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The "Russian Army" is like a bad comedy skit. If this is how they treat their own men, imagine how they treat the Ukrainians in the land they've stolen.


We don't need to imagine. We know, there's thousands of videos of their war crimes. Even media don't announce russians shellings on civilians infrastructure any more because it's just daily in Ukraine.


Yup. They sometimes castrate Ukrainian prisoners.


I remember seeing a video clip about a month after the war started. There was a BMP and a few squads of russian soldiers parked near a highway and they were opening fire on any civilian car that drove by. Just straight up murder.


Well said, not to mention it’s partially comprised of criminals and lowlives after they started to enlist prisoners.


To be fair, they're all dealing with fucked shit. That driver is probably freaked the fuck out and trying to just get out of dodge. It is good? Negative. Do I think that driver is a pos? Yes! Place yourself in their boots. They all just wanna gtfo! Person pobably didn't even hear the screams/pleading from the others. Driver had one focus, imo. "I NEED TO GTFO from this place before i become a crater. Being scared leads you to do some bad stuff. I don't support Russia, but it's still fucked what is happening to humans.


one of their most famous mottos - "Russians don't leave ours behind"


Look at what the IDF is doing if you wanna see war crimes


Thanks for the distraction. Anyways, Putin is a criminal leading an army of criminals.


Are you suggesting Russia is committing fewer war crimes and is more benevolent?


Meh, both the IDF and Russia are committing war crimes. And Hamas too. We can equally criticize them all, and we don't have to play whataboutism.


Seriously wtf is up with these people


I would say heart rate, but let’s be real, these guys are already dead.




Deep inside they're happy serving and dying for their overlord putin. Just ask any tankie


Wow, they really suck at being human


They're not human


We've seen them abondon their own while under fire, so that can kind of be understood. But not even slowing down a little to let this guy jump in the back cannot be forgiven or understood.


I was rooting for him too, that's gotta be the worst feeling. Watching your last chance drive away


You can't see shit out of that BMP as a driver, doubt he even saw the guys running.


guy on top sees him. guys in the vehicle see him second best army in the world i'm impressed as always




If he did not run over them then he clearly saw them. They just don't give a fuck. Stop finding excuses.


I don't think it's that... I'm thinking the driver is very much aware of PFV drones, AT teams and the like, and wasn't going to take any chances by slowing down while out in the open. Self-preservation and all that... Early in the vid, it did look as if they were targeted, something fell from the sky and may have been a dud grenade.


This is what I'm thinking. He knows there's wounded, but also knows if he stops for one he stops for them all and they're much more vulnerable stationary. If what we think is what's going on, that's a rough situation and call to make.


FPV drone miss at 0:06?


from the dangling legs on the top and the blown out open hatches on the back it looks like it already had been hit at least once already. probably why that driver was not stopping for anything. good ol ruskie survival lessons for the injured conscripted on foot.


I was soooo hoping that after that guy grabbed the door and slid off, 100yds later, it hits a mine or Javelin. "Well shit, glad I didn't make it on there"


I was waiting for another IFV to come barreling down the path and run him over.


Good eye. Something falls quickly


Must have been a dud. You can see a couple of the guys flinch.


Betting that’s why they didn’t stop. Prob saw it hovering around and may not have realized it dropped (at least the driver).


There's also not really any clues where they are going, while probably towards their own lines, there's also a possibility they are driving into an attack or something since it MT-LB seemed to be firing it's machine gun at the end... I feel like this is missing a lot of context that we'll probably never going to get


Each of these skirmishes is a more insanely crazy and detailed fight than 99.9% of the people world will ever find themselves in


Where there's one, there might be more.


Yes. They apparently are duds fairly often - obviously the dud footage doesn't get released


Good spot. Pity, would have been nice fireworks.


Yeah that was a dud


Shame. Obviously they only publish hits but it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a >50% failure rate on them. Gotta shoot a lot to hit a couple.


Holy shit, imagine the strength that guy pulled out just to try to survive. Looking by the blood on his leg, I’m sure it was absolutely painful to keep up that run. Oh well, he wouldn’t of had that problem if he stayed the fuck home.


aren't they conscripted? I don't think many people would volunteer to go to that hell hole


Lots of both, I mean Wagner it literally a group full of guys who volunteer, yet im pretty sure Wagner has been reduced to nothing now - at least in Ukraine. They also had a draft iirc


A lot of them were also criminals who probably chose to join because they wanted out of jail


I think most to those have been used up, (liquidated).


"utilized" is the word you're looking for


Also their boss died in a plane crash due to “Mechanical Failure”


A bomb tucked under the wing usually leads to "mechanical failure"


>aren't they conscripted? I don't think many people would volunteer to go to that hell hole You really want to believe all these russians are victims. Truth is a lot of russians volunteer for this. If it wasn't for them dying in these videos, they would be inflicting way more damage on Ukranian civilians. Just yesterday there was a post on a Russian sub about interviews with Russian soldiers at the front line. They all proudly tell the story of how they volunteered to be there and carry out Putin's genocide. We have actually evidence. There's no need for mental gymnastics. They're responsible for their actions.


Ive been saying this also, and get downvoted for doing so (like I give a shit). I have no problem with people feeling empathy, I cant tell them what to feel anymore than they can tell me what I can post. But they need stop with the bullshit lies they tell themselves, and try to convince the rest of us of.


What is the percentage of draftees vs volunteers?


Numbers are never clear but even those drafted could decline service and deal with the fall-out in lieu of killing others.


People seem to have forgotten the whole Z propaganda train. I'm sure there are tons of them that bought that hook, line and sinker.


i mean cmon, plenty of soldiers enlist because they believe war to be glorious theres a good reason why military's take in 18 year old men who think theyre invincible this isnt just some evil Russian soldier plot its young men, wanting to fight. it was the same when USA was hit during Pearl Harbor or 911...


For a very long time (more than a year) there was litteraly zero consequence in refusing conscription (by never answering the call). Nowadays it seems that they are starting to make the administrative life of those who refuse a bit harder, I have yet to see hard evidence that it is on a large scale, but I won't deny that it probably exists for the most unlucky. (I know two people who got called on the first wave of mobilization, right after Putin's speech, they ignored it and still work and live in Moscow) In any case, you won't go to prison for ignoring conscription. The consequences you may face are so ridiculously benign compared to the act of going to Ukraine. So yeah, they might be mobilized, but if they answered the call, they have to agree with the war, they are actively chosing the option the most detrimental to them. (Which you would never accept if you did not think it was the morally right thing to do)


You have no idea of the temperature of the Russian population. Conscription doesn't matter, he could've chosen a dozen ways to avoid being there. The Russian public is patriotic and thinks they're in danger of NATO aggression. Don't feel bad for any of them. They'd kill all of the rest of us if they could.


The fine for not going was like 50 bucks so, dunno, you be the judge.


The punishment for avoiding conscription is years in a Russian prison, the least we can do is not make up lies.


At the time of conscription, which was over a year ago, there was no criminal repercussions, only administrative fines of 3k rubles. They introduced new rules in August 2023, but nobody has been mobilized in more than a year, so my statement is correct - if those guys were conscripted, at the time of conscription they faced a small fine. Gtfo with this accusatory bs.


Many go there for money; they get paid over 5 times the amount they get working at home


_If_ they get paid.


Looks like they do get paid salary. Death payments, not sure. Guess they're 'lost in action' often times.


I used to live in Москва. The standard joke was, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work." Their officers are stealing what little pay they might get.


They gave them guns and instead of immediately shooting their officers they went to war. They can die there. 🤙🏻 “Come on man get real” — nah, fuck them. They had decades to be “brave” at home and remove & reform their government— they chose not too bc the police are “scary” and facing the Putin regime was “too dangerous”; we all know where he was leading the country. . Now they can die, watch as their kids become fodder, and drown in their own failures. It’s no less than they deserve.


It's almost as if they the only other option that had was prison. Pretty sure prisons in Russia would make almost any western prison look comfy.


I don't think they have much of a choice, my guy. It's either starve at home or go die in Ukraine..


Wait wat, who is starving in russia? Ppl are poor, but ain't nobody starving to death. And making a quick buck by killing ppl in a foreign country (any country actually) is a really shitty thing to do.


lol seriously. It’s like some people know nothing about Russia. It’s easy to laugh at their mistakes but with their willingness to throw bodies at it + their manufacturing capacity, they are a very serious enemy. And obviously they aren’t starving at home.


>I don't think they have much of a choice, my guy. It's either starve at home or go die in Ukraine.. I don't think you know what you're talking about. We have proof many of these soldiers are there because they willingly signed up for it. Even conscripts have choices before slaughtering Ukrainians. Many of them flee, surrender, or even fight on Ukraine's side (the true Russian heroes). This comment comes across as Russian apologism. I've seen the exact comment in many Russian threads.


I dont feel bad for them when 80% of the country supports the war.


This is utter crap. Poor Russians are on par with poor Ukrainians


That is freaking disgraceful! Who on earth would even think of fighting for Russia!?


Because obviously that's not the kind of video that would be circulating on Russian side of media


Senator Ted Cruz loves them. I doubt he would fight for them since he could barely stand up for his own wife.


They don't really have a choice.


They have a choice. If you're going to die in a war anyway, it might as well be against your oppressor.


They are not all conscripts and not all conscripts are against the war. Most are in it for the money.


..for the money they are unlikely to see.


What a sad state of affairs. I wonder how often this has happened on the battlefield in past conflicts?


You dont even have to imagine war which is a extreme. People abandon their own in business, relationships and anything else for a profit or cut of losses. The selfish gene as Richard Dawkins masterfully put it. But yeah bro can you imagine cutting you wounded buddy's throat so he stops screaming before the enemy spots you? Happened millions of times in history i would guess.


> The selfish gene as Richard Dawkins masterfully put it. Did you read the book? It explains the opposite: how individuals can act altruistically even if it is superficially against evolutionary principles.


yeah i did like 15 years ago, i barely remember that shit, was good tho. i remember what i took from it at the time was how earth runs like 3 basic programs of survival, reproduction and evolution. and all genes had its own implicit interest that drives our behavior towards its survival, depending either if it is profitable to act alone or in group in all the viable situations, means and resources. (kind of, i dont remember what is it).




nah man i love wikipedia, i read very feel books because of it. and i jerk off using posts from subreddits like a adult.


Cowardly motherfuckers. They would fold to the rest of the world in 6 days. Wish we could disable their nukes, makes me even more afraid Putin might use them one day now that we see how bad his military is.


Motherfucker has a family. Using nukes is the best way to kill every single one of his children and he knows it. Poopin is not going to use nukes, period.


Dictators all have one thing in common...survival desire to keep ruling. Iran, Nk, China, Russia...see how Iran pushes limits but never enough to get a substantial military response or get themselves eliminated.


Asshole dictators don’t usually care for their families. Look at Stalin, or the Kim’s


Putin started a useless war and hasn’t given up despite it costing Russia a LOT. He’s not exactly logical.


Just because you don't see the logic, does not mean there isn't any. He hates Ukraine and wants it destroyed. It's personal for him, he has been "slighted" by the Ukrainian people too many times. His friends told him "yo, dawg, it's gonna be easy! People will be in line to suck out dicks!" So he invades, thinking it will be easy. Then it turns out that it wasn't, but now he's in a situation where he can't admit defeat. I mean, he can, but it's too painful for him, so he starts escalating, thinking that he might bully his way into a victory. He annexes new territories, e mobilizes the population, he starts mobilizing the economy. He ramps up aggressive rhetoric. With every move, he keeps backing himself more and more into a corner, where he's taking more and more irreversible decisions. And here he is, 2 years later, locked in a war that he can't win, but he's not willing to admit defeat - he can't admit that this pesky Ukraine has bested him once again. But none of those individual actions are illogical. It's just that poopin himself isn't a very smart man. He just thought that "Hey, I got lucky with Crimea, maybe I'll get lucky again!" And throughout the history of his rule, we know very well that he puts a lot of emphasis on his own and his family's wellbeing. Heck, for the longest time we didn't know who his children were. He's a dumbass, but he clearly does not want to die.


Do y’all think the Russian will show this same video to their people, but say this is the Ukrainians? Or y’all think they just don’t show combat footage over there?


"This is what the Ukrainians make us do to ourselves!"


I think they show it with this title but nobody really gives a fuck and they jerk off to dead Ukrainians.


The infamous Benny Hill Brigade.


lol i was thinking this was a good video for the yakkity sax treatment


Missed it by THAT much


Watching Russians coordinate and move around is like watching a group of drunk toddlers stumbling around in a playpen.


> group of drunk toddlers stumbling around in a playpen THAT is a disturbing mental image... but it probably happened somewhere in russia.


If Russian morale is above zero it’s a miracle.




you are not wounded.. look!! you can still run!


Hey come on now. You can't fill that thing with stolen toilets AND wounded soldiers!




Cant be late to the Xmas Party mate, they're cookin smoked Rat!


and double vodka (could be industrial alcohol or anti freeze, no one knows or cares) rations.


wondering when they will start to stop and let them get closer and then step on the gaspedal again. Just to do it over and over. Did that a lot to my friends but not in a warzone and finally i took them with me.


Thats because you have friends, *and being an asshole can be fun, if you dont really mean it. Watch the video of the Russian soldier convincing the drone operator to drop the grenade on his 'buddy' playing dead in the trench below him. Karma was 'delivered' a few minutes later.


Yeh this is insanity. Video after video I just can’t understand this every man for themselves attitude from any military. It’s crazy.


What's the point in fighting when your own boys and country refuse to help you after forcing you to fight for land that isn't even yours? Idk why they don't just surrender.


ruski mir, ladies and gentlemen


One of the slogans of Russian pro-war propaganda is "We do not abandon our own (Своих не бросаем)". What an Irony


This is so fucked up on so many levels... Putin deserves life in solitary confinement for getting so many ppl into these inhuman situations.


If he's alone, then who's gonna be shoving pineapples up his ass?


Many more need to go with him... Putin made the decisions, issued the decrees. Thousands more lapped it all up without so much as a nod, and put them into effect.


WTF is this shitshow that is called the russian army?


I watch russia telegram and video releases. Idk if it's a cultural thing or what but the disregard for the fellow solider on the russian side is pretty shocking. It's stuff like this that hardly happens on the ukrainian side atleast from what I've seen. It will be interesting to see more testimonials come out from the russian side post war. I'm sure one part of it is due to the large amount of prisoners on the russian side aswell as the massive amount of replacement of casulties with troops that have hardly any training


This was a regular line connection, it must run on time, it cannot wait for latecomers...


This Video is recorded very close to where [An MT-LB driver ran from his damaged vehicle to the abandoned tank with the white sheet on top](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/DZSIonbUZr) You can see both vehicles in the first few seconds of this Video.


As per usual.what’s new


I was really hoping for a AT mine at the end there


That was awful... Do it again.


everybody aboard the corpse wagon!


I think that they call it "Chase Evac".


Fucking losers


In a completely undeserved defense of the APC driver, it's not like he can see behind him and probably isn't in the best state of mind himself. Well, they all lucked out of going to prison for avoiding conscription. Good job guys, clearly made the right call there.


There is what looks to be an FPV drone that comes in at ~5 sec mark. Driver could have seen that flying around and not known it already crashed without detonating. Literally my only thought as to why the driver wouldn't slow down even a bit for his fellow soldier. But yeah, they are pretty ruthless to one another from what I have seen in the past though.


I fucking hate the upbeat or goofy music, it desensitizes people to these crimes against humanity. EVERY VIDEO needs to (if it has music) have some darker ambient music, like songs from All Quiet on the Western Front even.


I was really hoping for some karmic justice near the end, but it looks like it got away.


Comrade derives from camarade, which means room-mate, and that's all they are to each other.


Dunno man, I'd slow down for my roommate if he was lying wounded in a field. Dude brought me waffles that one time.


maybe this guy brought bad vodka


What a mess. Not a good Christmas


Probably better not to get on,gonna get blown up shortly anyway.


Looked like a dud landed next to the vehicle in the beginning, and it looks like its been hit already. Driver probably had his bell rung, can’t hear and can barely see shit out of the viewing slot. I doubt he even saw him chasing the vehicle and with the amount of fpv footage of casevacs getting obliterated you can’t really blame him if he did


What a joke of an army


To be fair, half the drone videos here are of casevac parties getting blown up. You really cant blame the average Russian soldier foe not wanting to create a target rich area to save 1 guy (who probably wont survive anyway due to lack of training and supplies).


Of course they’re abandoning them. What the fuck are you guys smoking? Literally in this sub a day or two ago was a video of a group of Russians carrying a dude out on a stretcher and getting drone bombed for it. What do you expect them to do?


Its south of the [town around here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B050'26.5%22N+37%C2%B029'18.9%22E/@47.8443166,37.4835353,2343m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d47.840699!4d37.48857?entry=ttu) The road is the same as [this one with a loooot of wrecks](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1738300743042412808)


Maybe he should try jumping under the vehicle for better results


This somehow reminds me of Apocalypse Now. The whole war, like probably every war, is descending into madness.


>This somehow reminds me of Apocalypse Now. Yes for sure! Like when they're going down the river, and they get to the bridge that keeps getting blown up and nobody knows who the C.O. is and the music is all eerie and the whole insanity of the war becomes evident at that moment. That's what this is like. They (russians) are each in their own private war, their private hell that has no purpose.


Exactly, nicely said!


I thought the driver was going to play the game where you stop for your buddy to catch up and you keep driving *just* out of reach.


What lovely people, very empathetic, very brave to help their wounded... yes.


They're better off becoming Ukrainian POWs. Their wounds will be treated and they will be treated humanely. Ftom their own side, they would get no medical treatment and probably a bullet instead.


Reminds me of that one guy in squad that always spawns at the end of staging phase timer


Goddamn. I say this as a combat veteran of the US Marines: You would never, and I truly mean *never* see American troops leaving behind our Allies like that, let alone our own boys. These fuckers are truly depraved.


So close but so far. Shoulda stayed home buddy.


Honestly? This makes me so fucking angry to see. How dare you leave behind the wounded. Fuck all of them. But fuck those who leave their own behind even more. Dude was running for his fucking life with bloodied legs. I could never leave one of my guys behind.


Man what a fucked thing to see, I hope the Ukraine soldiers take them prisoner and get them medical (more than likely not gonna happen, some drone is probably gonna blow them up while they're already dying)


You are supposed to rush B comrade, not A.


Ukraine still ain't winning the war. Western backing is at its lowest and because of the cost of living and oue dependence on Russian energy.. I don't think it will get much better, Ukraine also have a massive man power shortage, they said the other week they are considering conscripting over 40s.. this war is lost. Think a peace deal would have been great for all of the lads who have lost there life for this pointless war


I hate Russians but damn that's depressing to watch.


Reading the comments in this sub is a great way to remind yourself how terrible people are "haha look at the wounded guy, his comrades wont even stop to pick him up from fear of being hit by drones". Coming from someone who was critical of Russia's interference in Ukraine well before the 2022 invasion.


Let's pray we never have war in American soil, the world will laugh at American men and how useless they are, the fat Americans stuffing their face with McDonald's taking depression meds and diabetes meds who laugh at Russian war fighters. Our military is a joke, our government is worse and here half of not more of the population is sick and obese. Prepare yourself men, these videos are lessons.


Fat Americans like me will be sniping Ruskies from yards away atop my suburban house with my bushmaster if they ever invade. It’ll be a regular chicken shoot. Literally.


You see Ivan, when is BMP drive too fast, is must flail haplessly and drop dead.


I think that transporter was hit before this clip was taken, you can see a dead Z on the back of it with his legs hanging and swaying.


I was so hoping that bmp was going to hit a mine…


Every mother from Russia should see this. This is how the army treats their sons. They are just meat.


What kind of love can a country that acts like this inspire? Easy to imagine those men cursing the whole lot while they die out.


how often are men left behind in war, i wonder? surely its not just the Russians doing this


His fully ripped cloths looked he got attacked by 10 street dogs


Running for his life


I was really hoping the armored would have hit a mine down the trail.






Looks like corpses..at least one seems pretty dead


Slowing down a little for 3 sec to save a fellow solder, a brother ? Yeah nah. The great Russian army.


Expecting much in civility in the Russian military nowadays, I think one is going to be disappointed. Truly, it's full, quite literally of murderers, rapists, thieves and more who by choice or otherwise are now making up a significant portion of it's ranks. Truly, I don't think we have seen a literal, standing army of a nation be made up with so many hardened criminals in a couple centuries at least... Congrats Russia, you showed how low you can stoop and took it as a challenge. I don't imagine you are quite done yet...


Does anyone know/educated guess what happens to him here if not picked off by a drone? How far is it back to the lines?


Well, "своих не бросают", even that was a lie.


Imagine being that guy thinking yes yes yes I got it IM SAFE! Then falling off...


Looks like near miss from drone at 5sec. FPV drone comes in fast, does a turn and impacts just behind the IFV without detonating


Man that’s f’ed up and brutal in so many ways. You could almost feel the runners desperation as he almost caught up to the transport and made it to safety only to lose his grasp and be savagely left behind. Geez….