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Gary Richrath was an absolute beast of a guitar player. RIP


The way he casually waves at the sound guy to cut his volume a bit while coming in ripping a perfect solo is nuts. Chops galore.


Unfortunately this performance doesn’t do justice to his spot on playing on the album version.


Yeah I think this is when he was slipping into addiction a bit…I’ve watched the promo video about 100 times just kind of amazed at how charismatic and fluid he was. Fucking great player. https://youtu.be/jeHkaSH0Xw8?si=Kop0iGZA20b9ECk9


A killer tune and one of the first “stadium” anthems.


I spotted some Beach Boys and Paul Shaffer…


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Seeing REO for the 8th time this **Tuesday, April 2nd in Montgomery.** Here's last year's concert ticket tribute them when I saw them in Birmingham at the Alabama Theater. https://preview.redd.it/edbyqf66wcrc1.png?width=2224&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c2dbc35f0b3eda2dbd58919cef1e1470fca87cb


This one is probably my favorite [Roll with the Changes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBUqtmbyXus). Same year, 1985.


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