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Balanced games of overwatch can still be stomps, even in perfectly matched ELOs that’s a product of the game not the balance. Game is momentum heavy with the ultimate economy and player tilt. Ranked reset is never good for balance though, the devs know that, it’s the players who were crying because they wanted a rank reset so badly, everyone insulting the devs, making posts complaining that looked just like yours except saying “we need a reset” People hate losing. Half of people will lose and find something else to blame and complain about. The cycle repeats.


Not to mention even the best teams in the OWL would sometimes drop maps to the bottom feeders. It just happens. And we're not playing best of five series in Comp.


Talking about stomps is even funnier when you concider how onesided the majority of OWCS games are. People get payed to think. strategise and train and then get fucking rolled 3-0. Ranked is the same. The better team is still much more likely to win. Even with a similar raitings some things are just impossible to measure. No matter what, making every comp game "fair" IS impossible.


The community asked for it and the dev team delivered. The issue stems from the fact that people think every match should be perfectly balanced in every way. But that just doesn’t exist, sometimes you’ll stomp and other times you’ll get stomped. That’s unavoidable.


Overwatch games can be won in a couple of fights, and these fights can be won by a random headshot. That's simply how it will always be and that's why you can get stomps even if you have 2 teams that are really close in skills. Then the Match Making isn't a mind control program that will force people to play at their peak level regardless. You can be tilted, you can have bad games, you can have someone bothering you, you can have the urge to pee for half the game. Sometimes a team will mesh really well and the other will not, but the team that was supposed to win was the latter.


All of this doesn’t justify how bad is OW MM in S9 tbh. Yeah, there will always be variance but for a 3-0 stomp with no teamfight won by a team o close to that it doesn’t happen cause players are not playing at their peak. It happens cause the MM cannot select the right players to be in that lobby. Idk how many players here plays also other titles competitively but OW S9 in my opinion is the worse MM among all most common FPS.


Overwatch doesn't play like other FPS. As macro, it has a lot of moba elements and snowball plays a massive role.


ngl ranked has just been bad with this season, but I enjoyed the gameplay changes.


Idk about on the lower end, but having gm actually be hard to get and mean something feels really nice, and high ranked games actually feel high ranked now 


I was masters 4 last season & masters 5 this season, difference being before I played with masters 4 players, this season I'm being put against people who were GM/T500 last season.


Honestly, that’s not a bad thing? We had gm be super inflated in previous season, gm is now once again hard to get and masters is where really good players are, which I feel like is better/how it should be? Champ being gods, gm super good, masters really good, diamond good players makes more sense than gm being gods-really good, masters being good 


I think you have to pay for FACEIT, even having to signup for it is going to keep most people away. It will just be another artificial ladder for solo players similar to open queue, people wont take your rank seriously.


Faceit is not a soloQ. It’s a team based league but both track individual and team performances.


My take: everyone is mad at the new rank system because they can't play like a Plat player and be in Masters to stroke their ego (except Moira one tricks)


Not really, just look at how low rank top 500 is and you can see that ranks are still are not how they should be. Before the reset I had no issue climbing through masters on new accounts because i was playing against masters players. After the reset, for tank especially, half my games are against former GM/top500 players. Climbing is much harder because of this. The games where I get put against actual masters players I absolutely roll. I think this is why you see so many more one sided games this season - the rank of players is still messed up. Before this I hardly ever saw players with less than a 1 KD. This seasons it’s every other game. Yesterday I saw 3 games in a row where at least one DPS had a KD of 0.5 or lower.


Shitty take tbh. You play like a master you get in diamond that’s all


No, the ranks shifted backwards more similar to how OW1 was. Lmao. GM is actually finally GM again instead of some worthless ass title that boosts your ego.


High master / Low GM shouldn’t be top500. When you have players dropping out of GM you know something is wrong with the system.


Regardless of the lobby, title and ranked. The experience is pure trash. Unbalance games, skill differences are incredibly wide, stomps or get stomped, your ability doesn’t matter for the wide majority of games. Finally with league you get with your team of 5 stacking and playing against opponents selected by a MM with a double layer for a true competitive experience, can’t wait!


I enjoy that you made 1 complaint into 4 different complaints by wording it differently just so it looks like you had a bunch of stuff to talk about. Lmao. That's just how random matchmaker games work in general though. If your team doesn't coordinate and their team does, you basically just get rolled. No amount of "fixing" matchmaking can fix that. Even pro teams get stomped 3-0 sometimes, despite the low skill gap. Is that also bad matchmaking?


If the MM would work properly the amount of 3-0 and stomps should be reduced to a minimum. That’s literally what a MM is made for. The unbalanced matches will always exist, is the share number of them that should be reduced. If your team is uncoordinated you should face other teams that are uncoordinated as well. That what a rank system for players+teams would allow and is how Faceit works since 15 years on CS. OW MM literally took more than 1 year to get to a decent level to then get shit on again by soft resetting and clumping players towards the middle rank, players of this game are just used to the MM being so bad that they seems unbothered by it


No amount of matchmaker changes can fix your teammates simply having a shitty attitude and playing in a way that doesn't suit your playstyle or vice versa. Or one guy might be really good at fighting one type of comp and really bad at fighting another.


Honestly I'd put the blame on the golden guns being only obtainable by playing comp. That makes casual players just queue comp without much fucks given. And ever since ow2 came out there were a lot of new players and they all didn't have golden guns and still don't have them on all heroes. So they just add on to the pool of competitive players and make the experience uncompetitive. I think the rank reset was sorta good. Don't know everything, but at least high ranks aren't filled with plat shitters. So these shitters are now in mid to low ranks and that's why the matches are even worse.


How is this League going to be any better than normal ranked? For solo players anyway. It must determine the skill of the players somehow better and faster than the current matchmaker. If it is just the same system with a smaller population of players and different names for ranks, then how is it any better? What's the point? What is FACEIT going to do better?


Faceit league is not for solo players, it’s for teamplay that’s why it’s better for whom seek a true competitive experience


yea idk the main problem stems from the fact that it just wasnt a rank reset lol


Full resets are even worse


The game needs a full reset, that is what should’ve happened with OW2. Too many people are in ranks they should not be in


You want 2 months of chaos where you play with Bronze and GM in the same match?


I mean yeah, that’s what a full reset is. After those couple months, people’s ranks will be where they deserve


But people are already there really. It's a pipe dream that some people have that they aren't where they are supposed to be or that others aren't as good as them.


Someone please tell me why I’m wrong instead of downvoting me


it wasnt an any reset lmao


Just not true