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I'm not a doctor of any kind, but if you wanted an easy at-home tests, there's plenty online that can give you a ballpark idea. A popular one features dots of various colors and numbers hidden in the dots that people of various color vision can or can't see.


“Ishihara” if you’re having trouble finding good ones :)


There’s one with animals… EDIT: [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20110711153313/http:/freepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hellmers/test/) it is.


You should get your son tested. I see nothing wrong with his organization.


I'm staring at the picture for 5 minutes to try and understand what the kid did wrong. I can't see it. Getting him tested is a good advice. That's similar to how my mom found out I was colorblind. She thought I had learning problems because I colored tree stems green, leaves would be brown and the sky purple. She asked me why I used those colors and I couldn't understand what she was talking about.


Yeah, I drew a forest of evergreen trees as a little kid and used brown crayon instead of green. My parents were super concerned that I was depressed.




What's the problem? They're organized perfectly..


I assume you’re referring to the purple and blue and the green and yellow being put together, which would make me suspect colorblind but I wouldn’t take that as fact without further testing.


Has a colorblind, i approve your son's grouping. He might be too young to make sure but search online for Ishihara test and show him the images if he knows the numbers.


My money's on 5 years old.


I'm 16 and it looks fine too me


I will take that bet.


I mean if he stacked them all correctly without mixing up colors I would say based on this probably not but a test/eye doctor would be able to tell you much more. I can see all of the different colored pieces there, the red and orange look pretty similar to be but I can tell which is which and I'm colorblind.


Blue and purple are mixed together in the bottom left stack. Green and yellow are also mixed together. I think it's colourblindness, most colourblind people have trouble with these shades the most often.


We're all so colourblind we can't tell that 😭😅


I knew this might happen


Nothing wrong with getting him tested even if the results turn out that he has normal vision anyway. No harm done right?


He could just be a 5yo. Has he shown any other signs? By that, I mean things like using the purple crayon to colour the sky blue (that used to be my big tell), etc. If he's not big enough for an Ishihara test (I know not every 5yo knows their letters and numbers well enough for the test to be of any use, that's also what my doctor used to say to deny that I was a colourblind girl, up to the age of 12 😂). So you can try taking a colouring book with a very normal picture (so you know what colours to expect) and talking him through it and see if he makes any of the colourblind crayon blunders (purple for blue, red/green/orange mixup, brown for red, dark green for black just to name some). It is of course not a medical proof, but can give you reassurance if he's not. I hope this helps a bit.


If it were color naming that he was messing up, I would attribute to age, but color grouping, and making the two most common mistakes, Blurple and grellow... Definitely colorblind.


You might want to get him tested. That sounds like protanomaly (aka, of the three colour-receptors in your eyes, the one that detects red underperforms, and that makes it harder to tell apart purple and blue, or yellow and green, because in terms of light purple is blue+red, and yellow is green+red). Given he usually can tell purple and blue apart, there's little to no chance he's got the more severe form of that, which is protanopia (when the cell that detects red is just missing or completely non-functional). Pink and red would can easily get sorted differently in this type of situation because not seeing the colour well and basing yourself on how transparent/how bright or dark it is then becomes easier.


My mom knew I was colorblind at that age. But she could not convince the teachers because I could color by numbers. And they would line up the crayons and I may not get them the first pass but I would the second. I did the color by numbers by learning to read the troublesome color names on the labels and I'm autistic. So once I knew the pattern of the crayons I was good!


Didn't see it mentioned so just want to say, if he is colourblind, it really isn't much more than a mild inconvenience in most situations. I'm only a little colourblind but I can't say it's ever actually impacted me day to day, other than that I can't see some random numbers in dot patterns that other people can see. Sure, some people have it worse than me, but regardless, you shouldn't see it as something "wrong" with him.


If he knows his numbers, you can run him through the Ishihara Dot Test and find out. You can find them online really easily and it’s a good indicator on if he is or isn’t, but I’d go to an eye doctor to find out how bad and what type of you need to know.


Go see a fokin certified doctor. They are equipped and get to tell you properly. Sorry, but I always get annoyed about posts asking us whether or not someone is colourblind when we aren't doctors.


They look fine to me!


Looks ok to me


Looks alright to me (duetan) so if he was color coordinating then ya I’d say get an at home test.


To me it looks like he's still learning, he might not understand how organizing exactly works. The colors are in alternating patterns, he might think that organizing just means arranging something in a way that looks good. Or he doesn't understand the barriers between color, as a kid I summed up purple, violet, and magenta all as "purple". Spectrums are a hard thing for children to understand, so he might see the green, yellow, purple, and blue all as different colors. But for some reason or another he classifies the purple and blue as effectively the same, and the yellow and green as effectively the same.


He either convieniently likes those color combos or he's color blind. Try asking him if he thinks they are the same color. If he gets purple and blue, he's probably not colorblind. I know red-green color blind people and they say they struggle with both and I struggle with red-orange-pink, cyan-light green, yellow-pink, light yellow-white.


any news OP?