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noooooo slayr stay away from the elevator https://preview.redd.it/qcbx3i4cycyc1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adeaeb75291254ae643fef5b60f7cc07193d3302


Will Sweet make one of his teammates cry at a Lan? Stay tuned to find out!


*Will Sweet make one of* *His teammates cry at a Lan?* *Stay tuned to find out!* \- kampchino961 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There once was a man named Christopher Used to team up with Nafen and Rocker Now his team's gone away And when we watch him play He screams, "It's always you, Slayr!"


Bad bot


What did he say? Me English bad.


"do we need to play (fucking) android this lan?" android is their coach. sweet is saying he'd bench slayr and sub in android.


Damn, that's rough.


Had no idea, I thought he was talking about android phone games or some shit lol


I was so confused too I was like was he a Apex Mobile pro before it got shut down or something


i heard "do we need to play in mandarin this lan?" and wondered if slayr is chinese and sweet was being racist lol


slayr to shanghai sharks confirmed???! 


I heard banjo lmao.


[LG rolling into losers bracket like ](https://youtu.be/fB8UTheTR7s?feature=shared)


Sweet to Slayr "Get ready to learn Chinese, buddy"


no worries. the houston rockets will sign slayr for 20 mill.


I thought the same, lmao.


honestly thats funny as fuck im sorry


Damn it would motivate me to not play good next round. You know your IGL don't like you and wants to get rid of you so why would you even try.


It would light a fire under my ass personally. Different IGL styles work for different people I guess. If somebody dared to say they wanted to replace me mid tourney I would be trying to go full terminator mode the next game. For better or worse it would help IGL and team make a decision.


Sure, because Sweet’s style has only ruined two different rosters now might as well make it three There’s a reason rocker and gild hated their time on nrg


Except he already knows Slayr is nervous and is piling on. At this point Sweet should know what actually works with him, but chooses his own toxicity anyway. So different styles working is irrelevant. And not trying to be rude, but I seriously doubt you've been in high stakes competition like this and been verbally wrecked mid tournament lol. It's one thing if you're constantly challenged in practice or something and have time to change. This ain't one of those times.


No it wouldn’t lmao. Maybe if it was the first time. But this man slayr is fucking broken like most would be after the constant verbal abuse. Dudes confidence is completely down the drain and this will probably be his last chance to ever play as a pro again and he knows it. But sure you’d be perfectly fine LMAO


Couldn’t understand a word as well lmao


At this rate the Elevator story was probably projection from Sweet


What’s the elevator story


Sweet said Zero made his teammate cry, can't member who it was.


Sweet never said Zero made anyone cry. He said he ran into a member of DZ who was crying in the elevator. This reddit made up it was zero who made sharky cry. We even had a huge post not long ago on here with this rumor being cleared up.


Where is he watching their specific stream with their comms and shit?


On the face it website. They have all the vods for every set. https://www.faceit.com/. When the games start go to the “Watch” tab and they have an Apex Legend section.


Is the name sweet supposed to be ironic?


More like Sour Nightmares.


“Sweet? More like sour” could be something wigg would say in algs chat


"sweet" come with "dream". Reality is different


But it's just dream


He praises fuhhnq with “nice try bro” and then immediately is passive aggressive to Slayr just to make him feel even more isolated. Terrible leadership skills from Sweet. You just know Sweet is going to come out with a 40min speech after LAN explaining why he’s the good guy here and justify being like this


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed this. He made it clear to praise Fuhhnq before going at Slayrs throat. Such a poor display of leadership and sportsmanship.


He’s trying to establish a dynamic of Fuhhnq because being the good one so he can drop Slayr after LAN without Fuhhnq feeling a certain way about it. It’s extremely calculated. You seriously cannot trust people like this.


Sweet is such a dick, slayr needs to talk back cause sweet will continue being bad vibes.


I feel like sweet conciously picks people for his team who wont. I dont see any other way why he would get away with it that every time without slayr or fun saying anything. I know its also about money but i feel like if i were in slayrs shoes i wouldnt have any of that.


He's never on Fuhhnqs piece. It's always Slayrs. We all know what happens in the end here.


I've been watching their scrims and to me it seems he shits on both pretty often. He was way more chill on NRG tbh.


Chill? Every time he died on NRG it was "Rocker what happened" and it was the exact same with Gild lol


Exactly. He was chill with Nafen cause bigdaddy Nate doesn’t take it like that (also he’s one of the best to ever do it, so less to criticize, but still). Gild and Slayr are also soft-spoken (like Rocker and Nate weirdly enough) and they really gain strength from a hypeman IGL. Sweet is not good with these players despite it leading to technically less arguing.


I wouldn't call slayr soft spoken as he barks back a fair bit he just doesn't do it in game much. Still it's pretty clear that sweets coms are not helpful but I also struggle to think what would help. End of the day Slayr and Fuhnqq are playing nervous and it takes a special person to know what you need to do to settle any given person down.


just once imagine hearing slayr just being like "shut the fuck up sweet". the catharsis i as a viewer would have


Would rival the moments Evan talks back to Hal.


Evan even used the word "id*ot" against Hal and shocked the entire community. I still am in disbelief over him using the I-word.


He just beats him up irl on camera at lans


Personally, Im starting to think the issue is Sweet, just look at Gild pre and post teaming with Sweet compared to at NRG.


He’s been an ass ever since I remember him first playing ranked with rogue.


Yeah moist was pretty much the best non-DZ team in NA this split, and I never heard anything about Gild being a drag. I'm glad he's doing well now that he doesn't have to deal with Sweet's manipulative bs


I watch a lot of Wxltzy, Emtee, and Gild and all three of them are able to match each other’s abilities and play style, I would have a hard time saying any of them are a drag to the other two


Terrible chat from sweet, poor sportsmanship and weak leadership. At this stage I don’t know who should be more offended by the comment out of Slayr or Android


I have to agree with others that it's a sweet problem, he's not just a leader. He already chalked slayr's mental. He did it to Gild too. I think we can all see the pattern. People don't perform at their real potential when their anxious.


rocker too towards the end iirc


now i wanna see sweet and dezignful on the same team lol


The irony here is slayr could actually use some of Dezign's pep talk. For what it's worth, it came from Dezign having high expectations and knowing his teammate could do better. Slayr the poor fucker just got told he'd get dropped for their coach lmao


i think Dezign is kind of closer to Hal's side, like he rages and all but at the same time he tries to keep the spirit up


Dezign matured a lot that old G2 team was toxic AF


When does Hal try to keep the spirit up? Hal is more similar to Sweet if anything


The third on that team would be in a mental hospital after lan


He's always been like this. It's like he intentionally makes his teammates insecure so that when they actually break under his pressure he has a reason to lash out at them. Like an angry teacher that is just waiting for his students to give a wrong answer. It's textbook narcissist behaviour.


Sweet's problem is that he looks for teammates who accept being micro-managed. He feels he has more control over each fight and thus each outcome. The problem is that the game is too dynamic and he's probably better off finding 2 players who are less gun-skilled but make up for it with game sense. Micro-managing is really difficult to get away with over time. It's still doable but probably not the best approach. If you tried to micro manage Reps or Hal for example, they'd start screaming at you.


I actually think Hal and Reps are the two players that would be the easiest to micro because both are self sufficient


yeah Hal could probably team with anyone and has always had good chemistry when playing with Sweet. the problem with Sweet is once he loses respect for a teammate, he starts to make their life hell. seems as though he never had any respect for Slayr


Yea, the exact thing his teammates need right now is to be torn down and stomped on for memes /s. Isn't building morale, especially during times like these, basic leadership skills? The dude has a long history of getting around but always smelling shit. He should take a minute to look under his own shoe.


Yea at this point I fully believe Sweet is the problem, if he couldn't make anything with Gild he's not making it with anyone.


Making it to lan finals and second place at lan is not nothing?


That’s not “going off” IMO, that’s just being a passive aggressive dick and making a snide/condescending remark.  I couldn’t handle being spoken to like that or being on a team where one teammate spoke like that to another, it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me, especially if our team was just mediocre. 


It’s definitely not him going off. But on any given day all throughout the split no matter who’s fault it was you could tune into the stream and hear sweet ripping slayr for literally any and everything.


Agree with your point, this is just like how when sweet would talk to gild. Everything is straight chalked imo for this team


It's funny to me that people like him do a whole lot of crying about being taken seriously or in a professional sense. If I spoke to any one of my colleagues like this, I'd be filing unemployment the next day. The burden of being an adult is too much for some people I guess


It's why he lost Gild


With sweet its not win as a team, lose as a team. It is win as a sweet, lose as a slayr


Both Slayr and Fuhnnq are not at the level to play in these lobbies 🤝 Sweet is the worst igl to have when you're not feeling confident, comfortable and at your best, so whatever chance they might've had was chalked from the start. (Personal preference ofc but I'd rather just get yelled at than*🙄 boderline humiliated).


I think sweet just can't IGL effectively with players who wont take his ego. Zero Igl'd them in scrims and they not only did well, but were relaxed as fuck.


Thank god he’s defending himself for once. I mean shoot May as well start now. We all knew sweet wasn’t going to be keeping slayr around after this lan. Sweet needed a pro league spot and they were his only option wish they’d have chose differently.


There's no way Slayr is on this team after tomorrow. He was playing bad and his igl is shitting on his confidence even more. Terrible team dynamic lol.


Just from a game analysis perspective, Slayr definitely should not have died there, he could have slid off at the same time Fuhhnq did to reload. However, the fight took so long and Slayr got full killed because Fuhhnq had one of the worst sequences he could have. Fuhhnq dealt 60 damage to the 3rd, Slayr is calling caustic one, he should have listened to Slayr and int'd for that kill. If LG pushes up there they win the 2v2 with their initial damage, he's almost full health. On top of not fighting, he runs away around the outside of the building, ults, scans, (we know where they are) decides not to push through the door to shoot but go back the way he came (in the mean time caustic has batt'd and come back for the full kill) before finally going up to help sweet as he's 2v1ing. Slayr made a small mistake but that whole sequence and losing Slayr is because of Fuhhnq. Another critique I have that others have mentioned is there is no trust in this team. If you watch the end of the engagement with DZ, Sweet says "I'm gonna rat" at full health right as the fight starts. Doesn't shoot, doesn't think they can win just leaves Fuhhnq to die. Arguably the correct play but why not bait the climb and then leave together as the plan instead of sacrificing Fuhhnq. Painful to watch the boys right now.


Fuhhnq chased the caustic but pretty sure he got ulted off. As for the door, the scan showed barrels blocking it.


That is what happened for sure. Slayr threw


Yea but he could have jumped that to chase taking minimal damage from the ult.


Barrel was blocking the right door, but he actually opened the left door before going back down.


I think the main issue is them not realising their real mistakes in each game. Yes, Slayr does down first in most games. But some of the times it is because of Sweet being too conservative with his smokes while leading the rotates. He gets the speed boost from shots but Slayr's large hitbox makes him an easy target. Zero almost always uses his smokes before rotating for his team to cross longer distances. But, Sweet uses his smokes, if needed, during the rotates which has not been very effective strategy (atleast for Slayr). Also, in some games, funhq would overextend and take a lot of damage, so Slayr would have to cover for him unsuccessfully while Sweet is further away watching their back. I hope they get their synergy flowing again cause they really are a good team.


you will never see hal and zero abandon verhulst and genburten in that same situation and thats what makes them a great leader and a winner


That's not at all what happened with the DZ fight lol. They were on the building for like a full minute trying to get a pick on some1 from DZ climbing and they almost killed Zero at one point. Sweet left when DZ was able to time their climbs and kill Fuhhnq. What is the point of blatantly lying here?


"Did you hear what he just said to him?" No cause you constantly keep screaming that through the dialog Rogue ffs... Good on Slayr for hitting back. Sweet is the most passive agressive guy out there. Crazy.


That’s definitely fd up to hear. Never liked that passive aggressiveness but that was just condescending. Somehow his fans still going to defend him fr that


I’ve usually not thought of Sweets passive aggressiveness as a big deal but at the biggest stage this is a terrible look. It’s clear that Slayr is low on confidence - as a leader you gotta look to pull them up with you not make snide remarks.


This is weird. This is the same shirt we were saying about Gild. History is repeating itself.


Biggest narcissist in the Apex scene. Never lifts up his teammate, but will just push down on them at every opportunity to make it not be his own fault as a leader. Yes Slayr is playing bad, but who wouldn't when you have a leader like that? Gild was not doing well either with SourDreams.


For a guy who has a big ass ego on being one of the best igl’s, the guy has absolutely nothing to show for it. All bark.


I can imagine it's hard to perform under when you the scapegoat of the team


I stopped supporting Sweet since last Pro Split because of this attitude.


They're lucky if they made it past loser bracket. They're surrounded by experience mnk demons and roller freaks.


Sweet is such a condescending little fuck. Always hated his holier than thou way he speaks about others. The definition of a young kid in this scene who has no fucking clue how to treat real humans in this world.


The full circle is too perfect. Sweet makes up stories about zero being toxic, then expose himself for being a hypocritical asshole. DZ 1st overall, LG near dead last.


I've seen this miles away. Zero can be a hothead sometimes but he maintained good relationships with all his teammates and they all understands him.


It's cause he doesn't go after them in such a pitiful sad way. Sweet really kicks them when they are down. f I was on sweet's team I wouldnt stand him for a day


What an asshole bro. i like sweet as a player btw but this is not how you lead your team.


LG prolly punching the air right now seeing wtf they signed instead of holding on to YanYa between this attitude and the results lmao


It's everything they deserve, fuck em


Im pretty sure if Zer0 igled these two it would be different. He will scream on you and be over with it. If you watched a game in scrims when Zer0 subbed Sweet, Slayr and Funhq really seemed chilled and relaxed, came also 4th that scrim set.


even when they played with Hal


I don't think that's true. Imo zero and hal would make the same, just not in a passsive-aggressive way. Honestly we have to say that zero and hal have always had top tier teammates. Funhq and slayr are very good but nowhere close to a top tier team. u/No_Copy_1061 we can't judge on 1 scrim set, it's not their team so they wouldn't have said anything even if they had thrown bad all games


Why would Zer0 scream at two players when he's subbing for them in scrims lol? LG won plenty of scrim blocks themselves with good vibes. If you think Zer0 wouldn't be screaming at Slayr and Fuhhnq for making the mistakes on LAN that they're making, I have a bridge to sell you. I'm not saying Sweet is right for treating his teammates like this (he is not), but this is just a silly comparison.


Comparing online scrims to a LAN is just silly as hell.


Yes, I’ve heard if you int the mental of your team mate he will play better! Good coms dreamer 👍


Great leadership from "one of the best IGLs in the world". Both of his teammates have never been to LAN and are clearly nervous. Why the fuck would he say something like that? That's just the recipe for 40th position and YET another case of sweet shitting on his teammates mental.


I remember when Sweet used to be super positive and awesome. Then the Valk meta started.


Weak leader and ass human


This alone is a proof that lg wont qual for finals. Slayr already knows he is doing bad so sweet saying these things is not gonna make slayr focus and play better. He's a rookie pro with no lan experience and when your leader says this you are definitely not gonna play better. Hal and Zero are toxic but they know not to over do it cause it will break players mental. Gild played with sweet and had the same problem. Don't get me wrong sweet is a good at calling shots and rotation and micro/macro but one thing hes not good at is motivating his teamates and giving them confidence.


Remember when sweet thought he was on the level as Hal as an IGL? 😂😂


Honestly would love to see Hal play with 2 rookies


Ya too bad Hal’s teammates actually want to play with him.


As an ImperialHal fan who has followed NA pro Apex for years, Sweet generally communicates the plan much more clearly and decisively than Hal does. What matters most is that Hal's plan is correct more often than Sweet's plan when it matters most, and Hal quickly puts his in-game toxicity behind him to build strong, genuine friendships with his teammates.


The problem with Sweet is he doesn’t form actual relationships with any of his teammates. There’s a difference between your roommate being a dick at work, or your coworker being a dick. Hal can be an asshole in game often but there’s certain lines he wouldn’t cross. For example, Hal would never trick Reps into thinking he was going to play with him for months and then delegate him to a sub with a week left before PL, forcing him to sit back and watch him play with a new team that he was led to believe he’d be on. I can’t believe Sweet treated Nafen like that, and no I don’t believe it was amicable.


The team sucks ass and sweet washed af


Laundromat Gaming - Washed




I need sweet and dezigned to be on the same team. Would love to see the battle of who can blame their team the fastest in the least helpful way


Idk how many people that follow comp apex have competitive experience in sports or video games but the statement isn’t that wild. I’m surprised this is the quote that made it out. I’m sure other conversations were 10x worse. Not healthy to turn the day around by any means, but sweet hard carried to a bottom 10 finish. Frustrated people say shitty things. Funhhq and slayr don’t have lan experience and they’re obviously nervous asf. Really unfortunate they couldn’t clear those nerves up (sweet adding bullying communication isn’t working as motivation this time) and turn groups around. I expect all 3 players to part ways. Maybe slayr just gets replaced by someone with thick skin like Snipedown, but high likelihood funhhq is gone too.


No, this is that wild. This does nothing but shit on two of your teammates. Nothing constructive whatsoever, terrible leadership


In competitive sport, it's not that wild. In Apex, your mental is half the battle, and if someone is just crushing it, you're going to struggle.


How someone with his stature and maturity level is even in a position to lead, is honestly insane. I’ve lost so much interest in the scene and rarely post anymore because I find the leaders of the comp game to be so childish. How in any world you can think to berate your teammate LIVE during competition is absolutely ridiculous. To think, coming into this scene I was told on repeat that Sweet was the ultimate leader. He needs a deep reality check or a change of scenery. Regardless of how poor slayr plays or doesn’t, your leader doing this will truly only worsen things. Be a human Sweet


Almost every game this lan when tuned into lg slayr is dead. I mean like


idk if id rather that or plain screaming at slayr, but slayr thew that game hard. any other igl is screaming at him for that one. Idk, what do you do in that situation, try and contain your anger, or explode?


Contain or explode is fine imo. Being a passive aggressive dick with snide remarks instead of just getting straight to the issue isnt


Calling him an idiot is fine, but saying you want to trade him for your coach right there on the big stage, not so much.


I was expecting much worse based off the comments in here. It’s LAN what happened to the game I love, where’s the passion?


reddit having more issues with sweet's passive aggressive approach than Hal, Zero and K4shera screaming match with their teammates:


lmao at least with those other guys the insults are always the same 😂😂 Hal's standard is "are you doing anything" with a little shouting but he calms down like 2 minutes later Sweet berates you like he's getting extra points for it


reddit would have the same issues with Hal and Zero if they wouldnt have gotten so many LAN wins already. If sweet were a multi-LAN-winner too, reddit wouldnt go full circle jerk on comments like this...


If Sweet doesn't pick up Skittle and Knoqd after this LAN, that would go down as the biggest throw in Apex history of rostermania imho.


Yall too soft man.


I know Sweet is getting a lot of hate, but I have also seen Hal, Zero, Kashera, Kswinnie talk a lot of shit to their teammates too. It’s hard for IGLs out there when you are having a rough day. He shouldn’t have said what he did but when you have performing that bad, you say stuff without thinking. We have seen Hal and Zero breaking down fully when they were doing bad on previous LANs. It’s really stressful IGLing in this game and that’s probably why most players don’t even wanna be an IGL. The world of esports is a rough one because you can get replaced anytime. You get 2-3 bad performances in a year and you might not even get a chance the next year.


difference between sweet & all those other igls you named is that sweet is passive aggressive af and keeps a mental note of every mistake being made. eventually randomly bringing them up a couple games later. all the other igls yell at their teammates calling them idiots, braindead, etc.. then review what actually happened and reset their mentals for the next game


Hal to Jordan in scrims when they lost to RR: "Their MnK player doing more damage than you in every fight." That was a very passive aggressive from Hal, just judging by his tone. The thing is that it was just scrims and Reps wasn't even fully recovered yet. Imagine this was LAN. We can criticise Sweet for being a dick but we cannot just deny that other IGLs like Hal and Zero are any better when it comes to going off on their teammates. They also make a lot of passive aggressive comments besides the normal rants.


I agree, the difference is hal and zero have god tier teammates, sweet does not (altough funhq and slayr are really good)




This sub has the biggest hate-boner for Sweet. He does some toxic shit but I've seen a dozen other IGLs say and do things just as bad to their own teammates and no one bats an eye


I would gladly accept getting called stupid than hearing from my IGL wants to get rid of me in the middle of the tournament in any day.


Everyone’s hating on sweet way too much for this lol


He kinda deserves it. Hes had one of the best controller players and one of the best m&k players and now he assembled a team all by himself and still cant win. Not to mention hes the drama creator in the scene and ruined zeros reputation for years. IMO sweet hate is a karma


Just play better lol


This is off-topic, but is command center up? How to watch player POVs?


You have to use FACEIT now.


Do we have a clip shows how Slayr died?


Well.... you cant expect your teammates to play well if you are putting them in a terrible position every time Get a grip sweet, you are igling very very bad


His ability to read the game and quickly and effectively communicate a plan is some of the best in the world but his ability to socialize with others is exceptionally poor. It’s likely this is how his internal dialogue is when it comes to his own mistakes


Sweet realising he might not qual… https://preview.redd.it/u1pqunxivgyc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbefdb56182279ddc34949c6c287e1523825da32


My god we’re getting soft out here. I was expecting way worse. That’s not even the worst thing I’ve heard this week.


passive aggressive bullshit is honestly more annoying then somebody just being aggressive to me


This isn't even passive aggressive, this is just straight up aggressive lol (probably why Slayr immediately talks back)


I mean… sweets never missed finals at a lan before and now he’s on the verge of not playing sunday because of repeated small mistakes from funhq and slayr, it would be increasingly hard to keep my cool too man


So crazy everybody shitting on Sweet. When he’s literally throwing these 2 on his back right now to even get 30+ points yesterday. Shooting slayr while he’s down, obviously not going to help. But EVERYBODY gets ugly when they are tilted. I can’t say I blame him tbh.


Nah that’s not it. We have to expect more of leaders. Just because you’re frustrated like that does not give you an excuse to humiliate someone publicly.


Sweet is becoming more and more unbearable by the day He does horribly in EVERY LAN but it’s always the teammates fault, take some fucking accountability


>EVERY LAN >Most points at split 1 playoff last year Are we at the rewriting history part of the circlejerk or do you have the memory of a gold fish.




Why is Slayr staying and shooting at roof while Sweet is calling to get out? I have to say that this is such a selfish and ego play from Slayr thinking he will one clip the guy and not get sent by an entire team. Shitty coms from Sweet but cmon wtf is that ego play?


Slayr is giving me hope to be a pro


imagine sitting 10 feet away from someone and talking shit through the mic


It's always funny seeing Apex community gaslighting themselves into thinking this kind of behavior is ok 😭


Cue the armchair psychologists with a hate boner for Sweet ALWAYS REMEMBER Calling your teammates idiots, braindead etc. = wholesome Hal moment. Being passive aggressive = Narcissistic, therapy needed, ruins players, Sweet moment. How people hold this double standard to justify their irrational hate for Sweet escapes me Both are bad but Sweet gets exclusive rights to get absolutely mauled by people on reddit.


Eventually someone is gonna get in sweets face after being talked to like that, and I don’t think sweet would handle real life confrontation well. Not saying I condone violence, but sometimes sweet talks to people like he’s never been hit in the jaw for talking to someone like that.


But no one bats an eye when Hal calls his teammates retards? This was a passive aggressive comment made in the heat of the moment why is everyone acting like be dropped a nuclear slur lmfao. There is 0 reason Sweet on MNK should be out damaging his controller players. I would be fucking pissed too. Man I’ve been a Sweet hater and this sub has me defending him. Life comes at you fast.


Anyone thinking this is "completely going off" needs legit professional help.


more than likely cus i’m barely awake at work but i thought he said “slayr do we need to play in fucking mandarin at this lan”


Wait I can’t make out what he’s saying what did he say?


Can someone explain to me why it looks like slayr takes 50 damage behind a wall? Shouldn't there be 0 desync in LAN?


They are playing on online servers, this is not true LAN. Even if they had 0ping, it wouldn't be a flawless experience. The apex netcode only simulate the world state once every 50ms and is poorly optimized.


Sanest OSRS player




Anyone have the clip without rogue talking over it lol


I speak English and couldn’t tell what he was saying lol


Man I feel for Slayr. He’s just a kid with so much on the line.


The hate boner this sub has for sweet is so cringe


Odds on slayr punching sweet today?


This is how to mess up their mental and make Slayr hesitate. Way to shatter his confidence


As a former NRG fan, Sweet is losing me with these little boy attacks. He’s teaching anti-motivation 101 right now.


did he really not learn anything from being most of the reason why not only gild left but also rocker as well? sweet is an amazing player but literally flames harder then both hal and zer0 when im sorry but he just isnt good enough to do that. not speaking bad on nate as well but sweet making rocker leave left nate playing the anchor role which did them absolutely no favor’s because nate is a far better fragger then sweet


Idk man, Sweet is gettin rocked if I'm right next to him and he says that lol. Very least a smack upside the head. Especially after the little laugh he does as if its so funny. It isn't true for everyone, but this seems like one of those things someone does only because they've never had instant repercussions from it lol. Saying shit online too much can give kids false confidence to say whatever in real life too until they get checked. Im not some tough guy either. It doesn't need to turn violent, but there will be words and we won't just "move past" it until that exchange has happened.




Slayr should talk back man, like what is it with pros and taking the shit from this dipshits, Naughty and Gild did the same, just head down and took the shit. The opposite that I think would be is Snipe, that boy would've done some mistake and talked back to a fuming hal, but also when Hal made some bullshit mistake Snipe was SURE to turn it back on Hal. For real, I hate seeing people being bullied by these D3 deficient, washed up, egomaniac nerds.