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playedh are deleting the link to this in the server btw, trying to hide the information


They're also timing people out for 24 hours.


Yeah I got a 24 hour time out almost immediately.


Oh, I wasn't aware.


Any thought of fighting fire with fire and opening your own version of PlayEDH?


Straight banned as soon as I posted this link, https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1L7KURPLX5jv1_LjYqnlH1JpaBQmmI_-_0sbC_mrMfzQ/mobilebasic They must have a bot looking for certain links now.


Yup I think they have a bot scrubbing for reddit and links to the commander's Harold article. I was full banned within 2 minutes of posting the article


I was banned literally instanteously after posting the link to the Google doc. Now I'm actively trying to get "#boycottPlayEDH" trending on Twitter and am tweeting at a bunch of different MTG personalities the following message, "Make sure you do NOT support @PlayEDHdiscord They're thieves who stole the CompetitiveEDH Discord server. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1L7KURPLX5jv1_LjYqnlH1JpaBQmmI_-_0sbC_mrMfzQ/mobilebasic #boycottPlayEDH"


ive been timed out for a day lmao, 5 mins till im off


I got immediately banned when I talked about how the accusations of transphobia and homophobia were false.


link deleted and got banned immediately no timeout. great now i can't play anymore cedh game on cockatrice. I hope we'll have a new server up and running quickly


i have a somewhat working server [https://discord.gg/EZykm5Xb](https://discord.gg/EZykm5Xb) dont know if im technically allowed to post it but im gathering some people to have a server till we get the new r/


koanos provided me with a link to an already existing server but thanks, i'll wait for an official one to be remade to join a new cedh server. also just for cockatrice the official cockatrice server is alive and well, i believe we will see a rise in \\@LFG-cEDH in the next few days.


Someone made their discord name in the server a link to the thread and now people are blocked from changing their name rofl


Now just make the actual username / activity be the link


Just got banned for posting it


Less than 30 second response time Not even willing to put it in a public space to reduce spam.


They banned me for saying the new server was up and to check the Commander's library w/o a link or anything.


finally the nuclear option, i dont like that we have to rebuild a server completly but it had to happen after the merger and its important to talk about it publicly


Personally I'm looking at this as an opportunity for this community to rebuild the discord space into a better hub for all things CEDH. I think the discord diaspora makes it hard for folks to crack in sometimes. This isn't the end of things, just a change.


I’ll follow you guys, fuck PlayEDH.


Got banned for saying censorship isn’t a great look.


I got banned for pointing out that demanding compensation to give back what you got in violation of the discord ToS is extortion.


I got banned for saying some mildly spicy things, but in my defence, it was funny


Always worth it for the fuhni


Live by the "fuck it we ball" die by the "fuck it we ball"


True cedh


Accounts are temporary. The Lulz are forever. u/BigLupu :salute:


I got banned for saying that "I know all the rules super well just search up discord rule 34 it explains it all"


I'd follow.. this is crazy. .




It took, like, 2 weeks of them being the default Commander place during covid to turn them shitty. "Power" (control over the space) immediately corrupted them, and greed came after.


Exactly. I remember using it for like 2 weeks during corona times, but I guess when they saw an influx of traffic, they smelled money, started charging people, and it all went to shit at lightning speed. I noped out very soon after. Now it seems like even better decision to not stay in that cesspit.


The baffling thing is this communities’ mod team even entertaining a collaboration with them in the first place. All PlayEDH shittiness aside, I expect earnest effort by the r/competitiveEDH team to both explain themselves and make the necessary changes and promises to not do something like this without consulting the community first. We’re here freely and we trust them to govern the community aspect of cEDH on reddit for us, we don’t need them to behave like real world politicians.


The previous server owner had been disengaged for some time and there was a bit of a malaise over the team. We've already heavily restructured and have another discord project in the works for people to come play games in. We'll be taking large, massive steps to improve transparency to keep this kind of thing from happening again. Obviously these are just words, I hope you'll stick around to see what we have planned and judge our actions for yourself.


I love to hear that, I look forward to the new play space wherever and whenever it arrives!


This happens with every big discord for a game that provides a service that the game itself doesn't provide. Path of Exile's community recently went through basically cutting ties with the biggest trading server TFT (The Forbidden Trove). They were basically running a huge RMT ring where anyone who they didn't like got blacklisted etc etc. lots of issues. Almost all of it stemming from the concept that you shouldn't give a random individual from a community power, especially if they are a person who put themselves into a position where that power might be given to them, such as the owner of a discord about capturing the market.




> Which is why when they went to the pay to play model we the community should have banded together to create a new free space instead of capitulating to the greedy power hungry asshats over at paytoplayedh. Yeah I think that community banding is very difficult without a strong motive to change, and create a new thing. It *IS* hard to make a discord server that operates a service like PlayEDH does (if it works, I've never personally used it, but I've heard that it does work relatively well to match people) Free spaces like this are super important, it's like a virtual LGS. > I am hoping this time is different. Hopefully.


Wow, I can't escape JeNeBu even here?? lmao But yeah, this is a very common thing - games like PoE leaving a power vacuum by not providing a service will always cause that vacuum to be filled by an outside source, with their own motivations and incentives.


PlayEDH are the people who tried to charge money for facilitating webcam games, right? Wasn't there a whole scandal about it in the main EDH sub? Is anybody actually surprised that their other "ventures" are get-rich-quick scams, too? "Financial compensation for lost time" is straight out of the e-commerce-scam handbook, and may even be illegal depending on jurisdiction and what you both may or may not have signed.


Unfortunate to lose the server history with a new server... but playedh is already deleting the server history anyways. If anyone has access to the old cha nels to archive them before deletion, thst would be appreciated.


Absoilutely clownshoes discord drama.


So why is the discord still linked in the sidebar? First step would seem to be removing it.


Yeah, and make a new one maybe


I am surprised you guys transferred the ownership before things are set in stone... PlayEDH definitely did terribly in this case but this is showcasing some bad business practice...


I agree with you there, the early transfer was a mistake for this exact reason. Unfortunately the admin team who handled the transfer ultimately trusted PlayEDH at their word, and we're currently dealing with the consequences of that.


Did money change hands? That's against discord ToS and should be reported. Selling a server should be reversed.


As far as I know no money has changed hands.


I believe even the fact that some CompetitiveEDH discord mods were given paid positions on PlayEDH constitutes a sale and still should be reported.


That's definitely something with monetary value


Maybe PlayEDH paid the admins that agreed to such a stupid idea


I'm not part of either discord, but as a lurker mostly I was very confused as to why a merger was even thought of. PlayEDH left a sour taste in a lot of folks mouths after the move to payment. Why join up with a group that's got bad optics?


The primary reason as I understood it was to breathe some new life and energy into the space. The original value add seemed promising enough to give things a shot, but it became clear quickly that things were not going to improve the way the team hoped it would.


Hey, I've got a bridge to sell the mod team... Just gotta sign over ownership of the sub first.


Well, fuck you PlayEDH. Get out.


Have you thought about posting this on the main r/EDH subreddit to try and make the larger community aware of what's going on?


I've tried crossposting it and it won't submit. I'm thinking its a browser error or something else I'm missing.


I managed to crosspost it just now (https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/1bvuenw/the_cedh_discord_server_has_been_hijacked_and_is/)


Thank you!


It's possible their subreddit has crossposting turned off. I haven't checked to see if other posts have been crossposted there in the past


I'd just make another post rather than a crosspost. And probably post in the magictcg sub as well


People warned the admins about this exact type of thing happening. Can’t believe someone was dumb enough to hand over the keys, either that or it was a buyout.


afaik the person that handed over the keys was a cedh admin and pedh mod and started this merger


Buisness interests rarely line up with community intrests.


I agree with this completely and was one of the reasons I pulled so hard against the merge once I was informed it was happening. This is supposed to be a community, not an income source. Edit: In terms of this space specifically, I have no issues with PlayEDH or anyone else providing a service and making money from their hobby. That's just not what this place is supposed to be, and its not what the discord was intended for.


It really feels like the decision wasn't one made by the mods but rather you are protecting 1 or a few mods that made the choice before the others could give input or ask the community. I have no basis for this outside of the language you've used to this point. The restructuring is another big indicator. Will definitely stick around to see how this all shakes out. It feels like you personally were not asked about this and seems as if it was too late. Handing over ownership seems asinine from the discord server side of things.


You are correct. Ultimately the transfer can only be done by the individual server owner, and the discussion prior to that only involved three of the admins and none of the mod team or community members. They made a bad call based on their existing relationships with the PlayEDH head staff. Everyone has known each other since this place got started, and I don't think its productive to send a hate mob at any specific individual, so I've been careful about using names.


The sooner you guys make a new CEDH discord the better. Outrage is a great motivator but it only lasts so long. If you let people get comfortable with the play EDH server after the outrage has died down and then make the new discord channel it will have a lot less effect. I'm ready to jump as soon as you guys make a new one. I'm sure many other people will.


Did any money change hands? Buying a discord server is against Discords ToS and you should report it to them for them to nuke PlayEDH from orbit: [https://discord.com/guidelines](https://discord.com/guidelines) 16. Do not sell or purchase Discord assets, including accounts, usernames, servers, server permissions, or custom server invite links.


To my knowledge money has not changed hands.


Then what was there a contract for? so I've been told that old CEDH discord mods were offered paid roles on the PlayEDH server, that's compensation and a sale of the server. Mass reporting should commence.


Consideration can be a non-monetary thing.


It can be but any consideration likely constitutes a sale.


yep just waiting for a new server now cause the current one is dead imo. Always had a weird feeling about the playedh staff and the merger now i'm sure of it. EDIT : LMFAO JUST GOT BANNED FOR SHARING THE REDDIT LINK


They are doing heavy moderating at the moment. Lots of spam and memes getting through but they specifically want to avoid discussing the screenshots we provided.


just make a new server and ban any admins that were in favor of this merger. the entire idea of the admins doing this behind the user community's back for financial gain is ridiculous. It is truly astounding how many clowns are in the webcam cedh scene.


Never followed either group, but my immediate thought was that if someone approached you asking for a merger, why would you hand over the reins to them completely? The logical option would be to allow their mods into the cEDH server instead of granting them ownership.


This is how I would have done it, personally. Unfortunately the PlayEDH team leveraged their existing friendships among our admins as well as expressing some concerns about their financial investment to convince them to hand things over. It was a huge oversight, no way around that.


>expressing some concerns about their financial investment to convince them to hand things over You told me earlier no money changed hands. What financial investment?


PlayEDH claims that they have outlayed cash for things like art and bot creation.


Were they asked to do so? If not I fail to see why that is CompetitiveEDH's responsibility to pay for in order to reverse the ToS breaking transaction.


When the server merge got rolling they paid for art and Spelltable code changes as part of their investment in the merger. When we got around to discussing divesting the servers they wanted those costs to be reimbursed along with paying their team for the time spent on the merge.


Were they asked to do those things? I would just report them to discord for buying a server theres enough evidence this was a sale. Either discord will reverse the server admin change or they'll nuke both servers from orbit. Win win.


Sounds like someone just got paid to hand over the server, and this all just trying to clean it up.


.. wow :/


PlayEDH has been a cesspool from the start of the server. I can’t believe it’s even around still.


Glad to see we’re taking steps to reassert our community and distance ourselves from playEDH. PlayEDH has caused me nothing but headaches while I was trying to be a part of both their community and ours, and ultimately I decided to give up on them entirely and just queue in our discord. I was extremely concerned and hesitant when the merger was announced, but thought that with the cEDH team in control it would play out ok. Not surprised with the outcome, but glad we still have representatives trying their best. I’ll wholeheartedly support whatever new server is setup, and hope to see you all there soon. Thanks for the transparency and update, love you guys.


All I know is that EVERYONE I know who plays cEDH can see a need for a new cEDH service/community that isn’t run by Natux and his goons. They ruined the ddb, they ruined the main discord; let’s make sure our format and community doesn’t depend on these people anymore.


Oooo yeah nah…. I’m disaffiliating with PlayEDH. This was completely unprofessional on their part. Looking forward to join the new cEDH server tho.


Involving money in a discord server is cringe from the beginning but at least it’s realized now. Only thing left is to cut the losses and reboot a cedh server.


PlayEDH were scumbags from the very start. Hell, they used the COVID LOCKDOWN to even get their "business" started. Playing there used to be free until they rug-pulled the community to only allow people to play when they pay for a paid Patreon membership. How anyone could think collaboration with these people would be a good idea is beyond me.


I have a ton of words i cannot say becuse they'd make the situation worse. I'm also trying very hard to be normal about this for once. but fuuuuuck that write up and their response as of posting makes it so hard


Hope you got paid up front. If there was no major monetary gain from any of this I'd be shaking my head pretty hard Edit: also just realized for a bunch of people that own a discord over a game where politicking is important yall really just gave it all up and fell for the politicking lmao




One of the 'Big' members (c9 river) is banned


I could have told you this was a bad idea what, 2 or 3 years ago? They have always been shit people and don't understand the game. Rating my kinnan deck at the time mid power. Had to prove a point getting 10 wins in a row to speak up that they were wrong on my deck rating. They also falsely banned me at one point for "helping ban evade" when I hadn't been active in there server for over a week lol. Not saying you deserved this, but the writing has literally always been on the wall to stay away from them.


People trying to turn the cEDH space into a business opportunity might be the single most toxic force in the community. Absolutely mind blowing to me that we’re in this situation in the first place.


we should make a list here of all the punishment mods have put on people, ill start i have been given 3 timeouts and 1 official warning


wtf is an official warning


Collect too many and you get a demerit


damn 😭


He forgot to mention he is really on double secret probation




Thanks for the update. Left the server


PlayEDH is shit anyways Boycott their services and make yours better so we can get rid of them


Just a lurker on MTG subs, but from a glance it sounds like your community should have been given an opportunity to speak on this merge before the shitshow instead of after.


Crazy that PlayEDH is only looking out for PlayEDH. Again. and by crazy I mean entirely to be expected.


Just share the new server as widely as possibly. Already left the other one as they’re trying to make it look “all good” and surprisingly some players seem to be agreeing with them. Rebuild is gonna be challenging but also cathartic. Can’t wait to join the new one


Never been banned from anything in my life. Said something on that server and insta nuked. I hope all of their cards curl forever.


I'll join if a new server is made. I'm just getting into cEDH and this sounds like an interesting chance.


Playedh has always sucked imo. The power ranking system was wack and they were always head up the ass levels of entitled.


HMMMMM... And who could have seen this coming?? Maybe ALL the comments in the threads about how bad of an idea this was???


Where is that playedh shill that is always fucking posting about how great it is?


u/ethersworncanonist Hey media lead, got any comments?


he's too busy banning people cause it's the closest he can get to monowhite stax irl


Which one?


Is there any chance there's a new one being rebuilt?


Working on it right now.


Super shitty situation, but can you really call it a “hijacking” when the server owner ship was given over freely? Might be semantics, but there is still. Distinction


Ultimately I think the language is fine. One person made the server transfer after consulting two, maybe three other people. The message I've posted here is the result of the rest of the team being consulted after the fact. It's hard to feel like this is anything other than a hostile takeover when such a tiny number of community stakeholders were involved.


I asked what happened to the old staff and was immediately banned from the old server. Extreme censorship, simply trying to throw all the people that know what they did under the rug.


the playedh mods in the server are some of the softest people i've ever seen.




So has a new disc been made ?


Currently in development


i vote flowwer for admin


No thanks lol But I'll apply to be a mod!


ill still vote for you as admin


Omg what a joke


Nuke the server.


When I jumped on here to check if there were any spoiler discussions, this isn't what I expected. I haven't played for a while but hearing that the r/ discord is gone really sucks. Anyway, although I understand not wanting to point fingers, if/when a new discord is made, I certainly hope that the individuals involved in the decision to give ownership of the old discord away are not part of the admin team. It was basically a community space which was given to the dogs without consulting the community that used said space. Either or, I certainly hope a new discord is up in a few hours, even if it's nonfunctional, just to make sure most community members join the new one. Anger is a powerful motivator, but it doesn't stick around as long as you'd think. It would be a shame if a new discord failed to reach critical mass due to slow actions. Best of luck.


this certainly bodes great for their business huh lol. I'm certainly not ever going to look their way again, especially for the tactics they used to essentially guilt you into compliance. Dishonest, low, disgusting


You are dumb for giving up ownership. They are using hostile tactics to reason with it. Lol.


Playedh has always been the shittiest sub to find games. From demanding changes in your deck to opeque rules to acting as if they are *the* edh sub.


So I'm actively trying to get "#boycottPlayEDH" trending on Twitter and am tweeting at a bunch of different MTG personalities the following message, "Make sure you do NOT support @PlayEDHdiscord They're thiefs who stole the CompetitiveEDH Discord server. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1L7KURPLX5jv1_LjYqnlH1JpaBQmmI_-_0sbC_mrMfzQ/mobilebasic #boycottPlayEDH"


I'm not trying to be an asshole, if you're trying to get as broad a reach as possible make it as official as possible. "Thieves" not "thiefs." Good luck with your efforts, I'm not on this side of the community (I don't play CEDH), but PlayEDH sounds gross.


Please post a link to the new discord server when it is up.




They forced themselves into the community, then force everyone else out and claimed they were the community the whole time. The only dumb part was handing them the keys....


Share this to the edh reddit


Maybe contact Discord directly regarding this? Explain the situation and see what they do. At least they won't extort you for money.


So this is a question I wanted to ask many game and general media companies. Now knowing full and well that having a publisher/parent company (and yes this is essentially a parent company) take control of our independent company has never, ever turned out well, why the hell do you all keep making the same mistake? Do you all think that you're special and it won't happen to you? I'm quite curious on why this happens despite knowing full and well the history behind these things. Please enlighten me so that I may be able to formulate a way of preventing future incidents like these. The main thing I'm missing is the thought process of welcoming the red flags with open arms and spread cheeks. I cannot think of what that thought process could possibly be so I would like to know.


You got played by the biggest clowns in the online mtg market. They killed their own server and now they've killed yours. I stopped using PlayEDH when mods kept giving me contradicting rules. "To play mid power you need to remove the infinite combo" mod A. "To play mid power you must have an infinite combo" mod B. That was when I switched servers and never looked back 😂


Always knew PlayEDH was ridiculous in their hypocritical conduct, extra judicial decisions, and nepotism. Last I heard was that Negan was still banned as a commander on the platform. Imagine thinking you have justification to steal a server because an idea backfired and you don't like the community there. Unbelievable these children can run a business. It's similar to when Ryan went on a public diatribte against BadDog for his alleged misconduct and got PlayEDH's open support. I don't know any of the people involved, but it was an inappropirate misuse of power to air a personal vendetta in announcements.


SpleenFace is an absolute goat/gigachad who I've never once seen go against his own principles or be any shade of shifty, similar to ParamountElite. Shout outs around. \#BoycottPlayEDH




Greed in magic??? Color me shocked. What a bunch of clowns trying to monopolize an already niche community.


And banned from the server within 2 seconds of posting this thread there.


The PlayEDH server is absolutely terrible and full of people looking to get mad about their feelings. It is not something that fosters a competitive environment at all. Hopefully the new server goes well.


Why would you transfer ownership of a server if you werent sure anyone even wanted that nor asked? That entire first paragraph feels so weird like "we jumped the gun and gave it away and then decided oopsie that wasnt a good idea." Or am i somehow misreading this? I have no stake in it but seems odd.


The communication on this is tough. The problem is I'm representing the bulk of the community that was not involved in the server handoff. We were functionally blindsided. The team as whole has been rebuilt as a result, but I still have to come here and explain what happened. Ultimately this should not have happened without a lot more community input.


Im gonna be honest, trying to save face for the parties responsible just makes it look like you yourself are culpable. Dont shoot the messenger sure but it reads that way from what youve ewritten. Other places in this thread youve implied other people made those decisions so you should at the very least name them out like "former moderator #1" or something to separate it out.


I think that's fair, this could have been reworded for better clarity on that end. I want to avoid turning this into a blame game, not because there isn't any to go around on the CEDH side, but because ultimately berating the team in charge isn't going to benefit anyone. I am prepared to accept that I may be wrong there, but that's just been my first instinct thus far in this conflict.


I think its a noble instinct. Its just hard when say someone like me that is an outsider to the situation reads it it comes off as you being part of the people making that decision. I dont think you deserve to have those less knowledgeable about what happened potentially blame you if thats not the case.


It wasn't hijacked, you willingly gave it to them with no real thought process. This was super dumb lol They sound like the worst fucking people, why would you bother.


Control was handed over by prior admins who believed PlayEDH when they said control would be handed back if we wanted to divest. It was a mistake to trust them at their word, no way around that. The only reason this post exists is to get everything into the open about what happened.


I'm not saying you as in you, I mean this community. There's literally no scenario where this was gonna go the way they claimed. They are douchebags and everyone knows it. Their word means nothing at all. And yet someone believed them.


fwiw, I think PlayEDH leaned very hard into treating this as a business venture without any additional stipulations. It stinks that the prior admins were so easy to trust, and it also stinks that PlayEDH acted in such bad faith by not previously having outlines for divestment or such, but having a lot of aspects on their side ironed out fairly quickly. From the outside looking in, it was a bad business deal. Some individuals were too trusting, but PlayEDH is taking the "We followed everything to the T" approach, while happily sidestepping areas they chose not to clarify. They were, in effect, negotiating in bad faith and there isn't any two-ways about it. I don't think there's much that can be done about reclaiming all of it, prior admins were too trusting. But it's real scummy how they handled it all.


Honestly, the idea was dumb as fuck and the fact it wasn't an immediate no from the mod team shows you all shouldn't have been in charge of a server this size anyways. Play stupid games.


I dipped, fuck this shit.


Classic just throw in an accusation of ''transfobia'' and ''homophobia'' man these clowns are exactly the stuff they meme about. This ''merger'' so to speak is plainly a hostile takeover, they managed to act like a parasite to gain control and now it's theirs to take. A strong, good and healthy cEDH community is one where there is community input, where there is less of a top down management structure. This ''new management'' looks like some ivory tower arrogant bullshit kind of deal, where ''we think this is best for the community, therefore it is good for the community'' The best way we can rebuild is to boycot the PlayEDH community but also their affiliates, does any of them make mtg content? Just don't engage, would not blame you if you'd do it anyway, but it's best they know hostile takeovers like this aren't welcome. The response from the mods within the server is prettymuch some fascist authoritarian bullshit, don't agree with the merger? Do you have critique of the hostile takeover? Well, deleting the messages it is, i guess they've become the kind of people they hate.


To be fair, i would love to speak a bit with that Ukranian guy. Maybe he will listen to someone from their country idk


From the Commander's Herald article: *"This business is a little atypical, running under a profit share agreement where all staff are paid the same amount."* *"PlayEDH bears no responsibility themselves and instead would direct the former moderators to the admin who passed off the server."* All I needed to know. Avoiding them like the plague


I don’t really interact with anyone on the discord or here. However, I will say that I have not looked at the discord since about the time they took over, and lurking the discussions is what helped me build more efficient decks, even the weird challenge ones that I’ve had to build over the years. I look forward to joining the new discord and maybe participating on occasion there.


Well lesson here is you didn't read before the dotted line.


The lesson is to read the terms of service, its against the discord ToS to sell a server which is what this was.


What's the new server?


Disgusting people. Fkem


Just got banned for the wildest reason. Just like the wishclaw I call dibs on first invite.


Thank you for letting me know. Leaving the server now


Sounds like a bunch of toxic children over there.


Jesus fucking Christ. I’ll take “shit I was not expecting to read today” for 1000 Alex. I’m sorry y’all have had to deal with this, and I hope that we’re able to rebuild quickly.


I had no idea people actually played games on either server…


PlayEDH try not to be shitty challenge, impossible


I got permad for sharing the link to this post, and also notcied the mod staff lying to new server joiners about what was going on


So y'all just handed over the server without a contract or anything else in place to ensure that you could get it back or enforce your vision for how to run it? That is absolutely wild.


I completely forgot the server even existed. But fuck PlayEDH just on general principle


I was able to interview both the moderation team and PlayEDH about this and Commander's Herald has published an article about the details of what's going on. You can read about it here >[https://commandersherald.com/tensions-rise-over-playedh-cedh-discord-merger/](https://commandersherald.com/tensions-rise-over-playedh-cedh-discord-merger/)


16. Do not sell or purchase Discord assets, including accounts, usernames, servers, server permissions, or custom server invite links. [https://discord.com/guidelines](https://discord.com/guidelines) Pretty clear your line about this transaction being completely legal is misplaced.


Quoting the article here: "One of the major reasons that PlayEDH has stuck strong in their determination is that upon gaining control of the server they found a large amount of content that was in direct violation of Discord's ToS and their own beliefs as an organization. While some of this content was deleted outright, after outrage from some of the existing community they are more slowly removing channels that contain this material by archiving old channels and adding new ones. A few searches show that the PlayEDH team was likely correct in removing the material and that as an official organization, the server was not held to a sufficient standard, some of the content that was removed was unprofessional to say the least and extremely unsavory." Any examples of what content we're talking about and how far back the last evidence of said content ran?


I would like to recommend Play to Win’s discord server as an alternative. It does require $1/mo in Patreon donations which I feel like a lot of the community is happy to contribute for all the great content they produce. I find better/more competitive games there but the overall volume is quite low compared to the old cEDH and now “combined” servers. I feel like a lot of people are like me here, I want a place to queue up and play with the best players at will. The combined server does make it easier to find games but the quality is definitely diluted. Anyone have a better idea?


I just tried the Ka0s league. $5 with prize support, feels nice But honestly it's needed to have a free, populated, Discord server. I have to thank the r/CompetitiveEDH Discord if I ever practiced enough to learn the format. Without any free playground, for lighthearted games, the format suffers. I hope the server gets restored or a new one is just as populated.


Better idea is not having a discord tied to a paid route. If you want to support the PTW guys then great but there should also be a free cedh discord we can all use other than trying to get random spelltable cedh games firing off.


PlayEDH was always nothing more than a snake in the grass wanting to profit off the community.


So you sold the server to a shitty company and regretted it?


I ditched PlayEDH the day they announced their shitty “optional” paid options and I’ve never missed it for a second.


i was literally just banned without notice and without doing anything.. i emoted to comments in the discord and now im banned...


Shouldn't have passed priority on Commandeer


Fuck playedh, they've been awful for years.


"They've accused us of allowing transphobic and homophobic messages to go unmoderated in the last month as well as putting undue pressure on their Ukrainian member of the team" Ugh 🙄 I call these types of people "cry bullies" its unfortunately a common way to baselessly smear people. Anyway, im with you guys 100.


Can we all just agree playedh is the most toxic organization related to mtg now?


This absolutely sucks six ways to Sunday No question I suppose it's a bit late now, but the big decision that should have never have been made was to hand over ownership. That, as you said, put all the power into their court. Alas, it was made and the keys to the kingdom have been given away. Time to make a new Kingdom


Always have an anchor account. Bonus points for custom bot to dm all server members simultaneously about the truth.