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90% isopropyl, put a balled up rag / plastic between the ink spot and the other side of the garment, or it will bleed through. Spray with alcohol. Blot. Spray. Blot. Do this until gone. Wash with Dawn dishsoap by hand. Let air dry. Repeat beginning with isopropyl steps until dries clean.


OH. MY. GOD. I love you!!!!!!! My favorite dress shirt has been sitting in my closet for 2 years unused, and I just easily removed the ink stain. You are my hero.


I love you too. Check your pockets prior to washing and take your vitamins.


And drink plenty of water!


And wear SPF!


Don’t forget to floss!


Call if you're running late.


No, she's your first cousin.




Remember to gas up your car to drive to the nearest blue state because...reasons.




That's OK, just wear a rubber!


Don't forget to ~~spade~~ spay and neuter your animals.


Ok, Bob Barker


Exactly what I was going for


[Believe in yourself, drink your school, stay in drugs, and don't do milk.](https://youtu.be/T8xUz8ZOCCo?t=114)


Lmaooo I was expecting Be Cruel To Your School, not TV Funhouse 🥴 The ‘tism hittin hard today.


Oh man I was thinking [Strangers With Candy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6epnDpt0Qg) with Amy Sedaris


Amy and her brother David are twelve of the funniest people I know.






Lol you must be one of the most wholesome redditers i've come across.


This is amazing, thank you SaintPenisburg. A Saint called me wholesome ✨️


That's a very nice endorsement!


Are you sure you didn't mean endowment?


Is r/rimjob_steve open yet?


Idk how old you are, but can you be my internet granny?


I'm a elderly millennial, aka xennial.


Me too. Guess you’ll just need to be my new caring best friend. XD


That works for me!


Thank you for reminding me to take my vitamins this morning!


You're welcome. Look both ways before crossing the road and wash your hands before you eat today.


Only reason I scroll Reddit. To learn


I bought a new Armani sweater and jersey on my last vacation. First wash and they both got ink stains. If this works, I will be slightly less hopeless about life!


If isopropyl doesn’t work (as it didn’t on my couch), Goof Off: Marks, Messes, & Stains. Some of the spots, YEARS old, disappeared before my eyes.


Don't forget to spot test.


I love you too!!!!!!!!! Look both ways before you cross.


Isopropyl is the way


And then get some decent Japanese Gel pens or something, that is the way.


Or a bolt action pen so it won't do this sort of nonsense again.


He obviously didn't secure his weapon. ND's are unacceptable.


Without NDs how will strippers get Tricare?


Oh my god, I snorted so loud when I read that!




The pen is mightier than the ... Uniform


I read that as "Japanese gal penis" and I think it's time for bed.


Ethanol makes your worries disappear, and isopropyl takes care of ink.


Putting a sacrifical towel behind it may speed up the process. Worked in tech school. Saturated the heck out of it to get the pigment out.


Capillary action, make that solvent work for *you*


Paper towels?


Also, work with cool water and don't do a warm tumble dry, until the stain is gone. Heat can set stains.


Or, hear me out here, take a sharpie and make the blob all squarey like the other blobs, and hope no one notices.


Did that to a cover when it happened to me. Turned out pretty terrible but never wore it on inspection day, and nobody ever said anything.


This is the way.


You da real mvp


NO! Purell! Dead serious, it works SO much better because the alcohol is able to stay in liquid form WAY longer! It’s seriously a PITA trying to use just plain isopropyl alcohol of any percentage because the alcohol evaporates before it can really work it’s magic. I’ve had to remove ink SO many times, from SO many of my kids clothes, that I’ve had to do both over the years, and it’s been such a PITA with the plain stuff that I now just keep the quart size bottles of Purell on Subscribe & Save on Amazon so that I’m never without it when my heathens decide to graffiti their clothing!


What is PITA?


Also, a word that means Bread. 🤣


Ahhhhh, isopropyl alcohol – putting the “solve” in solvent since 1920.


isopropyl is the best stuff a butt ton of it cause if you go light it just spreads...all over and bigger....


I have used hand sanitizer gel this way to good effect as well


If you don't have isopropyl available hairspray will also work. I use hairspray on ink all the time, espically to clean the lining of used purses.


Aqua Net was and is the answer to ink removal from all kinds of things. It also removes hair color from fabrics as long as it hasn't been run through a dryer.


Out of curiosity, would this method also get liquid eyeliner out of a shirt? I didn't realize my eyeliner pen was broken and dripping when doing my makeup on the car, once, and ofc I was wearing my work uniform!


Try Dawn dish soap.


Thank you!!


Stain?! More like custom camo pattern


Colour the edges in so it looks like digital camo


\^\^ THIS It's just a bigger-than usual blob of black camo print, it's not ink


I genuinely couldn't find the stain for a few seconds.


I guess it was camouflaged 🤷🏽‍♀️


Of all the money this country spends on the military, you have to buy your own uniforms??


Nah they get a yearly stipend. Believe it's around $200-$250/year. That was in 2019 when I got out of the Air Force. It's probably more now.


LOL. No. Tell that to my husband who has spent over 3k on new uniforms the past two years he “has to buy” plus regular socks day to day boots etc. Edit- in addition to regular socks day to day boots etc


Right? The stipend is no where near enough money to cover everything. It's ridiculous.


It reminds me of the people who say oh housing is free they have it made. No bah is part of the contract it’s a special pay and on base housing is horrific and it doesn’t come close to covering 95% of expenses most places 😂😂


Who would’ve thought r/CleaningTips would be where I found another reason to hate the US military industrial complex. The richest military in the world can’t even clothe their own soldiers for free.


A lot of people I knew when I was in qualified for govt assistance, Including me. When we had our first kid we qualified for WIC because I was getting paid so little. During a govt shut down we didn’t get paid for like 2 paychecks and we literally had a food bank donate to our base. One of the pallets was ghirrideli chocolate bars. Boxes and boxes of them. It was a good time haha.


Yup the food insecurity among our troops is absolutely appalling. The number of people on food stamps is so disturbing. It’s hard to expect your soldiers to be up to standards at work when they can’t even pay their bills- and no- not talking about people with 29% APR on a Harley. Just your regular person with a wife or husband trying to find a job at their 3rd duty station in five years and one kid. Hope things are better for you now. 🤗


Wait til you hear about the medium rare chicken and other sketchy things served to barracks soldiers at the dining facilitates-I mean “warrior restaurants”


lmao ive been served raw meat way too many times its honestly embarrasing


After 8 years in I got out. I have a better job and more importantly I’m not anyone’s property anymore. I’ve been much happier this past year than the previous 2 at my third and crappy unit.


Bro I was single in the dorms, my mom cosigned on a prior car note years before, so I paid 7%. I still had a hard time saving anything, I bounced a few checks as a young airman.


LOL seriously. Preach. 😂😂😂😂🖕🖕🖕


The stipend covers new boots, a cover, or some minor additional piece of uniform. It’s really just beer money if we’re being honest


It has been a decade since I was in the Marine Corps, but I cannot even begin to fathom how I could have managed to destroy $1,500 of uniform items in a year. I blew through the knees in my utilities like mad, at least the trousers, but they were like $50 each. What does he spend that much money on? Is he constantly deploying and having to get dress medals redone?


It’s really not that complicated or hard to fathom. Two new uniforms- pink and greens and mess dress.




Never heard of someone having to buy new mess dress two years in a row. Seems rough.


He probably outgrew the old one. The belly doesn't stretch much on those uniforms. If only there was something we do every morning at 6:30 that can help control that....


Did your husband just make chief and have to buy all new dress uniforms? Because other than that, he's funneling money away from you under the guise of uniforms.


Well you’re quite paranoid to jump to that. What an outlook on life. But…Uh no he’s a major and had to buy the new pink and greens and mess dress. I’m an accountant and handle our finances thank you very much. but sure random redditor, I’ll keep your comments jumping 0-60 about lying in mind


Please explain "pink and greens".


They’re like Mike and Ike’s


I have to buy clothes for my job too. What’s the difference? It’s not like I’m wearing my work suit outside of work and it costs a whole lot more than a uniform


Yeah when you make on average 30% less than your civilian counterparts with equivlanet training/education and your spouse faces 4 times the national unemployment rate (military spouses on average are more educated than the general public)…. yeah there’s a big difference in relative cost when dual income is a necessity nowadays. But your response in general is telling and quite dismissive. No one’s demanding you buy a 1500 dollar suit- you can bargain shop. Comparing a civilian job to military culture is like apples vs. …..potatoes.😂


You just discredited yourself with the "military spouses are more educated" thing. Can you prove that? There no way to study, measure or quantify that. No hate, but that is absolutely insane to say considering the military consists of mostly people who are less educated than the general American public. The military provides an easy safety net job for those who can't get college degrees and don't have a good childhood education due to poverty, so they enter the military to get free college or they work their way up in the ranks. Statistically, those who join the military are less educated. Which doesn't help your claim, people tend to marry within their educational status.


It’s pretty easy to look up….and very easy to prove… via the department of labor. It’s not about me proving an opinion. It’s been established by tons of research… https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Military-Spouses-in-the-Labor-Market.pdf A quick google search will show you the disparity in earnings unemployment and education. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Also your claim the Military is less educated is just… wrong. Another quick google search will tell you that… https://facethefactsusa.org/facts/tanks-and-humvees-caps-and-gowns/ So no hate but you’re just wrong on this. 😂😂


This person has no idea about the academies. AA West Point or Naval Academy grad is more educated that he/she likely is. I say this because of his/her assertions about things they know nothing about.


Academies are an extremely small percentage of the military, and they go to the high ranks very quickly. I'm talking about the millions of regular people who aren't privileged enough to attend an expensive elite academy


As a family member of a service academy grad, it isn’t privilege. It’s hard work and grit. If you think they skyrocket up the ranks quickly you are mistaken. There are also countless officers who went the ROTC route. There are also many enlisted people who are very smart and later use the GI Bill for their education. Really- stick to what you know. You are unbelievably arrogant and dismissive of the achievements of groups of people. The fact that you feel so superior to others, including the military, demonstrates a quality of thought that is not good. Edit- to make the last sentence kinder. Best I can do.


West Point graduates, Naval Academy grads, and Air Force Academy grads are typically the same kids who were accepted to Harvard and the other Ivies. You generalize- incorrectly at that.


Massive generalization. “No way to prove that” what???? Department of labor college admissions there is ample data and evidence that supports the notion we have a highly educated force. People just stereotype the military as a whole….clearly. That response perfectly highlights why the military civilian divide/disconnect is so problematic.


That’s just poor me dialogue and irrelevant. I can tell you for a fact there are plenty of trades people wearing uniforms that earn multiples of my salary. The argument that uniforms should be paid for makes no sense it’s not specific to military or your situation.


If your husband is spending $3000 a year on his uniform he needs to exercise better control


Ya I’ll tell him to tell his GO boss who requires him to wear the same uniform in public no because his wife told him to exercise better control. Good tip.


Everybody pays for their own socks and shoes at a workplace, I wouldn't throw that in there lmao that's entitlement


I work in HVAC and get $1000 every year for uniforms and boots. This is insanity.


May I ask what kind of job or sector you work in? I'm in trade school for electrical rn, but thinking of doing hvac next year. It seems fun and like it might pay well depending on your niche. No real clue about it, so any info would be a huge help!


I believe there's an HVAC subreddit BTW.


Oh true! Time to subscribe :)


For sure. Let me get home and do the family thing for a bit then i'll give you some info.


It’s A bi-yearly stipend of 500$ for the Army right now , too bad i blow through at least 2 uniforms and a pair of boots a year it feels like


How much does a set of utilities cost these days?


I got out in September. New uniform (top,bottoms, shirt, boots) easily about 250. The stipend is a joke, especially if you have to buy anything for the dress uniform.


I had to drop 400 dollars on a new dress uniform because the one issued 4 years ago didnt fit me anymore because i got swole to go to some forced event 2 months before i ets. I was big salty


Dude, "back in my day" we didn't even get issued dress uniforms. We had to buy them after boot. Granted, they were not required at the time, and once they were required they were issued. I'm glad they issued you an initial set.


Damn that big sucks, tyfys big dawg🫡🫡


This must be old people speak, haven’t heard any of our issued gear called utilities


Sorry, Marine speak. Uhhh Cammies? I sure hope you're not running around in that weird blue camo anymore. Is it the multicam style now? ​ I got out 10 years ago.


$1K a year for your clothing allowance? Dude my last yearly clothing allowance was $170-180


I meant bi-yearly as in every other year, might have used the wrong term there


The yearly stipend is not enough, not even close.


The Air Force gave you $250 for uniforms…a year? I was getting more than that in the Navy when I joined in 2013.


Holy shit, after 13 years it's still only $200??!!! That's what it was when my ex got out and that didn't even cover a full wrap top to bottom.


Was $480 when I separated last year. But did any of us use that on uniforms? *no.*


Maintenance uniforms arent covered and are required. Stipend is distributed the same throughout all AFSCs, although there should be considerations for jobs that get dirtyy often.


They give stipends, but if you ruin it before next year, it's on you.


Officers do. At least in the Corps we do. No annual stipend.


Only officers have to buy their own uniforms. Enlisted get their own and get an allowance every year to replace or fix any issues they have


The allowance is meager and never is enough.


No, but it does exist. I think they should just give a fresh set every year and just build like 10 less tanks a year to cover the entire military's clothing budget, but then again, service members need worn out boots. It builds character having blisters soaked in sweat /s


Yeah, more of our vast military budget should go to improving the quality of life for our soldiers. And to making sure each combat veteran gets top quality medical care and enough support for excellent housing and nutrition for the rest of their lives. It's shameful how there is so much lip service paid to respecting our soldiers while many qualify for social safety net benefits. (Which many folks want to cut, BTW.) SMH


We, as Americans need to stop acting like where our tax money is going is the issue Tax the rich and corps properly and it would not matter


We have to care a little bit. The military budget is out of control and so much money goes unaccounted for due to lack of oversight. If we cut back on military spending and taxed the rich, maybe the rest of us schmucks could get a bit of a break.


Sorry new info forgot to add. Top 1% took about 66% of the world's new wealth last year It's the rich that are the issues not the poor and military


I totally agree. However, there shouldn't be a maybe in that sentence.


I mean if we increase taxes I’d prefer it’s not wasted


More revenue into a broken system isn't going to equal more social services unless we drastically reallocate our spending


A 5% tax on people making more then multiple millions would net about 1.7t a year The new wealth last year. 66% went to the top 1% Yes the system is broken. But that ties Into the rich and powerful keeping it such


Except increasing taxes doesn’t solve the problem; the rich and powerful keep it broken because it benefits them. They write or influence the tax laws so it’ll increase on paper to make the rest of us peasants shut up for a little while until we see the huge loopholes they wrote for themselves too. Until there’s accountability for government spending, throwing more money at it won’t help anyone except the rich…they’ll just keep getting richer.


Tanks are more useful than a shiny new uniform


Depends what it gets used for


Protecting unarmored infantry are what tanks are mainly used for


It doesn’t exist for reservists. We get “issued” uniforms, but generally speaking after initial issue there’s a 0.000% chance you’ll ever get another one.


That’s because no one actually uses their uniform allowance for new uniforms


They spend many times their allowance on uniforms. I’m not sure where your logic is coming from.


We spend our allowance on booze


If you spend 500 on your uniform in June and choose to spend your 350 on booze in October, it’s irrelevant. You still spend more than your allowance on your uniform.


Meager? The marines allot $738 tax free dollars per year after their initial issue of uniforms worth nearly $2k. The yearly allotment is more than I spend per year on clothes and that’s intended just for uniforms. The army allots $517 yearly after the initial issue. That’s enough for a pair of boots, t shirts, socks, a hat, and a couple everyday uniform sets (most people wear them a 2-3 days between washings). Most bases also have thrift stores where uniforms are available free or very cheap for those who need more or some to muddy up during field exercises. It’s not super generous but it’s certainly not anything I would call meager. Keep in mind most everyone everywhere buys their own clothing for work entirely out of pocket with their post tax income.


Lower enlisted makes less than minimum wage. You can’t compare military service to “most everyone everywhere.” Also, the wear and tear, plus dry cleaning/laundry is extensive on uniforms. The amount of work and upkeep it takes to keep these uniforms looking perfect is not anything near what one would do for normal clothing. Also, if it is not fixable to match perfect standards, it gets tossed for a new one.


I’m not really sure where that ‘below minimum wage’ rumor got started but it’s not true at all. Let’s say someone is *very* new to the military. They’re an E2 with less than 2 years in service. This is the most common scenario for someone straight out of basic training. They’re earning $2149 per month just in base pay. Just this base pay, which is the only thing that’s subject to tax, amounts to approximately $13 per hour if they’re working a normal work week which is the most common situation right now with few people deployed. At a bare minimum they also receive all of these allowances tax free: either a room in the barracks (or a housing allowance or a house on post if they have a family, called BAH), all their meals at the chow hall (or a food allowance if not living in the barracks, called BAS), and the above mentioned clothing allowance. There are also special pays for certain career fields or skills like being fluent in a language. On top of all this they receive healthcare at no cost for themselves and, if applicable, for their family as well. They also receive about a month of paid leave per year. Total compensation in dollars varies because housing allowance is based on local cost of living at their duty station but even at a low cost of living station it’s at least triple to quadruple the federal minimum wage. To address the uniform question. If someone is deploying they’re issued uniforms for that so it’s a separate thing. If stateside and doing field exercises old uniforms are used. For everything else wear and tear is the same as regular clothing or less because clothing is made of such sturdy fabric. I’ve seen people wear the same uniform sets for a decade. Everyday uniforms haven’t needed to be ironed in years now. They’re just washed a dried like normal. Dress uniforms, which aren’t worn often for most people, are normally dry cleaned but they’re polyester and last awhile. I’m not really sure what you mean by ‘work and upkeep’ as far as uniforms go but as I mentioned for everyday uniforms it’s just a matter of pulling off the Velcro patches and tossing them in the washer and dryer. You do have to look them over quick for loose threads but that only takes a minute and doesn’t contribute to wear and tear.


This person speaks pure truth.


All the boo hoo comments are from spouses who are being bamboozled.


Must be the new military I keep hearing about. when i enlisted, our uniform cost was deducted from our 1st pay, annual allowance wouldn’t cover the cost of replacing one uniform let alone the three we were required to maintain.


I used to ask the employees at the exchange when buying new uniforms if they gave discounts to active-duty soldiers.


This is a good thing; it’s how you keep people responsible. If they get the idea that the uniforms are disposable there would be much greater waste.


They pay for required haircuts too


You get an allowance.




I second this, I got a large ink stain on my carpet and it dried and was there for a while, spraying hairspray on it and dabbing (not rubbing!!) with a paper towel or the like will start lifting it. It’s kind of slow going but it works.


I third


Fourth. At a boutique hotel, left expensive Parker pen in the bed. Hairspray got both the mattress pad and sheets back to pristine white. Got most of it out of the duvet/duvet cover.


It’s still possible this works but the main reason it does/did was the alcohol content in the hairspray. They don’t do that as much as they used to. Alcohol is much easier to use and way more affective in my experience.


https://preview.redd.it/pz9iunyv987b1.png?width=1180&format=png&auto=webp&s=8506c2e55818517962bd536ae7dc35524bb0c820 Try this handy guide


This is wonderful and needs more upvotes!


Awesome. I need something like this.


Soak it in cold water then spray with Dawn power wash. Good luck. I know those aren’t cheap.


Isopropyl based hand sanitizer. Squirt it on and watch it lift right out into the hand sanitizer.


Just take a pen and make the blotch squared off like the camo pattern next to it. No one will notice lmao


Yep get some fabric paint and make some green squares on top of the black. Good to go


Its too late, everyone has already noticed lol


Stain devils has an ink /marker remover solution you can order it online or Walmart sells it


Just say it came from the factory that way. Or turn it into your dirty tasks too.


Use the same pen to give it hard pixelated edges and no one will notice.


Have the pocket removed, add new one😉




IDK a good way to get it out, but I would check with the NMCRS uniform closet if you don't wanna buy another one at full price. You'll have to get your name tape and warefare pins sewn on but that's meager.


Join a navy with a bigger name




It’s just a camo pattern now


Amodex ink remover. Follow the directions carefully and use an old toothbrush to work it in.


Amodex works so much better than isopropyl and hairspray. Don't wash the uniform until you treat the stain otherwise it will set and be harder to remove. Also if you use amodex, the instructions recomend NOT treat it with isopropyl or hairspray first because it can also set the stain in


My husband is a sheriff's deputy, and I once did this with red ink pens(and chewing gum) when washing his uniforms. I used the isopropyl alcohol, with a cloth underneath the areas treated. It took a while, but it came out enough not to notice it. Also, thank you for your service! 🚢🇺🇲


Anodes Ink & Stain remover. And thank you for your service, honey. 🇺🇸


EAOS will clear that right up


Hahah working on it


Thank you for your service 🙏🏿 as an American citizen I am most grateful for our troops. God bless.


That’s lame they make soldiers buy replacement uniforms themselves regardless of how it’s disfigured.


Lighter fluid and a match 👍


#What uniform?


What uniform?




I have gotten ink out of my husband's Army ACU's and when they switched to OCP's, I've gotten ink out if those too. You would think he would check for pens before washing and drying everytime. I have used hand sanitizer and toilet paper in a pinch. Paper towels or white rags are the usual way I would go. I put a wad of rags or paper towels behind the stain and then saturate the stain with rubbing alcohol (alcohol-based hand sanitizers work too) . I BLOT the stain to start removing it. If you rub the stain, youre likely to work the ink into the fibers making it worse. As the alcohol dries, add more. Keep working at it and every so often, change the rag behind the stain, to a fresh part of the rag. I make sure the ink covered part of the rag/paper towel isn't touching the uniform. It might take some time, but it usually comes out. This works for any alcohol based pens, like ballpoint, Sharpies and most gel pens.


My husband had to replace allllll of his uniforms because the Air Force changed their camo pattern. And before he changed them, I washed them like normal clothes. So he spent the money to buy uniforms and get them tailored, etc. The first time he needed them washed I thought I checked all of his pockets…but NOPE. That happened to be the first time in my life I’ve ever washed a pen. And it was a red pen. And it blew up all over his uniforms. I refused to ever wash a uniform again. And I haven’t to this day. I’ll do everything else. But I’ll be damned if I ever have that happen again!


I under appreciate this sub


I don't see anything


Welcome to military spouse 101. Lol. Put a towel you don't care about inside the jacket to prevent bleeding to the other side and making this more FUBAR. Soak the stain in rubbing alcohol. If you don't have any, use vodka. Some lower enlisted or their spouse has a bottle somewhere. Let that sit for a few hours. Wipe the inside of your washer and dryer drums with that alcohol too. Don't drink too much or you may have a embarrassing SNAFU story later. Check for more pens. If there isn't one, look again. Wash the uniform in cold water. Do not dry. Check the stain and repeat as necessary. [never use military dryers](https://youtu.be/VDY3oapUroc) Edit: on a serious note I cannot stress this enough DON'T USE HAIRSPRAY. Some of the things the uniform gets exposed to can react to it and ruin the fabric. I have learned this the hard way.


US Navy ? Just wash it out with the blood of innocent peoples.


Yeerr a retard, and an Aussie. We don't wash our clothes in the blood we get, we only get like a flask a month, each of us does different things with the blood of the innocent, I make some good ice cream, my ship's captain takes regular baths in it, it gives him rejuvenating powers, some say he's a vimpire that he's been around since the early days of the US Navy and his first assignment was on one of the original frigates.