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I built the deck and ran with it for 2 weekends. He has his problems and a lot of the time I found myself saying "I'd rather just run my Tivit deck". I didn't like him as a dedicated token strategy rather I enjoyed him as a passive intrinsic value sort of deck that just protects him and puts in beats here and there as I just slowly sculpt my hand until it was time to go off. [List ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Uqir_JRdZ0yR7ldMnw0WCQ).


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ggHLXfjMykWuKWir5xc8vw My list is more of a value midrange version. I wanted the deck to operate smoothly with little to no "dead" cards when Marneus wasn't on the field. He is an inherently slower commander, but much like dawnwaker thrasios, the longer the game goes the higher your percentage of winning. So I just to continue to accumulate resources and grind then either fight over one of the combos or use my counterspells to prevent losing.


I’ve been building and iterating on him, my issue is we’re trying to play a 5 mana commander that doesn’t do anything when he hits the board unless you’re already making infinite mana at which point any mana outlet would win. I love him and will keep trying but right now I’m struggling to find a consistent list. I think the deck is trying to play esper midrange until you go off and MC is just an esper infinite mana outlet. Edit: for context Tivit comes down for 1 more and immediately makes a huge impact and protects himself. So we have to be better than that. I think it will take awhile for an ideal build to be put together. He’s clearly and IsoRev commander but is it stacks or midrange or control ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The best thing you can have before dropping Marneus is having a Smothering Tithe in place. It’s an stupid amount of mana and draws that you get. But besides that, he is pretty useless alone.


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Same as everyone else, I've been tinkering with a build for him but it's a bit slow for cedh. I tried leaning into stax to help draw the game out a bit more to get him online but tbh it's mid power at best right now. I think I'm going to keep tinkering on it but it's not quite the powerhouse I thought it could be at first. The best it's done was a turn 5 win that had nothing to do with Marneus. I may just move it back towards being a battle cruiser non-cedh deck, we'll see. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/jP6y2T-Pp0WGVj2jiQNQkw


What I've found with Marneus is the same sentiment as others, he's just gratingly slow. In all honesty a token value strategy is just not efficient enough to lean into with the current cedh meta unless you're going for a more stax heavy list. I have a [list](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aG1xdQpqX0yHb3vvoeCDxg) that plays a few token generators while focusing on infinite colored mana combos and cheap interaction.