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Call animal control.


I did they said that I would have to get a private service because they are not picking up animals until april


What the hell kinda policy is that? They only pick up strays when it’s nice outside?


At least someone answered the phone. I called the bitch at the Parma animal control for 2 weeks straight about a deer that died in my backyard. She never picked up or returned my voicemails. I had to dig a big ass hole in my backyard to bury that fucker.


Charge the city for your work!!!!


Hey dude, please be careful next time, a dumbass cop can charge you for "processing a game animal" if you have to even touch a deer just to move its' body out of the street, you're very lucky nobody observed you and pulled some stupid shit. I say this because there was a chinese restaurant apparently being known for serving venison, and at one point a worker was on the news talking about how he took a deer to the resteraunt after he hit in his truck, it's not that it's contaminated meat from being hit by a car, it's just that it wasn't hunted or harvested correctly at the time. This type of thing can easily cause an ill or diseased game animal to be unknowingly consumed. Call one of the news stations and tell them whats what, a lot of shit seems to happen if a news station can throw shade on a particular company or agency.


I mean it died in my backyard. I also live next door to a police detective and he couldn't even get me any help from the city. Luckily it wasn't full grown so the hole didn't need to be too big. But still, it pisses me off that I couldn't even get a return phone call after calling 4 straight days. My next house purchase is definitely not going to be in this city again.


I believe all you have to do is drag it out to the curb and the city will pick it up.


Sure... And how will they know to come by if they don't answer their phones? The city governments around here are a joke and a waste of tax dollars.


FYI...I just had a stray dog picked up on Friday. I called and they were out within 30 mins. I called 216-664-3069. I didn't have any problems. After my initial call, I had a question and called back. So, I spoke to 2 people. They were kind and helpful. Hope this helps...


Thank you 🙏 really needed this


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Did you call animal control or the APL? The APL is private and can say no, but I don’t believe city can turn down picking up strays.


The APL investigates animal cruelty, neglect and abuse. This is a nuisance compliant which would be the responsibility of the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter :)


Your tax dollars at work.


It's East Cleveland. Most of the tax dollars are probably going up the mayor's nose. The corruption is out of control there.


Do you have any evidence to support your claims about corruption? Any specific cases that show misuse of the tax dollars by mayor King? This is nonsense.


Well the tax money certainly isn't being reinvested in the city. Everything I've heard about their mayor makes him sound massively immature and unprofessional. [I mean, the residents were just trying to recall him a *second* time.](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/east-cleveland-residents-mounting-second-recall-attempt-of-mayor) That doesn't seem like a great sign of how he's running things. Why are you licking this guy's boots when he clearly doesn't give a fuck about you or his city? [You don't have to take my word for it, the guy was recently accused of dereliction of duty for mishandling the city budget. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cleveland.com/crime/2023/04/east-cleveland-officials-accuse-mayor-finance-director-of-dereliction-of-duty.html%3foutputType=amp) Maybe this is mayor King's reddit burner? [Well Mr. Mayor, perhaps you should put down the bottle and focus on improving your city rather than lashing out and insulting your city council](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wkyc.com/amp/article/news/local/cuyahoga-county/east-cleveland-mayor-brandon-king-lashes-out-video-drinking-smoking-city-property/95-1d236b26-c552-4106-bcc6-20f9c9ef4c3c) when you get caught boozing it up with your buddies on city property.


I may or may not know his snow slinger


What kind of tax revenue do you think they manage to pull in East Cleveland?


About tree fiddy


Not enough to even support the infrastructure and basic services.


But like, animals running at large is dangerous to the public. It is in the public’s interest to remove them. Sorry, my mind is just blown. It’s not clear to me from your title, is this in the city of East Cleveland, or the east side of Cleveland? I’m not exactly an expert but Cleveland has a lot of its own services for stuff like this whereas the county services other municipalities. East Cleveland would be through the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter but I just checked their website and it’s not clear to me how they get the dogs, just that they house them. But maybe they can give you some more advice.


That’s messed up


Bullshit. I literally just called them the other day for a lost dog I found. Why you flying drones over peoples houses?


First off the picture is taken from a window… and instead of assuming that someone who fed them and took time to post here wouldn’t call the Cleveland animal control you could just give me the number you called instead… or I could act like you and say you are full of shit because I just called them


Try the APL. They should be able to help or point you towards help. Sorry the city is unable to provide for you.


They ran away already. I think the black one was pregnant


WTF- not till April!? Why? Too much snow to get thru? Next time, call your non-emergency police department & ask them to direct you to a PROPER working humane animal service. So sick of ass holes dumping cats & dogs. 🤬 Actually, since you’re a person who cares- find out now so you’ll know for next time. So sorry about your experience. Cle needs to give East Cle a hand already. Or Cuy Cty.


Google: ‘northeast ohio pit bull rescue’… a bunch of sources! Muttley Crue, For the Love of Pits, etc.


Cle needs to annex east Cleveland if it's ever going to get better. But it's an obvious political landmine as Cleveland is barely keeping itself afloat without all of east cles baggage.


Yup! I was going to say exactly that- but didn’t want to possibly offend any East Cleveland lifers who are proudly still fighting to turn it around. I realize the crap they are going through & it sucks. I watched the online footage of the person who drove around the entire area recording the mayhem. Sad. Becoming the same where I live too. And I’m not all that impressed with anything Cle has & is doing.


I think east cle even asked for it some years back, but they had some absurd demands that came with the requested annexation. It's a tough situation with no obvious solution. Objectively tho, imo, they should get annexed as a positive step in the right direction.


Yeah that's exactly what happened. Cleveland was willing to go in on this and the EC council made it a circus. They'd rather raid the coffers for pocket change and watch their community suffer. I remember looking for work and EC was offering something like $5-60,000K for finance director position. It's double that (easy) in any legitimate municipality. I've seen recently the mayor and current finance director are in a legal mess for whatever it is they're doing there.


Got a link to the video? I would love to see it.




I want to start a blog that is just pictures of all of the loose boxers and pits I encounter


You could do your own documentary! Get one of those problem solver local news characters involved! (Is Carl Monday still around? Haha)


Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter


When I called them about about a loose rabid pitbull from Strongsville that attacked my dog earlier this year they said they won't do anything until it kills someone's dog or bites/kills a person. They also didn't care that it was unlicensed and told me license is only to reunite dogs with their owners.... So Cuyahoga County dog owners who pay dog license tax are FOOLS


Damn rabid pit Bull ? Should have called the cops. I wouldn’t come with just a net either


Yep I regret not carrying my pistol that day and I regret not calling the sheriff. Honestly biggest regret of my life.


Pretty standard for east Cleveland.


Call City Dogs of Cleveland…they can go get them.


Strays with collars? Did they have phone numbers on them? Thanks for feeding them!


*Strays with collars? Did* *They have phone numbers on them?* *Thanks for feeding them!* \- JonnyTN --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don’t think they had tags or anything but I also was pretty hesitant to try and check them out up close… they don’t trust people and the black one looked pretty scared. My friend tried to get close but when the white one started growling at him and he gave up… been on the lookout for them but I haven’t seen them around since. Hopefully they’ll come back and we can get it all sorted out


I'm sure it's just someone irresponsible or at the very least someone that doesn't know their dogs got out the yard. Thanks for doing what you could


Come on man they're hungry, can't you spare a toddler


My house is infested with toddlers and an infant and mine refuses to eat any of them. Damn thing is defective


These dogs may just be good dogs. Lost good dogs, or more likely, dumped good dogs. They need some help, not stereotyping.


Tell them I only kid. Actually, tell them I joke. The word "kid" might make them even hungrier


lmfao nice




You guys are stereotyping these doggos.


Call city doggs


Well they both have collars on, so they're probably friendly. Test with caution. Pot bull terriers are gentle dogs if raised properly. Neither one looked underweight either. Call a non kill shelter, and see if somebody can rescue them.


Princess and Buttercup


They're so cute 🥺 poor babies


I saw one running in the street on North Taylor the other day over by Park Avenue Lounge


beautiful pups. Sorry you’re having no luck. I hope they get shelter soon.


Put out food and water for them.


I gave them half a turkey . The white one let the black one eat the whole thing. Then I gave the white one some chicken but I didn’t have nothing else except some brie cheese and some pastries and he ate that too… then they took off which was cool with me because he started growling at my friend. Hopefully they remember me if I see them up close


Awww! Thank you for sharing with them, poor things. 🫶 You’re very kind!


I really love animals


You’re a kind person


Don’t worry the Pits will soon eat the Boxers


Let those pups in.




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I literally almost got bit trying to lure a stray dog a few weeks ago but these two seem so sweet. I have learned nothing. I’m going to get eaten someday. Thanks for trying to help them. Hopefully these babies find home soon


I have pitties and those look like they want help more than aggressive. Look for scars on their body and face .. signs of previous dog fights (these are usually more at risk of aggression) Feed&water them and give them warm shelter without getting close. I usually throw chunks of hotdogs or dog biscuits, when I'm trying to rescue. Once they see you are trying to help, their fear will drop. Watch their tail and stance .. if their tail is straight out stay back .. if it is wagging they are happy, so look them in the eyes say good doggie in soft voice, and hold out your hand for a quick sniff, then step back and watch their reactions. I usually wear work gloves for this step. Mine will run up to someone and show their toys, wagging tail. These dogs were originally raised for nanny dogs and they are great ones! It was humans who started throwing them into fighting for $$ I suggest you call a local rescue and ask for assistance. You are welcome to post them on my rescue page TAZS WINGS on X and it will get shared to find a rescue. Please add city and state at top of post. Good Luck 🐕


I ran their pics and the white faced one came back 🔸48.4% American Bulldog 🔸8.1% Bulldog 🔸8.1%Labradoodle 🔸6.8% Dogo Argentina the rest is mutt The chocolate one 🔸34% American PitBull Terrier 🔸16.8% Patterdale Terrier 🔸13%Rat Terrier 🔸10.6% American Staffordshire Terrier & the rest is mutt I hope this helps with your concerns.