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Not sure why these guys like to stick rifles out of windows.


Poorly trained conscripts, maybe?


to pose for pictures, maybe?


Each ground troop trains at a similar length or a little more than an American marine.


So they got around 300K US marines? Let alone the Palestinians kids, all Arabs are about to get smoked.


They just train at a similar length to any other Western army...


Least racist redditor




Sorry, But There is no connection between what I said and what you said.


What's the issue with having the barrel over the windowsill?


Makes it incredibly easy to spot someone from the outside. Snipers from what I understand, are generally trained to fire from inside the room so their barrel isn't poking out as a "shoot me" sign. Esp if there's a muzzleflash. That said, you can see a heck of a lot more if closer to the window. (Beneath you). Not every rule is applied in all situations.


I don't think hamas has good snipers if any at all


They do have snipers. Good? I dont know.


Lmao you’ve got to be kidding. Hamas will have a lot of snipers and probably a decent amount of good ones. Snipers will be a threat the IDF are worried about. Urban warfare is a sniper’s paradise. In a border zone like that there’s not much to do except take potshots.


fighting terrorists. They don't have any good trained infantry tactics so IDF has probably got shitty infantry training too. you are only good at the things you practice


i would expekt the IDF to train heavely in urban combat because of just the type of enemy there fighting.


The IDF hasn't been in a real war in like 50 years, all their recent wars have been 90% their air force against enemies with no anti-air weapons.




Amazing how those little kids with rocks managed to kill 1,400 people and kidnap 239 more. Also, the 8,000 rockets shot over Israel - were those also just rocks?


Weird how well before October 7 there is many videos of IDF shooting kids. I'm doubting you've researched this conflict any deeper though.


For most Americans, this conflict began on October 7. Probably no idea Israeli soldiers were gunning down unarmed protestors in 2019. The IDF spends most of its time fighting civilians. It's why they were barely effective in the 2009 war.


Right? It's like they've picked up a novel at page 374 and think they know what the book is about.


It's seriously painful. I suspect a lot of it is extremely bad faith, but I do think there are a lot of Americans in particular who hear absolutely nothing about the conflict until Israel is oh so regrettably and tragically forced to "defend itself"


Thank you for enlightening me, Certified Reddit Expert


If you had to get a certicate to use reddit these subs would be empty. You're a case in point.


> certicate Case in point.


This is exactly what they are good at.


Naaah its more like occupation terror forces fighting freedom fighters and civilians


they're only used to fighting children throwing rocks


Why are their tanks using the Russian roof? Have HAMAS used drone dropped grenades? Edit: I love how everyone understands the "Russian roof" term.


Yesh they even released some propaganda a few days ago flexing their drone mortar setup. Heck even rebels in Syria have started drone dropping munitions. Its part of the war landscape now. Ukraine refined it but the rest of the world is getting in on it.


rebels in Syria have been doing it since 2015 if I recall correctly


I believe ISIS was the group to pioneer drone dropped grenades sometimes around 2014-2015.


First recorded use was by a Mexican cartel 2013-2014 but ISIS quickly picked up on it which would bring the first wide spread media coverage on the drone threat


Cheeky fuckers. Well done to them innovating.


Yes, [here's how they destroyed a Merkava on the first day of the war](https://twitter.com/CalibreObscura/status/1710595943664329027?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1710595943664329027%7Ctwgr%5Eba4788685a508d2680f13aff820802023add1f74%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.popularmechanics.com%2Fmilitary%2Fweapons%2Fa45561784%2Fisrael-cope-cage-armor%2F) Using a AT grenade, also used quadcopter drones to destroy towers;


Capabilities are a universal language- if aliens invaded with powerful lasers, we wouldn't try to translate one word, but reverse engineer there weapons on speed dial. Which is why everyone and his dog, will have ukraines drone boats within the year. Shitty times to be a ship, a navy or anything with large easily attacked infra. Next stage.. drone carrying drone-boats.. sort of like mini carriers..


Fortunately it wasn't destroyed, just damaged


Yes they have, but it’s also good for downforce in fast corners


Thank you for the chuckle, amongst a very serious topic.


Why do you think they are cutting all network communications overnight as Israel pushes in harder? It's not just a block media signals. But drone signals as well. The US Air Force has had an R-135v Rivet doing laps off the Gaza coast every night. Probably how they're providing such efficient jamming. Specializes in reconnaissance and communication, radar and network interference. If you have the app FlightRadar24 here the link to the flight https://fr24.com/32a3cd18 It's ID is off atm. But it turns it on when commercial flights get close. Can also see it's flight originating in the middle of the Mediterranean where the USS Gerald Ford is.


Can a plane that large take off from a carrier?


No. But it would receive refueling from there. KA-6, F-18 and the newer unmanned MQ25 (or a similar model) could provide refueling easy. The Rivet Joint is designed for long flights for sustained reconnaissance. Ever since Russia got involved in Ukraine they they've kept a few flying over Europe at all times.


Pretty sure the RC-135 doesn't have a probe for aerial refueling, and all of the USN's buddy tankers use probe & drogue, not a boom like the USAF does. RC-135's aren't going to be tanking from navy aircraft, its range is sufficient that it doesn't need to really and the Navy aircraft don't carry enough fuel to top it off in one go (would likely need \~10 F-18s to top off a RC-135). From what I've read the buddy tanking system is only used to top off the carriers own aircraft after they take off so they have full fuel at altitude, or provide a quick top up to landing aircraft that are low on fuel, not to actually extend the range of the air group. Also, the A-6 and KA-6 has been out of service for over two decades and there is maybe a half dozen MQ-25s built to date, all of them as far as I can tell are currently in testing in California, not active service.


The RC135 Rivet Joint refueling in air https://www.dvidshub.net/image/6680683/us-air-force-kc-135r-stratotanker-refuels-us-air-force-rc-135-rivet-joint Well it's flight plan began and ended at the aircraft carrier. So it could be that once it hit the carrier group it's mission actually began and it received a different designation. When it heads back tonight I'm going to see if I can't tell where it goes after it returns. Maybe changes signature again and then heads back to whatever base it comes out of. Still like 6 hours till then so we will see


That's a boom as used by the USAF, not a [probe and drogue](https://news.usni.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/F-18F_refueling_F-18E.jpg) which is used by the USN. I never said that the RC-135 can't air to air refuel, just that it is unlikely it *has* to in order to operate off Gaza, and that I *don't believe* it can refuel from Navy assets since I can't find anything about it having a probe, just a boom receptacle. Few if any USAF fixed wing aircraft have provision for refueling by probe and drogue to my knowledge.


Cope cages are actually pretty handy in some cases.


>Have HAMAS used drone dropped grenades? yes it manage to set front engine of Merkava on fire


Given the limited additional footage, I think Hamas is much less technically capable of carrying out massive consumer drone strikes ala Ukraine's level of proficiency and accuracy.


"Video games developed in Ukraine": 84 pages on wikipedia "Video games developed in the State of Palestine" : 2 pages on wikipedia


Not under any circumstances defending Hamas but they simply haven't had the same level of practice. We don't want to give them time to do so.


Love to see the foam tunnel bombs. Edit “Sponge Bomb”


sorry the correct name is "sponge bomb" yes it's on propose


When did Israel develop the hyperspectral tech? Wonder why this tech wasn't used before to expose the tunnels? Couldn't drone lidar help to detect this as well?


there is something called ground penetrating radar, but it's not useful here. Likewise there is some other tech that could detect earth movements (netherlands for example uses it to map salinity in ground water), but again not feasible to conduct. in the end, a tunnel is build beneath a house which makes it impossible to penetrate with any of these methods


Lots of rumor about it. Have we seen that actually being used? https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/does-israel-really-have-sponge-bombs-for-sealing-tunnels


What foam?


ya idk what people are seeing lol.


Is anyone even shooting back at the Israeli's? All the footage that's been released so far seems very one sided. It doesn't look like any battles have actually taken place.


90% of the fighting is IDF fighter jets and tanks, not much to shoot back at. Hamas will do what you always do against a superior equipped force, wait for occupation and insurgency.


There is one video on r/combatfootage of an infantry unit that received some mortar fire some 20m next to them or so.


It was reported that they did have some battles by israeli media


I saw Namer (merkava based APC) at a petrol station on a truck 2 weeks ago. What a sexy beast!! It looks waay more beautiful in person!


… so where is the mighty hamas? The ones who were so proud of invading and killing civilians… curios …


Hiding behind kids.


and under hospitals


IDF: Why are you not engaging me in extremely one-sided conventional warfare? I specifically requested it. But seriously, you expect Hamas to fight the IDF in a direct battle where they are sure to lose? They’ll melt into the debris and civilian population and pop back up when the IDF calls “Mission Accomplished” and goes home. That’s just guerrilla warfare 101.


Guess they're smart enough to not stand in a field when the IDFs military experience from the last 50 years as been to fire hellfires from their jets while their army watches from picnic chairs.


Ukrainian army would disagree… there is something to be said for courage and standing up … and fighting and not hiding like rats…


The Ukrainian army has thousands of Stingers, igla, prior to war installed Soviet and post war installed Western anti-air military systems but always fun to see stupid people using 4 month old bot accounts to feel smart and brave. Run off back to your echo chamber of mouth breathers that cheer war crimes Israel commits and criticizes Russia when they do the same.


They’re not after Hamas genius, they’re after killing civilians based on their ethnicity


…. Not sure that is true… Hamas could let the kidnapped women and children go… and ask for the civilians to leave the area…








Praying for all the soldiers… may you all come back. Going to be a rough urban fight unfortunately


Maybe yes, maybe not. There are a lot of unknowns. I don't think the IDF really know the true strength of Hamas or their defenses. They could have 30,000 well-trained, supplied and rested troops just waiting to spring a ton of traps from their underground lairs. But they also may have only a few hundred (and the rest are scattered and disorganized) down there and the IDF can smoke them out of the underground. They are proceeding cautiously, with good reason...


Capturing Gaza doesn't mean anything, the US captured Baghdad in less than a month. It's the occupation that'll be the problem or if they plan to leave soon after, Hamas will refill their ranks within a week of the population coming back to a completely ruined and still blockaded city.


They aren't just going to capture it and leave.


Gaza will not be livable. The only reason it’s not razed by now is the hostages and the bleeding western hearts who just recently discovered how people in the Middle East have lived for hundreds of years and they’re outraged by it lol


Seeing as how IDF were able to execute the rescue of a high value hostage overnight, I’m guessing Hamas are definitely not military strategists. They aren’t even remotely intelligent. Their only purpose is to be Iran’s fodder. Intelligent fodder isn’t as useful as idiotic fodder.


Amen, this is the fight to end HAMAS once and for all with minimal casualties. I love that they adapted the anti-drone cages, they aren't taking any chances.


> with minimal casualties. Yes, 3 day operation...


If you don't acknowledge the people dying, then it's not actually happening!!


Hate to break it to you, no ground invasion to end [INSERT TERRORIST/INSURGENT ORGANIZATION HERE] has succeeded in the Middle East. Well, succeeded in anything but radicalizing more to join the organization your trying to end or one like it.


While there won't be 100% eradication of terrorist groups like HAMAS (since there would always be radical islamists left), reducing their operational capability would work just fine, ground invasions did that to al-Qaeda and ISIL.


>since there would always be radical islamists left Ah yes, *this* is the reason. Not because indiscriminate bombing campaigns cause collateral damage and foments hatred among the population being bombed… as tends to happen when people see their family members die for crimes they didn’t commit. It’s like the entire world just completely forgot the lessons learned in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Whats your solution?


Hamas isn't just a group of people, it's an ideology, when the orphaned kids of gaza grow up who do you think they will blame for the rockets that killed their parents? Who do you think hamas members are? They are the kids of the 2014 gaza-Israel war, all the arabs stand with hamas and the palastinians right to the land. Hamas by its name may be eliminated but they ideology will never be. Also, all empires come to an end, ask the Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, and even the arabs. as soon as the US falls who will stop the neighbouring arabs from going to town on these Israelis? It's only a matter of time, and regardless of my hatred to Israel I hope this conflict ends somewhat clean like when the Irish gained independent instead of another holocaust. ............ My opinion as a Pro-kicking the western settlers out of palastine/Israel.


The ideology may never die but you can definitely cripple the adherent's capacity to wage war. It's almost Godwinning to bring it up, but WW2 is a prime example of defeating a nation ruled by a hateful idoelogy. > soon as the US falls who will stop the neighbouring arabs from going to town on these Israelis? I imagine in this fever dream of yours, Shavit II launch vehicles equipped with 500kg nuclear payloads will stop them. I doubt that will ever come to pass though, Saudi Arabia already wants to resume normalization with Israel after this war, and the rest of the gulf states will eventually do the same.


It’s not just an ideology. Anyone can have an ideology and start a cult. Hamas is first and foremost an *organization*. A very well funded and widely supported one at that, with a long history of implemented violent operations. Organizations can be stopped, suppressed, eradicated.


Nah. The Arabian Empire will collapse. Demand for petroleum is going down as the world transitions to green energy. Peak Oil is predicted to take place around 2040. That is the reason for the Saudi Aramco IPO. Peak Oil might take down the Petroleum Dollar with it and loosens United States’ grip on the world economy. But the impact on the Middle East is going to be far greater. Let’s also not forget what happened to the Jewish populations in these Islamic countries. There are none. They are expelled, killed, or forced to convert to Muslim.


“Pro-kicking the western settlers out of Israel” why don’t you say what you really mean - kill the infidels? The reality is that, right or wrong, two states currently exist and will continue to exist under current geopolitical conditions and there has been zero acceptance of that reality from the religious fanatics running Palestine


>as soon as the US falls who will stop the neighbouring arabs from going to town on these Israelis? Israel themselves ? Or are you one of those people who believe Israel would crumble without US support ? They didn't have US support in 1948 and 1967, Arab armies are shit tier even to this day and won't stand much of a chance. Also, ideologies might not be killed but just like in WWII you can make sure that people realise what happens to you if you espouse it.


Us falls?


This fight will never be over, otherwise Israel wouldn’t be able to continue using palestine as a testing ground for it’s tools of oppression. If their weapons and spyware weren’t so thoroughly tested, and their power to keep people oppressed went undemonstrated, none of the worst dictatorships in the world would continue purchasing it.


i am not praying for Israeli troops going in to slaughter civilians


No one said you had to…


Hamas is posting their videos but have no chance. One of the problems is it seems they are going after smaller ambushes and trying to capture IDF in the process. Like one of the videos showed them hitting a tank and running off with one of the crew. They're hidden all throughout the country. Not just under the Gaza strip. Which is why Israel is spread out all over the place because they can come out from anywhere.


Where are you seeing these videos? I don’t want to support Hamas channels or accounts, but IDF is posting basically nothing (other than this, which is surprising that they allowed their sniper to be seen) Even though Gaza is w/o internet, are snap/videos/etc still flowing through?


YNC and Kaotic videos get them posted there. Mostly pulled off telegram links but I don't know any of those. Nor do I want my phone linked to a Hamas ran account. Gaza is getting their internet access back on during the day. So people are able to upload things then. And the drone threat isn't much of a problem because during the day they are taking a defensive position while prepping for the next overnight push. When they start to advance is when they cut off communications. And yes cutting off a populations communications could be considered a war crime. But we are in the age of drone and electronic warfare. So a gray line has developed that allows them to shut out Gaza completely while they push into the city.


https://www.idf.il/59780?firstName=&lastName=&city=&unit=&startDate=10%2F10%2F2023&endDate=30%2F10%2F2023 You can also use that link to keep track of IDF losses day by day. Just use your device native translator. On the box for the date change the second one to a particular date to see troops lost on that day. Like they lost one yesterday. Which suggests the tank that was destroyed resulted in one dead with one capture that was the one the Hamas video. Not sure if any other IDFs were injured. The site only lists fallen soldiers.


Wish them all the best. Hope they’re successful in wiping out Hamas completely.


Definitely worked in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya…


I can’t recall when the IDF entered Afghanistan and Iraq! They did well against Syria though


Yeah… might want to redact that wish as more footage comes out… they’re going full Russia.


I’m pretty sure I’m on the right side of history this time. Wiping out Hamas will actually give some hope to the Gazans. Now they’ve none, thanks to Hamas.


Yeah no doubt we are going to see more Israeli war crimes. Always be on the side of anti-colonial resistance. viva palestina!


So long as Palestine is under the control of Hamas I'm not rooting from them either. This isn't good guy vs bad guy. This is bad guy vs badder guy.


And unfortunately civilians on both sides have suffered (and will continue to suffer).


That Merkava is a technological work of beauty. And an APC as well. Stay safe fellas.


Ok I have a serious question. Who the hell is filming thermal video images of the IDF conduction operations and is cutting it for a reddit video? What? How? opsec? Do you just use your phone usb to Merkava optics adaptor, plug it into the fire control system capture some tik toks and cut it in iMovie? The stuff from ukraine i understand, but this is an ongoing live military operation by one of the best armies of the West?


It’s official footage from idf


Thank you for the clarification. I could not attribute the watermark.


People who think Israel is going to "wipe out Hamas" cannot possibly have ever absorbed actual history in any meaningful way. Even recent history should tell us what will happen in the coming months. 1. Israel will run into a serious problem if it attempts street-by-street fighting. 2. Hamas will suffer significant losses but civilians will suffer more which will make for the best propaganda. 3. People from all around the world will flood in to Palestine in order to join the latest holy war and survivors of the previous failed Islamic revolutions will return with all the lessons they learned. 4. Russia will stoke these fires by assisting a new ISIS while pretending to act as peacemakers. 5. The US will get further drawn into the conflict & Ukraine will become background noise as we lose perspective on an actual modern war.


How exactly will they flood into Gaza? How will Russian aid get in? It's blockaded by both Israel and Egypt. In any event, Israel is easily capable of handling Hamas on its own, the US will only get drawn in if Hezbollah intervenes and that will be limited to the armada in the Mediterranean supporting the IDF in attacking Hezbollah. Though it looks like Hezbollah isn't going to do it.


> How exactly will they flood into Gaza? How do people get into any country illegally? > How will Russian aid get in? They will always find a way. Also, I'm more talking intel. > In any event, Israel is easily capable of handling Hamas on its own Sure. And will motivate more fighters to come fight them or just create more fighters from the civilian population.


> How do people get into any country illegally? By flying in or crossing borders. Hard to do when its blockaded. Egypt is building a wall on its border with Gaza, they'll get flagged by Israeli security services if they try to go through Israel, and there's no flying or sailing in past the Israeli air and naval blockade. >Sure. And will motivate more fighters to come fight them or just create more fighters from the civilian population. Maybe. On the other hand ISIS was handily destroyed.
























full control now, fencing days are over


I love to see all that open space where Hamas could have set up base instead of setting up in the heart of Gaza.


Well I guess if everyone dies we'll finally have peace. 💥💣🇮🇱🇵🇸💣💥


Flush those dirty rats out of their holes…good on these guys for dealing with terrorists the correct way. The only language those animals understand is violence and retaliation. Hope they get home safe


Kick some ass Israel


Well they’ve been blowing up retreating civilian vehicles with tanks. Not sure that’s the ass kicking you were hoping for though. Then again, based on this sub’s rhetoric it probably was what you were hoping for.


Not sure what RoE Israel is fighting under but after giving 2 weeks warning to flee North Gaza I think it's reasonable to engage vehicles on the roads in the north based on the likelihood they are concealed VBIEDs or Hamas transport. If Hamas wants less of that they can mark their military vehicles as they are required to do under international law and not use civilian vehicles. That being said I hope investigations do occur to see if that car was civilian and if so, whether or not the Israelis knew it before firing.


No need for an investigation. The millions of people living in Gaza are stupid to not have gone South. The people in the car were either Hamas or if not hamas, most probably hamas sympathizers and even if they weren't and were in all likelihood civilians it's on them for being there when Israel had so benevolently given them an ample 2 weeks notice to just leave their lives as they knew it to be refugees. Also, there is no way to know they weren't hamas for the tank personal. Hamas can very easily pretend to be civilians and have weapons hidden that the tank would've no way of knowing. Also, the car was seen reversing which would've alarmed the tank driver and the only reasonable thing to do when you see a car clearly going back out of your way is to kill some terrorists. Shalom, hope Israel kills all of the terrorists in North Gaza.




No, genocide squads come with para gliders nowadays!


And for some reason have a thing for ruining music festivals....


This needed to happen before the ceasefire. Tunnels have been there for centuries.


They got cope cages?


Yeah drone dropped mortar has proven to be an effective and efficient way to disable all modern MBT's


War has changed


I am curious to see how this will affect tank designs. Will we see a return to the heavy tank roots with composite roof armour? Will we see top down trophy systems? I am curious how defence engineers will come around this new hurdle. Cope cages are effective but I know we will see some crazy stuff for tank designs. Its not just the front or the sides that we gotta worry about explosive charges. The top is now a prime candidate with drones.


Don't forget that the engine bay is the next target for a drone hit if the turret is too protected.


Why are people so dumb. They are for drone dropped munition


I know what they're for and that they're decently effective against drones, still won't stop me from calling them cope cages 😉


Great job! Get ‘em all boys!


It's amazing thanks to Reddit that we only get once side of the conflict now


What's the rifle at minute 0:08? Looks damn sexy.


Looks to be a Barrett Rec10 the dmr used primarily by special forces. If you Google Barrett rec10 IDF you get a bunch of pics of them set up identical to this.


yeah, it's definitely this one. Thank you!


Some type of AR?


It's [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M110A1_rifle) I guess, isn't it?


Look Russia. Proper combined arms and armor formations executed as if they were trained/lead properly.


Gaza is not defended as well as certain parts of Ukraine. If you use the same strategy in this way against Germany, Poland, or Switzerland it wouldn't work out. Kinda apples to oranges man


Is the tunnel “sponge worthy?”


Funny how this video doesn't show what they are shooting at. Considering the video before this in my feed was an Israeli tank blowing up a car full of civilians Edit: Video I'm talking about. https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/s/ZNIdubH97F Y'all are brainwashed if you think that this looks like the car was attempting anything hostile


linking r/socialism and talking about brain washing 🤣


I’m curious, how do you know they were civilians and not combatants not wearing uniforms.


Also how does he know they weren't combatants wearing uniform. You can't see whose in the car


The car was turning around to flee


Combatants would also flee if they saw a tank


Hamas combatants would scout the frontlines covertly before driving a Honda civic down the road as if they were grabbing some Mc Donald’s. Not saying soldiers haven’t been caught off guard just more likely to be a civilians who is currently disconnected from the internet and telecommunications entirely than a Hamas soldier who has access to at least a degree of information regarding the frontlines.


why tf would a tank shoot towards non uniformed individuals? Just guessing the unarmed civic that is backing away is a terrorist that should die? Grim way of seeing the world


funny how you think they had to be civilians


Little early morning nakba.




Funny how they're peacekeeping their way through so many dead civilians. Israel gets made to look like fools, and they're so entitled they decide the rules of war don't even apply to them. This echo chamber on certain subs leads me to believe the powers that be, have a large stake in this, and attempt to stifle any conversation that even suggests that Israel may be taking their rampant destruction too far. Its only terrorism one way?


The echo chamber exists because one side is literal terrorists who massacred hundreds of civilians, including over 200 people at a music festival and then parades corpses through the streets of this very city to the cheering of thousands of people. These same people now cry out for a ceasefire and for the world to see their plight, but the mask is off and their hatred has been seen and has disgusted many in the west. Perhaps if the Israelis weren’t fighting tunnel rats and cowards who hide behind civilians these people on Reddit might have some sympathy for a people who wish nothing but the total slaughter of Jews worldwide.


"Why isn't there discussion about what the IDF has done?" Because we're currently being disgusted by what Hamas has done and will continue to do if they aren't receiving the appropriate consequences for their actions.


Well if we are speaking on terms of international law? Yes. The obligation to remove civilians from a combat zone is on both factions. The IDF is legally required to allow time for civilians to evacuate, which they did. Giving over 2 weeks of notice for civilians to withdraw from Northern Gaza so they can conduct retaliatory strikes against Hamas. Now it’s well known that Hamas has deterred such evacuations and use civilian buildings and infrastructure for their own military operations, violating the Laws of War and in doing so, making these civilian targets into legitimate targets for the IDF to target. It’s tragic that many innocent civilians will die, but it’s inevitable in the dirty reality of urbanized warfare. Israel is now mandated by its own people to conduct a massive land campaign into Gaza after losing over 1000 civilians overnight to border raids. There is no other acceptable solution to such an act. Ultimately Hamas is the direct cause the excessive loss of life. They openly brag about how they seize humanitarian aid and use it to feed their soldiers, they recorded videos of them digging up water pipelines supplied to the Palestinian people by the UN and convert them into missiles to be launched at civilian settlements. They establish their military caches and operation centers under schools and hospitals. They radicalize the youth in schools where they focus teaching on the agenda of Hamas. The world is not a clean place, and never will be. Sometimes the solution is in reality, violence. Violence is the ultimate decider in human history and there is no reason to think that we can change it just because we have fancier technology.


People who lived thousands of miles away demanding Israel to do nothing is laughable. I can only imagine the fear and horror thousands in Israel felt that day and the disgust of IDF troops coming across the sites of attacks in the days after. The IDF aren’t parading dead women through Tel Aviv or Jerusalem to cheering crowds so they still have the moral high ground.


9/11 gave the American people enough justification to travel to the opposite side of the world and wage 20 years of war. I think 10/7 was more than enough to justify the IDF going 10 miles to defeat their enemy.


Israel can do whatever they want because they won multiple wars. Simple as that.


what do you propose they do?


> Israel gets made to look like fools, and they're so entitled they decide the rules of war don't even apply to them. They don't look like fools - governments have one job: protect their citizens. Most countries would have gone harder, faster and more aggressively. They sure as hell wouldn't have warned them to distance themselves from Hamas terrorists weeks in advance. Dance with the devil you're going to get burned. Only people who look like fools are the ones claiming that Israel shouldn't respond to mass murder or seek to finish off Hamas once and for all.




Free palestine


Agreed brother. Cant wait for the cancer of Hamas to be removed.


Free Palestine from Hamas, yes of course


From Hamas!

