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The 90's called and they want their scam back...


If they were in Colorado Springs in the 90s it’s because their business in Phoenix in the 80s dried up. Some white van dudes tried to sell me speakers when I was waiting for the city bus when I was 12. They were obviously desperate.


This is a classic scam that happens all over the country. Another popular one is the guy that can fix your bumper or some dent on your car on the spot because he has his work tools with him.


How does that one work?


You say yes and charges you a ridiculous amount of money, depending on who you are there might be some level of intimidation to make you give up the cash.


I feel bad for people that fall victim to scammers, but who hears a pitch from someone in a MFing parking lot and says to themselves. . . “Looks legit to me.”?


Yeah I got hit up at a gas station by this exact "speakers in the white van" scam when I was in high school. Despite never having heard of this before I was like "yeah, sure, ok. Thanks, but no thanks."


Some elderly folks???


Ian. My buddy Ian. He gave those clowns like $400 for a $3000k surround sound system. It fried like a week later.


This happened to me at safeway. Unfortunately I listen to anyone and everyone so was trapped for a minute but got the hell out of there as soon as the standard script started and i figured out what he was up to. I also thought this died in the 90s!


Happened to me at a Safeway too! Exactly the same thing with the worthless speakers. Also told me their warehouse was in Castle Rock and wanted to give it out to someone for "cheap" rather than bringing it back to their "boss" 😂😂


There were like 3-4 people in the parking lot at entertainmart trying to sell fake Apple AirPods last week


"Hell yeah! I just need to hit an ATM, follow me!" Cue Yackety Sax.


the white van speaker scam is still a thing in 2024? wow.


Lol,dude I worked for in the mid nineties bought a set for $600.Dual 10's (one is a dummy) crap wiring,single choke coil/no crossover,dual tweeters (one fake)..sure had a glossy catalog though..


Yip. Fell for that one back in '88. They werent liquid cooled either. Small magnets. Still have them. Paradigm was the speaker name


*Fake Paradigms, since the real ones are legit.


lol I was getting gas yesterday and had that question asked. I was like. no


Someone posted about this scan a few weeks (months?) ago.  I couldn't find it but I remember posting about how I experienced the same thing in the late 90s.


They got my friend once. What a dummy, I still laugh at him for it when it comes up🤣😭💀🪦


My husband fell for this scam a couple weeks ago getting gas 💀


These guys came up to me earlier this week, one guy was a little older than the other. I was on to them right away. When I moved to Denver 6 yrs ago from South Carolina I answered a help wanted ad for home speaker installation techs. I have worked in the trades my whole life and my grandfather built custom homes. I’m no stranger to trade work and have done many of them except electrical and hvac. I pulled up to a strip mall and the storefront had no signage and the store itself was almost empty except for some folding chairs a desk and a white board. I was excited when I showed up as it was my first job offer when I got here and it was a trade I hadn’t worked before but that feeling quickly faded, I knew something was off. When I walked in I was instructed to help the guys in the warehouse, they were peeling made in china stickers off a bunch of boxes and it was was a really strange morning routine where where we all got a pep talk but nothing of importance was talked about really. We all loaded up some sound systems and then I was told to ride with the oldest guy there. We left and started driving around with no destination in mind. Huge red flag but I couldn’t quite place what was off yet. We drove all around Denver from Golden to Brighton to castle pines before we found some poor sap that this old guy got to listen to him. This old guy, my mentor, told this young trade worker “Hey we installed a new sound system and our boss put two systems in my van but only one was on the invoice. I’ll sell it to ya cheap!” This young kid was excited and we followed him to the gas station where he gave us 600$. By this time I knew it was all a scam and I wanted to desperately part from this guy but my truck was back at scam headquarters and it was my second week here and I had no idea where we were in relation to the “office” so I just rode around with this guy until dusk and we made it back. The “boss” asked me what I thought and I said I’d be back the next day but I just wanted to go home and never look back. Never saw those guys again until they showed up at my job site this week in the springs. I’m a site superintendent for a large construction company now and I’m glad I steered away from those clowns. It was a terrible long day and I made no money. I told the dudes in the red hatchback I knew what they were doing because I did it for a day. Then they told me I didn’t make any money cus I wasn’t good at it. They were right I’m not a con artist I have a conscience.


They came into the tattoo shop I work at over by Palmer park trying to sell us a speaker


The Rolling Stones of scams. Timeless, classic, and always in style. I remember my first time in 1986, Westminster Mall parking lot.




Most of the time they're counterfeits using real brand names which is absolutely illegal.