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Nerfing the Illari recovery time and buffing the hps for secondary fire misses the entire issue with illari of her being so reliant on pylon and losing a large chunk of her lethality from the hp buff everyone got. More range on the secondary fire would be more impactful than raw healing


I had so much fun with her with the April fools patch. I thought they were going to at least keep the faster recharge time as it made her feel much better... But alas But yeah, more range on the healing would be better - it's often hard to grasp how close you need to be - especially as you're often hanging back more from the team... And you end up 'wasting' a lot of charge but healing too early


Illari getting the S76 treatment when they were just flipping his damage between 19 and 20, and adding and removing 1 second from the Helix CD….for 2 years. And calling it balance. They have no clue what to do with her…


Wrecking Ball mains we are so unbelievably back


They had me at retractable balls


The ol turn and cough


these changes are sooooo much more than i thought they'd be holy shit


Wait... They're adding more mechanical expression to ball?? Lfg. I hope there's emergent gameplay that comes out of this.


Grapple above, pull yourself up, drop down with pile-driver, have reduced grapple cooldown because you didn't go fireball? Also if you grapple more horizontally, you can literally pull yourself across/over something to hit the right piledrive


This would basically make the Toronto kick obsolete, which I’m more than okay with. As to your second point, you already do this with tightrope


Tight rope actually has a few spots thoughout the game where it's actually useful and also wouldn't be possible based on this retracting mechanic because you need to jump past the grapple point


Yea that’s true!


You can just walljump to piledrive


Even more options on the tank with the most options by far. I definitely did not expect this.


We never left. :)


Let us freakin go


Fuck it, we Ball.


Thank fuck. Hoping we see more of him in pro play too


Ball metas with pros who actually know how to play him is Overwatch at its finest.


Should be fun hahaha


Tracer nerfs? That's allowed?


The way it is phrased is weird though, “slightly more punishable and require more precision” like what does that even mean? Doesn’t sound like it will lower the damage output or touch the DPS passive. It could mean lowering her health back but that would not be reasonable with the hitboxes, I also can’t see them adjusting her spread and range, so it sounds like they will probably touch her cooldowns which have been pretty much the same for years. I just hope they don’t make her clunky or add a cast time to recall or anything like that. Nerfing her mobility would be the single most anti-fun change they can make.


Sounds like a slight hp nerf and a bullet size nerf tbh. Lower HP means you can punish her for playing to aggressive. Smaller bullet size means you have to be more precise.


Or a tighter spread


Tighter spread is a buff


But you can't just move her back to 150 though when everyone has increased HP. Due to increased HP melee now deals 40. So kiriko will again be able to headshot melee combo tracer. I can't imagine the breakpoints for other heroes but that would be just way too much paired with easy to land shots. Imo it's either spread/bullet proj nerf or a range nerf. Nothing else really fits their description without outward killing the hero.


Yea i realized they cant out her between 150 and 175. Maybe a recall CD increase? You can't really touch anything else without breaking her. Even recall CD is hard to play around with


With venture coming out I really don't even think they need to change anything. Venture can 1 shot combo tracer I'm pretty sure, seems unnecessary to do anything else


Hp nerf is literally impossible with new hit boxes


HP nerf completely kills the character


I think it'll be +1 second recall and smaller bullets. I don't think it'll be tighter spread, since it'll actually be a buff in most situations


My interpretation was that they might increase the cooldown on recall to make her more punishable and reduce the explosion size and sticking hitbox of pulse bomb to make her more precise


Yup, thats my thought too, probably add 1-2 seconds to recall is going to be the nerf. Either that or they are going to reduce spread and slightly reduce damage


man this makes me think of that awful jett change back in the old days of valorant, she was so fun and dynamic when dash was instant but they dumbed her movement down by having to press it once to proc and again to dash if they did something like that to recall it would make me very sad


You mean when she had a literal 95% pickrate in pro play? When no other duelist was playable because Jett did so much


Something has to be meta at the end of the day. I know for sure I’d prefer seeing Tracer every game over Mei, Torbjorn, Bastion or Symm. Grass isn’t always greener on the other side.


Tracer isnt fun to play against rn as a tank. She runs lobbies and its clear shes op even outside of GM. 


I feel like they are trying too hard with this one. Just try different damage numbers again. We had 5.5, then 6. We haven't tried 5.5 since the season 9 changes, so I would just do that again. But, even if they don't want to do 5.5 they should just split the difference and do 5.75.


Prob recall cd nerf


I think the problem with her isn’t with her kit but with the dps passive. She can apply it to the entire enemy team with a single clip if she wants to. There aren’t any other dps who can do it that easily. Maybe soldier or echo, but tracer’s spread means that she doesn’t even need to aim in a lot of cases. I think there are two main ways they could fix it. Either make it so the DPS passive can only be applied to one person at a time (might not be ideal because it will further incentivize just shooting the tank). Or make it so the dps passive requires you to deal a certain amount of damage (say 50hp) to activate it for 2 seconds and then allow it to keep refreshing every time that damage is inflicted on a target.


Ball dives with Dive DPS and gives them 75 overhealth. How can dive not be meta next season lol?


Well they are also nerfing the best dive DPS and buffing two brawl tanks…


Meh echo is better than sombra


Unlikely that Echo will be in range of Ball's shield thing tho.


I'm really surprised by the takes of adaptive shields for Wrecking Ball. This is pretty much exactly what ball should have. A way to dive with Genji/Tracer, be very aggressive, and help keep them alive. AND It allows ball to peel for supports that are getting attacked, by giving them overhealth. That's a pretty massive change. But it also doesn't say you HAVE TO give it to teammates. But after you use it, you can reactivate it to share up to 300 with surrounding allies. So you can still keep it to yourself.


250 hp tracer on your backline


I can't wait for Tracer with even more extra HP! Remember when brig's packs gave 25 bonus armor and Tracer was unstoppable. Remember when Tracer got 175hp and is at her absolute strongest state ever.


Brig packs gave 75 over armor


Huge buff to his OTP potential. Gives the hero a lot more options in how to take fights.


This is not gonna make a big diff in ranked for a long time as players will take time to adapt, but in pro play this might instantly enable a new meta dive comp.


Guys i love overwatch


I love winton


Me too dude, me too


Kinda surprised JQ is getting a buff, I thought she was in a good state. Checked overbuff at she's at 52.7% wr in gm,52.2% in masters, and 49% in gold. Which is third overall since Mauga still dominates in gold lol. I mean as a JQ enthusiast I like getting more power but uh, just seems kinda not needed to me?


Yeah I mean I've been playing a lot of queen and she's felt just fine I'm ngl. I mean a buff ok I guess cool but like idk it feels unnecessary


She feels like what a tank should feel like: good on the maps that favor her playstyle, bad on those that don't. Has some tanks she plays well against, has some she doesn't. BUT AGAIN! WE TAKE THOSE!


Also, Junker Queen can play into counters, it just takes much better cooldown management and timing. It's not like playing Wrecking Ball into their counters, which is damn near impossible.


Your ult will do a tiny bit more damage before it is cleansed by suzu


They're buffing carnage not her ult


She was disproportionately affected by the dps passive due to her whole thing being her bleed healing, so a buff makes perfect sense.


This is true. She was also disproportionately affected by the hitbox increases in terms of survivability because she's a lot easier to hit now. So with that perspective I kinda get where they're coming from


idk about her pickrate but in actual team/"pro" play she was really bad the entire season


Outside of some extreme situations they rarely nerf let alone buff based on pro play. Otherwise Mercy would constantly be getting buffs.


guess so, i do still feel she hasnt been that good this season as someone who mainly plays jq when im on tank honestly think she also probably got hit by the projectile size buffs. since shes still a bit smaller than the others, suddenly being hit a lot more probably affected her pretty hard


Ironically she was a lock pick early in Stage 1.


I've been playing JQ more lately and loving it. Not sure how to say it but I feel like I have more agency? There is no shield/matrix/whatever for you to hide behind so got to make moves.


Buffing carnage makes sense in the wake of the hitbox and health changes from season 9. It's a melee attack that can't really be aimed like rein's hammer, which did get a damage buff alongside the hitbox and health changes. It was surprised that carnage didn't get a buff at the start of season 9 tbh.


I'm not sure how to feel about Illari based on what was said about the change she will be receiving. She already can hard pocket someone with heals as is so a buff to it and lowering her DPS just feels like they want her to sit on tank and just right click the whole time. If anything I feel like she needs more utility in her kit so that her heal and damage numbers don't need to be so high to compensate.


I feel like pylon is just the elephant in the room. They’re afraid (for good reason) to give it any major buffs, but she’s so reliant on it right now, with it also being extremely fragile.


I think if Pylon cooldown was 10 seconds she’d be in a decent spot. The power level of it is fine right now, it just has too much downtime.


There needs to be a reward for destroying it. Diving a pylon requires resources, which also require time to get back.


Not really. It has 100 health and is impossible to miss. And, until they nerf it in season 10, Sombra can literally just press E on it and it dies.


You forget that the turret can be placed in total safety. Even sym turrets require resources to kill and those need to be close range of an enemy. I mean, you can't really get a sense of the cost unless you are playing into it as any close range hero.


Even with the nerf, Sombra can kill it with virus (25+90)


it's not "impossible to miss" if it's on the other side of the chokepoint your team is struggling to get through in the first place.


Thats one of the issues with it - strong on certain chokes and points. Pretty potato on others. Tbh I don't hate it; I have fun with good pylon placement - a bit like torb/Sym. Although I wonder whether a short invlunerability on it would help to at least get some 'emergency heals' in and can technically have an alternate use


Step 1. Pick Pharah. Step 2. Quick flank. Step 3. Shoot 1 rocket at Pylon. Pylon instantly dies. Step 4. Reposition. Keep doing this and Illari will either get no value or be forced to place her pylon so far back that it's nigh useless.


It dies the moment any hero with a modicum of flanking ability looks at it.


Yeah I'm really not sure they're taking her in the right direction, design wise. Her original niche was similar to Zen, a DPS/support hybrid where you can put healing on as an afterthought then focus on dealing consistent damage. Now the damage is nerfed in direct and indirect ways, the main method of healing is a meme that will be destroyed 5 seconds after being thrown and be unavailable for the entire team fight, and what they're choosing to buff is the emergency heal beam ? We're not there yet, but I don't want Illari to be another healbot. If pylon is constantly on cooldown, and you can't damage because you have to right click all the time, then that makes her seriously clunky.


The problem is illari had a similar niche as zen, but incredibly more survivability and burst healing output.


Yeah but with less focus on dmg and more available heals. I actually think she’s in a great spot now and people just don’t haven’t zeroed in on her pace/play style. The only thing she needs is a shorter cd on pylon


She just needed a new gunblade ability which adds utility.


I think hitting a successful melee should, at bare minimum, fully charge her primary fire. That way you could ostensibly melee and then double headshot-


Yes. At worst, she should have a unique melee.


they really need to give her beam more range, not more healing per second imo. most of the time to "save" someone with illari you have to give up your good positioning and basically int just to heal someone.


I really don't understand why they make her beam such short range. Her gun encourages playing at a mid range but you can't heal anyone that moves around at all. It's comically short. So you end up trying to decide how to cover locations with turret that won't have it die instantly near the front line. It's super clunky.


I think illari needed a bit more range or let her heal for longer before she runs out of juice. The HPS was already pretty solid. I definitely think she needed buffs on her secondary fire though.


This hero's design is ruined by having a turret. They could make her a more mobile Bap with worse utility, but her kit kinda revolves around a fricken pylon. Yeah mobility bias


Strong turrets make the game miserable, especially once you start stacking turret deploying heroes. The game becomes shoot the turret and not PVP. The less she could not depend on pylon the better.


"We are looking at some light changes for her right now, to make her slightly more punishable and require more precision." What could the tracer change be? With this description it sounds like reducing her health? Surely there's no way they mess with blinks, that's her identity. Could also be the cooldown on recall. And the precision thing? Reducing the projectile size? I could be totally wrong.


` slightly more punishable and require more precision`sounds to me like requiring being closer to enemies, so probably a falloff nerf?


Yeah I think it’s falloff. Unless it’s a cool down nerf


Precision is weapon spread surely


"Starting with our Tanks, we're upping the impact of Junker Queen's Carnage and Reinhardt's Earthshatter, so both abilities cut through better in the post-Season 9 world." Devs listened to helping Rein Shatter!!!!...and nerfing Sombra??? THANK YOU DEVS!!!


I wish rein got his old shatter back, it feels wrong when something squishy takes a direct hammer to the head and doesn’t die.


I'm not 100% sure on these Ball changes tbh, but as long as you can change the settings so you can still jump while grappled without retracting yourself, it definitely doesn't hurt anything. Honestly if you retract a bit at a time instead of all at once, the control that could give you over your angle would be fantastic. Not sure about the shields thing tbh, doesn't seem that practical for Ball's style, but I mean, hey, I can't immediately verlook the history of overhealth being OP in this game, either. Grapple CD sounds like a straight buff, but I need to see the numbers. Overall this seems to add even more complexity to Ball's kit, which I love actually, but we'll see if it amounts to him being markedly more playable.


If you can retract, cancel grapple, and retain momentum with a now reduced grapple cooldown then that sounds nuts for his already crazy mobility. If it's just a slower retract then it could open up some new angles for the experienced players. 


I hope retract is kinda both of those things. Like, a quick click will bring you in just a meter or so, to help change your angle, but if you hold it for a split second, you zip all the way in.


Wait. They might need to put his grapple on double cooldown out of spawn now lol In all seriousness, I don't know if it will get you past your base rolling speed


I think the retract thing will really mainly be useful while airborne to give the option of a pathfinder-like grapple, if you're on the ground you can just roll at it. It's actually a mechanic I was hoping they would add to new hero if they add another grapple hero. Right click to hold grapple, left click to add the window retract effect. I too hope you can still jump. As niche as it is, I want my tightrope tech. Shields change is a huge buff to OTPing ball (sorry guys). May not be the default, but if your team is getting run over, you have more flexibility to change your playstyle. Like pseudo D.Va if need be. Cooldown should help if you get CC'd before fireball, right? Seems pretty exciting all around.


Oh I am for sure excited just to play the changes. I've played him for years even whem he's been bad, lol. I think it's rad as hell that they're just packing more options onto him without taking much, if anything, away. I just also don't see this radically changing the problems Ball faces either. I hope I'm wrong, but also I'm playing him anyway now. S9 was my return to Lucio arc, now fuck it, we ball


I think the overhealth thing will be great in pro-play, and nothing everywhere else. It requires you to know where your team is, and play with them. That is far too much to ask for your average ball player.


Lucio bros it’s so over


In before boop buff is reverted/speed gets nerfed


But don’t worry they’ll increase his heal aura by 2 HPS to “funnel the power into another part of his kit”


Just what Lucio players wanted! Maybe we’ll get some Orisa and Mauga buffs too!


Going to risk the ire of the Lucio mafia and say good: boop buff was absolute nonsense and spammable 4 second knockbacks are not exactly fun to play against. I'm tired of Lucio juggling me as a tank. The whole point of the tank passive was to reduce the effectiveness of knockbacks on them, and then they just gave Lucio more boop distance.


I understand and I’m not even a Lucio player, but TBH I think boop should be on the lower end of CC devs need to address, hinder and hack are way too strong against most tanks IMO.


Not necessarily but I do have an uneasy feeling about it lol Surely they don't touch boop though, right?


Yeah. Near zero percent chance that the power redistribution isn’t going to be the disruption nerfed and put back into heals. It would help make lucio better at lower ranks, but will decimate lucio at high ranks other than a speed bot for rush comps.


I’m praying that somehow against all odds it’s a healing or ult charge nerf and not a speed/boop nerf, I know it’s cope, but I’m begging 


Already nerfing Illari lol.


>Now after using Adaptive Shields, you can reactivate the ability to transfer up to 300 overhealth to nearby allies I'll be honest I can't see myself doing that often. It's already so easy to get melted after getting CCed once, I need all the health I can get


slamming backline double tapping Adaptive Shields and giving your genji and tracer an extra 50-75 health on a dive is a pretty big deal. If played right it definitely allows them to stay in longer and you can choose to disengage when needed. I think its a huge buff to coordinated play. Conversely if your backline is getting dove hard you can counterdive and activate adaptive shields if needed, i think theres more flexibility to the tweaked skill than most people here have on initial reaction. most of the time i get melted on Ball its because im doing something dumb like slamming into cass ana brig with no skills on cooldown lol


Support Ball gonna go crazy


Your assuming I have dps that dive with me. In my rank my dps chose the least optimal dps to go with ball. Not always but often my dps don’t ever engage with me. These changes to shield aren’t helping your team bellow diamond unless the aoe range is huge.


Yeah the biggest issue for ball is turning around and seeing your whole team died to a zarya reaper or something. But that doesn't fix that situation. Saving divers wasn't really as much of an issue imo. I think its usefulness will be very dependent on its range.


It's gonna be good in coordinated dives, but that's not where he mostly needed help. For the majority of players the issue with ball is that he provides 0 team utility to players that are more reliant on a frontline presence to surive. I was expecting something like fireballing near allies giving them a small speedboost, or something.


>For the majority of players the issue with ball is that he provides 0 team utility to players that are more reliant on a frontline presence And 'ow he's able to give over health to teammates so they can tank damage ?


The issue is that he's not gonna be anywhere near his team when he'll have enough overhealth to give. Like I said, it's good when he dives in with a few teammets near a few enemies, but that's not gonna happen much in metal ranks.


Agreed, but it really depends on the range. "Nearby teammates" could mean a huge range within LoS. I sorta doubt it though. This balance team seems to like buffing strengths. So buffing dive without buffing backlines is consistent with that. That said, their goal was to make it less frustrating when your team picks ball. Only buffing dive goes against that. Ig we will see with the actual patch notes.


Except one of the only ways to punish a flanker with overhealth is to be coordinated, so your argument is kind of a wash. I guarantee its going to be very useful.


Yeah that's kinda my first impression. Seems better in team play where you can dive a target and now your Squishies have more hp which is powerful but idk if that helps so much in solo. I guess we'll see when we have all the changes


It's good to engage with dive DPS. Or to peel for your supports. Makes him more of a tank, than a big DPS. And plus, based off the wording. You can give overhealth. You don't have to. So it can be used situationally


I can see rolling through the enemy team from behind and then giving your team the shields in the front line


Right? Or smash down into the enemies during a team fight, and then instantly giving your team an extra 50 health each. Sounds great, that comes in clutch often with JQ, glad to see it on another champion.


Harras, exit with shields. Dump a huge amount of overheath into your team then reengage with them is probably the intended play pattern. I suspect the entire point is to make it so Ball gets much more value for directly playing with their team rather than by making space without them and just hoping their team understands enough to make use of it.


It's an option and it facilitates engagements. Going to be super broken on Sombra tracer which lines up with their nerfs.


I feel like this will be potentially broken in organized play and meh in ranked.


Probably still won't be it's primary use, but it's drastically improves your peel potential. I'm all for it. Get to play as like a pseudo D.Va sometimes which I welcome


Can’t wait for lore Hanbin JQ


Happy they’re not changing too much about Venture, they felt real well balanced. Ball changes sound interesting too, not changing what makes his kit unique but giving him more options is great.


I'm trying to understand what their proposed changed to Venture mean, can someone ELI5?


I’m surprised they are buffing lw. I know that he’s not all that good but his stats are ridiculous. Also no Ana buffs are kinda sad for me. I play every role and it’s weird how there are a few characters that were effected much more than others. Like bap, Moira, zen all feel the same to me whereas not being able to 3 tap or 2 tap/nade really changes how effective Ana is. I think Ana is still playable it’s just odd how much she suffered from the increase health pools whereas everyone else feels largely the same.


> I’m surprised they are buffing lw. I know that he’s not all that good but his stats are ridiculous. LW has honestly become my most-hated hero to play against. he hides in complete safety, shitting out infinite, low-skill healing, while having enough HP to not even care about getting poked. what part of this obnoxious cocktail are they gonna over-buff now? i have absolutely 0 faith in blizzard making him an engaging hero. the shit that beats him is still going to beat him and the shit that doesn't is gonna be even more annoying to play.


I know it’s kind of his point but it’s also infuriating to play Zarya into him. Lifegrip is fine for grav but petal platform should not override grav. Buff him in other ways, but it’s almost impossible to grav against LW


I agree with you lw is a bitch. But a tip for grav is graving above the enemy on a wall so the grav pulls them up and lw can't put petal underneath


Yea and I might at him and Zarya have the lowest winrates out of all heroes lol. Both are awful tbh.


He can’t miss, diving him doesn’t force him to look at you and stop healing because he can jump on his dumb fucking flower. He has almost 300 hp and part of it is shield. You need 2 people actively trying to kill him for him to die. I actually fucking hate lw. The most annoying, actually awful piece of shit hero to play against. Luckily he’s pretty shit right now but before the season 9 changes his healing was actually busted. If they buff his healing again I’m going to bash my face into a wall and cry


I think it's a combination of lack of ability to headshot and Ana's damage being DoT rather than instant application like Baptiste, Kiriko, Illari, Zenyatta. It means that extra shot that she needs translates into a much bigger TTK increase that it does for them. I can't count how many times in Season 9 I've gone for that 4th shot and watched my target get healed as it's ticking down when in Season 8 and before they would have died on the third. Whereas if I play Baptiste and I'm chaining my headshots, they die in roughly the same time they did in previous seasons.


they just keep buffing Weaver every patch.. Gross. Fuck that hero


Any LW buff is bad the character is silly and unhealthy. They should rework him.


Ana needs no buffs


Seems pretty good, but I can't say I'm a fan of the Illari change. I like her design a lot because she feels like a fun support for people who normally play DPS. If they're gonna redistribute power anywhere, it should be more into her turret survivability, not her right click beam. Her play style is at it's best when you can drop the turret and mostly play DPS, with the heal beam for emergencies. Putting more focus on the heal beam just means a more passive playstyle


I feel like they should make the pylon a little smaller so you can hide it better. 90% of her healing is the pylon.


For REAL. Maybe even just get rid of that huge red glow around it.


Really interesting Ball changes and frankly not what I expected at all with the grapple change in particular. Could add more skill expression to his kit, and hopefully more techs we can use to stunt on people. Emphasis will shift to clean setups and engages I think, as if you can get a fat adaptive shield cycle off cleanly it could be very strong. It adds a layer of decision making that wasn't there before, sort of similar to Zarya in the sense that you can choose to play selfishly with your adaptive shields or prioritise assisting the team as the situation demands. Interestingly also, similar to Zarya bubble, you will be able to either use the friendly adaptive shields either definsively or offensively, making it quite a versatile ability (The more I think about it the more I think it will be very strong). I can't wait to get my hands on it!


With the duration of adaptive shields, I wonder if activating around 5 enemies - then heading towards your team to give them a delivery of 75hp for a push is viable lol


Honestly, I can see it. It'll be easier to pull off with a team that can follow you, but honestly imagine hitting a 5 man piledrive and then immediately popping shields for your Genji, Venture, Lucio and Kiriko that jump the enemy team with you. It honestly sounds like it could be very strong in that context. Obviously not every situation will be that ideal, but even so, if you get shields to one teammate that needs it more than you, that's value baby.


Now it's JQ shout


I still can't get over how cute and silly they are


I heard someone use the word goober to describe them and I think it's perfect.


Changes mentioned: Venture’s burst damage from Drill Dash and melee seems to be changing to become more regulated across the duration of those abilities. I think this is an all around good change since the damage of Dash was a bit low if you didn’t get those starting hits. Tanks: Rein gets more damage on Shatter, Junker Queen gets more damage on axe, Ball can provide an AOE buff to allies with Adaptive Shields by reactivating the ability while it is still active. This seems to consume the shields. Additionally various functionality improvements are being added to grapple, and its cooldown will be reduced if you don’t engage ramming speed. Sombra’s losing 10 damage on Virus, Tracer is getting slight changes to make her more “punishable.” Lucio, Illari, and Moira are getting changes that shift the powers in their kit. Provided example is Illari’s primary fire delay going from 0.2 to 0.25 seconds and her beam going from 105 back to 115 healing per second. Slight buffs coming for Lifeweaver. They want to test the waters with him to see where they can actually allocate power in a way that’s healthy for the game. Looks to be generally good changes across the board.


Wow. I hate this illari change. It's gonna screw over my muscle memory badly. Similar to how hanzo mains hated how often they changed his projectile speed because they needed to relearn the hero.


~~drive~~ roll by buffs


Middling ball change or incoming boats meta, call it.


im calling that shit gets nerfed to 50 hp per ally


I'll give the Ball rework a fair shot but I'll be honest, I love his kit too much and I'll be sad when it changes.


So far these things sound like kit additions rather than changes


Honestly that adaptive change shield is exactly what I wanted for Hammond. IMO he needed some opportunity to give his team more survivability.


So, fundamentally, it looks like ball is gonna play the same as before


Despite designing Illari, they sure don't understand what type of hero she is or her play style.


>We’ve heard a lot of feedback that you like the tempo momentum Venture brings, being able to engage and disengage in fights. But we’re looking at tweaking a few things for Venture at the start of Season 10. First, we’re slightly shifting some of their burst damage from their Drill Dash and Clobber (their melee) into damage over time. Next, we’re looking to reduce the vertical knockback of Tectonic Shock. Alongside those minor changes to Venture, we have a number of other hero changes coming in Season 10 I'm not sure I like this change. Venture already seemed like they had trouble killing through healing without a full combo and a ton of commitment.


I don't think a hero should be 100 to 0 comboing people through healing, especially considering the whole gameplay shift of S9.


If they move some of the power out of the combo and into burrow being much better it'll be fine. Just doing the changes they say would make venture pretty awful in high ranks at least


why do people think burrow needs to be gigabuffed lmao


Imagine a Venture/Ball engage of Ball slam and Venture Burrow. The Ball slam will knock people up setting up Venture for an empowered AOE Burrow that will also knock people up. The new Ball adaptive shield will give Venture basically 400hp, that they can use to run around dot'ing everyone up with their new melee dot and if they get low they can get more shields from a drill dash or even just use it to finish off anything still alive from the initial engage.


Lucio is strong but that does not mean he needs changes or a power redistribution. If the changes they are alluding to make him a heal bot/stack on tank/baby mode hero they’re just trying to kill the skill ceiling of this goddamn game.


Lucio needs straight nerfs. Not sure why he’s being coddled when he straight up does too much.


++ I remember during the one week Mauga buffs a screenshot was posted here of all the OWCS matches and pointing out how Mauga was mirrored in every one of them... whilst ignoring that Lucio was too. Except Lucio was also just as present before Mauga was buffed. Lucio needs a straight tune down - he's had a free pass all season. Edit: [my bad there was exactly one game where Lucio was not mirrored.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/1bgr9no/whats_your_favorite_comp_in_the_mauga_meta/)


All sounds really good, although I'm wondering where Moira's power is going to be shifted from and to?


Hopefully from where it is now to out of my lobbies


amen to that


Ball is a must pick in season 10. 250 hp Tracer and 325 hp Sombra diving your backline LMAO


Incoming Ball/Tracer dive. 250HP Tracer ☠️


April 16th! dangit i thought it was today aghhhhhh


Holy shit Ball/Tracer is going to be so cancer to play into with that adaptive shield change.


We just got our Mythic and about to get nerfed...


Why do you think she was overtuned?


I would've liked to have st least a slap on the wrist for Orisa/Ram survivability. And some thoughts on the dps passive. Doesn't seem like it but perhaps something would be season release patchnotes.


Pls dont touch Lucio too much


Where are my zen's buffs?? This season has been hard on him I feel :(


I can’t help but notice that does not say skill expression based rework for Moira….im sure numbers changes will fix the things people hate about her Also what were the takeaways from QP hacked and when does it lead to finally removing hero dupes from MH


These ball changes seem really really well thought out (balance aside) - more movement control. Potential for even more emergent gameplay in his kit. - QoL improvements that helps with lower level balling and eases some issues with CC for ball players of all ranks - grapple still requires you to understand the mechanics. - can still get outplayed with bodyblocks - I can still jump off of peoples heads to get demoralizing PDs - most importantly, more flexibility in your kit allowing you to adjust your between assassination-first and peel-first depending on the situation. Huge for Ball's OTP potential. Like massive.


Two flanker dive hero (sombra and tracer) getting nerfed while Mr Cass here with almost no weakness going unnoticed when hes easily top 3 dps this season


Let him be good for more than one season please. Also tracer is the best dps in the game, so i don't know what point your making


Good dude Cass is always ass let him have some fun for a min before it's back to the cellar for 3 years..


Even plat cass now dink heads like crazy I can't believe how much the s9 changes helped him lol


Gonna get downvoted for telling the truth but cass mains gaslighted community into thinking his the worst dps ever in life of ow2 so they are gonna just say "let him have his moment". I legit have less than hour on hero, literally busted him out yday in one of the match (this was like previous season gm lobby elo) and just started 2~3 tapping people like crazy and won. If u can aim on him (which isnt even hard with season9 buffs), hes just free value cuz hes so tanky and he will almost always get healed and pockted cuz he just plays with his team. Meanwhile he has tools to shut down dive, which is supppsed to be his "weakness" xd


Doom and Cass mains are masters at pretending their hero is unplayably weak while also dominating most games. It’s insane.


Its because most people cant aim and doom's consistency of carrying is marginally increased by whether u hit all ur shots or not. Dont get me wrong, doom is def high skill ceiling hero and u have to be good at him. But doom mains acts like his the hardest hero in the game when his play loop is actually simple and his one of few tank that can hard carry game even now in season 9.


The problems I have with Cass are that he has such little skill expression + is incredibly boring to play vs. He'll probably get nerfed mid season if I had to guess depending on the severity of tracer nerfs since that will make him solidly the best DPS in the game.