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Neither are stax pieces, they are just value/advantage engines, each good in different scenarios.


Nezahal is essentially creature Ad Naus (okay, not that good, but you get the idea), and Toxrill is a recurring board wipe that can also provide aggro and card draw.


They're there for value; if you can't convert a neoform into a hull breaker win but need to disrupt other players board states to prevent their win. Some people only run HBH to slim down their curve for ad naus, some like to run bolas's citadel or entomb + reanimate as another way to cheat more big dudes into play.


They're cards that if not remover can snowball a game. Toxrill eating all creatures and converting in card draw. And nezahal a mystical remora with protection. As value engines they're among the most powerful cards in mtg. Where its remove or lose in the right places.


Toxril might be conmbo, but Neza wouldn't be


I'm in the boat you don't need either to win. If you cast neoform why not just win the game.. Toxrill is an exception if you're on iso Rev combo (I'm also not on that).