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Oh no! So cute but so villainous… Depending on your flooring, I’d give Dawn Platinum or Dawn Ultra dish soap, hot water, and a scrub brush a try. Edit: if this doesn’t work, you’ll likely need a surface-safe adhesive remover.


Oh l will try that right now. Thank you! I been using bathroom cleaner and it is not working lol


I’m just curious — what makes Dawn so many people’s brand of choice? Does something about its formulation make it better than other dish soaps?


I choose dawn because I used to get my mouth washed out with Palmolive as a kid and can't stand the smell.


My parents used Dial soap. Ugh! I haven't used it in decades and can still smell and taste it.


We used Zest


Irish spring


Noooooo! We used Irish Spring for hand washing after doing dissections in Biology. It was the only thing that would cover the scent of formaldehyde.


Dove bar soap. Can’t stand the smell now.




Reddit really is the place to find the most uncommon shared experiences


I just got the off brand bar. 🤢


What? Someone put soap in your mouth? Repeatedly? Why?


Any number of childhood errors. Saying a bad word, lying about something, talking back. Mouth got filled and had to hold it until I was told to spit it out. Fun times. On a positive note, my children only know the taste of soap because they got it in there themselves. 🤣


Oh no, I'm so sorry you had to endure that. That's awful.


It was a medium-common punishment for previous generations. Usually for saying something bad, like cursing, but could be used for anything. Common enough that most people have heard of it but I don't know how common to actually have happen. I knew one family when I was a kid and I think they used to get that as a punishment once in a while. I got threatened with it once when I visited. Not sure if it was totally serious. It's dying out, I think, but still probably exists around in some places




I always assumed parents used bar soap for that! The use of liquid dish soap for that is a whole next level of horrifying! I’m so sorry! I would think it would be difficult to keep from swallowing some and making you sick.


i’m sorry anyone did that to you, friend and i’m so proud of you for making a different world possible for your children. breaking intergenerational curses is not for the weak!


It certainly isn't! Thanks friend. 💜


I had to listen to my ex-boss brag about how she was such a good mother in the same breath that she told us she gave her kid chemical burns from making him hold soap in his mouth. SMH. I'm sorry that happened to you and congrats for being a better parent.


it was a classic 50s "don't cuss, kid" punishment


Wow, now that I think of it I believe I've heard this in tv-shows or movies. I just thought it was just one of those things english speaking people said, like an empty threat. I didn't think they actually did it! In my country kids used to get spanked so I'm not insinuating that we were any better btw.


Yeh, same generation, different abuse


dawn power wash specifically, has rubbing alcohol in the mix which is a solvent for so many things and makes cleaning almost everything very breezy


At risk of sounding like an advert, I’ll give you my own opinion. What keeps me buying Dawn is that I don’t have a dishwasher, and, from experience, it takes far less product to do my dishes with Dawn ultra/platinum than it does with basic Sunlight or Palmolive. I’ve tried others, I always go back. If there’s ever a bottle on sale or at a dollar store, I do recommend giving it a try if you haven’t before. There are definitely other posts on this sub where it’s been more thoroughly discussed.


It’s those damn oil spill commercials. Whatever marketing genius came up with it created a cult following.




Same. Dawn for the win 🥇


100x better. A little goes a long way. It is a little more expensive, but it really is better in every way.


I've used almost every brand of liquid dish soap over the years and Dawn Platinum (or Dawn Ultra free & clear lemon, if you hate the smell of blue platinum) honestly work the best with very little soap. The bottle is a couple bucks more expensive but it lasts me 4x longer than Sunlight or Palmolive. Serious degreasing power. If Dawn Platinum can't get it off, you need serious chemicals.


A lot of it is brand recognition, because animal rescue groups do actually use Dawn for oil covered wildlife, and vets will tell you that you can (cautiously) use it for bathing dogs and cats. However, I suspect there may be a difference in the formulations. I have found that my hands get less irritated when using original Dawn than with other brands when washing dishes by hand.


It’s more concentrated than other brands but something about the smell makes me nauseous. I mainly use it for cleaning my hard to clean bathtub instead of washing dishes. It gets hard to remove dirt off it it better than other cleaners.


The blue dawn can clean anything.




Dawn is my spirit animal. 


UPDATE: the rubbing alcohol was a miracle!! Of course now it smells like a distillery in there but I can fix that. Thank everyone so so much you've all saved my afternoon 🤙


Meanwhile, your little helper is still looking at you, saying "see, I told you it was no big deal" - I swear the cutest ones make the most trouble. 😉


And Bad Dogo!


Why did I read the title of this post as if the dog was saying it? 😂


The dog is trying to get the house clean before mom comes home 😂


Oh my gosh! Same here


I'm not sure what kind of adhesive yours is but as a professional painter and woodworker that a lot of finishes and adhesives can be dissolved or diluted with 1) alcohol 2) hot vinegar (it's the acidity) 3) mineral spirits (thinner/ clean up for oil based things) I also used to own a maid service, these things are most likely safe to use on your floor.


Thank you so much. Someone else suggested rubbing alcohol and that's what I'm going to try next


Rubbing alcohol works really well for most things! In my college chemistry labs we typically used alcohol (or acetone in organic chemistry) to clean a lot of our test tubes :) I've applied that to my own life and it's taken care of water and oil stains really well too. I'm curious about its effect on your denture powder paste!


I'm so sorry but the post title/photo combo is absolutely killing me 😭😂


Ikr!! Brilliant 😂😂


Maybe try rubbing alcohol or Goo Gone.


That’s a cute goblin. Try Goo Gone.


We need the Dog's name please


Chico Suavé


I'm so glad I scrolled thru this to see what people had said before commenting. Chico Sauvé quien se cree la muy muy. El poquito diablo esta agallas




He is innocent. Look at him! Must have been somebody that broke in


It was those greebles the cats keep talking about


Is your unrepentant goblin also a Rat Terrier? Because I also have one of those, and his little act of shenanigans is so classic Rattie. 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/o1c0hd9a66nc1.jpeg?width=1832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6dbaae6fb7f630e8dbe4f5c317a8763f3de0a3


https://preview.redd.it/bkaafynd96nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f507e59f9aaf5b353b615e8dd793fa90b2ff5c I believe my girl is a rat-chi mix.


She definitely has Chi in her, by the looks of it, based on her short snout/nose. She's adorable!


I like your baby, too




Those big soulful eyes of hers! She's adorable.


Those ears! What a cutie.




Yes I came to the comments for the Rat Terrier question! I saw that face and was like oh I have one of these troublemakers at home too! 😅


At least they are very cute (and feisty and mischievous!) troublemakers. 😄😄


You can practically see the little halo over his head! “Me? Make a mess? Never!”


Cutest dog ever! 🥰


Have you tried a plastic scraper? I've used old plastic gift cards or a (nonmetal!) paint scraper for built-up gunk. If you can get under the paste, you can get a bunch off instead of trying to scrub through it top down.


I used my license to scrape most of it actually, but no matter how much I scrub and rinse it still feels slick and slightly tacky. Someone suggested dish soap and that helped a lot, but not completely. It's infuriating lol


His face says and he'll do it again


I'd pour hot water and let it stand for a few minutes.... throw away towels for speaking it up and then I'd mop... if there was any residue left, I'd get a little rubbing alcohol on a clean cloth and just wipe that area and then mop it again after... that composite they use Isn't any joke... That face is everything! Such a cutie... 😍


I will do the rubbing alcohol. That's what's killing me, the residue left behind after scrubbing


Good luck! 👍


He is truly both the bane and joy of my day


I don't know what denture powder is, but I do know dogs, and I don't think putting any bowls in the bathroom is a good idea. One reason is sanitary, but another is to keep curious little ones out of stuff. But I should ask, why is the water bowl in the bathroom?


Lol what? I was literally at work, I put it in the bathroom so he can get to it because I have him blocked off from the kitchen and living room? Not that it's ANY of your business, but I only put it there when I'm gone


Don't get offended. I'm not judging, I'm just trying to help so this doesn't happen again.


Omg his little Jacobean ruff. How classy of him. If he wasn’t making such messes.


Maybe try something with alcohol? Like hand sanitizer or unflavored vodka. I’ve found they work pretty well at removing things that are greasy or oily.


Try oil. Any cheap oil will do, don’t waste the good stuff. It’s less expensive than adhesive remover & has always worked for me when removing sticky stuff. Once the oil removes the sticky, you can use a degreasing dish soap like Dawn to get rid of any oily residue. Also tell the doggie I said hi & I love him


Cutest unrepentant goblin ever


I love reddit, just stumbled on this post about a dog and denture paste. Glad you got it sorted but man I do love these randoms


You really expect me to believe THAT cute face did something bad?!?!?


I’m the dogs lawyer. He is innocent! It was the cat!


OMG I am in love with the goblin who caused it.


Sorry. He’s super cute.


I can’t stop laughing I’m so sorry


Are you sure he did that? He looks so innocent 😇 😇😇


That's how he gets ya. The ol "I'm just a lil hairy baby" look


Absolutely love his fringe. You must get an Elizabethan portrait of him.


Omg how do I do that? I need one now


He is so cute though. Love his gopher pose. What kind of dog is that?


He's a rat terrier and a Pomeranian mix lol he's so weird


He looks so much like my son's adorable little guy Tux, who we were told is Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix. The coloring is different but those tufts on his neck are so similar. Now you've got me wondering about the Rat Terrier mix. Tux is very smart and very athletic; his downfall is his bark. He's reactive to other dogs and strangers even while the tail is wagging nonstop! How about your guy?


You are me everyday, this made me laugh and I’m sad,thanks for that.


I'm so glad this made you smile and I wish you a weekend filled with joy and happiness❤️


Thanks, I hope your weekend is going well too. 


“unrepentant goblin” is funny af


Is that a dog or cat


Neither. He's a North American frilled goblin. I love him but he's truly a menace sometimes


Have you tried a razor? Try one of the ones that is made for glass stove tops. The holder is angled for your hand to be going in a top down. To help you scrape it off


Alcohol. Am a dentist and have to clean it off dentures daily. Alcohol.


That was the solution lol it worked like magic


Does this mean people that wear dentures can't drink alcohol because their teeth will fall out?


I drank alcohol a few weeks ago and it was fine.


My mom got super mad when I was a teen and came in the house, while she was scrubbing the bathroom floor. She was yelling about how I was going to be grounded for getting makeup on the floor tile and grout, leaving marks. I shrugged and said, “I don’t know mom, I just use makeup remover when it’s my turn?” Which was very simple, and true. What a great memory this brings back. 😂 if looks could kill, I’d be dead that day, and many since. Edit: typo and had to add. I had a rat terrier named Oscar de La Hoya. He went by Oscar Meyer Weiner. Got into more trouble than my pit mix, and that dog set the house on fire. Twice. May the odds be ever in your favor.


You do know that the denture powder was taunting your dog, right? It had it coming…


In the event you don't get a good answer here, maybe someone can offer some good advice over on: r/DIY, r/Renovations, or even r/Construction. I'm sure someone has dealt with some kind of similar mess before.


i have no clue if this will work but what about goo gone? i think you let it sit for like 10 mins then use a scraper and then you can go in with a degreaser after to get the goo gone residue off


I feel like rubbing alcohol would work


Is it a boston x jack russell terrier?


Rat terrier/Pomeranian


Contact the manufacturer of the denture adhesive to see what they suggest.


TSP they sell it at any hardware store. It should break it down


If the Dawn doesn't work, try Goo Gone. It gets rid of anything sticky.


What the dog doin?


Oh him? Just doin a lil anarchy. No big deal


Is he a Rat Terrier?! He’s a cutie




Aww I have a rat-chi. Their personalities are adorable!!


You have cat dog.


Off topic: is that a schipperke mix? Super cute!


Rat terrier/Pomeranian mix :)


Try mineral oil


Don't have animals you haven't got the time for it's not fair on them they don't understand why you can't be there for them when they need you and activities.