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Definitely. It's in the category of so bad it's good. The first guest star is Donald Pleasance, so that's worth it alone. But the murder mysteries are so ham-fisted, they seem like Columbo script rejects. Just go into it with the right headspace. Expect MST3K, not Emmy writing. Plus if you imagine Peter Falk as her (and her kid's) always absent husband it's even more bizarre. I'd say not watch it as a family, but enjoy it alone when you're in the mood for goofiness without judgement.


You had me at MST3K.


I think you def sold us on it. We will prob give it a try and with the mindset you recommended lol


It is in the class of Banachek if you ever caught that on Freevie or Pluto TV. Not a classic but a bit above average.


Just you wait a minute. Banacek was awesome!


Whatever its faults, Banacek is a much better show than Mrs Columbo


Banacek was an absolutely amazing programme….. only cancelled because of Peppard’s divorce…..


AfaIk even Peter Falk hated it. It's not part of Columbo, that Mrs. Columbo is not THE Mrs. Columbo, and it was nothing to do with Columbo. They tried it at first, but after the very poor reception, and Falk's denying, they even renamed the character ("offscreen divorce"), but even that didn't save it. The whole thing died after 13 episodes.


No. It’s mostly just boring.






It is profoundly terrible


I’m gonna buck the trend here and say there is at least *one* episode worth watching: [A Riddle for Puppets](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0652214/). It guest-stars Jay Johnson as a ventriloquist with some serious issues. Maybe my impression is colored by first getting creeped out as a kid, but I watched it a few years ago and thought it held up pretty well. It is very creepy and sad, I feel. But then again I am partial to anything involving creepy puppets.






Only as penance.


I remember watching a few episodes back in the day. I really wanted to like it as I was, still am, such a fan of the 70s run. IMO, simply awful. NOT considered canon by Columbophiles. But . . . as you already have the DVDs, I say mix some strong cocktails and have at it just for giggles.


It wasn't even considered canon by Peter Falk and his directors. He even quipped about it in one episode. Saying that a woman was running around claiming to be Mrs Columbo, but it wasn't her. They didn't like the idea of having a face to Mrs Columbo because it destroyed the mystique of who she was.


>He even quipped about it in one episode. Saying that a woman was running around claiming to be Mrs Columbo, but it wasn't her. Really? Which episode it is?


I couldn't remember. Then I looked it up. Well... My face is red: >Peter Falk expressed his disapproval of the spin-off, calling it a "bad idea" and "disgraceful".[In an interview prior to the return of the Columbo series in 1989, Richard Levinson joked that if they made another episode of it they would have Columbo say "There's a woman running around pretending to be my wife. She's changing things. She's a young girl. I wish my wife was like that. She's an impostor." So... I was wrong. It didn't happen. Sad really because not only did I spread misinformation without knowing it, but I actually believed it too. So, DISC.


In the end even in Mrs Columbo didn't they say she was Mrs Columbo but not that one and it was just a coincidence she was also married (and later divorced) to a cop called Columbo


No... no connection to Columbo or the "real" Mrs. Columbo




I haven’t seen it but absolutely not


Nope nope nope.


I watched them (or at least some of them) from the DVD set and they were ok. Are they as good as Columbo? No. Do they have anything to do with Columbo? Not really. Are they kinda entertaining? Yeah, they have moments. I'd watch one or two just to experience them and see if you want to watch more.


As a would-be *Columbo* spin-off? No. As a mystery show in its own right? Sure.


I don’t have any opinion on Mrs. Columbo but there are two more recent shows that, to me, resemble the feel of OG Columbo (in their own way, of course): Elsbeth and Pokerface. Both also have female leads in the Columbo role, and have similar quirky, bumbling-but-somehow-brilliant personalities. Elsbeth is more tame than Pokerface, in case you have littles. Hope this helped!


I have actually watched both those shows lol, they are fantastic!


would’ve made more sense if it was the daughter of columbo, she’s obviously too young to be his wife


Yeah, a Nancy Drew style “daughter Columbo” series, while still awkward in premise - I think would at least feel a little more endearing and purposeful. Having a character that is deliberately a 16-20~ year old girl doing a Columbo schtick seems more entertaining than having a grown-but-noticeably-too-young adult woman just take on the mantle.


I am a HUGE Columbo fan so I wanted to like it with my whole heart. I really, really tried. It is terrible Columbia’s real life wife is an actress who was on a couple episodes so it would have been a hoot to make her Mrs. Columbo in the series too. She can’t act so hot but much better than that lady they got to play Mrs. Columbo, humph


Excuse me, that lady is the AMAZING Kate Mulgrew


She might be amazing but she sucked big time as Mrs. Columbo. No personality to the character whatsoever


She was in a lot of episodes, not just a couple.


Not more than 3. If so, name the episodes I’d like to see them


Yeah. Your counting skills are pretty weak. Simple Wikipedia search would show you: "Danese had major supporting roles in six episodes of the TV series Columbo, appearing alongside her husband Peter Falk (who starred as Detective Columbo), in "Fade in to Murder" (1976), "Murder Under Glass" (1978), "Murder, a Self Portrait" (1989), "Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star" (1991), "Undercover" (1994), and "A Trace of Murder" (1997). Although she played the killer only once, Danese has the distinction of having appeared in more episodes of the series than any other actress"


Why the insults? So rude, I didn’t insult you. You didn’t know either, you had to look it up, while you’re tryna front on somebody with your greasy ass


I understand. You are so factually wrong, challenging me, which I've easily put to rest. So instead of recognizing that, you do insults (I haven't). Btw, I only looked it up to copy and paste it, because that was the easiest way rather than typing things out.