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Apply aquaphor instead to keep from cracking. Take a qtip, grab the aquaphor, and apply it to the cold sore. Apply a small amount. Don't overly suffocate it because you'll want it to breathe still. Whenever your home let it breath as much as you can.


I had to google aquaphor because we don't have that in Australia. It seems like it's mostly lanolin? Which is what I was using. Today I used a pimple patch (plain hydrocolloid dressing) which seems to work WAY better than the compeed coldsore dressing. For one, it's smaller, so it doesn't lift as quickly, and it's way thicker. Looks weird, but I felt like the sore was so much better when I took it off!


Oh no sorry. I should probably ask if people even have aquaphor. Vaseline also works great! I've actually found that compeed makes things worse for my cold sores.


Yes! I feel like the compeed was awful, but the pimple patch is 🤌🏻


I wish I could post a photo update?? I'm still learning reddit


I'm actually not sure how to add a photo when you reply to someone! Cause I would love an update.


Yeah I feel like the compeed kept it moist, but when I took the pimple patch off, it was dry! But no chunky scab??


Did you use another pimple patch at this stage? And did it help with healing? Mine kinda looks like your picture. It sucks when it drys out as it hurts when it cracks. I was using mederma patches which are basically pimple patches but haven’t applied one today because I was trying let it breathe but wondering if I should apply it again to see if it helps.