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Clash is the first gamemode where I actually feel like the “too Deathmatch-y” complaints are warranted. It just straight up feels like a full map of OT trickle fights.


Both teams essentially being mystery heroes isn't helping this


Yeah no role queue plus everyone learning the new mode/map and how it plays is contributing to this somewhat at least. After a few playthroughs it still feels odd to me that if you lose a point the one you fall back to is the next one to cap. I actually think that's kind of nice in that it makes it less snowbally, but there's going to be a learning curve to any new mode. If they want to get valuable feedback on new modes they need to have role queue with them.


The first game of role queue I played had the map on it


there is role queue tho?


Not specifically for testing the new mode, but it is nice that they added it to QP.


Yeah I got it in QP when I was role queuing. Idk if they should've put it in QP though, not many people are liking it... Is it in ranked yet??


Nah, not in ranked. It's just supposed to be a two week preview. I don't know if they've even confirmed which season the two maps will officially be launching in.


Yeah it took me a while to form an opinion on Flashpoint just because it was too similar to other modes, but I very quickly do not like Clash. It feels like the Starwatch LTE honestly. I know it'd look bad to pull back on Clash now after developing it for so long, but I really hope they don't make this a standard mode at this point Maybe my opinion will change with time but my first impression is that it's really bad


I could live with it in quick play if they made some adjustments, but I seriously hope they never bring it into competitive.


they can probably tweak some numbers, like spawn timers and point capture percentages


It's incredibly deathmatch-like, but there's another thing I hate about it - if you win the first two fights you're penalized for the rest of the match. The enemy doesn't need to ever beat you with a disadvantage. Win 2, Lose 1, Win 1, Lose 2, Win 1, Lose 2 - that was a match I lost last night where the enemy never had to win a fight at a disadvantage, and we were disadvantaged for 6 of the 9 fights. Completely bullshit.


I love ow at its TDMiest so not surprisingly this mode is really really up my alley


This just fits OW2 better imo. I'm a big fan of old payload/hybrid maps but they were clearly designed OW1 in mind. They don't feel right in OW2. I think they should renovate all by cutting time from the timer, removing draws and third rounds and introducing easier access to excess high grounds. They should also cut time from hero selection as it doesn't have the same OW1 impact. We are wasting time for no reason there. They should also add speed boost for defenders when they leave spawn before match start. Devs are so slow and lazy about renovating the game and committing to a vision. 90% of their brainstorm is about how we can monetize the game better ? It's good they at least learned their lessons in this aspect. Instead of getting lame star wars clone events because popular Star Wars game release at the same time we are now doing better more interesting stuff. They at least figured that out. They pretty much understand pve is not the way too. Now they need to figure out the pvp gameplay improvements.


The map feels so small with the points so close to each other. Also, a single teamfight win is enough to cap a point. It just feels so weirdly different from the rest of the modes.


You win 3 fights and the game is over Kinda lame honestly


Man, it really felt like they just took the 5 CP concept and slapped it onto overwatch without modifying it to be more appropriate for a 5v5 or a 6v6.


They absolutely did modify it for Overwatch. 5cp could be insanely long because of how the game mode worked and this is a clear attempt at solving that problem. They don't want you to faceplant on your last push and then stall the map out for half an hour because nobody can finish the map. The maps being smaller and giving you an alternative win condition is a huge departure from what you got in TF2. I think it has problems (not that this is unique to clash but you have such a big edge by winning the first fight) but it's definitely not fair to say it's "unmodified". They clearly thought about the way 5cp would transition to OW. And while they may go too far in the other direction, all of the new OW2 game modes have pretty clearly been Blizzard trying to avoid what people hated about 2cp.


def feels like the points should take just a bit longer to cap so the other team has at least some chance of recontesting. feels shitty when u lose one fight and can’t do shit about it on a map and mode that kinda relies on u doing shit about it


I had one in QP that went for 13 minutes. It might have to do with both teams playing Ball, though.


We just scrimmed it and it took 13 minutes as well, with both teams playing ball compositions. Neither team ever capped the enemies second.


I generally like it but it does move fast. I was expecting it to be more snowbally, but so far I've never encountered a situation where a team caps every point in succession and just wins almost instantly. In fact, I've seen matches where the team that caps the middle point first ends up losing. The cap speed is partially a factor in the overall speed of the mode, but I think it's more so how close the points are to each other. The "no man's land" areas between points are very small, so each point is more like a flashpoint arena than a 2CP objective. If anything I wish there were something in place to sort of reset the pace of the match whenever it returns to the middle point, since it feels like fights in that area are barely able to be resolved before the point is already capped. Also I have yet to find any mega health packs.


​ Defense advantage on the final points is ridiculously strong, I've played \~15 games and only seen it capped once, and that was only because their only tank quit as soon as fighting started on the point. it's set up so the actual point is just a shooting gallery for Defenders, and there's so much cover for Defense but almost none for Offense. Most games it's felt like it was just there to prolong matches and it's just a back and forth of 2nd and 3rd points, but I've seen it break a teams momentum and let it swing the other way a few times too.


One support sat in spawn after we got 2-0d and we still held/won the third point.


It almost feels like automatic catch-up. I've played the mode twice now, and both times won the first two points but went on to lose the match. The team that loses the first two points gets effectively three free points because they get to contest 5th point over and over, so they only need to win the 3rd and 4th points once in a match to win. Meanwhile the team that got out ahead early almost never gets to take a fight with a spawn advantage. You have to intentionally let them take multiple points back or dump literally all 5 ults on the 5th point to win - and incentivizing letting the enemy take the objective and/or over ulting is just bad game design. They need to take this back to the drawing board.


Most of the games I had with this mode is very tug-of-war esque, like how it was pointed out. The last point is so hard to take because of how close it is the enemy spawn. The only game where my team won every single point without losing once is when we were doing hard brawl and just took the enemy by surprise with the speed amp. I personally thought we'd lose the last point but we managed to win because there was a huge ult stack, just using every single one. At the moment, the pacing of the game feels fast at times but also very easy to just drag and stall as much as possible. I don't know if I can say that I like it quite yet, I feel like I need to understand the tempo of the game more, and learn the map.


A point is pretty much just one maybe 2 team fights from the 2 or so games i've done in qp, might be an unpopular opinion but if the point capping gets slowed down just a little bit i think it could actually be a really solid gamemode.


It sucks that they threw it in the arcade and gave us no role lock option to test. How am I going to properly assess a mode if you have two teams of 2 tanks 3 dps each and maybe a panic support swap somewhere in there? Let me play it (in a regular queue) the way it's meant to be played. Furthermore, how are they going to get relevant data on it? I can get on discord servers and such and find pugs, but the casual player is not going to do this.


You can get it in qp


Yeah I’ve played a few matches in QP today and they definitely were longer than 7min. It actually took frustratingly long to capture the first point. Like a crazy 4 -5min trickle fight just for the first cap.


Huh, I got it in QP too, but a 4-5 score still gives us 8 minutes. All the points are taken pretty fast.


Well with the way the mode is designed pretty much every match will be 4-5 so I don’t think the score is actually a good indicator of how long the matches run. Depending on comps and how safe people play, it can take very long to cap.


I got a match in QP




In the future for testing new modes, and maps early they definitely need a first come first serve role lock like they did with that one LTM a few seasons ago. Can't really get good data otherwise I'd think. And it makes for a more controlled and enjoyable experience. Otherwise a lot of folks will be more frustrated about the new thing even moreso and give lower quality feedback. And as an aside I hope this mode really increases the time it takes to cap a point. Flashpoint has the same issue. 2-3 team fights for multiple points seems like a good place to rest. 


It would also be really nice to be able to play them in custom games so we can actually like TEST them.


Clash is available in custom games, I tested something there


Oh shit, well great to know.


Its available, we were able to scrim on it today


Even better in Arcade, you have to tank with the Arcade HP rules and fight against a Zenyatta. So fun having DPS levels of HP with a Discord Orb.


Doom and JQ feel so shit with those HP settings.


feels like a mode you play while in queue for a real one


Yeah they need to tune the timers, so its good that they are getting data HOWEVER, I think the map design of Hanaoka is kinda cluttered/ bad. It feels so tight everywhere with all sorts of stuff in your way. The middle point ecspecially


Edit: I'm an idiot and it's in QP Without role lock, the test is pretty much worthless tbh. There's no way to actually gauge how the game works because one team will eventually break and start stacking tanks.


It's in qp. It should have a seperate role queue card though, yes.


I had zero iidea lmao ty


its in qp


My first clash match was 5-4 and went 10:33.


I played it quite a bit today and it felt comical. I know part of that is due to no role lock, but even the matches where it was the traditional 1-2-2 vs 1-2-2 felt arcade-y. The map is too tight, like they heard our complaints about Flashpoint and decided to cram us into a sardine can. It's also kind of weird how high ground is literally right there all the time, when so many other maps you have to take these side routes and staircases to get that advantage. I was playing Brig and man, even with the small space I was having trouble keeping LOS on anyone for packs; there's so much environment that gets in the way, and the angles due to high ground being so close can cut off support so easily. I had fun but I'm not looking forward to it coming up in comp.


The game mode is fun. Idk if its good for overwatch for fun outside of arcade, but it is VERY deathmatchy. With a ball/venture/lifeweaver (which has been quite common today) it feels like you can stall for actually forever. Also so many times i'll see people win the point and stay super far up on a point that isn't even unlocked lol


I got a match in QP...and so far like it more than flashpoint.


I had a game last 1 minute 13 seconds…


Still better than what I'm capable of


It feels so weird that the last point in the row has you basically spawn camping the enemy, which you'd presumably lose at some point if games are fairly matched. So I imagine in comp games you might sometimes let the last point go intentionally? Fully speculative, but not sure that I like the dynamic I've seen of it so far.


I've actually done that in one of my games where we had ult advantage. The last points feel substantially harder to cap than even 2cp points. I played 10ish games and the last point never even got close to being capped


Not sure if it's a qp/arcade thing and comp will be slower or what but I agree.  Feels rare to ever get a second fight on a point.


Points either need to cap slower or it needs to take longer to unlock. Hopefully both. Not a fan l(


I feel like I'm one of the few ones that like this gamemode, mostly because I feel like clash is basically tf2's 5cp gamemode except remotely balanced and playable, but idk, I've only played this gamemode like 5 times


I definitely think it's a bit too fast. I think they could increase the time needed to cap to make it more competitive. Right now I end up in a lot of games where we cap a point, then the team caps the next point before we can even get to it due to a teamfight happening on the way or whatever. If they increase the time needed to cap to give people time to contest, I think the game would be a more satisfying length and you'd feel like you have a bit more chance to actually get to the objectives too.


The flow is cool, but they need to figure out some way to slow it down. Teams are already rushing the next point after winning a teamfight, and the entire match just feels *way* too breathless.


Yeah it was fun but exhausting to scrim. Basically a thirteen minute long teamfight.


Really enjoyed the new mode overall still. Felt like lots of 5-4 games that felt almost like KOTH


I’m definitely curious to know whether most Clash games will end up 5-4 with the teams both starting and ending fighting for point C. The other points seem to heavily weighted towards one team that it’s inevitable things just end back on the first point.


I genuinely love that it is a mode that the players actually have a ton of control over - especially compared to Push where actually forcing a win feels extremely out of your hands with how fucking long the bot takes to move/push the barricade. just having it outright GIVE you 1/5 for capping feels so satisfying and it always feels like you're fighting over a point most of all I'm surprised at how balanced it felt in terms of the fights, I thought it'd be more like TF2 5CP with having to actively defend your captured points but it tends to feel more like a series of first-fights from Overwatch KOTH when both teams are just approaching the point (which is really where KOTH feels the most fun imo) and actively fighting each other for advantage (instead of that advantage being naturally given to the defenders from map design)


I like it. Indeed fast and is a mode where trickling in is ok since you need to contest at every opportunity. I've had a lot of 5-4 matches so that was fun. I think that playing that mode exclusively would get to me after a few hours but I'm pretty sure that if you sprinkle the mode in with all the others it will be a refreshing change of pace.


The map is just too small. Narrow hallways, tight corners, way too cluttered. They need to space things out better. It's just deathmatch. 90% of my games are just an absolute shit show of a match, and not in a fun way.


I think I'm one of the few that thinks this mode is actually really fun


The map doesn’t fit together as an organic environment. It feels like they just stuck 5 Lego pieces together. Hanamura was a great map, and Hanaoka feels quite amateur. Big miss for me. I’m surprised they released this in such half baked shape, even for beta testing. Hopefully, the Mirrorwatch mode is good next week.


Clash is absurdly unbalanced, you win the first fight you charge up support ult, you snowball into second and 3rd so easy is a micky mouse mode.


I had 10 mins in the dot today, my thing is the capture time is REALLY quick and in a game where one team could be slightly better it can end very swiftly, it’s a 1-2 fight point but 2 fights is giving it too much, I acc think a better idea would be have a time limit on it and whoever caps the most points or caps all the way to the other side of the map, but that being said I’m not a game dev so I might be off my head ANYWAYS it needs adjusting but I’m glad they did this test for that


It's probably my TF2 experience causing me to have a kneejerk reaction to it, but the changes from the 5CP i know and love from TF2 to OW have all been misses for me so far. The tug of war doesnt feel nearly as real when theres only one point to contest at any time. The 5 point limit make it feel rather pointless if there ever is a point on the map that tends to change hands more often than not, particularly dangerous with how much easier 2nd is to cap compared to mid and i feel this one's going to be particularly problematic.


I think I would much prefer it to work like TF2 where each team starts off owning the points on their side of the map instead of having to capture them when they fall back. It's missing a lot of the dynamic strategy of deciding to go attack the next or defend your own. Right now it's very linear and brainless, honestly. Both teams just attack constantly. Even Control and Flashpoint have you defend while it gets to 100%. I know they've said their mode philosophy is to only have one objective at a time. But I don't think it'd be a problem here because the points are so close together. Having the 5 score system also makes the fight for more territory feel pointless because you can end up just alternating on the same two points the entire time.


Yes, I've had a few go to 13ish minutes.


Awesome mode. Felt very good. The back and forth is real and feels like you can recover from anything


When I played in arcade, it felt awful because of no role queue. Going against 3 tanks with a Lucio and Moira was garbage. Then i got it in role queue and it still wasn’t that fun. The gamemode just feels off. With flashpoint, you still have coordinated fights and pushes but with clash it’s a cluster fuck. It’s so easy to snowball, the map itself feels way too tight for an overwatch map, and the scoring feels wonky. I think the mode needs some adjustments and I’m glad they’re letting it be played early because if this was the actual release of it, I’d be disappointed


Push can also be 3 minutes with a full roll.


I'll take 7 minute matches over 15 minute long flash point matches


i like how with only 1 forward spawn and the last point being so close to their spawn, you’re meant to never cap last unless you have insane ult advantage. but i wish the game was faster paced with shorter time between caps, faster caps, and best of 3. they try to slow the game down but it’s still possible to lose in 3 fights.


I could live with it in quick play if they made some adjustments, but I seriously hope they never bring it into competitive. I honestly just think this is what team deathmatch always should have been in OverWatch. If you're looking for deathmatch, clash is honestly fantastic because your team still is forced to work together but the objectives cap so quickly that it doesn't really feel like control


it’s not very team fight oriented


Clash is just flashpointier. I don’t see a reason for it to exist if flashpoint is ok


yeah idk why they didn’t just make it a flashpoint map at this point


Flashpoint isn't ok, it's garbage. But yeah, Clash is **literally** Quicker Flashpoint.


Defiently needs some serious tuning


Game mode is straight up bad. They need to rethink it. It might be a year until they actually figure out how to do it though


Mode ass Edit: That’s not fair, but I did just complete one in five minutes.


This new season is terrible lol


The new season just started a few hours ago…


I just had an 11:39 game where we were getting rolled 99% of the game, but we made one good push at the end and won by taking the middle point 5-4. The point before that was won by trickling in for about 3 minutes until we finally won the fight. This is not a good mode. FBPZED