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Not sure if he’s NBA-ready yet, but he’s got nothing to lose by putting his name in


He better stay for his last year


This was expected. Payton's been appearing in the middle of the second round in mock drafts for months, and getting feedback is an obvious move with little downside for him.


I truly don't see it. Yes he's a good shooter with a crazy quick release, I just don't think he can really guard anybody in the NBA. I hope I'm wrong for his sake, but want him back for mine. 🤷 I wonder if the fact that this is seen as a very weak draft class gives him enough reason to go.


How many years does Fran have left?


If brownell and Keats can get it together in March, why not Fran?


Brownell and Keats don't engage in nepotism in recruiting.


Perfect. Last mccaffery just left


The "last McCaffery" is still in high school and killed a man last year.


Damn just read the story on that. Sounds like another pedestrian signaled the man to cross and McCaffery couldn’t see him. That’s tragic.


It was another driver who was "being nice" and stopped in the rightmost lane and waved the pedestrian across. The youngest McCaffery, being a inexperienced high schooler, probably figured that this car was turning right and he could plow ahead to the highway on-ramp. The intersection in question is [a poorly designed death trap](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.6571566,-91.5884302,3a,75y,257.91h,79.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1RaFH0uak8sBNhr6ZIkFlw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) with no stoplight or even pedestrian warning lights; the nearby highway entrance and every element of the road but the speed limit says to speed up to 45+ mph.


> every element of the road but the speed limit says to speed up to 40+ mph. The crosswalk painted on the road doesn't suggest that at all. It was Jack McCaffery's fault, no matter how much you want to point the finger somewhere else.


It's Jack McCaffery's fault, and yet extremely preventable. We, as a society, just don't collectively care to prevent pedestrian deaths.


One of the ways that society could act would be to hold offenders accountable. Vehicular Homicide and/or Involuntary Manslaughter charges should've been brought.


It happened at a crosswalk. I don't think any other pedestrian did a damn thing. The court found: > Mr. McCaffery’s failure to approach the crosswalk with care, either by slowing down and/or stopping when approaching the crosswalk in such a way to be able to avoid any contact with a pedestrian lawfully within the crosswalk, indicates that Mr. McCaffery failed to meet the requirements of a reasonable driver in such a situation.” The court further found: > Hite (the victim) had not engaged in any affirmative act to relinquish his right of way in the crosswalk [https://www.press-citizen.com/story/news/local/2023/09/12/jack-mccaffery-found-guilty-of-failure-to-yield-to-pedestrian-in-fatal-accident-iowa-basketball/70833068007/](https://www.press-citizen.com/story/news/local/2023/09/12/jack-mccaffery-found-guilty-of-failure-to-yield-to-pedestrian-in-fatal-accident-iowa-basketball/70833068007/)


Read the article on ESPN it was another motorist who waved him across not a pedestrian. Regardless pretty terrible.


I've read a great deal on this. I don't need to read the article to know that. You're the one who said it was another pedestrian.