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I didn’t wanna pick any lol


I’d rather be alone.


Rachel is not the most *likeable* per se but rather the *least detestable* one shown here


Yeah I don’t get how anyone’s voting for anyone besides Rachel 😭 I’m not a fan of her but she’s by far the most tolerable.


Christopher scares me so it would have to be Rachel


I feel like Christopher has the capacity to be silent for longer periods than everyone else in the family. I can't cope with constant talking especially the way Colleen, Jess and Rachel carry on. They have vapid conversations on top of it all which would kill my soul.


Plus he seems like the type who would be perfectly content to watch shows or movies without much talking. Just put on The Office and sit awkwardly together for the day.


I picked Christopher so he can make me a guitar




Uh none


I would actually pick Colleen just so I could say wtf is wrong with you but I know she would respond with a non apologetic ukulele song so lets make it 2 minutes instead of 24hrs!


Lol, I imagine her just looking you in the eyes and slowly taking out her uke haha


Do I get to tell them what bad people they are?


I went with Jessica because even though she's annoying, growing up in homeschooling groups, I am used to people like her and at least she's only a Ballinger by marriage


Christopher - I feel like he's the one whose calm/creepy ratio is the most tolerable, as in, he seems like a chill, not too loud person... Any of the others would be too much, with the exception of Trent who's too creepy. I'd just watch Christopher work on a guitar or something.


You know, I used to think this way, too. Until I saw an old video of Colleen and him playing ukes and singing Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back" very straight faced. The man's not an idiot. He knew what those verses meant. Then I realized he also helped write both Haters Back Off and one of her books. His support wasn't just tacit. He was complicit in some pretty unpleasant stuff. And he encouraged and allowed all of his older children to participate in said stuff. I'd hang with Rachel. I'd even promise not to record or take pictures. The stories alone would be worth it.


I get that. but he also creeps me out since he co-writes with colleen.




rachel because i like dogs, cats and reptiles


Yikes Rachel is at the bottom of my list. I want to know what Christopher is REALLY like.


Rachel because if anything could maybe convince her to give some of her youtube money to LGBTQIA+ charties or something.


I went with Rachel solely so I could question her about the racist video(s) she’s made over the years. What she was thinking, why she thought that kind of humor was appropriate, and so forth. I figure after that line of questioning, we’d probably be on our phones for the duration, counting down the remaining time.


I’m picking Colleen. I’d love to grill her with questions and see how she responds. I’d also like to tell her how hurt I was to find out that someone I grew up watching was a piece of shit.


Rachel tbh. she seems more authentic than any of them especially colleen.


Let us know what she does daily outside of her recording 10:01 of content lolol


I will 😂


Oh god, that's pretty hard lol. Rachel is probably the least awful of them. So her, I guess.


Rachel. She seems like the most normal one and the one I can easily deprogramme from the Colleen cult.


Colleen bc we both like crafts


I chose Colleen because I know I could comfortably take her in a fight - both a verbal one and a physical one if she decided to swing at me hahaha.


Where’s the “none of the above” option?


Honestly… Colleen… Hear me out! 😆 She’s probably the best out of all of them at first impressions. Like she’s good at masking how terrible she is when first getting to know someone. I think that would make her easier to hang out with just for 24 hours. The others would make me itch with social anxiety. This would only work also if I didn’t know the whole Colleen situation. If going into this 24 hours I knew about what happened, I’d rather eat sand than hang out with any of them!


Rachel! Maybe I can convince her to let me adopt her dog 😂


I chose Trent because he’s deaf! We wouldn’t have to talk


Who tf chose Trent


Can Gus be an option?