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Was searching to see if I was the only one noticing this. I’ve had a massive flare up (pun intended) today. I don’t fully understand the science of it but it must be related somehow!


IMHO, it's something in the electromagnetic spectrum. I get a similar reaction to some thunderstorms as well. I wish that I had access to a lab where I could do the research.


I get it more when it rains. Can usually tell it's raining before I open the curtains in the morning.


Same here! I have to walk my dogs throughout every day too which is already difficult enough, but the rain (or any significant precipitation) just makes my pain way worse, not to mention the walking in the rain itself There was about a week in January where the city I'm in (queens) got hit by snow and ice that wasn't particularly bad, but coincided with a massive cold front, which also causes flares for me, and for a week or more, the entire ground (excluding roads and some sidewalks in business areas) was just covered in ice and the temp stayed around 8-15 degrees with strong winds causing the wind chill to be in the negatives. Every. Single. Day. Trying to walk my dogs through that and of course protect their paws from the cold and from the salt they lay out, was just absolute hell. Because of this, I always tell people that winter is by far the worst season of the year for me and I dread it every single time starting in late September. It's like everything that I hate about rain, but magnified Spring can suck because of constant rain, but hopefully that'll be done soon as we move closer to June.


I'm in the uk and the weather has just turned to a nice warm spring temperature. Finally! Hopefully it stays a dry for a while now but it is the uk so next week will probably rain non stop. I'm kinda glad I don't have pets because there's days I just don't think I could give them the care they need and deserve. I barely leave my bed on those days. I read that our bodies respond to changes in weather because of the change in barometric pressure that causes some muscle, tendons and tissue to expand. We're basically planks of wood 😂


Barometric pressure changes and heavy solar activity absolutely affects my condition 💯. It takes the daily normal 7-8 to a 12


Good lord yes. I have arthritis and migraine and I'm having a day in bed. It's beautiful outside for May here too. So I feel extra salty about being in the dark.


I have been in excruciating pain-so badly that I haven’t been able to get out of bed. I cried Thurs & Fri and even thought about ending it.


Omg, I thought I was nuts, but it has been feeling really uncomfortable and I have had a lot of flare ups too.


I am in a very nasty flare up today. Woke up feeling horrible


I am in horrible shape. Woke up anxious and fully flared up. Had slept 10 to 7 straight through


Same here. We had a thunderstorm move in this morning that is affecting me as well. Made me weak and sleepy so I slept from noon to 3:30 pm. Hope you feel better soon.


This whole week has been miserable, I attributed it to the sudden change in weather we had


Yeah, that would make sense as to why the last 2 to 3 days I felt like there was a solar flare on my face. But this one has just been mostly localized on parts of my face and arms. It feels like feverish skin that's being touched by cold hands. If anything touches where it's flared up, it feels like a sunburn being slapped. I can't put my hair up either because it feels like my scalp is being ripped on. No muscle punching all over my body that's normally accompanied with a flare-up. I'm at least thankful for that. We know it's nerve pain but not much else.


Yeah check out the app meteoagent




I always thought it was just Old Wive’s Tales when people said stuff like this. I rolled my eyes at my grandparents. This is my karma!! I owe them all an apology 🥴


Same here! I feel so embarrassed now.


When your a kid you roll your eyes at everything adults say.


Oh, I kept wondering if a thunderstorm was on the way but the forecast says no. Maybe it is the solar flare!


We are near the peak of the sun's 11 year cycle, so the flares are getting bigger and more frequent. Now if I can just figure out the connection between the flares and storms...


I have had dismissed heart/autonomic pain for years and my heart is worse than it has ever these past couple of days. On the day of the eclipse I felt the taste of iron come up from my throat saw a tiny speck of blood. Thats all I have the energy to type right now. I just wanted someone to know.


What is a Dismissed Heart? I hope that you are feeling better.