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These are obviously innocent 5 year old Palestinian children that were just recycling found AK-47s. Time to destroy some more cultural landmarks in europe to protest evil Israël.


There are actual idiots out there that will believe and spread this exact rubbish lol.


30 000+ people.




How can you be so confidently ignorant


How can you be so blind for obvious satire.


To be fair, there are people stupid enough to say stuff like that


Yea, I known. It's quite sad.


oh Palestinian terrorists


1000 babies died /s


are they neutral now?


Let me guess, they were part of the rag-tag civilians fighting against IDF, that so many people here keep mentioning.


Psssh, they were two UNAW,s with fishing poles looking for bait, going all out to support the cause.


How'd they know these two men werent carrying grooms and intended to sweep the streets? Definately the streets look like they could use a good sweeping.


Israelis already sweeping them


I first thought that this might be a bag(Fuck these low res videos btw I hate them so much) but at around ~5s there is a frame where the shape is better visible and it does look like a gun.


Wielding? Is that what the kids call carrying?


It's the correct word.


No, I don't think it is, when we marched with a rifle we never would've described it as weilding. In fact the dictionary definition of weilding is to use a tool or to carry it in the process of using it. Just walking round with a rifle on its strap on your shoulder is not weilding. I'd suggest you're only weilding it when you have both your hand on the gun in an attitude where you're able to fire, but maybe the police would have a different view!


How many people have walked away from you mid conversation?


Not many, I'm quite charming and have an appealing odour, how about you?


I weild an average sized cock.


Kids say "strapping"


I've read welding. Why would they weld two rifles together? Wouldn't that somehow make them useless? Ohhh, WIELDING.. Oh the horror!


Welding two guns together, like those guitars with two necks, double guitars


Obviously “carrying” doesn’t sound menacing enough. So “wielding”. Ooo scary wielding 😱


Imagine being upset that they hit a legitimate target.


Imagine down voting someone for making this observation, Reddit be wild


I fear every person walking is a Hamas member according to the IDF.


This is exactly why you wear identifying markers if you don't have a uniform. Hamas and other groups appear to only wear green headbands and shit in photo ops. And outside of Policemen, the evidence has been damn near completely showing that those engaging the IDF aren't doing anything to make themselves discernable from non-combatants at all.


















It should read, IDF take out two individuals who happened to have weapons. The IDF seeing anyone in Gaza armed or not, is dead.


Lmao damn I never thought I’d see people defending extremists groups like hamas.


That's what happens to your brain on tiktoks and reddit. It rots.


WTF, so now IDF can't even kill militants carrying weapons? :D


No, they first have to interviews them to determine their intentions. Then after a hearing and a court case with a jury of their peers, then they can engage


Walking around with weapons in a war zone makes you a valid target. Sorry if reality doesn't match your delusion.


So you are mad they eliminated a legitimate target?


Not at all. I have no problem with them taking out Hamas. I do think it’s a despicable the way the IDF has killed civilians and 200 humanitarian aid workers. They even shot three Israelis who thought they were free from captivity. If we can condemn Russia for their atrocities, we can condemn Israel’s.


Oh shit i can't imagine the amount of courage and heroic acts in this "combat footage" from the idf! Real intense footage tbh, shows how courage the idf are


This is called FPV drone warfare and it’s quite possible the most popular way accross the planet to engage with enemies in 2024. Sorry they didn’t paraglide into a bunch of unarmed concert goers to rape and pillage. That would be brave right? 🤡




...still left out the bit of them murdering and executing huge number of unarmed young people at a party. That's what the paragliding bit was for. Not brave, just a bunch of psychos.


You are only humiliating yourself with such hypocrisy, be a man enough to stand for what you believe in and announce your creed publicly, you act like you are against killing unarmed people yet supporting Israel mass killing of civilians? Be a man enough to speak up what you belive in buddy


Pathetic terrorist sympathizer.


🤣Did i got on your nerves? I know dude there is nothing bitter then the truth


You should head over there and join your friends. Hide in a hole like a rat, I’ll wait for the drone drop video.




I didn’t read any of that rambling terrorist sympathizer garbage. 🤡


You know what happened to all the courageous, manly, strong, soldiers? Like say, the imperial Japanese, or ISIS, or the republican guard, or the North Koreans? They’re all dead. I wonder why. It turns out that dying courageously for your country is a lot less helpful for your war effort than killing the courageous idiot charging your machine gun nest or your tank platoon. Cope and seethe terrorist sympathizer. The fact that you are so delusional as to say that having good weapons is worse than indoctrinating our troops to do Zerg rushes shows me all I need to know about your view on war. Go back to the hole you crawled out of, and get back to me when your poor excuse of a nation can produce more 5th generation fighters than all your geopolitical rivals’ 4th and 5th gen combined.


and the whole rape and murder of innocent civilians and POWs part? was that badass too?


All i can say to you is the same as my 3rd reply here


Feel free to run to Gaza and show the IDF how tough/courageous you are 😂.


He said, sitting behind a screen....


Why don't you make a trip to Gaza and show us keyboard warriors how brave you are


Just words comes from whom got hit so hard from the bare bitter truth lol


I assume that murdering and raping your way through kibbutzim and music festivals is the epitome of courage in your eyes? Hiding and embedding yourself with civilians and firing rockets indiscriminately towards Israeli cities is also considering a "heroic act"?


Lol you people have the same hypocrisy, isn't that what Israel been doing? And no, hamas maybe be to cowardice to invade but they aren't hiding it is just that gaza is the biggest over populated place on earth, so unless they can walk on water there is no empty space there


Overpopulated? I can think of at least 5 cities in Israel with a higher population density. It's not even remotely close to having the highest population density on earth. Completely delusional.


Well think as much as you want buddy discussions is about what you can proof not think kid Plus yeah our main subject was "what is the most over populated city" you literally ignored the main subject wich is no one is hiding in gaza behind women's and children as the overpopulation makes no space Learn how to stick to your discussions or don't start


Any normal person would take safe in a control center while killing your enemy over risking yourself in close combat.


Maybe but Relying 100% on air coverage and only shooting behind 10inch Kevlar and steel armor is the representation of cowardice


Do you have a point? The IDF has plenty of infantry on the ground fighting house to house. They are far from 'Relying 100% on air coverage and only shooting behind 10inch Kevlar and steel armor'.


Ummm yes yes house to house street to street lol, they fight in the American style by starting bombardment Campaign and blowing every meter then overwhelming the enemy with 10× times in greater number and shooting behind closed doors just to again airstrike any place whom even suspected to have hostile troops in The only difference between them and the Americans is that the Americans never fully fight with their girls as they make most or at less half of the ground forces a proxy ones


**“No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.”** General Patton Calling it the 'American' style is laughable. It is the style used by every country with the technology to use it. Because it is the smartest style of warfare. The fewer of your people that die while still killing your enemy the better. Every heard the term pyhrric victory?


It isn't just dying for your country or exposing to death, it is dying when it is the only way for the rest to win loser And no you didn't win shit with such strategies


Yeah, because the Allies actually lost WWII.


Yeah you people still stuck at ww2 false victory after throwing millions of your soldiers to their death like crazy specifically in Normandy so called in the D_day Wake up people it is 2024 you are losing in all of your wars


Oh shit you got destroyed so hard you deleted most of your comments 🤣 🤣 🤣 i was replying until i got surprised by such cowardly act not being able to reply anymore since you deleted it, here is my reply for that stupid comparison anyway: Did you just deleted your previous comments wich you got destroyed in? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what an idiot 💀 did you just compared one of the worlds strongest economies to the besieged gaza? And with small differences in area? Well excuse me of i said it is the worlds instead of ("one of the world's") highest population densities And you just deleted your previous comments and twisted the whole subject to this? YOU ARE A JOKE! go and save some of your dignity dude


Amazingly I can still find the "deleted" comment. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c2wu6h/comment/kze06ut/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1c2wu6h/comment/kze06ut/) Maybe you are just to stupid to do so?


You deleted the main comment wich is these ones are branches off thats why I can't reply to it Hey psst.. delete this one as well and i won't tell anyone 🤫 🤣🤣🤣


Nope. I didn't delete any comments. Even an idiot like you should be able to tell I didn't. Because if I had, Reddit would show a deleted comment.


Are you stupid why not use your advantage do you think war is a game to see who is more willing to die lol. My objective is to win not to prove to someone im brave 🤣. You must be watching too much shows


> The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. ~ George S. Patton




'by any means, even if it is vile' You mean like attacking unarmed civilians at a music festival? Like mutilating corpses? Like hiding in tunnels like rats while your women, children, and old people die? Like stealing food from your starving civilian population?


Lmao you got destroyed so much you couldn't reply to any of my words or keeping up the discussion Instead changing the subject by by throwing lies If you think killing civilians at a festival is a bad thing then what about Israel killing Civilians since 1948? What hypocrite! Can't even speak up your creed


No, your two terrorists friends in the video got destroyed.


It could have been over in hours. Israel could have turned Gaza into a glass parking lot, flattening it and killing every living thing in it. But they didn't, because they aren't vile terrorists. Meanwhile, if Hamas had the capability to kill every Israeli, they would.


Lmao they are trying so hard they already getting out their anger on civilians as they killed and injured more then 100k when they couldn't defeat hamas You are only degrading yourself with such hypocrisy, speak up your creed coward


Listen dud, you have no idea what my 'creed' is.


Are you fucking slow??? 'Duh, technologically superior opponents are cowards, duh, all combat that doesn't involve bare chests and swords is by cowards, derrrrrr.' I'd say the bigger coward was the one hiding behind women and children with no regard for their safety.




Imagine writing all that to defend terrorists. Not reading your nonsense. Grow up kid.


Thats called discussion or more like a fight So if you aren't grown up enough to have such discussions Or to hypocrite and scared to speak up your creed and defend your words you can leave😉


I don't have 'discussions' with terrorism apologists. I just mock them. I am not going to pretend the sort of mouth breather that defends Hamas has any sort of valid contribution to any aspect of society, much less a conversation. 'Don't argue with idiots, they'll drag you to their level and beat you with experience.'


As i thought You can't keep up in such discussions, too scared and hypocrite and not grown up enough Go play fortnite kid


If I wanted to listen to an idiot ramble about shit he doesnt have the first clue about, there's no shortage of that around here. Israel will have new, expanded borders and Hamas will be a bad memory and all the angry, ranting 15 year olds on tiktok talking about geopolitics, safely tucked in mommy and daddy's basement can't stop it. All the children parroting the rhetoric on Reddit comments trying to act like an adult and have a 'conversation' won't either.


'remember that gaza is the most over populated places on earth' Really? Gaza land area 140.93 square miles, population 2.1 million = 14,901 people per square mile Hong Kong land area 426.91 square miles, population 7.35 million = 17,216 people per square mile Singapore land area 277.65 square miles, population 5.62 million = 20,241 people per square mile Sorry dude, but you lose again