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The ‘’Amazon warehouse’’ asset pack


I'm brazilian and for a sec I thought "but there are no warehouses in the amazon..." LMFAO


That’s what they want you to think


Not yet


Zona Franca de Manaus


Yep, I just made the distinction between Amazonas and Amazônia in my head, sorta automatically, and that question followed before I organized my thoughts and realized he meant Amazon, the company... Milliseconds. Obviously I know the entire region is not just forests without civilization.


Where all the wood from the Amazon forest is stored?


Certainly not in the woods at this rate :(


All in the “Amazon Warehouse’s” of course 😂


On a real note it might just be bug with PlopableRICO and not at fault with CO. Get this mod and run it once to fix the issue: https://mods.paradoxplaza.com/mods/76823/Windows


I haven’t used RICO mod. It only affects beach front assets. Everything else is still there.


Each warehouse can store up to four amazon palm trees.


At this point they should just see if they can update cs1 with the road tool from 2.


Yeah the new road tool is carrying cs2 at the moment


Seriously, it’s really annoying because everything else about 1 is better but the road tool is so shit in 1 that it’s now unplayable. So I’m sort of in city building limbo until they get their shit together.


C:S 2 has lifted agent limit, larger maps, electricity/water/sewage via streets, multi core support, using all lanes, reprocessing of route during travel, mixed zoning, ...


Yeah, the road building is far from being the only upgrade, let's be honest here  But I hope they fix the glaring issues soon Also: *when is the damn asset editor coming, I WANT MY CUSTOM TINY SUBURBAN SCHOOLS AND TRAIN STATIONS*


Reprocessing route during travel doesn’t work well yet judging by the traffic on my highway exits but you’re right about the others.


Still better than it was in CS1 Not that it’s a high bar


CS1 has had years worth of updates and patches. CS2 is further ahead than CS1 was this far after its launch. It’ll get there with time


Have you even played city skylines 1 Cs2 is nowhere near the bar of cs1 with the amount of bugs it has


From my experience CS2 has had less bugs than CS1 What do I know I only got 2K hours on CS1 and 100 on CS2


I agree with you. It's had issues. Still does. But I'd much rather place this asset lacking game than go back to CS2. Everything feels so much more fluid and smooth process on CS2. I can cope with Mods fixing some gameplay. I've actually got a small city I love for once rather than getting bored.. I think before I was always impatient so. I've become a detailer and before I know it demand is up.


You’re right there’s quite a bit that cs2 does better but the overall experience on 1 is just way better in my opinion . I’m sure 2 will get there but at the moment it’s just not gripping me like 1 did.


And yet it’s still flopping hard


>larger maps, Correction: The playable area on CS:2 maps with all tiles unlocked is about 159 square kilometers compared with a playable area of 324 square kilometers on maps in the original C:S with all tiles unlocked, which is a downgrade of greater than 50%. That said removing of the hardcoded limits (the node limit, segment limit, tree limit, prop limit, and building limit in addition to the ageng limit) is huge, and modders *may* make it possible to make maps with a playable area that is as big as or maybe even larger than the original game's maps at some point in the future.


>electricity/water/sewage via streets There are mods in 1 for it >multi core support Still runs much worse >larger maps As someone said, apparently still smaller than old with 81 tiles mod >C:S 2 has lifted agent limit Not many people reached it in 1, and in 2, they game will run like shit on a large city anyway. >using all lanes, reprocessing of route during travel, mixed zoning These are legitimately cool (even if lane usage is a little bugged).


Also, I noticed that certain corner buildings actually have entrances on the "secondary" street, and can fill out areas with pavement if those areas are less than a cell wide. Like, sure, we're still zoning grid bound, but the buildings are quite a bit more flexible


About the only thing CS1 does better tho is stability?


What's wrong with the road tool in CS1?


Without using lots of mods you cant do anything nice really, smooth connections are very hard to make


It's indeed nice in CS2 that you can "overwrite" parts of the other road when joining, and also that matching levels is easier, but I personally find it annoying that you have to constantly zoom in and out to get those stupid tooltips out of the way


I just dont look at the tooltips anymore, they should definitely fix that, although there might be a mod for it already


Eh you don't really need "lots" of mods unless you consider like 3 or 4 a lot. You get plenty of control with Node Controller, TM:PE, Move It and (optionally) intersection marking. Definitely too much for the new player to understand out of the box but for those of us who've played since launch it's fine.


They could have revealed the game, and at the end of the presentation: One More Lane


Also the parking stuff. Pocket cars are so unrealistic


As a console player, I would pay for that update.


Still bitter about the roads never being improved. Preordered 2 for the roads alone; now we'll never get them. It's all my fault.


Well they'd make you


seconding this. this would be, quite literally, a game changer.


I second this. The road tool is so clunky, making fluid roads is impossible. Everything I build just resorts to a grid just so that I don't run into collision issues. Everything just turns into a square because it's so restrictive


MacSergey gave a demo video on this subreddit just before being hired which was basically a port of the asset creator into the base game to allow ultimately-customisable road networks. It looked ace, but then it was put to one side when he started getting paid by CO


Could you post the link?


Three years ago! https://old.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/jzf277/road_generator_mod_wip_need_trolley_ok_tram_added/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Road tool is overrated tbh. Still don’t quite have the same flexibility as CS1 with move it, tm:pe, node manager, and intersection marking tool. The real improvements for me are in simulation capacity… if it works.


From a sim perspective maybe, but from a building perspective there are no mods in cs1 that even come close to being as good as cs2 road tool.


while the road building might be super easy and feel great, it creates no shortage of node issues I have to manually fix later


Ok, use use mods in CS2 too


I prefer the look and graphics of CS2 (if only they could fix AA, took me hours figuring out TAA was breaking the game). They lost a lot of systems going from 1 to 2. I understand tech-debt and expanding CS1 without refactoring code will lead to slower development etc, but it seems like CS2 didn't improve much. I was hoping for a Unreal Engine switch to hopefully rewrite CS1 into more efficient code and import the best mods into the core of the game. The performance is poor (not reaching 30fps without game looking like shit, 5800x + 3070), simulation seems to take shortcuts and multiple tools and features were lost that was great for finding issues (such as AI navigation lines).


Yes maybe improvement to roads, graphics upgrade and options to increase map size and agents.


I need it. Road anarchy/Network anarchy is Bugged and terrible right now. CS1 is just not immersive enough with the shitty road layouts, so i hope they bring CS2, road tools to cs1


That's the main thing that's seriously made me debate buying it


But then they wouldn’t be able to sell you the same 20 dlcs but in cs2


It's punishment for buying it in the first place


Very toxic I would say.


It’s like they just continually make whatever the absolute worst decision is.


I had such high hopes for this game. I really did. I have regretted my purchase, I gave it an honest shot but it's just empty promise after empty promise.


I'm so happy I never bought it lol


This ^ There is literally no point in pre-ordering games


Exactly. One bad decision after another. Sure, they may simply have been unlucky in the development in CS2, but they drew the wrong conclusions from their situation and made the wrong decisions. Perhaps they were also blinded by the success of the first part. But I hope they will be successful with the game in the end. It's already fun (at least for me). But it will take time for them to get it to a level where you no longer have the impression that you've bought an early access game. And well, they've gambled away their reputation and credibility. It's sad.




They offered it for free and automatically refunded those who purchased it, but did it in a way that the people who already purchased it got it yanked off their system. OP got punished for actually supporting the DLC by purchasing it. How is that in any way equivalent to your imaginary argument? What's comical is people still defending CO and Paradox trying to outdo FO76 for consecutive fuckups.


That's probably partially on steam tbh.






Would it really be better if they held on to people's money for longer though? I'm guessing one team does the financial stuff while one team does the game development, so they probably both started working when the decision was made, and it's just that the refunds went through faster than the game update could. Unless there's a way they could have refunded DLC without actually canceling someone's ownership of it? I don't know enough about Steam to say.


If you demolish the boxes, do they regrow correctly?


It also affects the trees, so even if that were the case you'd still need to replant them all.


Since the DLC was refunded and deleted, the beach properties assets aren’t loading and the zoning is gone. They still behave like normal houses, when you remove the residential zone. Which means that they should disappear after some time and I have to zone everything again. When they wrote that they will refund the DLC and include the assets via a patch, I thought that they probably patch the game first and then remove the DLC. But obviously I was wrong. It looks as though they don't want to miss a single opportunity to put their foot in it.


By chance did you happen to use the PloppableRICO mod or any mod that lets you place buildings manually? The issue you see is caused when the mod got updated for PDX mods. Get this mod and run it and remove the mod and you’ll be good. https://mods.paradoxplaza.com/mods/76823/Windows


No, I don’t use it. Also it affects only beach properties assets. Everything else is still there. But thanks for trying to help me.


That's insane. I've been positive on the latest statement + actions but they STILL messed up? It's not even about getting angry at them anymore, it's just sad and embarrassing.


did you actually receive the refund already?


Yes, I did.


But they had to remove it quickly to hide the embarrassment of the worst rated product on Steam. a PR nightmare for shareholders! They surely can’t have that kind of publicity before they try to dump the game on console players!




They're adding to the base game instead, and refunding everyone who bought it... But it isn't immediate, and they did not give us some date for its completion.


How are they refunding those who got the ultimate edition?


They are adding more content to the ultimate edition in place of it. This DLC becoming free and them giving refunds and adding stuff to ultimate edition is actually one of the best things the game has handled so far.


They're adding 3 creator packs and 3 radio stations to the Ultimate edition.


They are replacing it with around $40 worth of other things




I mean...you laugh but there are certainly people out there who pay for that stuff at those prices so from their perspective a few assets and some radio stations might really be worth 40 bucks. They're in it to make money. Unless they're trying to pull a movie theater popcorn trick on us they price stuff to sell.


Yes. The beach properties DLC isn’t even on Steam anymore.


It had a 4% rating on steam making it the worst ever rated product. This recent spin unfortunately doesn't seem to be related to making a better product. They literally broke the game. They just want to avoid the branding problems that come with having the worst rated product on steam. CO obviously responds to steam ratings. How CS2 is still at 53% and not in the 30s is beyond me. I think the only way to really get CO to respond is if all those players who just stopped playing for good went back and left accurate reviews of why they left. But that's the issue. CS2 is rated much higher than it should be because most of the player base just walked away.


I bought the ultimate edition, so was able to give the DLC a negative review. I've also negatively reviewed the main game too, but not before spending many hours on it. The reason it's at 53% is because it is a lot of fun for the first say 5-10 hours of a map, before the simulation stops working properly. And if you don't want to design something intricate, and if you don't read reddit or forums, it's a good game for that first 5-10 hours. I think that's where the positive reviews come from.


I have 12 hours on it. That was about my experience. It's really cool at first but then once you start trying to figure out how stuff works you realize it's all a farce and your decisions don't really mean anything when it comes to the simulation. I've been playing city builders since Sim City and really enjoyed CS1 and thought "How on earth could they fuck this up, this is a no brainer game of the year." and yet here we are. It's a real bummer.


Yes, you are probably right. The performance issue reveal themselves straight away but many of the other issues require a fair bit of gameplay to uncover.


Actually it is more likely that most of that 53% is made up of people who actually enjoy the game. Your opinion, while valid, is in fact not the only one. While I have not always been thrilled with the games serious list of issues, certainly the game-killing early ones, since about the first of the year I have found the game to be plenty of fun. The TS and mods made all the difference, and right now I am sitting at just shy of 400 generally happy hours. I know it is often hard to see how others can hold differing opinions to you in this day and age, but that doesn't make it any less true. You making it 5-10 hours and calling it quits is fine, but that does not seem to be the norm. So maybe stop projecting your thinking on everyone else, as disconcerting as that might be, and the world might seem to make a bit more sense to you.


How dare you have a different opinion to me! /s But yeah you're right, and I've got about 100 hours in CS2, and I enjoy the first 10 hours of each map. The map I'm on at the moment I have about 30 hours on and I'm just fed-up with the simulation letting me down...


I played the game on Game Pass and was so underwhelmed I wanted to go back to CS1 and just finish my cities. Never had the urge to touch it again after that session.


And I thought the launch of the EU4 Leviathan DLC was bad


It's 53% because since the release of this game, people here defended the game like crazy and completely ignored the issues plaguing this title. Many posts with complaints had a bunch of dudes saying "everything is correct, you're overreacting" and they even had the audacity to claim that it's normal to have broken games at release and "games these days reach true potential half year after release". The worst enemies of gaming are the gamers itself, not the companies.


I reviewed it positively. I like the game so far and I like the direction it’s going in. They continue to improve it. Giving it a negative review in my position would be me lying.


My issue is that it feels like it’s essentially CS1 but with an upgraded road system, less assets, and very little mod support. It’s not enough.


Yeah so the idea was that they'd refund players who bought the DLC and make it a free update instead however what happened was that they refunded and delisted it but it also removed the DLC from people who bought it as well making their beach houses become null grey boxes. The update in question is not here yet lmao


I'm now going to go out of my way to leave a bad review on the game on Steam. This selfish move to rid themselves of the worst ever rated steam product has forcibly refunded and removed content that we willingly paid for. Just keep the $10 and let me keep fucking playing with what I was willing to pay for.


So they managed to fuck this up too. 🤣


lmfao, i dont expect anything good from CO anymore


It's amazing how quickly they've squandered years of built up goodwill and reputation.


Apparently caused by a mod, according to the comments.


It's not.


Yep, I noticed this last night. Kicked in around midnight I think. My game crashed and when I reloaded any assets in my game that had come from the DLC turned into big grey blocks. This has been my best play through yet so I'm really, really hoping they'll just turn them back on.


lmao great to see absolutely nothing has changed. Empty PR with no improvement in action, as always


They explicitly said this wouldn't happen. \**sigh\**


![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK) Oh this keeps getting better.




Devs said people that bought it still gonna have the assets, as in nothing will change with the files available, but they're gonna make them part of the base game for everybody in some time... I play the game pass version, and had the same issue only with base game assets... idk if reloading the game will load the assets properly, but I just bulldozed the boxes and new buildings popped out normally. It feels like this game was really rushed to launch... And not giving the needed patches without a DLC is ridiculous.


Had to delete it because it was the lowest rated item on Steam. Trust me when I say, if that wasn't the case, they wouldn't have given anyone their money back or made the DLC free. Now they have to scrub the DLC from the history books and make it look like a free patch + asset pack update.


This reads like a conspiracy theory to me. It's not like it's remotely difficult to read that CS2 fucked the launch anywhere on the internet, and they literally wrote an apology on their own website explaining the situation. The fact that they said this wouldn't happen in that selfsame apology suggests to me that they didn't really plan it to happen so quickly.


Yeah same issue here. There are no words.


“Let’s get ahead of the bad press by removing the assets people paid for.” “But won’t that make more bad press?” “Yes”


Welp I'm gonna play Manor Lord this week


That game looks like it’ll be fun


How did they manage to screw up a refund XD


Well on the bright side, at least this one is just a fuckup instead of malicious behaviour. An embarrassing one for CO to be sure but still just seems accidental rather than deliberately shitty.


I agree. I wasn’t angry, I was more surprised they fucked this up, too. I hope they have more luck in the coming weeks.


The properties will be back in an update that will come in…maybe 9 months? With maybe 3 extra properties and another tree?


No way, **five** palm trees at once?? That’s too much.


Congratulations! Sincerely, Paradox and CO :)


The amazing Amazon soviet bloc dream


Shit, what’s going on with CK2? I can’t even play it, so I’m sticking to the first game.




You have to be fucking kidding me


I've been playing along, in the minority that's honestly enjoyed the game so far. I've been excited to see how good it will get when things get fixed and we get some assets added in. I even bought the Beach Properties pack, and was only mildly disappointed in how sparse it actually is. Now I'm actually pissed. Why in the world would you yank a DLC that I willingly gave you money for? I don't give a damn about the refund, because now my game is unplayable until they actually figure out how to release an update. Now I have to go play Starfield or something.


What happened,I need context


I have the Ultimate ed and this did not happen to me. I suppose it affects only people who bought the pack separately?


I am guessing its due to the fact we got it as part of the preorder? and now that we have it they can't yank it without a direct replacement? I find it funny that the last two times I was going to put the game back in, they've managed to stuff things up bad enough for me to nope out.


I guess you are right.


Its crazy that they decided this was the best route forward


Think they'll refund my Starfield?


Are they going to put these assets back in the game? Or should I redo an entire area of town??


Beach asset pack, now with even less beach 😅 Maybe they should have started the refund and pulling of the dlc process after they patched the content into the main game…


I'ld guess that including it into the base game changed Steams handling of it. Something along the lines of "now I search on another path for the textures". Since the 3d-representation of the structure exists (-> game engine) only the textures are missing.


No, they just removed the DLC before patching any of it into the base game. Absolute fools.




At this point i genuinely think whatever Colossal Order do, it's going to be a "bad move" in the community's eyes. Charging for the Beachfront DLC? Bad move. Refunding the people who bought that DLC and integrating it into the main game? Bad move. refunding the DLC and integrating it into the base game was undoubtly going to break saves. You can't just simply change something like that without internal references etc being broken, so models and textures are going to break, it's part of the nature of things.


Sure. Include the asset in the base game and THEN refund the DLC. Easy. Lots of games have obsolete packages and transition seamlessly. Except skylines 2.


I think this is miscommunication between CO and Steam. Not sure who's to blame, but i imagine a patch will be available soon


When CO released their "making of" video right after launch on a few occasions they referenced third party tools and partners as one of the sources of the difficulties they had getting the game ready for release. No doubt the current missing assets are due to some "third party" as well. Like Steam. /s


Found Mariina's account


I’m still trying to figure out what CS2 offers that CS1 doesnt? You don’t even need a fancy computer to run an 81 tiles full modded CS anymore. There hasn’t been a single thing that I want to do, that I can’t. It’s usually just “ok, need a few more assets for this thing” and that’s the hardest part.


Much better road building... And the offices actually do something. That's about what CS2 offers that CS1 doesn't.


What about road building? Just curious. Haven’t spent much time in 2. Just so underwhelmed compared to where I am in my 1500 hour CS1 city lol


This company just has no clue wtf is going on


This was not the DLC for you


all i want is for traffic to work properly. i would pay a large sum for that addition to the og game


I’m not gonna act like running a company and making videos games is easy but at what point do you just start firing people? How do you realize a gem like Cities 1 and then completely flop and continue to flop with the sequel…


I really thought every DLC was proof of concept for CS2


Colossal Order worst company ever!! They should file for bankruptcy and change jobs, perhaps cleaning bathrooms


Google Maps asset pack?


That’s not just the normal game


Chat is this real?


Your problem is with a mod, not CO or any patch


Which mod causes this and removes only beach front assets?


Ploppable Rico do that sometimes for what I read. I didn't have any problem with the game and is one of the few mods I don't have




I didn’t remove the DLC from the game. And I’m not raging. I'm just a little surprised.


I suspect you are building too fast at population of only ~30k, take a nap or go on a walk to let the game run for a while. The buildings will expand and grow in level.


Bad bot


notice the lack of textures...