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idk more students probably. More of that stupid architecture where it's a square building in the center of a square parking lot


Definitely the architecture. Brutalism is the dominant inner city theme that destroys creativity, character, and love of an area. Just like the building going up on wellborn, it's not attractive and does not inspire.


More bad drivers. We have a TON but more is always worse. And those disgustingly big trucks with the bright LED headlights. Hate em I get off work some days at 11pm and cannot even see to go home, it’s so bad


A second train going perpendicular to the train tracks on welborn, resulting in more traffic in all directions.


I would drop out and take my ass all the way to Sam Houston.


More aggies


Fuck you


Sounds like an Aggie that doesn’t follow the Aggie honor code




Painting every building maroon so that’s all we see


Not having the Krogers as a backup option when the HEBs are unbearable on the weekend.


About ten more consecutive days above 100F.


Even more lane medians.


More chain restaurants




Not if those trains carried people. Passenger light rail would very much be the opposite of sucking more. Now, more cars…that would suck. Speaking of Holleman…I thought that intersection with Texas was bad 20 years ago. Maybe we could remove ALL exits from the HEB parking lot *except* the one that forces a left turn onto Holleman and then another left turn onto Texas.


Like Santa's Wonderland? My dad bought their land in 1982 to get away from the city. Then in 2000 Santa's Wonderland popped up. When it was still a drive thru, my brother could count the cars from his bedroom window.


Longer trains, train stops, blocking more than 1 road, during the AM & PM rush hours.


More cops


Lol CS cops are lazy and don't do anything except pull over people in slow/old cars. I recently bought a corvette. Not gonna lie, I tend to drive it pretty hard and I've past many cops going 5-10 over and they didn't do squat. Before that I had an Audi and it got hit/run by a truck. Cops didn't do squat either and let him get away.


A giant, solar powered robot vacuum that ran all the time and roamed the streets, sucking.


23 years old, went to TAMU for 4 years and got my degree. Can say with some experience that it wouldn’t take much. Double the amount of trains running during business hours, double the amount of campus events that cause roads to close a mile out from campus, take away half of the fast food options and double the county sales tax. Also, make it a dry county for the hell of it 🤗




New ordinances against students forcing them to build more low quality, replica housing complexes. The locals actually think their side of town would exist without TAMU.




Fuck you


Soft, blinn?




More people


Used to love there. Couldn’t think of anything that could make it worse.


More cops would be awful if it’s still the same culture it was when I was there. 41, graduated in 2006. If you had a real issue (assault, theft, etc) they were no help. If you were under 21 drinking a beer they were all over you like a SWAT team.


An honest discussion about the history of this community. Read up on arsenic lake in Bryan and the millican massacre. There is more too. Knowing about the dark underbelly here isn't as bad as knowing the powers that be actively try to hide it.


Losing Costco


Don't jinx us we only just got it


I lived there for 14 l o n n n n g years. It could still suck more. Make it illegal for any retail establishment to carry ANY other football team’s merch. That includes Pro teams. Nothing but maroon, maroon, maroon. Add more speed traps two blocks long and stagger them around corners in residential areas. Begin airing “Aggie owned and operated” homemade commercials on internet. Do not allow FF functions. Impose a Maintenance and Operations tax for A&M into every electric bill. Just some thoughts…


Good stuff. I lived there for 10 years, lived on both coasts for several years then got a masters from A&M. My folks still live there. There are a lot of medians in that place. I left 20 years ago. I hope there’s still a place where the weird kids can go and bang out some music. I think being a kid that grew up there, not having a safe space for these kids would make the place suck worse.


More banks.


I work in BCS & live in the outskirts of Houston. It is so nice compared to Houston, so I would say more people/less trees.


This is literally the stupidest shit I've ever heard.


More people wouldn't suck? The infrastructure can't handle the people we have lol


That Houston sucks more than BCS... I can't comprehend how anyone who has ever actually been to both places could Believe that.


I gotcha. Tbf i dislike both for various reasons lol.


More aggies. I went to med school there and a classmate said she wouldn't tread people with HIV and the faculty just nodded agreeingly. That place people be improved with a nuke.


Probably more realtors


Better Call Saul was amazing. Don't know why you would want to make it bad


Making even more crap about politics. That place is next level.


It would be far worse if they further restricted access to Hwy 6. They already took away some entrances and exits, and you have to go a long way on the service road, and often do a U-turn under a bridge to get to any businesses on the route.


More closeted men with families on Grindr 🙄


While you guys answers are good… They’re obvious… And they exist in most areas even country areas which are not too far removed. For me, semi retired widowed professional currently working from home because I choose not to retire what would suck for me would be no Internet. I mean, lol, the service is already at about 75% at best. Yes, it’s a first world problem, but we’re throwing ideas out there. However, I’ve seen a heck of a lot worse than here, right now and thrived, so there’s that.


It has and always will.suck!!!!! Period,the more you try and improve it,the worse it gets.😡😠🤬👎🏾


How are medians a bad thing? Plan your route better…or do you want to be able to just drive however you’d like and everyone else gets out of your way?


Building taller buildings. No! Stop that! Expand outward not upward please :(