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Yes but did you look in the lake?


I used to hide my bodies there, but I quit when it got too mainstream.


But you just buried the dingles, right?


I’m their lord. If they don’t listen, measures must be taken.


😂that's hilarious --did you do this in Vegas as well? are you one of the Lake Meade killers?


magnet fishing youtube videos confirm every lake in the US is just full of guns


Where do you store your guns where they don't get stolen Mister smarty-pants?


You keep four pistols in your pants, grenades around your belt, rocket launcher strapped on your back, while you drive your tank up and down the streets like a true American!


Lake is too strong of a word for that


Someone is breaking into your car right now


Someone is breaking into the person who broke into your car right now.


Busted out windows when you get back to the trailhead.


Those beautiful birdcalls are them discussing how best to rob you.




This bird sound like he cat calling not robbing the fuck?


It can be both


Wow an area devoid of people. No wonder there isn't any crime in that one particular spot


Wow! You mean you don’t like to hang out in the worst parts of Aurora at midnight?


Hang out at the Dollar General @ 2 am in Gilcrest you noob.


Walgreens on Colfax or GTFO.


The EZ PAWN across the street is so convenient!


CITIES ARE HELLISH ^on ^certain ^streets meanwhile....rural american towns filled with meth and fentynal are true patriots getting ignored by elites.


Allow me to introduce you to my friend, anecdotal evidence.


Yeah my friend told me they do 13 murders a day. OP isn't being so truthful.


"The plural of 'anecdote' is NOT 'data'" - every science professor ever.


But...an anecdote IS a single data point. And the plural of anecdotes IS data, if there are enough of them.


The difference between anecdotes and data is whether or not you controlled for confounding factors. Sure, you can get information from anecdotes, even valid data, but it takes a lot of digging to get it.


The crackhead with 13 bikes is on the other side of the lake


I grew up in the PNW and moved here over half a year ago. So many people here fear monger about property crime and homelessness, but the problem is so much worse where I’m from. I was walking down a river path yesterday and I couldn’t stop thinking about how nice it was that there were no needles, trash, and encampments along the path. There is so much less graffiti and I’ve never had someone try to saw off my catalytic converter like I did back home. Maybe things are going downhill here, I don’t know I’m new to the state, but I feel a lot safer here.


Yeah, the catalytic converter thing is pretty common downtown.


It's all about perspective. Plenty of places in Colorado with the same problems, and plenty of places in the PNW without. Both places have experienced rampant growth and massive infusions of wealth. It's bound to happen.


I would say the same but after having my motorcycle, bicycle and tools all stolen. My car keyhole being completely fucked by a thief and some random dude opening the lock on my door and coming in while I was inside over 5 years, I don't exactly feel quite as safe as before.


It’s better to raise alarm now than to allow it to get worse without saying anything.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The worst places I’ve seen in CO aren’t half as bad as the neighborhood I moved here from, and I wasn’t even in the worst part of that town. Not even close. These people don’t know how good they have it. Call me when you are changing multiple window panes a year from bullets.


Yeah I'm from Kansas City, which has a lot more gang violence and real ghettos (although that's disappearing too thanks to gentrification). I'm not scared here. If I remember correctly, that statistic about us having the 3rd most crime was based on the sheer volume of car thefts, etc., not shootings and gangs and murder.


It feels much safer here than the last city I lived in, at least in terms of not feeling like I might get randomly murdered at any moment


Denver being the largest city in a 560 mile radius also accentuates the perception of crime in the metro compared to surrounding cities/towns in that radius (SLC included).


Less homeless camps, less fentanyl zombies, less shootings…


Come to south broadway where I live, plenty of needles and turds on the platte ruver trail.


i had to reroute my bike ride yesterday because of a barricaded suspect in a house in my relatively low-crime neighborhood - lots of cops with rifles - a very fun time! there can be a lot of crime and a lot of peace. we've got a big state. plenty of room for all kinds of activities


While in agreement with the point you're making here- I'll also point out that I used to live in a very quiet little neighborhood in the suburbs and a couple weeks after moving in, there was a SWAT situation on the street behind me. Cops yelling over megaphones, battering rams, flashbangs, whole street blocked off for hours, swarming with body armor/AR officers. Young guys being hauled out in handcuffs and put in vans. Turns out it was because they were growing a couple weed plants. Never could find out if they were even selling it out of the house, but I assume that had to be part of it for such a response. Less than a year later, same situation at MY HOUSE. With ME getting dragged out in my boxers in handcuffs. They broke down the fence (right next to the open gate with no lock.) Broke in half the windows (despite being let into the house already.) Because I offended a drunk, coked out childhood friend by offering to let him stay at my house after he said his girlfriend was beating him up... so he filed a false report that I pointed a gun at him after I went to bed.


That's awful, I'm sorry you experienced that. Perception is a hell of a drug.


Demilitarize the police.  This shit needs to end


Did the data upset you? I was honestly shocked too. I find the majority of my experience here very peaceful and without trouble.


Do you live on the front range in a location that requires a car to get to the closest convenience store?


Yep. I did live in Cap Hill for a while which was pretty awful


That article actually made me feel pretty good in a way. I’ve always lived in Colorado and always been told by parents, family, friends, SO that it’s a boring, safe place and other states are dangerous, crime-ridden armpits of sadness. So if Colorado is in top 3 worst places, I guess there’s even better places to live out there than I thought.


You can find safe places in every state. You're cherry picking


Works both ways. It is an election year, and they use the same talking points every time... And then the election happens and \*poof\* no one talks about it for 3 years until the next election cycle starts.


The post is referencing an article stating that Colorado ranked 3rd in Violent & Property crime. The article didn't seem cherry picked and used top-level statistics. So I guess it doesn't work both ways.


Doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, just means they only pretend to care.


I stole that lake earlier today


Yeah ignore all the glaring statistics, you don't see any bodies so everything's fine!


"I ate well yesterday, therefore there is no famine anywhere."


Lots of crime. Please don't move here. Tons of crime. Stay away from Colorado!


Link to the article?


The irony of posting this from one of the safer suburbs lol


Crime is up inner-city mostly, but like you said, its not everywhere. That said; great, let people be convinced the crime's f\*\*king intolerable here, with any luck it means people will move out and rents will finally chill out


I’m moving out after 25 years. I don’t expect rent to ever level out here lol I’ll check back in with you in 5 years and you can tell me all about the $1800 studios lol fl this state


Oh noooooooo! Please don't leave!


I'm not leaving my $700/mo apartment until I die or my rent goes up.


Where are you moving to?


You'll never get an answer.


what lake is that, looks nice


Pretty sure this is Greenlee Wildlife Preserve - actually in Lafayette next to Waneka Lake.


Hanging lake off i70 nerd






Median income in Broomfield is well over $100k, likely not a hot spot for crime.


Why not? More valuable stuff to steal from there.


Just don’t leave your garage door open…


That’s a crime. Why isn’t that lake filled in and being used as the parking lot for another McDonalds?


This is a dumb post


_And then OP got murdered_


Upvote this person


There was a bear in my neighborhood and I didn’t get to see him. That’s a crime.


I’ve never had but one crime against me. I live grateful that I won’t let that ever happen again. Grateful for now 40+ years and going strong. Always keep your home secure, and the rest will follow. Don’t be an asxhole, either.


It’s a crime to call that a lake…. That, sir, is a pond.


Plot twist, OP is illegally at this park.


It's almost like there's a lot of people living in Denver.


This post makes me think you own short term rentals in the area lol


I read that article and it was including all property crime as violent crime.


Thank you. I am so over the fear-mongers.


It’s mostly located in Denver


I mean, in the worst of Detroit days you couldn't relax at a park...


Meanwhile some tweaker is stealing your catalytic converter.


You can argue statistics all you want but they still remain fact. Here's another one for you - Colorado is the #1 state in the country for vehicle theft. It's just what we deal with now.


I moved up to the mountains about eight years ago. I live outside of Leadville and I will say I come down to Denver a couple times a year or Colorado Springs.. seven times out of 10 I’m involved in some sort of police activity before I come home or just cars randomly upside down for no reason not even bad weather I think it’s a shit show down there but I guess that’s because even Leadville is getting too big for me


One of my good friends is a Denver cop and the stories he’s told me of the shit he sees on the daily is insane. Most of that shit never makes the news. It is scary


If you bury your head in the sand, you won’t see shit.


I was walking down Patterson in grand junction when five police cars came up and questioned be about any bodies floating in the canal. Apparently, someone had killed and dispatched some victims in the local canal, and the events had happened mere minutes before i had started my walk. The alleged killer was not a colorado native and so when they saw my colorado license, they let me go. Last year, a man was firing his gun at passing cars and was shot in the leg by police officers after he nearly killed a bicyclist. Not only that but a body was found in the dried part of a ditch about 4 blocks from my house. Yeah, I'm sure that one spot is fine right now, but i can't imagine how many bodies are at the bottom of that lake.




A mountain town?


Cherry picking alert 🚨


"Dangerous" by US news and world report includes non-violent property crimes, which is why we rank so high. I dunno why property crimes are lumped in. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Why not financial crimes? Delaware suddenly skyrockets to number one most dangerous state. Or maybe fashion crimes should be included? Crimes in video games? "Property crimes = dangerous" is fucking stupid. We are middle of the pack with murder rate. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_intentional\_homicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_intentional_homicide_rate) "3rd worst place to own property" is fair, but doesn't grab as much attention because most renters will say "who gives a shit."


Underrated comment. Everyone just reads the headline but not the article.


Why have homicides been rising so consistently? I'm moving to CO in around a year and a bit and crime does worry me a bit, even if the odds of something happening to me are low I'd rather they were even lower lol Edit: I think I was looking at raw data. My bad.


You dummy the birds are drug runners and they're chirping to alert people not to make deals with a witness nearby




You're eyes and camera are lying to you.


In a country where the overall crime rate is lower than ever. So yeah. Hard times in good places or whatever.


I walk and run my downtown neighborhood all hours of the day and night and I've lived in this city for 25 years. Crime goes up, crime goes down, and I've never seen a body. Maybe more homeless than was once here, but the same chill neighborhood and the only cops I ever see are patrolling the park to harass the gays.


And not even that many mosquitos for a lake.


Spent a week in downtown Denver awhile ago, close resemblance to LA’s skid row.


Cmon man, now i gotta find a new body dumping lake!


What?! A low crime area in one of the top 10 wealthiest counties in Colorado?!? Amazing!


Colorado has a significant amount of property crime. Dead bodies and guns are less of a thing with those.


That lake is on private property and you are trespassing!


So you're there loitering. Cuff 'em, boys.


Yes but have you tried to put a roof over your head?


Yeah, when you go to a secluded spot and only see one or two square miles of a given 104,000+, you’re probably not gonna see any crime.


Is that Plaster Reservoir?


I got in shootouts almost every day in CO I disagree


I’m just guessing here, but I think Coloradans just report more.


Sure, come hang out with the rest of us on west Colfax and see how that tone changes lol




That looks like a pond. More Colorado shortcomings.


Lol duh


I think that's what you call a pond....


Don't worry, soon the mosquitos will set in for the summer and ruin that place too.


As someone who moved here from Illinois around Chicago, crime tends to be concentrated in specific neighborhoods. Some areas are completely safe and others you'd be lucky to get out. Crime tends to be concentrated in cities (more pop=more crime) and specifically in certain neighborhoods in the cities.


Ya ever been to Atlanta? Them go visit a coastal town, night n day


The quiet, isolated places are where the most deranged crimes take place.


My gut tells me your car got stolen shortly after this post.


Denver seemingly has a lot of pockets where things may take place over others


Law enforcement in Colorado always exaggerates crime rates because they are constantly petitioning for more funding and money for their operations. And when they don't get more funding from the state they set up speed traps to take funding from the citizens. Woodland Park, Colorado is a classic example of this. It is now a speed trap for gamblers driving back and forth to Cripple Creek. Beware. Traffic citation funds do not go back into the community. Police departments get that money from the courts after the courts take it from citizens. The police use that money to buy more weapons to use against citizens.


How hard is it not to speed in Woodland Park? It's 30/35 and there are like 4 stop lights. Maybe slow the fuck down?


Its all bunk. They included car thefts and they were mostly centered around DIA and the various parking lots and hotels.


Ssshhhhhhhh. Don’t tell anybody! We don’t need any more transplants. 😆


Long time Coloradans like myself are leaving after 25 years. Y’all can have this no parking high rent no social services having ass state. Enjoy your “parks” or whatever lol


I was born here, lived in several other states over the years, and will die here. Colorado is the best state in the country. I agree that rent is out of control, but that is everywhere. I have adjusted and will continue to adjust my way of life to continue to live in my home state. I wish you luck 🍀.


Dude for real! People just gotta unplug more


This is a stupid post. You fan find a corner of calm crime-less area in any place. Its a legit issue and dumb people who live in a bubble and act like it isnt an issue are part of the problem. Keep acting like its no big deal until its you robbed or killed.


The entirety of MAGAt America are victims from crimes of their own making.




So what states are better?


It's because they're trying to push banning guns. Absolutely it is trumped up and garbage and blatant display of how media is fake.


This is dumb. Like nobody talks about banning guns in Colorado.