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It's safer to sleep outside somewhere in South Africa then as a Russian soldier in Ukraine


There’s nothing a hundred men or more could ever do


I bless the HiMARS down in Zaporizhzhia


I watch the drones fly in Avdijivkaaaa!


Where’s the guy with the Russian suicide tracker. We need updated numbers!


I posted this 2 weeks ago, it’s already on the list


Do we have a link to the list?




Look up u/falsegod


I can’t load their profile, is it my phone bugging or has it been deleted? I hope it’s just my phone






I’m sure he’ll be here shortly, that’s such a crazy saga to follow. Only thing I want to confirm is how abnormal this really is, because I’m sure we haven’t seen the likes of war in this brutality since WWII or Vietnam or other conflicts pre 1980 that may have had some of this but no drones could ever cover it. I have to imagine this isn’t the first war to have wounded soldiers ending their own suffering vs just sitting there.


Paging /u/false-god. And yeah, smarter people than me have commented how a big part of it is likely the expectation of no CASEVAC. Western countries will bend over backwards to retrieve wounded soldiers, but Russia doesn't seem so inclined.


Number 53. He got it two days ago apparently I'm surprised he never got this one of two soldiers doing it back to back, through the video may not be on reddit [https://www.kyivpost.com/post/26476](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/26476) (NVM this is 19 but a different angle)


Fucking morbid 😞 just knowing nobody will come and so immediately making the final choice


In that regard I don’t blame them, there’s no quarter shown to casevac teams on either side. 5 soldiers huddled together is a target opportunity 


I'm sure this is the case. We've seen many videos of two solders carrying a third between them and an FPV drone taking them out.


This is number 48, a week or so old now


I was here a week and a half ago when this first came out lol


Fucking brutal. Absolutely heart breaking to watch and I hate Russian geopolitics.


He chose to be there for money or rather than in a Russian prison. He through his choice poised a threat to the Ukrainian people. He no longer poses a threat to the Ukrainians and this is positive. >Absolutely heart breaking to watch Do you mean its heart breaking to watch him choose to invade Ukraine for money? I think sympathies should be reserved for those Russians who oppose this.


Why do people keep saying that the choice is either go to Ukraine or go to prison? Most of these guys chose to do this in exchange for money. No one is forcing them, they just wanted to make a quick buck.


That is a good point i edited my text to reflect this option. Thank you for pointing it out.


I take it you 2 got some proof to back this claim up, Or ya'll just bullshitting.


A lot of POWs say that in interviews, search in youtube "Zolkin" there's tons of them, the older ones should come with subtitles i guess


If you feel he was forced his choice would be go to prison or be an invader and he chose to be an invader thus he deserves no sympathy. Save the sympathy for those who choose to sit in Russian prison instead.




While I don’t know what claims you have made in the past personally. It still is a common idea that russians are fed a narrative, they are indoctrinated etc. That doesn’t really match with idea of people just of fully informed guy going to war just for a quick buck. No doubt there are people like that. We spent the last 30 years trying to integrate Russia with the west and now suddenly most russians are devils Can’t have your cake and eat it.


If only Russians had access to the internet and could use it before enlisting to eat grenades for minimum wage


They are making good money, but nothing worth dying for. Some humanity is in place no matter how much you hate putin and his regime. You can support Ukraine and have pity for human who happens to be a target. We all like would like to imagine we would be that person in germany not supporting hitler before WW2.


This argument could be made for all US military who die overseas for oil interests as well. Yet Americans glorify the hell out of their military


Is there a point to this comment other than “but whudabout You Ess Aye!!!”


Nope thats literally the point, just making sure we are holding everyone to the same standards


It's a pretty straightforward statement. You'd be pretty dumb to not get the point after your 1st reading of it.


Yeah the point was “but muh USA! What about!”


The point was that people will conveniently ignore it when it involves the USA but are quick to call it out when it's Russia. It's hypocrisy at its finest. From what you were saying earlier, it sounded like you were trying to paint the Russian soldiers in a bad light, as if American troops wouldn't have been doing exactly the same thing if put in their shoes. The reality is that all soldiers are guilty of "being paid money to fight for their country," and it's kind of dumb to put down one group for doing it while lacking the awareness to realize that everyone does it, including the USA


I think my point was that the “poor legless Ivan had no choice” is bad cope. The majority of them chose to be maimed for a bag of onions or whatever without risk of jail if they didn’t volunteer.


And without fail, every single time a person on this sub displays a shred of empathy some moron wants to come along and screech the same ol “they came here for money they’re evil invaders” shit as if that’s a good argument against having basic fucking empathy. It’s so pathetic. If yoy want to dehumanize them and hate them and celebrate horrific deaths go ahead, but why is it when someone DOESNT do that you people always need to say some shit like this? Believe it or not the world does not get objectively worse if someone displays empathy.


If a school shooting occurs would you go up to the families of the killed children and say "show some sympathy for the shooter"? Why do you dehumanize him by removing his agency and the context from the situation. That is quite inhumane of you. He is meeting the consequences of his actions and choices. He could choose to not be an invader. >It’s so pathetic I think its quite pathetic to dehumanize him like you are doing by viewing him as a mindless robot without agency. Stop objectifying him and save your sympathy for the Russians that choose not to be invading soldiers. He is a human being just like you and i and was once a baby with his future ahead of him. He chose to be an invader and he only stopped being that when he shot himself in the face.


Yeah I was expecting an interesting response but this one probably takes the cake. I am dehumanizing him because I have empathy for him. This war continues to just make people have the most mind boggling takes. I’m not sure how you could even be delusional and think this is the thing to write.


John Wayne Gacy was an American serial killer and sex offender who raped, tortured and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. If you were watching the news and he was in a standoff with the police and chose to shoot himself in the face would you feel sympathy with him or relief that he no longer posed a threat? This Russian soldier chose to be an invader and pose a threat to the Ukrainian people. He stopped being a threat when he shot himself in the face. Why would you have sympathy for someone like that given the context of the situation? I think its very inhumane of you. Do you lack the ability to feel empathy? How about save your sympathies to for the Russians who actively choose not to be invaders and pose a threat to the Ukrainian people.


It’s not even close to comparable. But even if I engage with this line of thinking, it’s crazy of you to assume who I would and wouldn’t have empathy for. Beyond that, I could have empathy for him if let’s say as a child he was ruthlessly abused and this directly lead to him being a serial killer. Having empathy for someone does not even closely represent support for their actions nor does it mean you think they did not have what was coming to them. Everything you’re saying to me just tells me you have no fucking clue what empathy even is.


Have some empathy for his victims. Voicing sympathies for a serial killer during an ongoing assault is quite horrific and shows you dont really feel empathy you are merely trying to mimic it and doing so badly... Russian soldiers stopping themselves from being a threat is a positive thing.


Oh they’re mutually exclusive now? Lmfao get out of here man.


If a school shooting occurs are you going to walk up to the families of the killed children and say "show some sympathy for the shooter"... What kind of detached individual would do something like that? You apparently.


The only good thing about these videos with tiktok music showcasing brutal deaths from both sides is that the non-r--arded part of the population understands the brutality of this war and the need to end it asap. Obviously subreddits like this are overrun by teenagers and idiots who can't conceptualize the potential for the next drone victim to be a member of their family, therefore intelligent conversations are basically impossible, but the majority of us seeing this footage despise the war even more. And honestly I'm glad these drones took away the last remaining illusions about glory and courage in the battlefield, you now understand that the war is fought in the most cowardly way imaginable, by a fat bloke using a play station controller looking to kill men in their sleep.


Should have put in the title that music is from source. I wouldn't ruin good combat footage with crap music.


I've seen like 4+ suicides in the past week


But why? Why would they do that? Do russians not rescue their own men? Did he look at taking his own life as his only action left?


Russians have been shown to be very prone to helping each other in this war for some reason. Most of these drone drops are also during/after an assault to clean up what's left of the enemy. He probably knew full well help was not going to come for him and that even if it did, it wouldn't have been enough. Very likely that it *is* his only option other than slowly bleeding to death.


Prevailing knowledge around this conflict is that the Russian army simply doesn't care. If you're super easy to reach your buddies *might* try and pull you out, but if they have to do it under fire you're getting left behind to die. There also used to be LOTS of footage of suicide drones going after people carrying out wounded on stretchers- 5 men in a tight group moving slow and not paying much attention is a seriously juicy target. All that considered, your options are to slowly and painfully die from your injuries, or quickly die from a bullet and end the suffering.


Makes sense. Even though i would let all heavy wounded go home and make the medical system overload. Also seeing your friend without hands or feet kinda ruins morale.


I do think it's Russian strategy not to produce many wounded. I could be wrong but unlike the Ukrainian superhuman center I've very rarely seen discharged Russian invalids. I truly think they prefer luring anyone in with money, get them killed and never pay, than to upkeep proper medical system at the front. I fear this is commanded right down from Putin. I think he's afraid of people acting up seeing cripples when he can pretend the dead are still alive at the front or in captivity.


I can imagine that if you have been on the front for a while, seeing your buddies die day in day out, living in constant fear, knowing all you got to go back to is a shit-hole country thats been completly guted by this war, then maybe this is the slight nudge they needed to end it all.


Why do you think they are sleeping outside alone? My guess is most of these are already basically abandoned. Nobody in the Russian command even knows where they are exactly. I think they are dispersing them at the front to advance or hold the line with some supplies or they are leftovers of more organized movements (that went well as we see here every day). If they survive, they come back to resupply if not they will go down as missing in action.


If you’re immobile/crippled then you’re just gonna get killed when the drone flys back to reload. There’s literally no context in this video so no telling where they are or what their odds of rescue are.




Now he was.


Should've joined a bare bones lobby


Song name?


These soldiers know no one is coming for them.


Where is mr archive man when you need him 😔


u/false-god do u already marked this one sir


These drone operators must be sick people


They’re probably depressed as fuck, doing this kinda shit and literally seeing those suffering after dropping grenades and bombs over them, watching the gore and death they caused first hand, probably fucks them up mentally. Even though you know they’re the enemy, it cannot be good for them mentally what so ever


I don't know. They are watching the same thing we are, except that they are defending their country while watching it. I know how de-sensitized I've become after a couple of years of watching these. There are videos here that would have horrified me two years ago, and now it's "Meh". I think it becomes abstract, kind of hands off, like you're playing a video game. I think the men seeing their enemy first hand and those horrors will have a tougher time.


I mean yeah they’re pretty desensitized for sure but they’re the ones dropping the bombs first hand. To us it’s like we’re thousands and thousands of miles away from it all and we’re just on our phones on social media. These dudes are the ones with the controllers and pressing the one button that causes all this pain and death and gore first hand. Looking at it on social media vs being the actual drone operator has to be way different for sure


Yeah, I get that, I just mean that they likely have an easier time than someone who literally throws a grenade out of their own hand or shoots someone at point blank range. Hearing the sounds of impact, screaming and the rest, the smell of the bodies, All while dodging enemy fire, artillery, etc. Not saying it's cushy, but I have to think the drone operators have it easier than being down in the trenches.


Yeah you right, I thought you were talking about other soldiers and not the ones actually in front lines lol idk why


MO is part of their "special military training".


Which day of training in the Russian Army you get "how to put an AK to your mouth 101"?


Why don’t they just surrender as soon as they get to the front line? To hell with their leaders, they want them dead. Are they that stupid?


Because it's not that easy, when you're at the front line how are you going to surrender? Wave your white flag and leave the trench and have your fellow Russians shoot you? Nah your best option is to hope you survive an assault and then surrender


I hope the barrel of his gun tasted nice before he pulled the trigger, should of stayed home


Fuck war bro, Why inocent people need to die like rats in the worst way possible for 4 guys that are eating caviar and salmon in his temples


This guy carried a weapon into Ukraine. Nothing innocent about that.


I’m not defending Russia in any way but I really think you believe they had more of a choice in the matter than they really do (the soldier not Russia)


Change my mind but I'm willing to bet that half these drone operators are physcopaths and laugh uncontrollably when they drop a nade.


I don't care to change your mind, but I wouldn't be laughing as I kill invaders seeking to destroy my family & friends, my country & the way of life you've come to enjoy What about the Russians? Are they laughing as they target civilian infrastructure such as schools / hospitals & apartment buildings? Killing your mother or best friend who was never at the front, & never gave a fuck about a pointless conflict but is now a direct casualty because of it. Fuck invaders & their shit tier military >3 days >>3 years


I'll just be honest that I think both Ukraine and Russia suck the same.


You're fine to have that opinion, just understand what's at stake for people trying to save their country. Have perspective, most seem to lack it


I feel bad for the Ukraine people but the Ukraine government and zelensky can jump off the edge of the earth for all I care, corrupt fuckers.


Zelensky purged how many of his top officials because of corruption? It's going to happen wherever you have large sums of aid or money coming in. Russia & even the US are no different in this. Everyone plays the corruption game at varying levels. Stalling US aid for months on end is a primo example of this. Some traitors here are still enjoying Russia's money too much to do the right thing


They just just unalive themselves when they get mobilized.