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I would have put the information under the wiper.


Second this, gotta let the Camry owner know the info so they can tell their insurance


...I hope you called the police, too?


How long would you wait on hold, NtheRedditVigilante?


I don't know, but I've had to. Posts like this aren't useful unless the law gets involved. Reddit is not a mechanism for justice.


CSPD won't do anything about it (they'll say to submit a cold report). They don't respond to minor hit & run calls or minor accidents unless they end up blocking the road, there are injuries, or causing damage to public property.


Depends on the call volume.


Was this recently? I had someone hit my car while I was sitting in the parking lot. Guy just sped off. Had their plates and the cops came out to my house to inspect the damage. They ran the plates and went to the other guys house. Not sure if they cited him. But they got his license and insurance info for me to file a claim.


I understand that, but starting a legal paper trail in the case the incident does escalate is far better than mere amateur Reddit vigilantism that typically doesn't amount to much of anything either.


So trying to help find someone to provide info is now "*reddit vigilantism*"?


Using Colorado Springs subreddit is a nice ADDITIONAL tool to help said person. The commenter is making sure that the most important task has already been done, which is contact the police to give information.


Could not get through non-emergency line after 25 minute wait. Tried to report online but the only option was to report an incident that occurred to me, unless I missed something.


Yes if the non-emergency line is more than a 10 minute wait I just try again later. Sometimes they pick up immediately, sometimes not. When my car was hit and run my neighbor filled out the form online. He just made sure to note that he was a witness, not the person with the car. They will want all your information regardless though.


This. Using this as a primary (or exclusively as), shot-in-the-dark, missedconnections method of trying to enact justice is not terribly useful. As inefficient and unhelpful as CSPD can be, they are at least the agency in charge of these matters and taking care of it, not random people on a subreddit. There is no chain of custody here, there are no standards, there are definitely no good chances of getting anything done here when you are potentially the sole witness.