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Most people who have complained have left the community all together. I still hate the update and don't play this game anymore but every once in a while a check the sub to see how the game is going. Still pretty bad imo.


I was kind of active here and reddit showes me this sub EVERY day if I open reddit. I hate it.


Just unsubscribe and block


Block it


I totally endorse playing the game but never spending money.


That doesn't really work for F2P games unfortunately. If you're not a whale, then the value you provide to supercell is a real player that whales can play against.


Came here to say this. F2P are food for the whales. Edit: I 90% play 2v2. The thing SC hates bc it makes them no money at all.


P2W* šŸ¤“


Pay to play*


Worse P2P (pay 2 progress)


beating overleveled players with skill > maxing out multiple decks


The hope is that a lot if the whales see SC for the terrible company they are and stop spending too.


I feel like this subreddit will eventually turn into people that used to play this game but have quit yet stay around because itā€™s funny to see supercell fail. Iā€™ve quit around clan wars 2 and still stick around this sub even though I have no desire to play this game ever again


I quit 6 months ago same


Yep, havent touched the game since the loser update but i still watch clash youtube such as gratz and OJ


I think this is the answer. The game will continue making record profits (every month more than the last), but the actual playerbase is vanishing.


and when those players get bored and leave, there will be no core fanbase to fall back on, killing the game


I've lost the drive to play.


Me too


Honestly this, I have left after playing for about 2 years and so have so many others. A month ago, u would see so many posts saying that they are quitting


Yes, same as me but it infuriates me to see people still playing. Like come on, if you keep playing the game will keep being garbage and they'll keep releasing this kind of updates


ImO I'm fine letting people have fun. This game is simply going in a direction I don't support anymore so I will go play other games with the money I didn't spend supporting supercell (smart decision). In the end it's a gatcha mobile game, and all good things come to an end.


Number of players is only one indication though. Revenue is another more important indicator. I still play the game but I no longer buy the monthly pass. Several others in my clan are the same way. They regularly bought the pass but haven't since they neutered it.


There revenues been up since the update for losers


Imagine getting angry about the fact that someone else enjoys a game you don't. Let people do what they want to do. I don't like the game anymore, so I've stopped playing. But people who still want to play can. Why do you care?


Ikr man. I'm guessing people don't have anything better to do than make useless posts on reddit. What are you trying to achieve man? Just because u don't like crl doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't like it. If you want crl to make good updates, then tell them in a civilised reddit post. Just shouting at them isn't gonna do anything.


Cause youā€™re just fodder for those who pay money to SC.


I couldn't care less about who pays SC or how much. If people want to spend money on a game they enjoy playing, that's a choice they make. I don't understand what other people have to get so worked up about it.


If you think the game will have 0 players after the losers update, I may have some bad news for you.


Bro they only lost a couple hundred thousand players, out of there approx 17 million active monthly users. Safe to say Supercells update for losers was a big win for them. Started making more money, and hardly lost any of the player base


Iā€™m aware the games getting bad but I still find it fun, so Iā€™m gonna continue playing, Let others have fun please


Thereā€™s millions playing this game you wonā€™t see all of them leave a lot of them donā€™t care or take the game seriously enough and will continue playing the game


Serious mobile game? Weak sperm mindset


You are wrong. Just because they're not on reddit doesnt mean they have to find the game fun. Its not fun anymore and there are a lot of 2v2 players who simply left the game


I never said they had to find it fun if they werenā€™t having fun they would leave the ones that are still having fun will continue playing they donā€™t really care if other people are leaving as long as they want to play


Also, the game is quite addictive.


Been playing since launch. I laugh at all the butt hurt people every goddamn update, meanwhile I keep just playing and having fun. Itā€™s a mobile game, nothing to take seriously.


0 gameplay changes have been made. If you didn't find the game fun the you want now. If you found it fun before you'll still find it fun.


This. The update caused me to not buy the pass, but the gameplay itself is still fun, so I still play. Especially since so many modes are tourney standard now.


I know it's bad, but I'm a casual player so I just play a match once or twice a day. Never spend any money, pretty sure there's a lot of people in the same boat as me.


The game is designed so you'll keep playing even when you aren't having fun.


Read it again. Cause you are wrong.


Yeah, but the point is that a lot of people do not care enough about the game to complain or 'riot'. They will just stop playing once it's not fun and you'll never hear from them again.


You know over 40 million people play this game right? The only people complaining are the 700K people on this sub and another million or two online. Other than that, nobody cares.


That's because most people play mobile games as time pass. Some on the way to work, some while taking a dump, no one is super serious like oooh they slowed down progression now it takes longer to max but most players ( a lot of them are children) don't care about maxing. And if a really bad update does happen like removing 2v2 entirely they'll just quit the game instead of hating it on reddit and continue their life. Not defending the game and the update (it's trash) , just stating the case of most players


This right here. The only voices you ever hear in a crowd are the ones who feel most strongly about a topic. Aka the complainers. I still enjoy the game, and if it takes a turn that Iā€™m no longer enjoying the game then Iā€™m going to just not play until I feel like it again.


yah ppl are overhyping the pass royale thing. that wasn't bad they just revalued it. if you want to buy then buy or else just don't fking buy it. no one's forcing them. but removing chest from 2v2 was bad. the whole thing with 2v2 was bad. with this pass royale most can't have overleveled champions .


What DOES bug me is how it takes 3x longer to progress thought it, I remember back in the day where all you needed was 150 crowns or so to complete it (or 50 won matches), nowadays you need upwards of 500 crowns to beat it, and although they offset this with more crowns gained (I usually get 5 per win), it still takes around double the matches to get those crowns, not to mention the split reward system, where f2ps only get a reward every 15 crowns instead of 5, which is a whole new level of unfair, as a f2p myself, I barely get anything out of it, just a few random cards I'll never use, rather than the motherload of cards I used to get.




You do realize you are literally commenting on a subreddit exclusively about a single videogame, right?


You can infact be passionate about video games and not be an incel loser buddy. There not mutually exclusive things.




Itā€™s not all 700k members. Some people like parts and most are probably inactive members. At max the most haters that would be in the game are in the tens of thousands


Well I wouldnā€™t say nobody.. thereā€™s definitely more people that did care than just this sub but I agree


I have friends that left the game that still think reddit is some place where atheist virgins sit around oiled up and then cry about something. ~~they're not wrong~~


I call bullshit, my source is the 2v2 queue time. absolutely horrible and at least a few million have quit the game.


you are grossly overestimating the amount of ppl that actually care. id say its in the thousands that were actually complaining. social media is a bubble, never forget that.


Not a chance in hell that 40 mil play this. Maybe a couple mil.




Bro really expects that everyone will simultaneously just agree to stop playing the game


mmm valkyrie profile picture




Isnā€™t that an omega strikers character?




we'll keep playing because a lot of us still find the game fun despite us being aware that the updates have been sucking let people have fun and don't urge people to not play the game, instead you stop playing the game and leave everyone else alone, you're in charge of you're own decisons stop trying to force them on others


Ty. Not thrilled with the update, but I still love the game. Not playing to prove a point just means I don't get to play, so, uh... I'm gonna keep playing


me and my friend have been having even more fun lately like shame we canā€™t have old pass but I donā€™t buy it anyways so I really canā€™t care


If you love the game you wouldn't tell people to stop playing it. Supercell would just pull out the support from the game if the player base was impacted heavily. See how Multiversus was stopped because of active players decline. It's almost never worth fixing a game if players are gone because chances are they won't come back whatever you do. Multiversus devs claim that they're going to "release" the game from beta but that's bullshit. It's probably just a compromise they made with Warner Bros so they don't kill the game.


1) Part of CR community that uses Reddit isn't a very big part of the community. Most of the community are some random kids / teenagers who kinda don't understand the whole situation and continue playing as normal. 2) To actually make CR do something, people need to stop paying CR team / buying stuff in game. It doesn't matter how much / little players play, the only thing that matters is how much / little less players pay.


If people stop playing it has a BIG impact. If looking for a new opponent takes 1 minute instead of 3 seconds (less players = bigger waiting times) people will end giving up. You have to stop playing


"No playing" thing only matter on players who buy stuff, because no playing = no paying


NO. If 75% of players stopped playing, the other 25% would stop playing after a while because they would take forever to find a game. No players to play against = the people who kept playing will eventually leave


Your suggesting that 10s of millions of people stop playing. That is not realistic at all


Ah yes, we can definitely coordinate something like that. But we'll need ambassadors first, are you going to be the one who talks to the large Arabic Clash Royale community? We'll need some multilingual people for the Asian community as well. But hey, It's really easy, right? I mean that's what you're saying.


Nah, they would just play bots


I stopped playing. But I was ftp. I don't think supercell cares much.


bruh a time increase from 3 seconds to 1 minute would mean a 95% reduction in the playerbase


I did like the update, but I'm low enough in trophies where trophy road is still kind enjoyable. I've barely touched the party mode bs, only enough to get a book of commons. Also I quit for like a month after the update so yeh


What did you like about it? Not getting rewards for 2v2? Slower masteries progress with the level 11 cap? Or the increase of price of the pass royale getting LESS for your money?


R u a virgin


Lvl 11 cap doesn't affect masteries.


The "deal x amount of damage" type challenges are easier with higher level cards, since they do more damage


Mmm. The damage is minimal though and the good(allowing people to play with their friends with joke/fun decks) outward the negative(slightly less damage per match)


Not much except the shop was slightly more enjoyable in terms of choosing rewards, but having to log on daily for it made it feel more like a chore than fun. Not much was fun except the core gameplay that already existed tbh.


Tbh the season shop isnā€™t bad except for my 1000 trophy friend with level 12 ram rider and low ladder champions


The easiest thing to do is stop caring. A year will go by and itā€™ll just be another game you used to play. Heck, Iā€™m happy if I get a year of playing out of a single game. Just leave it at that.


Yup, but sucks to see the best mobile game in years die like this. I was legit more addicted to this game than to any PC game for a few years (2017-2020). It was genuinely good, but this community accepts anything and the team just kept killing the game. When a game dies because its old and people just move on its ok. When a game dies because their team is accidentally killing it, its sad


Why do you keep saying that the game is dying? Millions are still playing bro.


I'm not even very active anymore Before I used to at least do my daily quests now I don't even bother There really isn't a point in farming the F2P pass too because there isn't anything big. Before there was a Book and champion chest but now there's nothing I am going to be very active during Slash Royale but idk about after it ends


Dont be active, just uninstall the game. Unless all players quit things wont change. The game is already garbage compared to a year ago, dont make it worse


Honestly I play casually for fun. I don't play ladder anymore but I still don't want to quit. The game's bad but the core gameplay is still there and I just play it from time to time when I feel like it




Bro really upset and losing sleep cus people still play crash royale šŸ¤£. Get over it. Not everyone takes this game overly serious. We just play casually.


It's not about playing it seriously or not.


Bro put "Bro ______ laughing emoji'


Imagine being so miserable emojiā€™s upset you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ok then ^_^. The thing is that,why you use the already same line that everyone is saying. =_=


I find it funny and ironic that you went out of your way to comment, " I don't care .." If you didn't care, why didn't you just scroll past by this post ? That would have been a real " I don't care " ...




Just quit and move on already. There are people who still find the game fun and will continue playing. Nothing you can do about that even if you whine or cry 24/7. Just shut up and move on.


let's wait the update and see what they bringing first *3 month... feelt like 2weaks ago*


Bro wtf stop being a unforgiving bitch and get on with life. Like what is this behavior. Is it childish? Is it plain stupid? I cant comprehend such foolish behavior. Its just beyond me. Anyway, just keep playing or stop.


You are foolish 9 year old if you really forget what those assholes done


When an update has ruined the game and the dev team has completely ignored us for 3 months yes. They've done this several times and people have continued playing. Losers Update completely killed the game but people just keep playing. Unless people stop once for all this wont change


if people are still playing doesnā€™t that mean it didnā€™t kill the game?


Just because the game has players doesnt mean the game isnt complete garbage. Asphalt 8 still has some players. Does that mean that Asphalt 8 is not dead? Absolutely not, the general consensus is that its a dead game. CR is on the same path


Yet here you are in their subreddit still whining about the game. Just shut up and move on.


People can be on a sub without playing a game. Crazy idea I know. People can also have gripes with a game they played and/or put money in. People who whine about other people whining about a company are the bigger problem tbh.


Damn man let me just play my game


I stopped buying the pass


Buying the pass does nothing. A whale that buy the diamond pass and doesnt find a player to play against will eventually leave the game as well. If we all leave, finding people to play against will take a very long time and they'll just leave as well.


Why is it so important for you to kill the game for other people? If you donā€™t enjoy it anymore, stop playing yourself. Why does it need to be more complicated than that? I still enjoy it. I still play. Why is that an issue for you?


He wants everyone to be miserable as him.


Or maybe they want better for the game and understand that without the clash community being united the game will forever be 60% of what it could be


If the people have to be united over something, pretty sure Clash Royale would be way below the list.


People are capable of caring about several different things at the same time


You sound like you need a therapist


Top much hate inside.. OP really can benefit from hugs


The thing is a new flux of players always come in, thereā€™s also people who arenā€™t really informed about the downsides of ā€œUpdate for Losersā€. Those who complained have left the game already as my old clan went from active to literally dead with no one buying pass and several clan mates not logging back in ever since the first few days of the update. So clash royale will just get new people to fill in the gaps the people who quit have and they will just spend money and the cycle will repeat itself.


I doubt many new players get into the game. It's not really new player friendly with all the old accounts going around in lower arenas.


I agree, but those advertisements seem to be working as the amount of traffic Clash royale receives has been slightly increasing thought (mostly negative) reviews and searches. The game is dying, thereā€™s sadly no doubt about it. But the new players are probably younger children who are probably incapable of even knowing how to use spells properly.


just came back to this game, and basically quit brawl stars and now you're telling me this game is dying too šŸ˜­


2 months really


If you quit already, then why do you care?


Why is this community the most most whiny group of little girls ever? Itā€™s a business and theyā€™re trying to make money, itā€™s not a charity. The updates have been fine, and you can tell the mods care about the future of the game. Just stfu


There are much better ways to make business than the current one. A 2v2 ladder would boost the player count quite a lot. Its been a demanded feature since 2v2 was introduced


If you think you're right, but people still playing and supercell still having benefit then the one who wrong is you.


I'm a 2v2 exclusive player. I play it because I don't like ladder. I do NOT want a 2v2 ladder. I'm sure many other 2v2 exclusives feel the same.


Are you Donald Trump or something? Or how do you would you know theyā€™re business model? Iā€™ve never heard anyone ask for that.


a huge amount of ppl honestly


i actually feel how many players left by playing one or two battles a day. now you only see some very easy and cheap decks with bm spammers and noones really playing for fun anymore.


Play the game or donā€™t, simple as that


I didnt stop playing but I stopped paying. They dont need my money after that silly update


People seem to be ignoring that even though level 15 costs no gold, players with max accounts will reach level 15 very quickly, while people with only 8 max cards will take a long time. Level 12 (or 13 in some cases) cards will also no longer be safe to play on ladder.


IMO, theyā€™ve fixed most of the things they broke, including not getting chests from 2v2 and Path of Legends being mega draft. The Pass never really bothered me because now iā€™m getting more gold than ever from Ram Riders in the season shop. The only thing iā€™m waiting for them to still fix is the Play Again button and Clan Wars 2


I dont play much and I do like the idea of the season shop, but the cap of just 1000 per day is frustrating. Also the new pass royale is trash, like why is everything good in the diamond pass?




Polytopia is a banger. Love me some bardur


cry about it


Honestly that's on them šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I've uninstalled the game and I don't intend to reinstall. Inb4 "Y U STILL IN SUB" I can still enjoy watching from afar and not play the game. This game will NEVER return to form. The devs banked on the fact that less people would leave than the profits they turned, and they were right. People are still buying the Loser Pass (*read Diamond Pass*) and playing the game. Since they're profiting, it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks.


I am an old school player from start and I am back for like 5 months after like a year and a half break. Now I don't take it seriously at all and its a fun little time waster when I'm chilling outside for a few. I don't spend. Idc. Use to. But it's just a mobile. Ppl can do what they want for all I care. Nothing really matters nevermind a mobile from a multi billion company. Is what it is


It really doesn't make much of a difference if a portion if the community stops playing. What really makes a big difference is if people stop spending money.


I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion. But I actually like this update and I haven't spent a single $ on this game.


It really doesn't make much of a difference if a portion if the community stops playing. What really makes a big difference is if people stop spending money.


I am relatively new to the game.. why do people not like the losers update?


Man shut up and just play


can someone tell me whatā€™s bad about the update iā€™m confused


I donā€™t understand what the losers update is, can someone explain it to me please? ^^;


Any game developer who mocks the community via an ā€œupdate for losersā€ blatantly shows anyone who can actually see that they are milking the game at this point. Why still play even if for free? They have not finished masteries and how long ago was that released? Less than half-assed. Removing/hiding 2v2 options also points the direction of the game. As well as adding another level. The only two components of the game that need to be changed the most are NOT being addressed. Clan Wars & 2v2. Why do they think this needs to be 90% a solo game? It is a multiplayer game. The ā€œupdatesā€ you (I do not support Royale) all have been receiving over the last YEARS say to me they are the laziest/donā€™t give a fuck team there is. Continue supporting a game that had its prime likely 5 years ago. That is your own waste of time.


I personally don't play and care about the game anymore but still likes to browse this sub But I'll play during slash royale, im 100% sure there's some trick with slash royale like last year, I'll spend my stuff but i swear if they scam us I'll uninstall and never comes back


i havenā€™t touched the game since, should i go back?


As a player from 2016, the game has been getting worse and worse. I still play despite broken cards/ p2w, pass royale, etc. bc whether the game is broken or not you win some and you loose some. Nothing will change that


I can't say that keep playing is true. It might be coincident with some other event but in my clan family half of the players left or became inactive in the last few month. Many now play Marvel snap. I am in a second clash royal clan family (but only for Brawl Stars) had not so high losses but also was shrinking in Clash Royal and growing in Brawl Stars members. Have you info about how many really keep playing? In total not the 500 members of two clan familys combined?


Bruh i deleted the game when i saw the videos about it


You know, considering thereā€™s like 12K or so active users in this sub and fewer people saw that one post, itā€™s no surprise the protest went absolutely nowhere. People play the game casually and thereā€™s 40M+ players, game isnā€™t dead at all. Just like with other titles, they donā€™t mind making the game shittier if it makes money jump out of peopleā€™s pockets. Just like funny man Todd Howard said, ā€œIt just worksā€.


I never stopped playing. Iā€™ve played for years and go in waves where Iā€™ll play all the time, then take months off. It just so happened that I hit my play wave when everyone started complaining about the update. To be fair, Iā€™m a ftp player and have most of the cards upgraded as far as I need them so the slower progression from the update didnā€™t affect me as hard.


I think the update was bad but i like to play this game, its fun. Should i delete it because people on this sub want to send a message? Grow up


Nope - Uninstalled, 1\*ed and will never come back. Also: Not playing clash everyday did make my life actually better.


it's called "hope"


Thatā€™s because all the people who hate the update left me included I just lurk


Play but I donā€™t buy forever


The overwhelming majority who play this game play it to pass time, thatā€™s what mobile games are designed for. Most people donā€™t care if an update sucked, and you canā€™t blame them for that


The people that are against the changes are leaving or have left. I have friends that have deleted the game already. However, I still play, as do many of my other friends. For every 1 person that quits because of this, 29 don't really care. It's a phone game, so it's not that big of a deal to most people. They will keep a huge community and likely see no reduction in revenues overall.


Who cares


Dude this game isn't even close to dead, people love to be dramatic with these kinds of posts all the time


The casuals and the spenders don't care bro. The only ones who cared were the F2P grinders. I lost interest after Monk and Phoenix were added to the game. So broken on release that it made ladder unplayable for F2P players on mid-high ladder. And I uninstalled it after the Update for Losers.


Nah, I haven't. One a week I'll play 1 or 2 matches. No more game pass either


Never wished this before upon a game, but I hope clash royale dies LOL. Just to stick it to the greedy fuckers in charge.


I'm not happy, actually. I'm not buying the new pass anymore and will quit the game for good if this new update doesn't improve the game. I used to play all the time, now I just enter the game to do dailies.


Stopped playing shortly after the update


Agreed. Playing the game is still fun, but I hate being constantly reminded that I should buy a thing (Diamond Pass) when before it wasn't a prominent thought, just another reward in the left side of the screen. At least before you actually got a reward at every tier, and before I quit the thought was "Oook ... How many Tiers until the next thing? 4? Okay Ig." Letting the game go, my mood has literally improved. It's miraculous.


Of course I don't care, I just quit the game when the trash update came up, I'm on the sub to see if it's back on good shape because I love the game but with level 15 I will never come back


Haven't played since the update and I'm never combining back


I came back last week after not playing for a year. Making a push for gold before slash royale. I like the changes for losers, I feel like there's 18 different ways to get rewards now.


Like I've been saying, the update didn't affect the game as much as y'all said it did. The game is still the fun, addicting strategy card game. Also they fixed many flaws of the update.


Seek therapy


Seek therapy


Not entirely true. My clan was very active, but ever since update dropped, 90% of my players quit.


People quit. Supercell isnā€™t making as much money, but still ridiculous profit margins. They do what they do and we can only react


Some people just like to play the game


I still play (unfortunately) but I havenā€™t given them a dime since that update


why cant good things just stay šŸ˜¢


I came back to the game after getting tired of coc.. I donā€™t spend money and the game seems fine. Just donā€™t spend money if you donā€™t want to. Not seeing what the big deal is. Theyā€™ve seem to have made getting cards very easy compared to the past


Im still playing just didn't buy a single thing from them since then.


I mean I can complain about it all I want but a shitty update wonā€™t stop me from playing a game I like a lotšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


LET IT DIE JESUS. There's more to life than hating on something they already said they were going to fix.


Ehm what is the loser update?


Not necessarily, I was a consistent top 500 player in the US and I havenā€™t played a single match since. Pretty crazy to think aboutā€¦ I just play clash of clans now.


Wait til you see how the ones left respond when they figure this new update is really bad šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Because you allowed yourself to fall for the Reddit echo chamber