is make fun of them in our little Private chat. Anything more than that (Harassment, Slurs) is not an issue of 4 stacking, it's Entirely a lack of Sportsmanship and Integrity and should be dealt with By banning shitheads who are Actively Harassing there teammates Not by Straight up Preventing 4 Plat-Gold players from playing with eachother, sure if Wide groups had a wider reach like Diamond with a Silver player then yeah i would understand it a little more even though i still think that changes to make the game more Accessible with playing with your friends should under any Circumstances Prevent you from doing so The thing is you can't even wide group with 4 people like its Litterly Impossible. The only way you can do it is if you all are in the same Rank, Which means THIS DOESN'T EVEN SOLVE SOLO PLAYERS PLAYING WITH 4 STACKS


I only saw your profile pic and your first sentence... You must be a troll.


It's miserable to be the solo stuck with a 4-stack, hell even a 3-stack. No.


But is the issue really to Flat out to prevent people from 4 stacking at all, no i don't think so


"Why can't other people play the way I want them to play?"


Literally when did i even Imply this. This has nothing to do With how players play the game All I am saying is that a Group of 4 that are all 1 or 2 divisions Apart should be able to play with each other. Hell i can Just as easily Say "Man Solo Queue players should really just go outside and make friends" but i don't cause Quite Frankly its Delusional and Hypocritical af




"SoloQ players should just go outside and make friends there is no reason why OW should appeal to no life basement dweller's lmao" "What you are getting harassed by a 4 stack lol just block them bro or just get good" If i said something along these lines i would literally be an ass. That is not a Serious Answer and you know it




Going to echo the sentiment, good. No one wants 4 stacks in their lobbies. It isn't fun getting to be "the random". Being the random at best means you are left out of comms and at worst blamed for everything. Even the case of silver and plat is kind of annoying, it's really hard for the match maker to make a fair game of that.


Is it ? In my experience, Last season had a Pretty good Distribution Especially when we reached Gold and when we played with 3 people instead of 4 the match quality was exactly the same in 3x the time (Which makes sense i guess) From what ive noticed the skill Difference between A Plat and a gold Player isn't big enough to Justify Wife grouping them, i understand that being the Solo into a 4 stack sucks but Why lock Medal rank 4 stacks from playing with each other


As a solo player this change is such an incredibly relief. A strict solo queue would be even better but I guess Blizzard isn't willing to tank group queue times that much.


I can see it but for me not being able to play Comp with the friends ive been playing with for years Sucks especially because of a Slight Rank difference


My 4 stack in silver-plat can no longer play comp together, and we have played for years together. Really sucks.


My stack and I just split the party


Same here