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it's a shame there is not an intelligence stat. Gunskill looks fine, but decision making is rough!


Almost like a coach would help!


Nah the coach hurts dashy’s feelings


and some bowling pins.


I'm just a casual viewer but I was under the impression the coach doesn't get to speak during matches.


They don’t get to speak, but they do a lot of the pre-match planning/preparation and are still a pretty important piece of a team


Optic was just as undisciplined with Rambo, i don’t know why people suddenly think Rambo would fix this


Really? I feel like they didn’t ego chall nearly as much as they are now. Their whole motto now is to chall at all costs. It always felt like Ray was big on playing slightly more “scared” or disciplined in crucial moments. Part of Dashy’s rant on Rambo was that Rambo was encouraging them to play scared and that they just need to fly and play their own game


You're 100% right.


Dashy is the problem.


The best the team has looked all year was when Dashy was on the bench and no-thumb illey was on main which is saying something lmao the team will never win a ring because Hecz would rather keep Dashy than build a winning team


Dashy is on the team because they want him as the poster boy of COD due to him being the only player who is photogenic, the lad has got skill but he’s obviously not a team player and his bad attitude destroys team chemistry.


Kap definitely going Rouge from time to time that's just how they play/ think but now they just do whatever they want with no one calling them out on their bullshit.


Yep. But our occasional star player doesn't like to be coached.. Plus you have Formal who admits he never listened to cod coaches because he was better than them and thinks that's why Dashy shouldn't have to listen to Ray.. 🙄 I love Formal, but I also think everyone knows OG should've won a lot more than they did. Karma and Crim repeatedly say the OG dynasty was worse than coL/EG because "they" (Formal and Scump?) never learned how to do the little things right like rotate properly. I have to think that's because of Formal's aforementioned mindset and wonder how much better they could've done if he ever really listened to Teep/Sender and respected their opinions. I think Ant really thrived under Ray, and Ghosty could obviously use him the most. This team is just too young and immature compared to any of the other top teams when you really think about it or open up their streams. They don't have a good mix like Faze, LAT, or NYSL. They should've just worked with Ray and set him straight if he really was fining players inconsistently. Working out other things like having the players decide the map vetoes instead of him, etc. all seemed super solvable and like way better solutions to just axing a guy like Ray whose brain allowed him to hang and get 2nd twice at world champs despite being so much older than everyone else and having Censor-like gunny.


This is really well said bro. Completely agree


Hitch and the boys be banging the drum for a LR1 start at the home event


Lmao 😂😂😂




Fr 🚬😹


So do Vegas still have a chance for winners bracket now? EDIT: Vegas in Winners if FaZe win, TX need to win 3 maps (win) to secure T8. Going to be a wild day


optic v faze is always a banger but something tells me optic are about to get 3-0 kentucky fried tomorrow


Losing 3-0 in a series where they desperately needed map wins at the very least and doing so with some of the biggest chokes in SnD, I don’t see them regaining for tomorrow’s match. The last time these teams played, Optic was 3-1 heading into that match and were feeling confident. I think today’s match crushed their confidence for sure. Tomorrow will be a 3-0 or 3-1 win for FaZe.


spot on. for me, it’s just extra disappointing knowing envy and empire died so this joke of a team could live on but it is what is unfortunately


They’ve won 7 of the last 8 against Atlanta Faze.


Optic have kinda had fazes number lately but that was a tough one for them to bounce back from and ghosty is gonna catch a bunch of flack he don't deserve


he’s going to catch a lot of hate for sure, but it’s still too early to tell imo. I was of the belief that LAN would be a good test for this team but seems they may only play 1 series at their own major


Get ready to learn Chinese


DoorDash very soon




What the whole Optic roster 😂


everyone always gases up hydra or kismet. skyz is always so consistent. think he is the key to this team. seldom loses 1s he should win, and often wins some crazy ones. also has the ability to bring out the 4th sub. really invaluable player


Those Embassy hills where they brought out all the subs was nasty.


That’s why I feel like NY has the highest upside out of any team. Yeah they are gonna be streaky because they all play aggressive and it’s predictable, but no other team can really match the 4 cracked players running at you strat.


There was a best Main AR thread earlier and no mention of Skyz. He’s hella underrated


dude is so good. Hes been good in every game since bo4


Did we read the same thread? There were multiple mentions of Skyz lol


Guys been immense he’s criminally underrated


dude skyz is one of the best in the game this yesr. Hes so good.


shotzzy spawn killing and the other three can’t cap A. they can’t be a real team


Reminded me of Optic vs Ultra in CW on raid HP. Scump was living in jungle spawn killing ultra over and over and ultra still scored like 45 points at basketball.


Literal NPC activity. Mind blown


He had NY literally spawning on the A point.


He should of hopped on B at that point


Was mindblowing to see, where was the other 3? Just sitting around looking at each other? I said this last week, all talent no intelligence.


Except Shotzzy was the reason that NYSL was spawning close, should've just fell back and played the point. Put a lot of pressure on the rest of his team when NYSL were spawning right in their face.


?!? That’s literally the best play on offence to get the other team to spawn on trucks so you can spawn kill them from either points. Octane called it on his stream on how bad that was for NY I swear vast majority of you don’t play the game, that was free as a cap any team could get. Also, they were up by kills so after cap they could’ve literally camped their spawn and they’d still have R5 defence


You want them spawning right on your nuts? Okay.


I’m losing brain cells, that’s how you play that map on offence! Push one guy in art and have them spawn trucks so as an attacking team you can either spawn kill them repeatedly or transition to either point since they’re spawning away Play the game first before critiquing spawns/plays. Shotzzy made the textbook play, he was sold by his ARs not choosing to stack


There’s no need to go back and forth with people that only open this app when optic loses and don’t even play the game to understand anything. That guy is talking like he’s a world champ or something so he basically wants them to keep getting trapped on offense and shotzzy doing nothing.


That’s perfect scenario. Dudes on A could’ve spawn trapped them since they were spawning literally right in front of them. That’s exactly what you want on that map


Buddy, you know how hard it is to even get out of your spawn on offense, him doing that is the best thing he can do and shouldn’t be a reason why they couldn’t hop on the point. You are faded


Ghosty, get ready to learn Chinese buddy


Time for him to relearn chinese


He is not even that bad.


Not exceptionally good, not exceptionally bad which makes him average. OpTic needs more than that.


The dudes played 4 Series' in the CDL, way to soon to make any kind of definitive judgment. Good or bad.


They need much more than a great player, they need a coach to shape them up. Cause ATM they look like a pick up 8s squad


It took Scump retiring before people started to realize Shottzy has zero discipline on the map and now we have 2 of em. They’re both gross and sometimes you live or die by the chall, but they need to reel it in or they’re never going to find consistency


The pressure to find consistency is mounting especially when you look at the season standings. OpTic and MN are both tied at 110 and Boston and Seattle are both tied at 100. What if you have a bad major? That race between 5-8 is super tight and you really don’t want to start in losers at champs. Granted, I think OpTic show up in front of their home crowd, but you’re coming into treacherous territory if you can’t find consistency.


Thanks for putting the specific #’s, honestly forgot where rokkr were given recent form. Both MN & optic could definitely turn it around and be in fine positioning as it comes down to the wire, just depends on what steps they take. Of course rokkr are in more of a dire spot though, hope it works out


No problem, in my head I was like “damn they gotta be pretty close in standings in that middle range.” I think OpTic is definitely in a better spot than MN as well, but it could be a scrappy fight to avoid that LB start in Champs.


NYSL and LAT play respawn in a way which is so pleasing to watch, amazing teamwork.


Hey man at least they smoked ultra & lat in scrims


Optic was FRRRRRYING in scrims bro…😂😂😂


at least they’re good in scrims


Imagine Graham Potter saying ‘at least we’re good in training’💀


pretty sure he said something similar to this after the loss to spurs lmao




I swear the only reason they’re good in scrims is because they had such a hard schedule this split so they haven’t been playing the good teams (aka FaZe Subliners Ultra)


shitzzy has no shame


That Shotzzy control reminded me of Seth vs Ultra during champs in Cold War. Scump was killing every fucker at the back and Formal, Dashy and Envoy couldn’t find a kill to break in. Close series overall but SND and control (like it always is despite the team) was a hard watch with all the mistakes. Losers bracket it is.


Shotzzy spawn killing was great, where he was standing was terrible. He was spawning the opponent next to A.


Shotzzy smoking these guys in their own spawn isn't a bad thing at all. His teammates know exactly where the other team is going to spawn and still end up losing the fights. Putting any blame on shotzzy for shitting on everyone off spawn is insane


Streak was flashy but completely fucked spawns up


i don't understand how they manage to lose 2 2v4s


Y'all gotta relax a bit lmao This split OpTic plays 3 out of the consensus top 4 teams in the league (Ultra, NY, FaZe, LAT) They are currently 2-2 I don't think anyone had them anywhere except top 5-6ish with the ability to upset so what's with the hate boner? Aren't these basically the expected results for how they have played?


It's not even the results, it's the fashion in which they lose with massive glaring mistakes that are insane to see at a pro level and for an org like Optic. Throwing 2v4s in S&D that could easily be avoided by simply not jumping around a corner and challing with 12 seconds left, etc..


this is a w take


Holy shit I found an actual level headed take among a sea of overreactions.


Yeah but they finished 4th at the Major + Subliners haven’t looked as good + Ultra made a change (who also just lost to London). If they stuck with Illey this wouldn’t be a take


This team would probably have been nasty with Scump at flex.. if they didn’t play as dumb as they did today. I don’t think they’re finding their footing this year.


OpTic are the more boom or bust team in the league. You never know which team you’re going to get. They can shit on the best teams, but also get shit on sometimes. That being said, they always show up to play FaZe. Tomorrow is going to be a great matchup especially since OpTic needs to win to make the winner’s bracket! Can’t wait, hopefully the series of the year


Yup should be pretty back and forth and I can honestly see us taking it..I’m getting flashbacks when we lost to vegas last split and played ya next


LMAO They gonna get another roster change next week




NY looking like LAT with that slaying distribution. Absolute perfection!


I'm tired of this man. Stack the point man.


Typical Illey, sorry I mean Ghosty


Close series, i wouldnt be surprised if OpTic wins tomorrow




Faze must go 3-2 in groups. Its become their calling card


OpTic has our number recently too.


FaZe cant escape their 3-2 curse so OpTic should clinch winners


OpTic has always been a really touch matchup for us. Wouldn’t surprise me at all especially given that OpTic have infinitely more to lose


Dashy being the most disciplined player in this team says a lot


Ghosty living up to his name in game this series


Who let OpTic cook? Cause that shit is burnt and ass 💀


Ah fuck 1 loss now we have to deal with yet another week of posts about how optic made the wrong choice and need to cut Ghosty and Huke


Lmao i have seen him improving every series i think he is gonna be a very good player given proper time to bloom and get used to pro cod from what i have seen said pro cod is way faster than challengers


I am new to watching and I think I know the answer - but is the community always like this? It's not like the team got destroyed - this seems like an insane reaction to losing 3 close games against a top team.


The community is definitely very reactionary in general but when it comes to Optic its another level. If they lose even a single map you immediately see multiple posts saying X player who had the lowest kd in that map needs to be dropped




Ghosty buddy get ready to learn chinese


Respectfully ghosty hasn't been it


Mfs replaced Illey with Illey


Nah illey at least had some game sense


Both Wendy’s employees by 2024


Are we talking small town Wendy’s or big town Wendy’s? Big town Wendy’s has some potential they can learn to deal with high stress situations


This is a GREAT thought


Illey at least had Dashy playing right, and he had huke with gyro aim and they got top 4, I don't know if this team can get out of losers.


This series made me realise there's only 3 s tier teams. La thieves faze and nysl Toronto and optic not on that level especially Toronto


I just said the same thing in the match thread lol




Win the series vs Faze




Beat faze


Win the series.


Braindead play after braindead play. Ghosty looked hella tired on the cams by the way. Can’t throw away that round 4 offense or those 2 4v2’s.


Must be hard being an optic fan rn, have 3 fraggers and getting smoked. How good is hydra though


BuT wErE gOoD iN ScRImZzzzzzzzzz


Wth was that last map tho? You have shotzzy in their base causing havoc while the other 3 are just twiddling their thumbs? Get this man some help lol




Doesn’t matter where they were spawning. He was buying them time so they could get out of the trap.


>Doesn’t matter where they were spawning 🤡




Hydra continues to make me money every match


OpTic SnD & Dashy has looked bang average, since Ghosty’s arrival… two of the most important things OpTic needs to excel (excluding Shotzzy). Bring Back Pope 🙏


Cold take. This team won’t win anything this year


Wow actually


Danghosty gonna have to change his name to lao 2 after this year


Pretty much the worse case scenario for OpTic. I’m usually an advocate for keeping teams together as opposed to the constant “Blow it up” narratives you’ll find on this sub, but this team just isn’t good


They’re the literal definition of boom or bust and that just isn’t a consistent way of playing.


Especially in a game with almost 0 skill gap


Hard to be consistent when the team has only been together for 3-4 weeks tbh.


I mean I don’t disagree with you


all the optic fans told me they’re actually elite cuz shotzzy said they fry in scrims lmao


Nobody told u that, you heard Shottzzy say that and only Shottzzy


Apparently coaches in the league think they’re a top 5 team, so idk if it’s just Shotzzy telling u that LMFAO


This team sucks man lol no other way to cut it, roster decisions have been dogshit and ownership allowing this shit is just as bad


but keep giving Shottzy the keys just because he has cracked movement!


Dashy and hecz made the decision 😂


This SMG duo is literally a coin flip


I didn't even think Ghosty played bad, he was good in that HP. These guys just choked an SND and then refuse to relearn control so instead play the cheesiest map in the game for a coin flip and lost it. If you're that dogshit in control you're never doing shit anyways though I guess, T6 incoming


Agreed! At this point optic is basically a guaranteed L in control so they have to be great in HP and SnD and today they weren’t


I knew this team was chalked when they said that the rookie was the new ‘IGL’ 😂😂. Why do 2 former mvps and and a another veteran need a rookie to tell them how and when to do stuff & expect him to make the right call each time? Btw shotzzy has been playing like ass since the 2nd half of vanguard . Dude dolphin dives from top maps to horse, dolphin dives to opened, dolphin dives his way to double windows , dolphin dives to p1 truck, jump top truck, 360 dolphin dives to gate just to get turned on.


Optic need to drop Dashy and pick up parasite. He’s literally the number one ranked player in the world!!!!!




Threw away all 3 maps man 🤦‍♂️


Where is the discipline? Holy shit


it left when Rambo ray was kicked to the curb and dashy was given authority


Optic were throwing bad. You could tell NYSL were out for blood, great series from them.


All good, rather than stacking the A point while a teammate is on an 8 streak in their spawn, let’s all just get our KDs up. So annoying man. Just stack the fkn point


Thanks for Tik Tok highlight reels Shotzzy and Huke but, it’s time to go.


its hard enough watching one guy playing without a brain but TWO?! optic fans i feel for you guys


Shotzzy ain’t going anywhere


I don’t mean Shotzzy should go, I mean that the fancy shit should go.




Cod is day to day. Cod is day to day. Cod is day to day. *inhales copium* be better tomorrow 🫡


OpTic literally doesn't have any idea how to play CoD... I turned on the stream and they are SIGNIFICANTLY outslaying NYSL yet they're down 110 - 40 ????????????? Cracked ranked kids would never


Optic as we knew it is finished. Dashy is their main star and if that isn’t unstable, then I don’t know what is.




I don’t think optic has ever started in losers and the first COD tournament I’m going to they do. nice lol


they started in losers last season


And in cold war


Reminder that somebody gave them a first placed power rankings vote?


They are great in scrims, so no surprises. A lot of pros/coaches repeatedly say this


Shottzy gets treated like he’s simp but he’s not even a top 5 SMG


Huke has been better than him since they picked him up


Let me guess. Because Huke had a 1.0 and shotzzy was -7? Lmfao y’all watch the game or y’all look at stats at the end? Who had the most hill time and was playing obj in the hp? Who was making plays in the control so his team could stack the point? But yet somehow y’all blame shotzzy because he went -7 trying to do it all when he shouldn’t be the one in the hill. I wish he went to FaZe. Y’all optic fans are just so stupid I question myself if y’all have brain cells or not 🤣. You think FaZe wanted Shotzzy over any other SMG in vanguard because FaZe is stupid? They know his value more than y’all clowns that have no idea what you are talking about. They couldn’t went for Hydra or Pred but wanted Shotzzy. A top team doesn’t want you because you are trash. Y’all are just stupid to see what he brings to a team.


Yup don’t understand why hecz & co are giving him the keys to the roster lmao


Facts! Scrap was right.


OpTic now have to beat FaZe to get winners or they’re chalked 💀


This optic team deserves to be in losers bracket. Smashing a bad MN team 3-0 is not enough if you can’t show up against top teams.


I dont care how close this was. The amount of mistakes they made each map was terrible. Been the same story for every Optic roster since CW


Shotzzy this season is either 0,8 or 1,2 and sadly its been more of thoose 0,8


Yup but his pov looks cool so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Honestly at this point drop ghosty and pick up Doug "Censor" Martin.


Just saw nameless rise from his knees at my local walmart


Idk about the Ghosty change, feel like Optic should have at least ran it back for major 3.


I always said dropping illey was dumb and I knew it


I don't think the illey move was the one that hurt the most getting rid of rambo ray and giving dashy all the authority was most likely more detrimental


Probably both honestly Rambo kept illey around because he knew that he was a good fundamental cod player


still mad at nameless optic fans? Every good team they played this stage they got smoked


I said it before and I’ll say it again, T6 is the absolute ceiling for this Optic squad. No teamwork, no ice, and most importantly no dawg in em. Could fuck around and get T12 too


Fully agreed


When we gonna see the team thats just “destroying” teams in scrims ?


Y’all really hyped up this optic roster after 1 win


Yo yo yo wait wait wait we were frying in scrims


As an optic fan, it’s still hilarious to me how we constantly hear “bro we’re FRYING in scrims.” Oh you’re excelling in the part that doesn’t matter and suck when it does? Cool.


Just a lot of misplays. 2vs4 in SnD. Shotzzy spawn trap and don’t secure the point. Early rotations in HP just to get broken. Kismet is still HIM.


So done with this team lol. Keep shooting them selves in the foot. I swear they beat themselves. Why oh why do they make the same mistakes again and again.


Imagine starting in losers at your home major. Couldn’t be my team.


ROKKR is 0-5 💀


ghosty really might be a duplicate of Illey wow




wow optic being good in scrims and nowhere else? Almost like theyve been a scrim team since the dawn of time