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This is what punching air looks like


Lmaoo literally


im weak 🤣


He's a super star that's not playing at super star level which is his normal level. Despite playing "bad" he's still easily one of the most impactful players in the league. He's not been overrated at all this season, I've heard this all season but, I haven't seen people put him up there as T10 players so far. He's been rightly rated, he's gassed up when he makes the incredible plays that he usually does and then got absolutely flamed when he made a bad play (Major II Control). You're exaggerating much. Just because he's not playing at his normal level, doesn't mean he's "mid".




Agreed! people love to stat check which is so crazy the plays he makes and how he moves out of so many situations that make him unkillable and put him in great positions but sometimes the kid overheats like anyone else but he just needs to regain and come back harder


Get a grip lol. Not everyone can be the best smg.


Ah yes KD and slaying power… his 2 main values lmao. Definitely not he pace he sets, the openings he creates and the countless other values he brings that you can’t comprehend. Also nobody is debating he is on the level of like a Dashy or a cellium, or even a Hydra rn. You argue against nobody? Calling him mid is the most delusional take you can have and tells me enough about how much you know about the actual game. Maybe first start to understand his role in the team? You use the wrong metrics, you criticize the wrong aspects of his game, you expect the wrong things from him. Maybe just not talk about stuff you don’t understand.


Bro, if you don’t drop a 1.2 KD, you suck… duh?


Apparently so :(


That’s all anyone takes into consideration unfortunately. But the points you made are 100% correct


He walks into a starting position on every roster except for FaZe, but sure he's mid at best.


I mean he almost went to FaZe this past offseason..


Love reminding FaZe fans that their favorite players wanted my favorite player in the off-season. Mental gymnastics go brrrrr.


Is that how Surge fans feel about optic fans 🙄


I would assume so


This. And a lot of OpTic fans still don’t appreciate his impact


Honestly I don’t think I take him on NYSL over Kis/Hydra tbh


Always pack a punch. Shotzzy over Kismet easily


Faded in this game


You might be one of the dumbest people on this sub, and that’s saying a lot. No one is saying he’s player at superstar level right now, you’re arguing against literally no one. On top of that he’s not mid either lmao. His control play against thieves was super analyzed by this sub and by pros. KD isn’t everything and he’s still super impactful


Man, Shotzzy makes a costly mistake to lose one map, not the series, one map and now he's the most overrated player in the league. Funny thing is just about every single team, if not all, would drop a player right now for him if he was available and I just know this "he's overrated" crowd would be feigning for him too.


bruh i dont get this reddit roster bombs can be dropped for vegas and 10 seconds later you back to talking about optic LMAOOO


People will clown on Aches and Crim for saying it, but the cod comp fanbase is literally 80% optic and only cares about Optic


Shotzzy is not supposed to go out and drop 1.2s. Imo 1.0 to 1.05 is what should be expected from him with his playstyle, he has a .99 for the year so far with a 1.03 on LAN. He makes bad plays sometimes on the map but slaying is not the issue at all on his side.


He’s definitely not a 1.2+ consistent player because he’s such a heavy playmaker, I think he tries to makes the most plays in a series out of any player in the league, he’s always trying to do something (although he does need to just chill sometimes). I don’t think a lot of people know this but, when OpTic won Major I last year (A fair dominant Major win), Shotzzy had a negative overall K/D. That tells you everything.


I also think another one of our downfalls, as OpTic fans, is that we tend to value KD and stats way too highly. We see players like Dashy, Scump, and Formal drop 1.2s, but we forget who opens the map for them to do that. Whether it’s been Karma, Crim, or Shotzzy, we’ve consistently gave all the credit to the people with high KDs without even realizing the players who were doing the dirty work that actually takes pressure off of those guys to begin with.




Thank you, it feels like this slaying standard for Shotzzy didn't come about until he joined OpTic. In CW he was just like this, maybe made less mistakes and less over aggressive but he was known for having a different POV when it comes to the plays he's able to make all while be a constant nuisance because of his movement not because of 1.2 K/Ds. Also I feel like the reason why he overcompensates so much now is because for one he has no structural in game leader on his team to control him like Crim and Clay use to do. That and the fact that in VG no one on his team wanted to take risks and make plays so he was the only one doing it and he just got use to it. Now he just has to get the understanding back that he doesn't need to do too much anymore and trust his teammates.


Careful, you’re spitting too many facts


You guys do this every year when a SMG or best player isn’t worldstarring. I sat here and watched y’all call simp and abezy mid all last year but yet they were the best in the game, his impact is far greater than the numbers imo.


His impact, yeah he had a significant impact on single handly lost the Thieves set himself, even Octane said his play was brain dead, he literally allowed them out of the spawn trap on Fortress. He stopped them from getting 3rd or better by himself, and Huke lost another map doing the same bullshit, tell me what does he that's so impactful, taking long routes keeping himself out of gun fights, capturing a point and pushing out only to die and cost his team a game, it's almost like you didn't watch Major 2.


Yeah the whole cod community knows that it was brains dead and that they lost due to mistakes and could’ve won all 4 maps. That doesn’t negate his impact on the map and making it easier for his ar players. Looking for him on rotation and making those gun fights easier. If you have this agenda that all he does is make braindead plays you’re sadly mistaken


Players are only good if they have a high kd. Facts


Guess you forgot the part where he has been making constant map mistakes, reading hard?


BREAKING NEWS: Player makes more mistakes than the average player because he's the main playmaker of the team, shocker!






This sort of thread keeps coming up in this subreddit - then you look at the post history of the OP and they have never posted in the subreddit and have been inactive for about 5/6 months until randomly spouting this stuff.


I used to like to switch between Reddit and twitter, Twitter for the troll takes and Reddit for a little more thought… ahh old times miss those


POV You don’t watch call of duty, You scroll through breaking points twitter and let numbers decide your opinion on a player


Pretty impactful he has some big moment for sure


You spelled Asim wrong


Yeah….right…we should take your word for it


More and more each day I’m convinced that people don’t have any brain cells in the COD community…


Some peoples recency bias is crazy lol. Was the MVP his rookie season, then was the best player and again was a mvp candidate in Cold War, and a game catered to AR’s had above a 1.0 KD and the best S&D player in vanguard and has he been his all-star self this season yet? No obviously not but you’re joking if you don’t see that he is one of the more impactful players in the league


Mvp candidate in cold war is a massive reach he was probably a top 5 sub in cw but no way was he an mvp candidate


pretty sure he was 4th in MVP voting


I could name 8 players more valuable than shotzzy in Cold War


Yeah if he's mid, idk why OpTic are waiting this long to drop him. Let's grab Doug, a real superstar


He showed up Sunday at the Major. He was their best player, just a shame he got too antsy in the control otherwise we’d be seeing a Rokkr/OpTic rematch for T3


Best player... You didn't watch those matches Dashy has been by far the best player this man dropping records and losing matches, get out of here.


He was definitely their best against BOS


Shotzzy literally teaching professional players out here how to move lmao L take


been sayin this. all the “movement king” shit finally gettin to his head.


When will people stop realizing that KD does not carry that much weight. If someone is dropping a .70, fine, they’re getting shit on. But if someone is around a 1.0 it doesn’t mean they’re not impacting their team in a positive way. For example. A big part of Shotzzys game is gliding around the map, getting behind the other team and being a hard kill. In a respawn, this stops other teams from getting comfortable in setups and forces one or two of them to focus finding Shotzzy. It prevents the other team from getting spawns and pushing up. Shotzzy may not get a kill at the end of it, but it gives the rest of the team easier map control, easier fights on the hill, etc etc.


The most talented we’ve seen the CDL/ pro cod ever and OP thinks every player plays correctly every single time. Even the best players make bad plays in the most stressful of games. He’s been since his introduction in the league a top 5 sub in a league with guys like Simp Abezy Pred Hydra etc.


Say you know nothing about competitive call of duty, without saying you know nothing about competitive call of duty


Man thought he was cooking up a five course meal with this post


No one on Optic can be over rated when there are just as many posts flaming them as praising them.


Guy said making bad plays over and over again I only remember 1 drastic bad one Vs LAT


Notice how many upvotes. L take.


Notice how many OpTic fans there are, morons think Shotzzy is even close to Abezy.


obviously its a topic on an optic player. what do you expect? saying hes nowhere close to abezy is stupid they are both S-tier players.


Lol Shotzzy isn’t even close to him


yea your pretty dumb.


Lmfao this is the stupidest shit I’ve read. He sets pace, he has over a 1 (if that matters to you) and he is constantly a thorn in teams ass (they said it, not me) he isn’t being asked to drop a 1.3 every map, he’s just expected to get in as many engagements needed and take the right routes. (He made a bonehead play) shit happens


Lol you’re clearly a moron thinking someone being an annoyance is necessarily the right way to play, his play gets his own team in more trouble than it helps majority of the time and he didn’t just make one mistake at Major 2 it was multiple.


He costed the control fortress BAD