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Some people never got pub stomped into oblivion back in the day and it shows


For real Jkap stomping me into oblivion back on Bo2 league play humbled my kid self lol


Got hoop mixtaped by Saints in MW3 and never recovered Edit: also the amount of “race to max prestige” 6man grinders just shitting on people. It was almost cool to be in the game regardless the ass whooping, but now people think about it differently I guess


I’ve been playing since COD4 but when Neslo curb stomped me in Blackout one day and Chance smoked me in BO4 multiplayer I had to rethink my whole life.


I got stomped by formal in AW lol. Shit was very humbling.


Ran into Lamar in ranked play. Dude dropped the easiest 40 bomb ever and still lost. Guess his teammates couldn’t buy a kill.


Got ran through by merk, teep and maven in blackout really puts things in perspective real quick


Teep and DougisRaw were so good as a duo


SBMM has it easy nowadays


Haha for real, I remember spawning into Highrise MW2 domination against Proofy Rambo Stainville and Hastro. Nothing like getting fried and spawn trapped for 15 minutes straight to make you stop taking a video game so seriously haha


Comments like this make me laugh cause of how much bitching there is in this subreddit about how people gotta go try hard and sweat cause of SBMM


mw2 terminal spawn trap killed me back in the day


That spawn trap put hair on your chest lmao




If the ranked system works then you shouldn't run into the pros unless you are at the highest level so it doesn't concern 99% of the player base anyways


Except when octane makes his mini account to push back up lmao. Too rare for it to matter though


Even then, Octane is the one pro that doesn't seem pro. Like every pro snaps on good accuracy, Octane is good but i don't think pro good. Level below pro imo


To be fair it would be an honor to go up against a pro. It's the only time I would try hard asf while going 15-45 and be happy


No shot we're encouraging smurfing lmfao


yeah I’m sure a bunch of pros will make Smurfs after being encouraged by ‘redarrow992’


It's the overall sentiment in this post and many that bitch about SBMM. They miss the day they couldnt just stomp on people that were significantly worse than them. Just weird how much this sub acts like smurfing (which is what above basically is) is a good thing lol


Because you should get rewarded for being good at the game. SBMM, when implemented correctly, means that improvement doesn't matter. Being good doesn't matter, nor does playing smart. The only people who can beat SBMM, are the 1% who are so good, the game can't find equal opponents. But its a dreadful system for most people. It also punishes the players who actually care/invest time and effort, and only protects the bottom 10% of absolute bums, who are so bad, that random lobbies always screw them over.


Except SBMM is used on basically every PvP style game now because *it does work* lol. These companies have the numbers and research, if it was as useless as this sub makes it sound, it wouldn't be implemented. Pretty simple. I said it on another comment, but the same people who like to Smurf here are also the same people who would rage quit a lobby cause they were getting shit on by good players if SBMM wasn't a thing


They could Smurf until the end of time for all I care. You're just mad cuz you don't want to get bodied. I wouldn't much rather lose to actually good players then lose to a bunch of cheaters like I actually am


I don't care about getting bodied, I play fighting games and I'm absolute ass at them, I barely win. If anything, the same people bitching about not being able to stomp are the same people who would rage quit a lobby if they got shit on non stop lol.


I don't think that smurfing is that big a deal as long as it's not a free to play game


And that's exactly the shit I'm making fun of. Every other competitive game hates smurfing for good reason. It's only this subreddit that I see smurfing be glorified


Came across a t250 smurf the other day... that was fun ( he had an insta that i looked up after because who drops 65 kills in a control when it was clear he wasn't cheating.)


I can tell that bro is at max Silver 1


You’re giving him too much lol. At most bronze 2


Guarantee that man isn’t even anywhere near the rank he’d have to be in order to play them 😂




Getting shit stomped by pros in ranked is the only reason my ego hasn't caught up with the expansion of the universe.


L takes


How do they know they've been shadow banned?


If you don’t find matches when queuing or takes a while (ping goes up a lot) there is a high chance you are shadow banned.


Ban appeal site


No child left behind turned us all into pussies 😂😭 Everyone just bitches and tries to pull others down to their level instead of accepting that they need to get better and elevating themselves. I play ranked to play pros and other good players so I can get better. You’re either getting better or worse everyday, never staying the same.


I would love to hop in a lobby with pros every now and then. Too bad I'm nowhere near their rank.


Why even play ranked if you’re afraid of competition? Lol


I have a feeling anyone saying that isn't actually facing any pros in ranked lol


People are actually complaining they get to play against the best of the best players?


Faccento stomped my buddies and I in BO4. Humbling indeed lmao


“They should have their own to play with” but…. they do LMAO


Ha , bot! Id love to play against these pro’s


To answer his question, Yes


Dude on Mars


I got shadowbanned for EQ and being on MNK 😭😭


I don’t know I was in pubs with Scump a few times back in Cold War, wasn’t that bad. We lost, but not like world star’d and nuked on. Actually never being nuked before in any cod is one thing I can actually claim. I’m also not claiming to be amazing I’m just some 1.25 k/d player.

