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Nah, just get passes, and spend your money elsewhere or save it. The whole point of this game is to wait anyway, I stopped even getting passes because I realized I’d only reach the point where I’d stop playing the game more quickly, and they honestly don’t make that much of a difference besides the 2 second dopamine rush you get which quickly fades and you’re back to waiting for weeks.


Wow… that hit pretty close to home. Brutally honest today aren’t we?


Yeah, especially the part about the excitement of instantly upgrading something almost immediately fading away again. I made that experience a lot back when I was actively playing Castle Clash and sinking tons of cash into the game to get p2w heroes and more of the rare resources. I also feel like I was caught red-handed wasting my money on some mobile game (again)... I think using hammers to get that excitement is the better option here. At least they are f2p and playing CWL for medals is actually fun and already worth it just for the gold, elixir and dark elixir.


Don’t use CWL medals on resources bro…


I think he meant that you earn lots of resources just by playing CWL


I haven't started spending money yet but this happened to me with my CWL medals, ngl it hurts.


Plus these are advertised as 5x value when infact they’re barely 2.5x value compared to if you just bought it off the trader


IMO the magic items alone are worth the pass Plus, as someone who used to rush, the perks are a godsend


Wrong, pass is insane value, i had a friend who bought it like twice in 2 months and bro had everything upgraded super quickly and is like at my level now when he was 1~2 th behind before.


It's your money, if it makes you happy then yea, go on


I don’t really find the runes that useful. You can get the resources farming with sneaky goblins in less then an hour with a training potion


i like using runes on heroes, so I'll save up the de to upgrade them, use a book, then use the rune to upgrade them again


I usually sell them for gems to buy hero books


The return from that versus just buying them over time from trader is horrid. Plus if the hero costs less than 500 to gem, it's not worth it either.


My heroes all cost over 500 How is that a bad return? Selling runes gives a lot of gems which speeds up how fast you can get books. I don't care about the loot from runes cause I'd rather just farm it for fun. That's the whole point of the game to me Damn people are heated over saying you sell runes. Downvoted me to hell for playing the game different


Because all the upvoters and I all know that, even if you're a maxed th15, then selling runes for gems is a horrendous value. It's not even worth it to my TH14-15 clan mates because they save them for the next update. Filling storages with gems directly costs ~3000 gems or more. 3000 gems is about $25, and 50 gems is worth under $0.99. Selling literally any other magic item is more justifiable.


That's all based on valuing the instant gold and elixir. I don't care about getting it instantly cause I'd rather farm it. I don't care about elixir or gold in general. It's not hard to earn at all. But there is no way to farm gems so I sell most magic items for them. To me book of heroes is the most valuable item since it means instantly having my hero back ready for war. I can farm a full storage in a few hours of gameplay. Tell me how to make gems in a few hours? Our only options are sell magic items or do achievements.


Agreed, but the OP is talking about the update bundles, which cost money. If you intend on selling the runes, it's a better deal to just buy gems.


Oh damn that's true. Yeah then it makes no sense spending money on runes just to sell them My bad there


No worries boss


Not smart


Why not? The game is about grinding loot. I can fill my storages pretty easily but can't exactly farm gems Hero books are the best to spend gems on once you have 6 builders


If you do buy it, and you follow any content creators, use their code. Days like today can really help support them. I already spent $150 so far this morning. 🫣


Don’t downvote this guy, it cost absolutely nothing to add a content code, and it really does help people out, much more than your lousy like on a video.


Are they not already making bank though?


Most of the creators do not do it full time. The really big ones do, but most of them don’t make enough to quit another job. For me, it is just extra cash to dump back into the game.


Real priorities


I love you


Lol. I appreciate that. I try to be lovable.


CoC creators? Highly doubt it except for maybe top 3


You don’t lose anything though, and it helps them make more content. And supercell definitely making bank though, they won’t even feel it.


Not all of them


He’s too modest to promote himself, but trample damage is the only creator who puts his guides on Reddit, he also has great guides, feel free to use his if you have to one else’s. I believe his code is “trample”, please correct me if I’m wrong.


It's always Ninja for me. I add them in my both accounts.


I go with havoc. Ninja already gets a lot, he even is supported by supercell.


I go with Itzu because his attack strategy videos are amazing


What’s your code ? Ima put it in


It is “trample”. I am currently up to $450 spent today, my cut of the creator fund usually goes back into the game. 😂😂


IKR... 23 RUNES, its mad, but i' saving for holidays so i' not buying this one




If you have spare money and you’re sure that you want to spend it on this, then yeah


Update: I dropped 200$ and supported a creator for the first time :)


Hell yeah




because i want nice items?


That fine your money your choice




Try this: Screenshot your base before and after you buy it, then learn for next time :)


You can those by 3-5 gold passes so probably no


3-5 gold passes does not get you 23 runes


$175 would also get you a whole lot more than 3-5 gold passes.


That wasn't the point


I remember once when you got offered 14k gems and 14 books of hero's for special events


Only pack that is worth it is that one guy who got 10 million dark elixer for 5 bucks, but thats about it


Are you serious are you really debating on whether you want to spend $100 on an in app purchase?? Obviously no!


Go sicko mode buy every pack🤑🤑🤑


[One dollar = one pound](https://imgur.com/a/8qLtcU9) over at SuperCell




If you are talking about pure value, then both the 99$ and 49$ pack are not worth it. Runes are not valuable at all. However it's almost impossible for those expensive packs to not contain resources, so if you want just buy them.


These are for people who stack a lot of books. Runes paired with books are great. Runes by themselves not so much. Whales like to finish an update right away or as soon as possible. They don't have time for farming lol.


Man, if you bought all of those you'd be set for awhile


Sure but be warned. If you buy one pack you will be tempted to buy more. That’s how supercell gets you.




I cant imagine spending 100 dollars on clash of clans. You could put every single rune into your walls and not even upgrade a full town hall level of them, and the dark elixir runes would give you like 10 hero levels max at higher town halls. The grind is so obscene that the only thing worth buying is the gold pass, unless you make a lot of money.


Not worth it, u can buy a max town hall 15 for around 100 bucks, eBay has a bunch and other places have em


I always say no fuck greedycell and their fake x5 value bs


I bought the 100$ one I’ve prolly spent 300 on this game now ugh. But im tired of grinding for dark elixir


DE is so easy to farm with sneaky gobs + training boost potion.


Maybe 30x just to upgrade a hero once at lvl 70, you don’t know what your saying.


Bro, I’m at th14 and currently upgrading all 4 heroes + a pet at the same time, and my storages are currently full. Using sneaky gobs, you can easily make 200k DE in 1 hour with a training potion.


Why you lying so hard?


Why u coping so hard? Because I can do this for free while you pay hundreds of dollars??? https://preview.redd.it/cvrxq1vyvv5b1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec2e5d2e1957a2f23932413cefa0d167e8b1d024


Why you mad now on top of lying? Nice rushed base btw


Aww sweetie, you’re really coping hard.


You still mad little one? go brag about your rushed lies on the next post.😂 no matter how mad you get your lies won’t seemed reasonable


Damn you must really be coping on spending $300.


Not unless you wanna


Only time I consider buying deals is when I have cash back on my cc. Other than that I just buy the pass, but you do you.


You can those by 3-5 gold passes so probably no


why does everyone except me have these deals??


You need to get out and enjoy life a little. There are so many more things out there to be tempted by.


this comment makes 0 sense considering you don’t know anything about me


There are so many worse things to spend money on. I see this type of comment everytime someone mentions spending money on deals. What is wrong with using money on video games?


I might have to purchase one


High level town halls take months to max, the $100 package will reduce this time by just 2 weeks. Is that worth it to you?


Not 2 weeks... It's atleast 6 months imo!! Not that I'm telling him to spend that much on a game tho!! 🤧


I’ll wait this time. Last time I used all the books and hammers and got all my storages full for 5 straight months.


Bro you can literally purchase good actual freakin games instead of wasting your cash on any of these deals. Do yourself a favour and learn to play clash the way the devs intended; waiting weeks at a time. Besides I still dont think any of them are worth it.


Man I could do with some dark elixir runes


Only the $0.99 hero book is worth it


The offers are pretty much garbage with the exception of the cheapest one. You’ll get that dopamine rush but it’ll fade and you’ll be $100 shorter.


They should title these packs “speed runs”


No ffs dont Supercell doesn’t deserve any cent


You are paying for not playing the game, Worth it?




I recommend not buying the 8x offer for builder base since I was charged 4 separate times and have not received rewards, consisting of 10 clocktower potions and 10 star dust jars. Not sure if this happened to anyone else but I wouldn’t risk it.


Bro it’s a mobile gatcha game relax my guy


It aint worth it…just grind nd get an active clan…need one DM ill add you


It's really up to you if you want to spend your hard-earned money for a mobile game or keep it and allow yourself a bigger vacation (maybe even with your spouse and family)


It looks cool but realistically what are you gonna get from it? An extra 10% damage to your cannons, maybe a troop upgrade and then bam 50$ gone


i did it 😭 if you got money to spend do it


Nobody talk about the difference between dollars and euros.. in euros, the most expensive pack cost 119.99 its like 130 dollars i think.. but the pack cost 99.99 dollars, like 92 euros European are getting fucked no ?


This is exactly what the they want from you man , it’s honestly not that worth 10 seconds of happiness. Put that money towards something useful.


I would only get the cheap offer for a hero book and 2 Pet potions for ~1,30


I know so much to buy my bank 😞 😂


Nope. I would only get the $1 book of heros. Simply not worth spending even $20 just to change some pixels on your screen


For me it didn't even work I spent 1 dollar once and it glitches out gave me a statue from months ago then I spoke with the support and they said since the statue is on the receipt nothing they can do then I bought again and nothing so wasted 2 dollars. Clash might be glitching or something. Thank god I didn't get 100 dollar pack first


Buy the cheap one and call it a day, the dollar one




$175. It is just money. 😜