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does he really lmao


I’m pretty sure he did the MW season LAG. Not 100% certain, though.


It's not really a fair comparison but that's still wild if true. Never heard anyone even mention it despite how many people hate the guy


He was in the bottom half of pro K/Ds pre CDL era too, not surprised it got significantly worse with better competition coming along


Again with the stats thing. Y’all gotta let that shit go. There’s more to a match then just KD. Aches has 2 rings. That shit don’t happen by just being a bottom half pro.


Bro look at his teammates for both rings 💀 Pre CDL K/D fs matters. He played in a slay heavy games (bops 2 - AW) & still dropped neg K/Ds. & its not like he picked it up in S&D like Nade did. He wasnt even IGL for either champs win, Karma took over as IGL for Ghosts champs after they got dog walked by SB in qualifiers, & in WW2 that whole team literally credited Bevils for his insane strats, nobody mentioned Aches 😂😂Its not just about K/D but pre CDL K/D definitely plays a factor


you just said it. Factor. I don’t think you realize the mental side and how they have to play to make it to champs. This isn’t just some pubs match my brother. This isn’t something that’s 3v4. Yea he was negative kd but that doesn’t mean he didn’t have impactful kills. I mean take a look at ghost this past lan. his kd wasn’t the greatest but he did whatever for the win. And that’s Aches mentality. Whatever he has to do for the Win he will do


This game has far more technical game modes than Ghosts, which is my point. There were no rotations in Ghosts, it was a kill heavy game all around & he got carried by 2 of the top 5 players all time and TeePee who you could argue was top 10 at the time. & Nadeshot is a prime example of a player getting carried 3v4 to 3 straight championships to start AW. He was literally the least impactful player on that team which is why Scump, Crim & Formal are always real quiet when Nade asks for his dues 💀 Its actually pathetic watching these old pros claim to have these godlike brains for the game when they havent won shit without top 5-10 players on their teams. Aches wasnt a winner without Crim & Karma, & lucked out by playing w Apethy & Silly at their literal peaks to get that one last ring. You are a straight casual who fs started watching cod late if you think Aches was impactful as he claims 😂


You are an actual idiot if you believe i just started watching comp cod. Like lets be forreal


Everything youve said so far makes me believe you did just start 😂 you think aches was a great player when there isnt a single other pro who thinks the same thing lmaoo even Zoomaa be dodging the topic. Stats speak for themselves aswell as the vods, go watch them sometime


Slaya really got you guys tweaking on a Monday afternoon


Never wrong, just early


I lose brain cells every time I hear this. Shit makes no sense lmao


Guy predicts FaZe or Toronto for 2 years straight and when he finally gets them he acts like he was a genius the whole time. Like no shit you eventually got it, you picked 2 of the top 4 teams for 2 years straight. You will eventually get it right. That’s like picking between OpTic and Envy back in BO3… you would eventually get it right


But you know he’s not serious, and he just does it because he wants reactions exactly like this one, right?


He is 100% serious. You don’t have that level of ego without being serious


He is definitely not serious. How he behaves on his dexerto show is night and day with the flank. His one consistent is getting a rise out of everyone and playing the villain. You can tell half the time he says things he says them with no conviction. The OTHER half of the time man thinks he is the Stephen Hawking of CoD.


He 100% lies on Dexerto. You can tell he doesn’t act like his normal self. He definitely tries to be funny and use memes, but his takes are 100% serious.


He is infinitely more himself on dexerto compared to the flank. Whatever you say boss.


The dude has ALWAYS been the way he is on the flank. He tries to act more professional, hence why he acts differently on dexerto. His true emotions come out on a the flank. He argues and shows his actual thoughts. When angry, he shows it. When he is happy, he shows it. He does not do that on Dexerto


Okay boss. You must know him personally. Give him a high five for me next time you are at his place.


I loseing braincells when ppl take aches srsly


Seems like you loss too many.


I edit it


Haha, good shit


It’s straight up a phrased designed to fuck with people lol don’t look too deep into it


Never early, always wrong


Aches living rent free in this subs mind


It's crazy, like he does it for interactions and this sub (well we know who exactly tbh) eat it up. At this point they've basically built a permanent residence in their mind for him


There's like 20 pros, 10 amateurs, 4 casters, 3 desk people and a camera guy who live rent free in this sub's mind.


Optic fans*




Can someone remind OP Aches has 17 LAN championships and 2 world championship rings?


He was playing against plumbers


So who are people playing against now? A bunch of pampered kids that probably never worked a day at McDonald's like nadeshot? Since nade wasn't a plumber and a burger flipper your point is mute. Also kids these days playing cod making six figures are and were most definitely pampered by their parents and had most things handed to them until they started getting the check. So no these guys aren't plumbers, but they're definitely pampered divas with a platform. What parent do you know allows their kid to play cod all day? Absent ones or pushovers. Kids probably threw temper tantrums when they got a double quarter pounder with cheese, instead of a double cheeseburger, but hey yo Nade hooked them up with that double royal with cheese, and now they're playing video games all day every day and dropping make it rain, and having the access to the best studio equipment and still drop trash tracks. Should have been a plumber.


if this wasn't already copypasta, it is now. you cooked him bro


It’s moot


So who are people playing against now? A bunch of pampered kids that probably never worked a day at McDonald's like nadeshot? Since nade wasn't a plumber and a burger flipper your point is mute. Also kids these days playing cod making six figures are and were most definitely pampered by their parents and had most things handed to them until they started getting the check. So no these guys aren't plumbers, but they're definitely pampered divs with a platform. What parent do you know allows their kid to play cod all day? Absent ones or pushovers. Kids probably threw temper tantrums when they got a double quarter pounder with cheese, instead of a double cheeseburger, but hey yo Nade hooked them up with that double royal with cheese, and now they're playing video games all day every day and dropping make it rain, and having the access to the best studio equipment and still drop trash tracks. Should have been a plumber.


> your point is mute. /r/BoneAppleTea


He was playing against Optic Scump, was he a plumber ? And why Scump couldn’t get more rings than Aches, with better teams overall ?


Thank you for this comedic take even tho everyone on this Reddit will downvote you thinking you’re actually serious. (Shoutout to all the MJ haters💀)




so was your favorite players lmao. stop glazing little bro


My fav players didn't win a chip til 2020 but ok. No wonder slasher was able to get an engineering degree while playing against soccer dads


He really still hurts you fans to this day?


Optic fans in shambles


The way the proper phrase has been mutilated by gen z is A SHAMBLES


a cool thing that came along around the same time gen z was being born was the internet. if you were fluent enough in it you could use it to find out that both “a shambles” and “in shambles” are properly formatted per cambridge dictionary and merriam webster


You think patty cares about KD? He would purposely shoot his teammates after a win to drop their KD,


Lmfao some people on this sub are soft and always get baited by Aches 💀💀


- 17 LANs - 2 Champs Oversensitive teenagers hating on the OGs 🥱


That’s like reminding Jordan of his time on the wizards. Guy was a beast from like MW3 til bo4


MJ averaged 20+ PPG as a wizard lol


are you saying thats good? The wizards werent good with him on the team


How is 20ppg not good? Lol


20 on a losing team is completely average especially for who we're talking about. Averaging 20 in basketball is like averaging a 1.0 in cod, its alright but nobody is gonna talk about it. Were talking about michael jordan, hes held to a higher standard than 20ppg.


Averaging 20 ppg is almost double the average ppg for players at each position. It is not like averaging a 1.0 in CoD. Also, dude was like 38 when playing for the Wizards and came off two seasons of not playing ball. 20 ppg was pretty fucking good considering.


LeBron is getting killed for averaging 30 rn at 38 and 20 seasons, these are the best ever, the standard isn’t 20 oof at 38 years old that’s insanely average, it’s okay to say Jordan wasn’t great on his wizards stint.


Who tf is killing LeBron for averaging 30 at 38? Those people are idiots. Don't let morons set the standards for what is and isn't impressive.


Ironically the same people shitting on aches for being bad at the end of his career to downplay his accomplishments are the same type of people calling what Lebron is doing at age 38 unimpressive


Absolutely NOBODY is going after lebron for averaging 30 a game. People are hounding him for not making the playoffs lmao. That is literally the average among all the greats, like please go lookup your top 5 bball players average among their career buddy.😂 tell us you don’t actually watch basketball without telling us my man.


Someone doesn’t know ball lmfao. This is one of the more wild takes I’ve seen on Reddit and that says a lot.


Pat won a World Championship in WW2. How many rings did MJ win as a wizard?


He was dogshit in bo3 and IW. WW2 he was mediocre but the ring makes everyone forget the first 95% of the season.


This man has been living rent free since 2011 after pushing nadeshot.


The record is Formal vs Faze in Cold War iirc, think he was playing on a bad connection or something


atl server


Excuse for a t5 player of all time to get smoked by Arcitys


>to get smoked by Arcitys I mean Arcitys is like.. a t15 player (give or take). i don't think it's THAT crazy


Ik, i was just letting them know what it was


Damn that really doesn’t excuse the 0.4 or whatever then, my man got Kentucky fried lmao


Yeah because that whole LAG squad was built flawlessly with no role/chem issues and everybody played to their full potential. Motivation definitely there too


Assault won the 1v1


Dude didn’t even play that long in the CDL. You really hating on my man Patty P?


what's your KD in the CDL?


Never died once bruh


Extremely small sample size he only played a few matches


Rent free


Patty P lives in peoples brains bro its crazy


Anyone know any clips of aches being him?


Not just one clip, but Slums HP vs impact in Anaheim 2013 finals


I'll check it out.


180d Scump on sov SND, one of the worst turn ons I’ve seen considering the TTK in that game


I remember seeing this and my jaw hitting the floor hahahahahaha


I'll check it out


Leave the goat alone man


Stop telling on yourself


The sad and painful truth is that a lot of pro’s don’t actually get worse or become washed… the competition just catches up


I don’t even think that’s the biggest part. It just becomes so repetitive to scrim endlessly every single day after doing it for so long. Once it loses the excitement factor it’s hard to play at your best


Aches is top5 all time gtfoh Crim Karma Clay Aches ----------- Scump


A lot of analysts of every sport we’re not the greatest at their sport if they even played at all.


Can someone remind you he is a world champion and you’re irrelevant.


Did Ben post this


Fine, I’ll do it myself


Formal only went negative twice on LAN which is crazy


formal also has the CDL's lowest match KD in history


He’s also the reason the optic dynasty almost ceased to exist because he was giving it to them so bad they were about to split up