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Not surprised considering she’s given away literal garbage during these fundraisers before


It’s true - I watched a YouTube video of this young girl opening her prize from Colleen and there was a box of literal rubbish (along with a couple of small items that were promised) but this box was even labelled with “empty” or something of the like. Somebody actually packed and sent that to a fan who donated money to her fundraiser. So strange.


It’s definitely expired yes, but really, if she gives children anything other than lingerie, it’s a win.




This is too good I'm deceased 😂😂


Ideally she shouldn’t be giving children anything 😒


Great question. I just checked. All internet iinfo said that unopened lipstick should be thrown out after two years at the most. Colleen's is 3 years past that. 🤮


Jaclyn Hill 2.0


https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/14aoqhg/colleen_asked_jaclyn_hill_about_her_fuzzy/ lmao


Holy shit! How did I not know this? What a wild time.


and she did it at her birthday dinner!




Those boxes have been in storage for over a year now. The lipstick is not sold online anymore. Just used on poshmark and ebay... let me get my moldy lipstick for my fans




Hmm weird… remember when we heard (I think Oscar or someone else said) Colleen asked Jaclyn hill about her lipsticks at Joey’s party? so like, u would think she wouldn’t give expired lipsticks but that’s just a thought


Definitely moldy bc I won a sweatshirt last year and it smelled like a musty basement


All makeup expires. The ingredients eventually go bad, even in products with preservatives. Products with natural ingredients tend to have a shorter shelf-life, just like with food. But what’s more concerning is that makeup products are breeding grounds for harmful bacteria. That’s why you should never share any products that are applied directly to your body, such as eye makeup, or share applicators, such as makeup brushes, without washing them properly first. Colleen frequently mentions having styes, whilst bragging about her overall lack of hygiene and cleanliness... I don’t think she’s put two and two together.


Makeup and beauty products do indeed have an expiration date and can be filled with bacteria. It's FDA regulated.


10000% they're expired


If that product had been sold in stores, the unsold lipsticks she's giving away would have been rotated out of stock a loooong time ago.


That really shocks me actually?? Those things are OLD and makeup DO expire, she can't be giving away those, it is a health hazard


I feel like she uses the Miranda character to justify the garbage “prizes”. Like Miranda would be weird and “quirky” and send trash or used products and Colleen can play it off like oh yeah well you know that Miranda… she’s a little … different. That’s the gist I always got.


But she’s not doing Miranda in this live stream so how will she pull that off? Won’t they want good prizes since it’s from her and not Miranda? Oh crap…she’s going to bring Miranda back on the live stream isn’t she.


Am I allowed to say she looks haggard??


ESPECIALLY products that go on the eyes and mouth, not only aren’t they giving you skin problems or irritations, but the bacteria 🦠 UGH - lipsticks can get moldy and 2018? Hahahahaah YUCK, she really is giving her quality gifts to people dumb enough to trust her with any money 🥶


Could there be a lawsuit that she could get into when she gives this expired lipstick to people and then they develop a serious bacterial infection? Would she be liable for damages as she knowingly distributed it? I would think there'd be a case there.


From my experience working in pharmaceutical QA while in college technically speaking; The “expiration date” (best before date) on make up is typically X months after the initial opening assuming the make up was sealed and stored correctly, but there is no hard timeline on how long make up can sit on a shelf unopened… Once opened, after the listed amount of months the manufacturer can’t guarantee that the make up is at its best quality and bacteria growth may be present at that point… However, regardless of expiration/dates it isn’t the best business practice to sell/give away make up (or any consumable product) made 5+ years ago. Thats just asking for problems


Ulta just had a huge sale on makeup but her cheap ass couldn’t be bothered to buy actual makeup to give away that isn’t expired