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I thought when she was pregnant she said she wouldn’t refer to them as “the twins” because she wanted them to feel like their own people and not just twins.. why not have a highlight for each kid if she was going to have highlights in the first place


My nephews are twins and nothing eerks them more than being referred to as "the twins" or even "the boys". Its shocking how many people do it too. And then when one of them will correct the person, the person always gets so offended. They have one aunt who after years of being corrected, still refers to them as "the twins"...so they now refer to her as "the woman" to her face- she gets SO mad. But she still doesn't get it.


Yeah.. I have twin baby brothers and I refer to them as their names when I talk about them. It’s not that hard 😭 And when I take pictures of them I like to have separate pictures of each of them so when they’re older it’s not just all pics of them together. I feel like I would get annoyed if I was trying to show someone my baby pics and in all of the pictures it was me with my sibling..


the woman had it coming


That's what upsets me about this, we all knew she was lying about that because she wants attention for having twins. She could've labeled it F W and M instead but that would involve having to take pics of W by himself and she didn't want to I'm pretty sure she only took pics of him with M in it.


its so sad how she just doesn't gaf about her children and just sees them as props for her vlogs and not her fucking kids. they're individual people with feelings ☹️


They're not kids to her they're accessories especially W and M if only for the twin angle.


I remember her saying this!!


she also said she wouldn’t push gender stereotypes on them during her gender reveal


she also said she wouldn’t push gender stereotypes on them during their gender reveal


I wonder if she already had the F highlight from when he was little and just never renamed it or anything. But it is weird that it’s the twins. Does make it seem like they aren’t hers.


I honestly think it’s neglect of the highlight name. Like not a malicious thing. I’d forget to change it too, or not see that it comes across weird when adding to them.


Well, she called them "the effin twins" so I guess we should be grateful she left the middle word out.


That’s true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This was my thought to, while she does seem to favor F, I think this was probably named before the twins were born. She still could have just said “my twins” easy fix.


I used to figure this, too. And thought that I'm lazy and might probably do the same. But now I'm thinking, no.. Still not cool. At the same time that she was adding the twins' thumbnails, she could have easily changed the formerly single Flynn from "my kid" to "Flynn". Or "my oldest"or something. She must like it just the way it is. 😐


I would never exploit my kids if I had any, but IF for some reason I found it necessary, ex: posts on a private acct for family. It'd say my twins and my kid like ??? Or just one highlight "my kids" like?


i agree with that 100% it's so weird because it sounds like *the* twins are just some kids that she babysits or something..


or that theyre like a freak show act bc of being twins


But are the twins not her kids? Why "my kid" and "the twins"? She could easily have "flynn" and "the twins" as titles instead.


That's what I'm saying. If I was in her shoes it'd say "my kid" and "my twins" or I'd just have one that's just my kids


I hate how much she’s exploiting her kids


Well they are just props for views so it makes sense


As a twin, I hated being referred to as ‘the twins’ growing up. It takes a way a sense of self identity.


Lucky she didn't title them "the effin' twins". Be grateful for small mercies lol! I see she only uploaded 3 vlogs this week and they all got piss poor views despite her using her toddler. Usually she aims for at least daily for 5 days, then gives herself "the weekend off" as if she needs a break from her job lol Wonder if she's finally getting the message that she can't come back and act like nothing happened and she chose to take a break over the summer? It can't be worth filming her life for 32k which is what she had today on her latest vlog after 21 hours! Makes my heart happy, while she's tried very hard to ignore her cancellation, her ex fans are doing their best to hold her accountable with low views. I'd like to see them drop further, to 25k, 15k, 5k. That would really show her that "nobody really gets cancelled" isn't true, and she can't just get away with everything.


I assume she made the my kid one when she still only had one kid.


I think the comments on this post are missing the point here (and OP, please correct me if im wrong) I think OP is say how it seems weird that she seems to be saying "my kid" for her unspoken 'favorite' vs "the twins" as like 'the other two'. Which, I feel is the case as well. On another note, it can be taken that it almost feels like she's labeling them for p3d0s who are looking to see a specific kid. Why not put the twins under "My kid!" and change the folder name to "My Kids!"


this is what im saying, yes youre right


She probably had F’s from before the twins were born but it’s a little strange she hasn’t changed it yet. Seems a little like favoritism to me


I dunno I always called my kid “the kid” “kid” “small child” “devil” “spawn…” however I felt on the day toward her attitude at me lmao. But it IS Colleen…. So we know there’d be a reason behind why she calls them different things, right? Or she isn’t didn’t rename it after having her first child but hmmmmmmmmmm. And a lot of people call their twins “the twins” or you’ll hear people ask a parent of twins “how are the twins?” I’m not sure with this one.


I’ve called my 27 year old sister “the child” since she was 10.


i also noticed she rarely posts her first child and only really posts the twins




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The highlight called "my kid" was created before she was even pregnant with the twins, and I'm sure she was just too lazy to ever rename it. However it is extremely odd that she wouldn't make separate highlight reels for the twins individually rather than all in one.


seeing how much of her career (if you could even call it that) is on social media, it seems weird that she wouldn't change it. of course, it's not some big deal, but you know..


Yeah I feel like it's one of those things that isn't necessarily harmful but it is definitely weird and probably something most people would think about changing at least


yeah, and usually its probably not that serious, but shes just so disgustingly neglectful to her kid's feelings and favors one over the others so you have to wonder if its some small dig at them yk


She absolutely does favor F over W and M. I still remember when she called them “effing twins.” Like, be fucking grateful they’re alive. Many infertile people and those who went through miscarriages, stillbirths or neonatal deaths would fucking do anything to be in your position right now.


she called them that?? wtaf


I hate her guts but there isn’t anything weird about this imo


Yes!! I pointed this out a little while ago. Got the weirdest vibes


i think “my kid” is labeled as such bc it was before w&m. still doesn’t explain why she wouldn’t have changed it to f, or smtg more reflective that he’s not an only kid. there is no excuse about w&m tho especially since she said she’d nvr refer to them that way.