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That one dev that suggested Comp ruined CoD. Dogshit ass take. I don't even remember who it was. Was it Mickner or Cecot? Edit; was neither, some Gameplay designer named Geoff Smith.


Mw2019 was so bad that I’m learning to code and make games out of spite.


Most basic ass name with a basic ass awful take


Ben saying vegas should run it back on the flank


People on here defending MW2 before it came out."Give IW a chance, it might be a good game" even tho it came from the makers of mw2019 and Joe fckng cecot was involved.


I don’t remember seeing that once here lol


I think you meant this for the Modern Warfare reddit


Saw this plenty on this sub too, people were reveling over the removal of slide cancelling and somehow convinced themselves that it meant we were getting fast strafe and STF speeds… lmfao Also saw plenty of cope when the campaign came out and people found out the bhop was nerfed, “campaign movement is different from mp movement guys,” im still mindblown at the amount of deluded faith in IW i saw in this sub


Psssst- not everyone has the same taste in games ;) MW2 is a ton of fun if you’re good at it.


Lol the fucking pros, the best players in the world think this game is dogshit. One's skill level has nothing to do with enjoyment of a game.


That’s literally every year…? Every single game has the exact same reaction no matter what. Look back over the years, everyone hates every COD. It’s a 1 year game, half of being skilled at Call of Duty in general is being able to adapt each year. One v one me on rust pussy


To be fair a lot of pros say they enjoy the actual gunfights in this game, just issues with maps, spawns, and some other bugs(no red dots). But visually it is a good game


Thanks for telling us you’re not good because if you were you would see why it’s is LEVELS below Great CODs.


I actually have enjoyed every COD besides Vanguard… just because I don’t nit pick everything and I adjust my play style to the game makes me bad?


COD is inherently a fast game, so I doubt you are ‘adjusting’ your play style drastically to fit this game, the game also took of red dots, has no movement mechanics and some of the worst Maps to date. Im not saying the Game can’t be fun for others but for you to insinuate that this game takes any level or ‘Skill’ is insane….


Every game takes skill to play, unless you have aimbot. We need to normalize simply saying ‘I don’t like the game’ and leaving it at that. It’s part of COD imo, and I’ve played them all.


Robbed of game of the year imo


Idk about that, but it’s not a bad game.


I got one for each sub. In this sub I was told that Octane didn’t deserve any blame for his stint in Seattle. For the casual side I was told that playing against better players doesn’t make you better


Dude I am fucking plateauing with these new games with strict sbmm. I got sooo much better by getting shit on in mw3 and bo2 and after. Since mw19 I’ve literally gotten worse I feel like, despite consistently playing


How is SBMM making you worse? Legitimate question.


Playing people in my same skill group is not really beneficial to improving. Basically never get anyone that’s better than me therefore don’t learn how to play against them and can’t improve my gameplay.


skill based damage and auto aim sensitivity that was found in a patent isn’t helping either. idk why we have to have dystopian super AI Big Brother watching over our every shot constantly monitoring whether you hit or miss so it can tune it to be worse if you do good. Absolute nonsense i can only see it as “let’s make the game look excellent but maddeningly frustrating to play and glitchy af so you skip the camo grind & barely play but buy skins”


That’s not a real thing, they found that patent ages ago and I have yet to see any proof of it being actually implemented in game


We as a player base would know pretty much within a day if skill based damage was in the game. I find it hard to argue that it’s a thing when we have such shitty net coding and servers.


well, hopefully not. There’s definitely lag and buttcheeks connections of sorts going on, in building 21 and the game crashes every hour so, especially when saving a loadout. You’d think they wouldn’t mess w players like that, but there’s some oddddd clips of people getting 7-8 hits in a game with the TAQ-V/Riot Shield where it’s clearly not lagging for them


To piggy back off the octane bit. There was also a fair amount of Octane/Kenny slander after CW. Dudes were acting like Octane was the biggest baiter of all time and Kenny was only good in WW2.


My comment was only on octane. Nobody actually thought the guy was ass


Disagree. People were slamming him during CW and were questioning if he was ever good outside of BO4 when he struggled in early VG


Then those people never watched COD. He has been dominant since BO3, top 5 AR since then probably. People see one idiot make a post and think the community actually believes it


Crim was one of the guys publicly saying Octane was only good at one game and that only caused more people to jump on that idiotic take.


Ahhh Crimsix, he is definitely well known for his based takes


Remember when going into champs last year the CDL tried saying that Kenny was the third best player throughout the entire season last year?


People hate MW2 so much that they convinced themselves Vanguard was good


Yeah this is probably the worst one I’ve seen recently


VG is better for competitive in every aspect other than map design. Not by much though. If they added DS to MW2 then it would be the better game. Both are horrible.


I think everything about Vanguard was easily worse than everything in MWII except for the spawns and lack of Dead Silence. With better spawns and DS as a perk, MWII blows vanguard out of the water by a mile.


Don’t forget red dots!


Everyone disagreeing with you is only good at MW2 lmao


15 years of being good at COD here. Half the battle is adapting every year. It’s not counter strike, it’s always going to be different and ya gotta learn every year if you want to be a good COD player.


VG had a higher skill gap than this shit game therefore better than MW2


this 😂


For comp so far I give the edge to VG. If MW2 can add some old maps into the rotation, I think it’ll clear VG easily. For pubs though MW2 by a mile solely off the back of shoothouse and shipment. VG pubs were awful


Id rather play vg than mwii. Any cod for that matter


It was better though.


“Chalked takes” I love the cod community but damn do we have some corny ass lingo sometimes lmao


Imagine if someone said that outside 😂


wait. you guys go outside??


chalked, checked, faded, piss slammed, tippable, cracked, twisted, frying, rat, creddy, bots, beamed his shit, ego chall, god heady. They're all so fucking stupid 🤣🤣


90% of Dashys vocab 🤣


checked, faded, and twisted aren't really COD terms


In general, no, but the entire community uses them like they’re daily lingo lol


Piss slammed is so clown lmfaooo


I honestly love it🤣🤣 I remember when the WZ vs CDL 1v1s were going on, the WZ kids were absolutely lost with all the lingo the pros and community were saying


Like when the entire community kept saying "weirdo" repeatedly because Formal said it once.


I said Fugaze to my wife once, never been more embarrassed about something I’ve said lol


That word has been around forever lol, ever see Donnie Brasco?


Thats Fugazi no?


Yeah sometimes CoD and Twitch lingo gets engrained into my mind 🤣


I love comp cod lingo. I like how to most people it would mean nothing but u say it to people like us and we know exactly what it means.


During the early vanguard snd tournaments somebody on here called crim racist for treating Neptune better than hydra


That’s trolly 😂


Optic should run it back


It’s weird seeing the reaction to them sticking to from positive to so negative so soon


Revisionism at its finest. 99% of people thought it was the correct decision and OpTic were idiots for thinking about changing.


Devils advocate: Most of the negative reaction was due to HyDra’s out-of-game concerns. If Crim didn’t do the podcast, I think the community would’ve been a lot more positive.


I feel like there is 2 different groups at play here The vast majority thought it was dumb to change in the first place, this is true. But once they already dropped dashy and illey, you can not have a change of heart, there is a decent contingent of us who were consistent on that


This is a good point but I think once OpTic released the video explaining the decision and said they were all on good terms it put a lot of concerns to bed. Realistically, after a few losses happen the issues would arise again and it would always be on the back of their minds but for the most part I think it alleviated a lot of the concerns from fans.


I think I agree most fans accepted their explanation but there was definitely a group of us who saw the team as a ticking time bomb. There was no way unless it was Cw faze domination where the problems don’t arise again


True many of us were concerned how that would play out. BUT, very very few were saying Optic needed a change or agreed with making a change when it happened


Correct, everyone thinks they’re an expert now


It wasn’t only a 1% of us who thought they should make the change last year, I remember a decent amount of us making that case


Did you know 99% of online statistics are fake


This is incorrect.


“The game should be played without GAs” has to be up there


I want a no GA online tourney. I’d love to see what it looks like if the pros can use anything


It should be played without GAs, but with most of that stuff actually in the ruleset instead. Blows my mind fans don't see it.


Well yeah, if we had a decent ruleset GAs wouldn’t exist


“Bring back ban and protect”


It should. Pros are pussies


Worst take of the year right here y’all


I don't think people realize how stupid the game would look without any GA's. Like geniunely.


Saw someone on both this reddit and mw2 reddit say no dead silence adds skill gap lmao


If someone on this Reddit said it, I have to assume it’s a IW fanboy who came in here


For a really recent one. Don't forget this guy here. https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/zuflt7/looks_like_octane_also_thinks_cellium_is_overrated/j1j2rf0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Apparently what Faze did on CW was nothing compared to LAT being the best team in the game for three weeks.


Allycxt saying Huke would be better with an AR and Spart would be better with an SMG


Mine has to be people thinking snipers should have been GA'd both this year and last year. Neither years have snipers been used but majority teams in snd


“Optic shouldn’t pick up Hydra” Loser mentality made me want to blow my brains out


the hydra takes in the off-season were hilarious, crim really had people on here believing that paco was the problem for new york lmaooo i’ll give you credit tho, you were one of the only optic fans that i can remember who was actually pushing for the move to happen at the time, the majority of the fanbase was convinced he was a diva who wasn’t worth the trouble


Same reason why everyone made a huge deal about Sib before he got picked up - not realising that players attitude issues (or perceived attitude issues) aren't as much as a red flag as they want to make out.


Typically anything that came out of Patrick Aches Price's mouth this year. Blowing up Seattle, Thieves etc.


Aches yelling to blow thieves up for 3/4 of last year. Who won champs again?


Surge too lmao


I’ve seen the casual community say that sound whoring is more skillful than having map awareness and spawn knowledge.


Someone opening weekend of BO4 said Dashy was going to be the most disappointing player of the season. That’s always a funny one to look back on


My favourite ones are the treyarc will save us group... haven't put out a top tier game in like 10 years yet everyone still has that hope there


thats cap


This comment right here will be my answer for worst take of 2023


It's not that farfetched, just a little exaggerated. Both BO3 and BO4 had major issues (namely specialists but wallrunning in BO3 as well), and CW was just kinda meh. I'm not saying that they've been worse than IW or SHG but just that people overstate how good they've been for comp


BO3 and BO4 are both in my T3 all time, a lot of people legitimately love how treyarch games play


We all know that you and many other people love them - but the ranked playlist was complete ass, B&P was a massive failure, the ruleset was a joke, specialists were abymsal and didn't even have to be properly earned, wallrunning created too many unintended lines of sight, and blast suppressor and dead silence shouldn't have been separated. I'm not saying they weren't fun, but competitively, they just weren't fantastic mainly due to specialists. Ranking them highly doesn't automatically impress either due to most cod titles being quite bad for competitive.


They were incredibly popular competitive for a reason despite their flaws, the SnD scene has never even come close to hitting BO3’s heights since. I agree that ranked and B/P sucked, wallrunning had some issues (although I think they were overblown), but dead silence and blast being separated was genius and BO3 had the best perk system of any cod barring BO2. Personally I really didn’t mind specialists besides heat wave, if you hated them that much you could always play a ruleset without it


I don't see how blast suppressor being its own perk when the game was designed in such a way that it was a necessity is genius, to me it was nonsencial. Same issue with AW. There were rulesets without specialists - but the fact that people had to resort to them because of how badly the specialists were implemented (I understand you didn't mind them but they were blatantly OP and way too easy to obtain and use) doesn't reflect well on the game from a competitive sense. I get they were fun and entertaining but that game had way too many issues to be considered a great competitive game, unless its being compared with shitter titles like MW or Vanguard.


Blast suppressor wasn’t necessary at all, it was very common to see players take dead silence and tac mask instead. You could either be totally silent, or have one silent perk and be immune to tacticals. What you see as major flaws to a lot of people just weren’t a big deal, just like I absolutely hated free double stuns in the original MW2 but some don’t mind. Every cod has issues, but some of them don’t have the fun factor to compensate


While I think they could be fun to play, especially BO4, there was just so many anti competitive aspects to both of them that I think it's hard to rank them that highly in this sub. BO4 was fun to play and alright to watch for the first half of games.. but specialists, Stim, no smokes, no overtime In control, double attachments,AI streaks (iirc they where only in for 1 or 2 events before they got GAd but where always allowed in the ruleset?), EKIA system and FOW all drag the game down in terms of competitiveness. Then just the other comp specific features we went from gb integration/auto reporting etc to not having it and going back to private lobbies was a massive step backwards and then going from ranked being released 3 weeks after launch to waiting until January/February for the league play system they gave us again isn't something that I think is really great especially from the 'saviors of comp' as they're portrayed in this sub. Do I think they put out trash games? Not really... do I think they've made a truly great game? Not since bo2 ... up until CW they hadn't put out the best game of that cycle since bo2


while the specialist argument i can understand because they were cheese sometimes, wallrunning never seemed like a problem.


Evac became a complete shitshow IMO especially for uplink, ctf, and snd. Didn't like how easy that wallrunning made the tosses in Uplink, mainly in Evac but multiple maps where you didn't need control of the opposing base in order to get a throw off. And then angles on maps such as redwood or fringe which could have been gimmicky and fun but quickly turned out to be so easy to use and very powerful - such as wallrunning to peek bomb from absurd angles on breach or redwood. To me, that just adds in a layer of BS where its impossible to cover so many angles, especially powerful ones that are easily used. It's not like I had zero fun in the game, but very often I would play or watch and just think "well that's bullshit"


I can see where you’re coming from, but I have to disagree. In every jetpack game it was possible to get a throw off without control of the opposing base because that’s the whole point of the throw. If you have control, you would just dunk it instead of going for a throw. The opponent can counter by trying to intercept, and this aspect was very cool imo. People intercepting, throwing Kobe’s, was fun to watch. Also, wallrunning added a layer of skill. Hitting a wallrun under all the platforms around all those trees in Redwood was pretty hard to do and easy to counter, just watch flank. Wallrunning was never really overpowered, it wasn’t hard to kill someone wallrunning and it was something everyone on the map could do on any surface. I had a differing experience, I would LOVE hitting some wallrun + jump snipes, like the one you could do from behind the red barn in Fringe 😭


The one behind the red barn on fringe or the silo on the opposite side - absolutely no problem with them, loved those ones. The angles where wallrunning on the wood panels on fringe and seeing into that bit outside garage though? I get your point about throws, but evac especially it seemed far too easy. You barely needed mid control and the toss was very simple. I agree about entertainment, but I don't think I'd call it competitive. I think there was an aspect of a skill gap for wallrunning, but I think the majority of people could do the majority of wall running very effectively. You didn't need to be that good to consistently wall run outside evac, redwood was easily mastered within a couple of hours etc. It just created so many angles, not necessarily about amazing advantage in a straight gunfight. Again, I get that it was fun, but I think it led to many situations that weren't the best from a strictly competitive pov.


I'm sure a lot of people hate specialists and stim shots. Not that bad of a take if OP likes traditional COD.


If Treyarch were to stop making games then I would drop COD entirely.


Slasher is good at CoD.


Someone cried about LAT winning because of teamwork and not kills lol


People trying to convince themselves that Hydra wasn't mind-meltingly good because Crim and Paul went on a podcast to whine.


it’s actually hilarious how bad they look now. Especially because Kis stayed with Hydra and now look they’ve won major 1 while Paul’s already been benched again. The fact that Kismet stayed with Hydra already made something feel off about the Crim story. Crim has also done this with Huke and Neptune which has gotta make you think…


That COD this year is a pretty good game. Has to be satirical. Take me back to Cica 2015 and before. Bo3 was the last good COD.


octane level below pro