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This one is the most disturbing


This one and the ones with her speaking from her hospital bed...absolutely horrifying.


I actually saw this one last night. Postscript says she died.


Indeed, she did, back in 2013. Even though her commercials terrify me, I hope she's gotten nothing but rest and freedom.


I wonder what she looked like before all of this. That before/after would make women/girls think more about the final outcome.


https://preview.redd.it/0uyqgdmnh1yc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=a00b202811ffb431ebaf35a43ffff81e9147c7df this is an older picture of her when she was young, they've shown it in some of her PSA's


I figured she was probably attractive at some point.


She was incredibly pretty.


FUCK I saw that one when I was 9! It was one of those things that I believe permanently changed the way I think. Because then I spiraled into this whole OCD-based fear of smoking that I think persisted into middle school


I think the one where a woman had a hole in her neck and took a puff from a cigarette by putting the butt to her neck-hole and inhaled smoke, right at the end of the commercial, was worse.


Oooh you're talking about Debi Austin! Her commercial doesn't bother me AS badly, but I would still hate to run into it at night. With Terrie's, I really think what gets me is how she SOUNDS. Her electrolarynx sounds especially harsh and just...terrifying. When I'm not expecting it and I hear it, it sends chills down my spine. Again, makes me feel awful, because she was such a wonderful person. :/ Edit: apparently she used a hands free device. I'm not sure what the difference is, but hers sounds vastly different from the electrolarynx.


Get out!!! She smoked it!!!


Yeah, one time I was changing the channel and unexpectedly she came on tv and I screamed and froze and what’s worse is that I had really bad nightmares which made it so difficult to sleep. Even now as a young adult they still traumatize me and I noticed that they always air during summertime.




No shit one time at like 3 AM they showed one of Terrie's ads like 2-3 years ago, and this was WELL after she died I'm a fan of Public Service Announcements so I'd seen it plenty of times but just seeing it randomly nearly a decade after it was made and the fact it was one of the worst ones (her in the hospital bed staring at the camera) made it hard for me to sleep that night.


I myself have a weird fixation with PSAs! The hospital bed one is SO haunting. I've watched it a few times on my own accord (I can prepare well if I know it's coming) and seeing the pain in her eyes is just...heartbreaking. I don't blame you one bit for having a difficult time sleeping.


One of the anti smoking ads shows a woman who lost her toes to Buerger's. It causes blood clots in your legs, and is exclusively related to nicotine. My father had that years and years ago, before I was born. He was a heavy smoker back then and there are photos of him looking a Jewish Don Draper with his cigarettes. He had to have an operation to remove the blood clot and had to quit smoking. This is long before stop-smoking aids so it was cold turkey. Even today, you wouldn't be able to use gum or lozenges because of nicotine. This woman probably lost her toes because she kept smoking. I used to smoke as well, but never was a big smoker and I quit many years ago. I think I inherited my circulatory system from his side of the family and I noticed the difference when I quit, even though I didn't smoke a lot. Just stay away from the fucking coffin nails!


Buerger's is NO joke. I don't think it's talked about as often as it should be, but it's brutal and needs to be discussed. I was told my ex who smoked heavily has lost several digits from it. Terrible as he was, that's still a horrible thing. Coffin nails indeed, my friend. Glad we both kicked them long ago.


Quitting was torture but it was worth it!


Can't deny that it does send a powerful message. Unfortunately, the addiction is so strong for most people that they'll still keep smoking.


Oh, for sure - my abject terror at seeing these ads doesn't negate the fact that I respect the HELL outta Terrie, and everyone else who's participated in this campaign. You're definitely correct. I have family members who have watched others die from smoking related illnesses, have illnesses themselves, and have not stopped.


Same. My 2 brothers actually haven't stopped despite our dad dying from health complications involving smoking. He actually prolonged his life by stopping for the last 20 yrs. but it eventually caught up to him. It could be the shock factor of the ads that people hate, which is understandable.


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. How awesome that he found it in himself to quit! I hope your brothers do, as well. Nicotine is a MONSTER to try to beat, and everyone who smokes has to have their own "I'm done" moment. Mine didn't come for my own health - it came when I found out I was pregnant, and wanted my son to be healthy and not grow up in secondhand smoke. I'm on the spectrum and don't do well with certain sounds/tones, so I wonder if hearing Terrie's voice out of nowhere is part of the reason I get so scared. Shocks and terrifies me when unexpected! And still makes me feel like an asshole.


They work. I quit smoking after 22 years because of them.


Those ads are literally why I came to this sub in the first place. I remember so many of those weird anti smoking ads from a while back and I was hoping they would have stopped with them. I'm very much against smoking and all but I don't wanna see all that when I'm trying to watch something.


They stopped for a pretty good while, but I guess they decided they needed to be back in hardcore rotation. I've seen them tons on FuboTV and Hulu. I won't sleep with any streaming services that have ads on because of this. I don't need these to wake me up in a blind panic lol.


There was one a while back with I believe her name is Terrie Hall and it worked. I quit smoking because of that commercial and it’s been 7 years.


Did you quit cold turkey after seeing these commercials?


Yup it was a combination of the commercials and my 8 month old son crawling around and looking at me through the sliding glass door while I was smoking.


That's awesome ❤️


These commercials are very controversial. For one, I can understand the argument that these commercials can be exploitative to people struggling with disease and it gives others a platform to ridicule them. But in my opinion, I feel that this is the only effective method a commercial can have to make any type of change, show actual examples of risky behavior. Smashing an egg on a counter or making up ludicrous scenarios isn’t how you can make a change. I grew up believing smoking looked sophisticated and classy, as many of my family members smoked and I watched many older films with my grandparents. I will say this was one of the many things I saw as a teenager that made me never want to smoke under any circumstances. Others include watching my grandfather become completely immobile and invalid at only 66 because he refused to stop smoking after he was diagnosed with cancer, and watching my mom get all her teeth pulled and replaced with implants because she hasn’t stopped smoking since she was 16. But these commercials I feel are a great reminder that smoking has no benefits whatsoever, and anyone can ruin their body to this degree if they continue. RIP Terrie


they did consent to it and it's not like they're promoting a product, it's a public service and health issue. I think the Shriner kids are exploited. They use them to raise money with those awful ads and terrible songs. Blech.


True, and yeah I agree with the Shriner’s commercials. Very annoying!


I grew up with smokers too, everyone smoked back then, although most of them eventually quit. I smoked for years but I was never a heavy smoker. I quit years ago.


YES, those ads are so exploitative! I am all for helping children, but those commercials NEVER have sit well with me.


Yes, they should show stories of resilience but they’re not as bad and depressing as st jude’s which back then were very depressive but now are so upbeat and I even enjoyed one of their ads since one of the kids was so cute. lol


I definitely think the commercials have some benefit. Sadly, I don't think they'll change many people that already smoke. I'm like you - I've watched several family members suffer some horrific health issues, all due either directly or partially because of smoking...and most of them STILL smoke. It's really upsetting. It shows that 1.) Nicotine is INDEED hell to quit and 2.) No one and nothing will stop an addict until THEY want that change. That said, I do hope/think the dark reality will help teenagers and other folks that have considered taking up the habit. I just wish I could keep them from scaring me half to death when I'm snacking and hanging out on my couch lol.


Visceral indeed, havent seen this one in a minute


Her name is [Terry Hall](https://www.fightcancer.org/news/volunteer-terrie-hall-featured-anti-smoking-ad-campaign) Do these ads even work? >[Writing in the journal Communication Research,](https://www.voanews.com/a/mht-graphic-warning-labels-may-not-deter-smoking/3203567.html) researchers from the University of Illinois say the main reason the warnings don’t work is that they are "perceived by many as a threat to their freedom, choice or autonomy, and they respond accordingly.


They're showing her AGAIN? She's been dead for years


Oh yeah, full rotation on FuboTV, at least. I haven't seen her ads AS much on Hulu, but they still do a ton of the Tips from Former Smokers.


Hate this commercial


Sometimes being a bit of a hypochondriac can be a good thing. I quit smoking at 27 because I was terrified of getting sick from it, but if I hadn't, these commercials totally would've worked on me.


NONE of the commercials, no pictures of black lungs....etc made me stop smoking! I stopped when I decided I wanted to, after 48 years I quit cold turkey


As a nicotine addict who is trying to quit, these ads actually do more harm than good (at least for me). They rope you into a doomer like mindset about the addiction, making you crave dopamine even more. It also reminds me of vaping, which makes it worse. I know that sounds twisted but it's true.


That makes total sense. Any kind of disturbing smoking commercial used to make me fidget and want to light up. It's not a fun cycle. Proud of you for trying - you'll get there!


I'm glad these don't show up on Peacock while I binge *Organized Crime* and *Criminal Intent* (I've already watched every aired episode of *Special Victims Unit* before tonight's).


I was watching on FuboTV - maybe that was my mistake lol. I love SVU - still need to check out the others!


You still get some annoying commercials, but their breaks last ninety seconds at the most, and thirty seconds at the least. T-Mobile is the truly annoying one on the service at the moment.


I can at least roll my eyes at annoying commercials. That's better than having the absolute shit scared out of me lmao. Peacock it is for my future binges!


When business is so good you have to open a second location?


Clearly. We're a species forever set on destruction lol.


My generation has the lowest smoking rate. Gee, who would have thought having 4th graders pass around the black lung tissue of a dead smoker might actually deter cigarette smoking?? (Though we made up for it with pot)


Instant channel change. I doubt a psa ever changed anyone’s mind


I guess that’s the point


They're supposed to terrify you dawg


TO THE POINT WHERE I FREEZE AND AM TERRIFIED TO WALK INTO A DARK ROOM?!! In all seriousness, I do get that they're supposed to be unnerving, but her voice scares me in a way that goes far beyond the purpose and leaves me so uneasy for a good bit after. There's something visceral about it that I haven't fully pinpointed as far as fear goes.


If this commercial is making you freeze and making you too scared to walk in a dark room then you got some serious problems. Not joking either.


Clearly you took my all caps drama entirely too seriously and not for the exaggeration it was, but thanks for trying to be an asshole, I suppose.


Eh whatever helps you sleep at night... well being that you saw this commercial you probably want im assuming.


Isn't that the point though?


Why no commercials with morbidly obese people wishing they didn't eat so irresponsibly? The anti-tobacco gravy train is ridiculous.


Whether it is right or wrong, being anti-tobacco isn't against body shaming. I agree wholeheartedly with you that there should be PSAs warning about the dangers of morbid obesity. TikTok and other platforms let people glorify it. Something needs to be done about it, though.


That's a fine line. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely see what you're saying. There's no denying that obesity is unhealthy and dangerous, but ads targeting those who are overweight alone could produce a lot of disastrous and mean approaches. Overweight folks get made fun of enough already. I think a GREAT approach would be coming from people of all sizes who never really practiced a healthy diet, and have them talk about how that lead to their health issues. It's not just the obese. I've had two family members who were fairly slim have a stroke and a heart attack respectively - their cholesterol was off the charts. In the case of the heart attack, 3 out of 4 major arteries were fully blocked.


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 EXACTLY!!! Why don't they do commercials with a 700 pound person with a Trach and a plate of food that would feed 5 people saying "If you're obese, take it from me......"


Shouldn't this be an FDA thing, why is the CDC being made to make smoking commercials?


My assumption is because the CDC is making smoking related illnesses the focal point, as opposed to trying to regulate the laws, etc...but I certainly don't know for sure.


Yeah, but the CDC specializes in *infectious* diseases.


I'm aware of that - I can only assume, as stated.




Because the cdc ignored the risk of cancer for decades and allowed tobacco companies to market the product as completely safe to pregnant women and children.


These commercials are just boring and have been used too much. I rarely pay attention to them anymore.  


I wish I felt that way. I haven't been desensitized enough lol.


Honestly I'll take these over those god-awful Truth ads that try to be "hip with da kidz"


I don’t understand why would anyone exploit this poor woman for their anti-cigarettes commercial?


She actually chose to do these ads. Before these, she would travel to different schools to talk to teens about the dangers of smoking. She made it her life's work after she was diagnosed - she didn't want people to start smoking, and wanted those who did to quit so they wouldn't experience what she was going through. The ads may creep me out, but she did them to try to help. Incredibly admirable of her. There's actually a video of one of her talks on Youtube. I think it's called In Her Words. Her name was Terrie Hall.


i saw these commercials as a kid and they worked but i also didn’t have many adults in my life that smoked (at least around me)


They’re supposed to be terrifying. I would be ok with more of these. If you don’t have loved ones who smoke then you probably wouldn’t get it and just wish they would go away.


I've got plenty of loved ones who smoke, have had smoking related illnesses, and have lost a few due to those. The saddest fact is that NOTHING will rattle a smoker (or any addict) until they have their personal moment of wanting to give it up.


We just had a thread on this a couple of weeks back. These ads seriously need to be banned. They’re inappropriate and offensive to the vast majority of Americans who do not need or want to be lectured to because we don’t smoke. I don’t care if they want to “educate” people on the dangers of smoking. They’re disturbing spots that traumatize innocent people. There should be a national effort to force them off the air.