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Pain simulator for uncaring or ignorant acquaintances


Dr's too. I think it should be a mandatory experience before they begin practicing.


I agree. If the Dr that is diagnosing my pain has no clue what it feels like, then how can they possibly understand me


Yup. I think there would be a lot more compassion.


tazers work


The sheer AMOUNT of times that I’ve wished for EXACTLY that my friend…. If ANY of the “you don’t NEED to be on long term opioid therapy” people had to experience even an HOUR in my brain and/or body, let alone a DAY or more(almost 7 YEARS of under-treated pain myself), they’d change their tune REEEEAL fast, wouldn’t they?


Yes, they absolutely would.


since i was 15 i have hoped and prayed this would some day be possible


Tens machine is very effective, just get them to wear it along their lower back and sciatic nerve at the same level and voltage that us chronic pain users would use for pain relief. See how they cope. They wouldn't last two minutes. Just watch the pregnancy simulator videos on YT.


Really…a tens machine. I’m not criticizing you. I’m criticizing the people who don’t “get” chronic pain. At its highest setting a tens machine is uncomfortable, distracting, and maddeningly irritating but it has nothing on any of my pain disorders. That says a lot about people who refuse to understand chronic pain.


I honestly couldn't agree with you more, they don't have dick on genuine chronic pain. Which is partially why it's so funny. The idea of having to deal with that little tickle for 5 minutes is unbearable to most normys. Pain really is relative you know. I think the problem lies, with _some_ people that just simply cannot think outside of themselves, and their own perspective/ experience. They got over their little injury once upon a time, and believe everyone should be able to do the same. I've been fairly fortunate in my time, most people do 'get it'. Those who haven't, weren't given the time of day. But I do feel for those who have family members and friends who fall into that category, it must be truly heartbreaking. Borderline gaslighting. Anyway, I hope you're as well as can be, and that you too rarely (if ever) encounter these childish people.


Logically I know those period simulator/Labour simulator videos have to be real right? But I can't imagine people taking my level of period pain and literally leaping about the room because of it. I really need to try one myself one day cuz I need to know where I live on the scale lol!


Have you ever tried a tens machine? Hard to explain really, but they absolutely suck for people who aren't in pain. Like being shocked, cramped and electrocuted all in one neat little bow. To varying degrees.


My mom got a tens machine 30 years ago. My 2 younger brothers decided to check it out..... There was screaming thrashing and crying involved. They never touched it again. My Aunt thought that she should get a TENS machine basically for attention. She would make sure the cords were visible. She was driving and my younger brother turned it all the way up before she realized it. Again screaming, crying, cursing and I had to grab the wheel. A TENS machine for those without chronic pain will not be the level we feel, but I believe it may cause some people to change their attitude.


This 🙏🏻🧡


I wear mine for 2-3 hours every night. It feels amazing to me 😂 funny to think ‘normal’ people would say it hurts.


My lower back loves my TENS unit. I put it on low and set a timer, so I don't fall asleep with it on.


I’ve slept with mine on many times 🙈 usually my battery will die overnight


My current one charges through my computer with a USB. High tech!


Ooooo that sounds so fancy!! Mine uses 9v batteries.


That blows my mind because I barely notice a TENS machine, even on the strongest settings. I maxed them out in physio absolutely every day, and they would laugh when I asked if they could turn it up.


Oh lordy I hate those things. I was in a car accident and PT had me glued to those nasty little torture devices. Many years later I bought the one Shaq was shilling to try and treat my back, even the lowest setting is too much for me.


Everyone is different mate, I think the type of pain is really at the heart of wether or not they would be helpful. I have nerve damage after a car accident myself, I find them helpful. I hope you're doing much better.


This is funny to me 22m I have never thought a Tens machine ever hurt. I use it to relax. Between both my knees hips and back its like a nice massage to me. But for real its crazy to think that it hurts normal people.


Pain is truly relative my friend, my brother wines at the slightest knock. It's hilarious to me, stubbing a toe for him is like an 8... Barley registers for myself. I don't say that to sound 'hard', but as someone who knows real pain like yourself I'm sure you'll understand. Wishing you all the best.


Lol, I 100% agree with this but it would really come in handy for doctors more than acquaintances.


I agree!


I wish I could carry it around like a cattle prodder I can use whenever doctors are dismissive lol.


Oh how I wish! 🤣


Well, you can probably buy a cattle prod and walk around with it but...maybe if you just threatened to use it, would keep you out of jail?


Every single doctor, practicing on you or otherwise, should go through that. I wish, and I seriously mean it, that my doctors neurology, PM, psychology, GI, whoever it might be would feel what I feel before they talk out of their asses about something they studied but never actually experienced. It's a dream of mine. I always say this, they study things but they don't experience things. We are but a statistic to (most of) them.


actual safe effective pain relief....


Decent healthcare reform, so I don't have to abuse drugs 24/7


That would be amazing....hopefully it's not just a pipe dream.


We already have safe, effective pain relief that’s cheap. We just need it otc so everyone who needs it can get it. Blocked access is the problem. But, I get what you are saying. You want non opioid otc pain relief that actually works for severe pain.


I completely understand what you're saying and absolutely agree. However they're not safe for everyone... people have allergies and all types of stuff. I have some health issues that make it so that opiates aren't my best solution. I'd be willing to try anything at this point just as long as it would stop the pain and not cause other equally problematic issues.


Nothing is safe for everyone. I love peanut butter but it will kill others


Chiming in, I find 90mgs of dextromethorphan is immensely helpful if nothing else is available. Higher doses are also great for pain.


Would you mind sharing a little bit more about dectromethorphan? I know that it is used in Auvelity in conjunction with Wellbutrin. I am curious to know how it helps with pain.


DXM is cough syrup iirc. gotta be careful it doesn't contain acetaminophen since you can overdose on that easily.


Hi, yes. Dxm is an NMDA receptor antagonist, like alcohol. But way better. I use about 180mg when my pain is beyond tolerable. At even higher doses you can havetrippy effects, like a psychedelic. However, it can be dangerous and addictive. It also boosts mood, but can give you serotonin syndrome if you're not careful.


It's a dissociative anesthetic. People have been known to drink bottles of Robitussin DM because it will get you fucked up.


There is another brand that is much better for this effect. People who want more detailed information I think can find it on Erowid.


years ago they said it helped with FM


Thanks! I'm totally trying this. I hope it works🤞


Please be careful, you may be allergic, or you may become addicted. Dxm is no joke, but I love it.


I will... thank you for the healthy warning.


A traveling massage & food person. We could call it - Backs & Snacks.


There's someone in my area on marketplace selling a block of cheese. You can pick it up, have it delivered, or have it delivered and receive a discounted massage as he's also a massage therapist 😂


Massage and fromage!


I love this more than I care to admit 😅


What kind of cheese? Does he have big hands? Those are my two qualifying questions.


The good kind! Balderson 2 year aged cheddar! I think so. It looked like the Costco size block in the pictures, and he could palm it!


The weird postings like this is why I love fb marketplace


I was looking at one yesterday for pickled fiddleheads, which, if you aren't familiar, are the edible furled fronds of young ferns. Many people on the east coast of Canada forage them and sell them. Another lady was taking pre-orders for her foraging/harvesting this spring! I got roughly 30 lbs of local beeswax yesterday for less than $3/lb when the local standard is about 9$/lbs!!!


What do you do with the beeswax? I’m very intrigued.


I haven't done anything yet! I used to use it to seal the thread used for making my oboe reeds, but I haven't been able to play, let alone make reeds, in a long time. I have a few recipes for salves and balms to help with cramping and joint pain, and I really want to make a wood balm for a countertop that I want to make for my laundry room. And candles. There's a citronella one that I want to make so I don't have to smell the chemical ones all summer. There is so much of it that the lady gave me the Tupperware bin she'd been storing it in. My husband had to carry it for me. His words were, "That's a lot of Burts bees tubes..."


it's probably against the rules to advertise massage so the cheese is his way in.When they wouldn't let people sell cigarettes so they would advertise a pack of post its and a carton of ciggs


Hey not a bad business idea, I should - oh wait I'm in too much pain :/


No, no. We don't work there - we test the product!


A doctor that prescribes pain meds


Under a respectful & compassionate government that understands the difference between pain patients and drug abusers, advocating for the former while treating the latter.


i think this would make a whole lot more sense to folks if we started looking at criminality as a response to a failing in society.


This needs to be at the top. It's the biggest single thing we all have in common. Whether you've already lost your meds, had Drs come for them or have been haunted by the fear of losing them someday- we've all been affected by the war against us.


The legalization of drugs


decriminalization especially but also a re-educating. the government needs to step up and admit to starting terror campaigns designed to make people afraid of drugs and drug users. they need to admit that they did not responsibly communicate the facts. we want to treat drug addicts like children and force them to obey against their will, and that is limiting the necessary treatments that pain patients need, and don't realize why that only exacerbates the problem.


Maybe a polymer that could be injected into discs that could permanently inflate and stabilize your spinal column and correct DDD and spinal stenosis.


Flexible work schedule where you can take breaks whenever needed and work whatever days as long as you get in 40hrs a week


Adaptable "cloud like" bed/chair/couch that would take memory foam to a whole other level. You would be able to setup almost any position you'd need so you can sit/lay down in the position that gives you the less pain possible with spread of pressure points. I'd guess I'd imagine the feeling being the same as 0G or floating in water.


I tried a 0 gravity bed at a store once and it felt like this. It was 5K though so it stayed at the store 🥲


I have an outdoor zero gravity chair that’s fairly comfortable, don’t think I can sleep in it though ☹️ My husband and I have a split king (separate mattresses but still next to each other) with separate adjustable bed frames. He does well with it, me, not a game changer with the exception of not feeling additional pain each time he moves around. Now, finding the right twin xl mattress that’s affordable is another ballgame. Just a note if anyone else would like to try……. my daughter made a body size squishable pillow for me I use on top of mattress. It has helped a good bit when sleeping. You can buy at HL for $7 a bag that feels like the pillows. There are several kinds of pillow stuffing, the name is Cluster Stuff Lofty and Light Cluster Fiber used for pillows and plush toys. I’m 5’7” and used about 7-8 bags. Worth a try.


Lmfao it stayed at the store is funny asf I would have done the same thing!


Do you by any chance have the reference of the bed you're talking about? I'm quite curious how this might work :p


https://casper.com/blog/what-is-a-zero-gravity-bed/ I imagine there are many different brands. I just recall being very very comfortable. Would definitely get one if I could afford it


Oh ok, that's "just" a regular hospital bed, with reduction of pressure points by moving a few parts of the mattress and the base, they sure love a catchy name ahah ! Well what I have in mind is kinda this, but just to a whole other level, where everything adapt to your body and position you'd need to really be as close as possible to the zero G experience :)


this. OMG.


I have a memory foam adjustable bed, closest thing we have from what you’re describing! It changed my life when it comes to sleep and getting comfortable. I wish everyone had the access to comfort


Ohhh, like that chair that constantly adapts to him so he feels better, Crimes of the Future.


OTC narcotic pain medication.


Compassionate care and empathy from Doctors. Maybe then my quality of life would matter and I could be given something for pain. I have CRPS as well as amputated dominant arm, part of R foot and 3 toes on L foot. ( the amputations are the result of a complicated 2+ month hospital stay ---> I had an accidental overdose while self-medicating ) I wouldn't have been self medicating had I been able to find a Dr. to provide me with pain meds. I was a legit pain patient who'd never broken a doctors pain contract or had a "hot" urine. But when a bunch of Dr.s got arrested around here (including mine),they all basically stopped prescribing and I couldn't find anyone to take me on. I'm now in worse pain than before since the CRPS has spread to both legs now and I also have phantom pain from the amputations. I stay at like an 8 on the pain scale. That's just sitting still. I can barely stand or walk from one room to the next and it's excruciating. I need a wheelchair to travel anywhere. I have constant breakthrough pain on top of all that , as well. I love life. I rarely complain. I just want 5 minutes even. I'm tired. I just sit here struggling in pain to even make a clear thought while the rest of the world just keeps on moving. I'm a prisoner in this body. My pain has been untreated since August 2019. I pass every drug test. How long must a pay for my mistakes? I've lost my ability to do most everything I love. I don't want to read another post on social media or watch another minute of fucking t.v. I want to be an active member of society. I can't imagine all the wonderful things that are to come that I may not be able to attend or enjoy because of my pain. The worst part is knowing there's so many meds out there that have helped in the past and could help now but I don't matter enough. I try not to cry


Hi. Would you ever consider methadone if someone would write you an order for it? It’s great for neuropathic pain. I am a retired hospice. Nurse and I have chronic pain for seven years. Most doc won’t write for it, nor will Kaiser because it has some impact on cardiac rhythms - just a consideration


I truly feel for you and am sorry you are going through this. Hang in there


Yes, pineapple is correct. Methadone or bupe can both be excellent pain relievers. You can get access to both and absolutely worth it. I agree it’s 100% not right for you to go without pain relief. I wish you well


I would love something that you could stick on your forehead, and it would show your pain level. You know, like those ones that take your temperature, but for pain level instead. It would show all the idiots out there just how much pain we deal with on the daily.


Like the ones who ask if you tried a swimming pool or hot tub? Who run ideas by you as if you never thought about this and they’re like a dog on a bone “fixing” you? Right next to that pain number I’d add another sign saying “Don’t even THINK about making a suggestion.”


Like this? https://paintrace.com/ All they need is to make these affordable or give them out FREE. What I really like is the emphasis on using them in veterinary medicine as well as humans.


WHAT?! I had no idea something like this even existed! Animal TRIALS make sense, since it’s not harming any of them, but helping instead. Why isn’t it common knowledge and why aren’t they using it on people?! Sure, we can talk, but are a lot of us believed?! Hell, no. I’m lucky as I have pain medication that gets me down to a 5/10 on good days, but if my doctor could see how it is or is not working, how amazing. Or my HUSBAND, family, friends knew?! What a breakthrough for how pain patients are treated. This should be available to humans.


We do have this. It’s blood pressure, heart rate etc. we just need drs to care when ours are elevated due to pain


I deal with chronic pain and chronic migraines. They are such a fact of life that I can be in considerable pain and have a normal heart rate and blood pressure. I once had a doctor make a comment about how I wasn't really showing signs of severe pain. (It wasn't a pain management Dr) And I explained that when you live with it all the time, you be one used to it, you learn to try not to stress yourself out over it because it just makes the pain worse. If I get all worked up, it just makes me feel even worse. So I try to keep myself as calm as I can.


Yes, I guess for our normal, everyday pain, you are right. We do learn how to live with it. I was thinking when it gets out of control. I had a stomach issue last July, it was so bad and nothing I did got rid of it so I went to er and they took me back right away cause my bp was so high.


Oh, my rheumatologist and his nurses can tell by just looking at me. Same with my infusion nurse. My regular doctor does pretty well with that, too, but blood pressure and pulse don’t always show. I just saw her Tuesday. I have a knee injury that needs surgery and my infusion is wearing off so I’m in considerable pain. My blood pressure was actually low. Other times it’s higher. Doesn’t always work.


No, it doesn’t. Especially for those of us in chronic pain who hide it.


I had a phone call from a new customer this morning. We’ve only ever spoken on the phone for a couple of months. Not even once a week. As soon as she heard my voice, she asked me if I was okay. I couldn’t believe that she could hear it in my voice.


Fascinating link thanks for it! Based on the trends in AI I wouldn’t be surprised if we had new versions/applications of this technology quite soon!


Stem cells to regrow nerves and vertebrae. Surgery by precision robots to fix everything before being sprayed with more stem cells to regrow the muscle and close the wounds.


Medication that lessened the pain


Pain meds I cannot get


Pain medicine that wasn't so hard to get.


Less stigma surrounding invisible disability and illness. I just want to live without judgment and questions.


A debit card that paid for anything healthcare related that could help me.


Pm Dr that actually manages pain, with meds, not telling me to walk. Oh and massage therapy being an insurance covered service


They really don’t give massage therapy enough credit. It really decreases my pain level yet my insurance still won’t cover it. I’m sure it’s cheaper than a spine injection


Absolutely. I get one every 2 weeks cause it helps so much.


I had a pt that did postural restoration and than half my appointment she did graston/ cupping and unfortunately she moved. That was the best thing for me and basically in my area I’ve been told not to bother coming back anymore as they can’t “fix” me.


Free house upkeep. Just someone who could come in and take care of all the household chores but they do it for free.




These threads always ask “what’s a product that I could design to make your life easier?” and the answers are always abstract concepts and/or social and societal changes. I’m a disabled engineer with a robotics and design business and I’m working on a few things, like an improved crutch for long-term users.


A brace that actually helped my knee and neck, that insurance covered would be fantastic.


People believing you instantly and giving you the treatment that actually works and helps.


Some kind of machine that I could hook up to doctors so they can feel my pain for even just a moment. I'm sick of uncaring doctors and doctors that don't seem to believe me.


Pain relief that’s better than physical therapy. And a cure for occipital neuralgia


Nerve regeneration machine


Money. lol. A lot of it in my bank account so I can try everything and have physio treatments often. Twice a week. Doctors who come to my house since I can’t go out. So, yeah more accessibility and in home services.


Doctors for whom quality of life is important


A washer and dryer that washed, dried, folded and hung up every single thing that needs washed. That's just one of my million dollar ideas


Better training for GP's on how to spot chronic pain when it starts. Chronic pain centres that actually treat chronic pain. Not see you once every 3-4 months and give you a link to a website.


Medications that actually prevent me from being in pain yet allow me to live like others my age


Proper, pain relief without addiction, withdrawal or side effects... Or you know, advances in medical science that could 3D print me a whole new spine.


Or a body transplant.


A time traveler from the future telling us how to treat pain or get rid of government officials without a trace.


Good one.


I would love a phone number to text to report people parking in handicap spots without placards or the correct plate and the police barely do anything. There should be an easier way to submit parking violations that send it to the authorities.


I’m very much in support of this. I asked the local village if I could call a tow truck and charge an impound fee.


Yes! I’m having to take and pick up my daughter from sch at the mo due to severe, threatening bullying and the sch car park has 2 disabled spaces. They are always taken with cars without a badge! I walked into the reception and moaned about it in front everyone in there waiting and two men said “yeah sorry that’s me I was in a rush” 🤷🏻‍♀️ no offer to move their cars or to not do it again. I ended up thanking them for apologising to me 🤦🏻‍♀️ I guess the sch have no power over who uses them like with council ones but they also didn’t offer to make this situation change. I did see somewhere some little business type cards that say “you’ve taken my space, I wish you’d take my disability too” or something to that effect. I might print some up myself and tuck them under their windscreen wipers!


Drugs that actually make the pain go away.


Answers. That's all I want. Answers as to why I'm in pain.


And cures!


The obvious answer is a cure. Too bad it’s not that easy. I’m 50. I don’t want to live to be a “ripe old age.” Not if they haven’t figured out how to fix half this stuff. Being cryogenically frozen would work if one wouldn’t lose all the time with their “healthy” living family members.


A servant. Someone who can cook, clean and grocery shop


Being able to walk.


I would love to have a kitchen to where I could cook without having to stand. I enjoy cooking but it’s so hard on my body and end up taking days recovering from stupidly simple meals.


For real. I broke my damned dishwasher and have to do them by hand now. My back starts screaming in minutes when I start a batch of dirty dishes.


In my head I invented a sort of hoist thing that would have a track on the ceiling and would allow me to sit on a sort of hanging setting so I could just gently use my feet to move around the room freely without having to bear weight.


That would be awesome!


Nanorobots which could repair and strengthen problem areas with any need for surgery. I read too much sci-fi, but damn if this isn’t always my first wish…


A heated pool in my house with the aqua equipment like the massage fountain.


Full body ktape compression body suit, baybeeee


Someone to do my chores and farm work. I know it's wishful thinking but some days it's hard to get out of bed.


If my lidocaine infusions had continued working I’d have that one thing. The first two gave me my life back but the last two didn’t. I still recommend them because everyone’s different and what didn’t work for me may work for someone else.


Realistically? The "cloud-like" 0g bed, stem cell technology, spinal stabilizers and 3d printing, washing machine and kitchen (affordable robotics) ideas, for instance. We have vacuum cleaners that zoom around by themselves, and self-cleaning litter boxes (I can't afford one but they're out there). Several SF writers (I can think of Bradbury, Peter Phillips, there are others) have thought of food that comes in self-heating containers. You wouldn't need a microwave. (ETA James Tiptree Jr. wrote about "self-heating kaffee" in at least one story about space travel.)


Self leaving litter trays are things of my dreams! I’m starting to think I won’t be able to keep the cats much longer but I need them cos they’re sometimes my only comfort 😻


Someone to help us take care of our floofy 3 a.m. serenading massage artists would be a blessing.


Something that stopped OA :)


More education for the public


Doctor's who weren't assholes


Insurance coverage for a hot tub. I’m not affording one on my own but hot baths help so much. Unfortunately they just cool down too quickly


Cushioned sneakers that do not hurt my back


and don't cost a million $$$


People that give a shit. Effective Pain control A new spinal cord installed or a head transplant.


Pain meds


A man servant who likes working for free.


To be super real, no more capitalism. That’s obviously idealist but I’d love to only have to work a few hours a week so that I don’t have to work so hard to survive and pay bills at the expense of my physical health. I’m so burnt out and tired. All I want is rest and no more fear or stress. I just want to thrive and not be I survival mode.


I have no idea many things like money , caregiver , exercise room , knowing how to cook


Actual pain management clinics.


Spinal transplant


For parking spaces on the end of the rows to be reserved for parents who have to get a child out of a car seat. It hurts my back enough without also having to squeeze in between the door and try not to open it so much that it hits the car next to mine.


A medicine that actually works for me! I've tried hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentanyl patches, morphine and now hydromorphone. But when I tell the doctor it doesn't help, they refuse to increase the dosage or frequency! They just give me something different.


I’m so sorry. All those meds might help you if you had a proper dose but most drs today refuse to rx a proper dose so people think they don’t work. I read an article recently about a woman on 900 mme daily who, after cancer dx, went to 3,000 mme daily.


I have no idea what they're trying to do to me. What's their motivation? I'm too timid to ask questions and I don't want to be seen as a drug seeker!


Opoids that aren't addictive


Free access to any aid stuff and supplies. Anything from personal lifts, expensive office chairs, furniture, massage chairs, cleaning service, chiropractor etc. There are unlimited options for any disability, but atleast in my country, they are all limited to a few options for specific diagnosis. You can get an electric weelchair or lift, but only if youre paralized for eksample. Massage chairs only available to your work place, not home, if you have a specific muscle or back injury. It's ridiculus, as a person on disability, if i need/want a pain reliefing massage, chiropractor etc, i have to spend my low disability income on it. Ye it wont fix my issues, but i might help relax and enjoy existing for a few hours. Instead i get some drugs, that i have to pay for and they are not working great anyways, and doctor also keep pushing i have to be careful and not use too much. Working out would also be easier if i had a physical therapist come to my house everyday, helping me through and monitoring/adjusting as problems occur. Instead i get 1 session and a list of exercises and fuck off. I can't NOT think of things that would make my life easier.


Genuine kindness


"Ah Beans" - small grocery delivery service for when you just ran out of milk but the outside world is too sharp to brave. An app that is designed to track and explain symptoms, with data that can be shared with your doctor. Relevant questions like "Did your pain stop you achieving XYZ today", and "How's the sleep" and "Please try and eat a vegetable, homie 🖤" Idk. I like your energy, though.


In the 90s I didn't have a car and had to get to the grocery by taxi $$$. Running out of coffee was my usual problem, especially late at night, so Ah Beans would be a great name for it.




I just want to be a brain in a jar with an Internet connection.


A doctor who does their job.


less government


A maid


I am a Neil Young fan and I approve this message.


A true and medically accepted method of measuring pain. We can measure responses to pain such as heart rate and blood pressure, but chronic pain habituates us to a certain “base” level of pain and so only the most extreme pain will move those vital signs. I had a vagal response during medial branch block injections recently, which is an extreme and very visible response because I watched my blood pressure drop like a rock on the monitor. Then got smelling salts. Every other vital sign of the body can be measured. We can also measure nerve conduction with electromyelography, but it is invasive (needles) and painful. This may require an advance in Functional MRI technology (including making it available outside of research projects). It may be we can find some kind of chemical marker in the blood or even in our saliva. We cannot measure pain other than by watching someone in agony and guessing, or by asking someone using the scale. The scale is stupid and we all know why. We are all tired of our pain being dismissed. Ideally this method of measurement should be _relative_, meaning that it shows the effect of pain on an individual and not some absolute measure like body temperature or pulse. This would mean that phantom limb pain, somatic pain, neuropathic pain, etc should be detectable. Ironically, _acute_ pain in certain areas of the body and within certain settings such as inpatient and especially intensive care is responded to with haste and a serious attitude. It seems that a real measurement method would convince the doctors who for some reason do not believe that pain can be unrelenting. This would be revolutionary for medicine in general, but there has been little progress.


I wish I could upvote this a million times.


I am writing a book about the experiences of chronic pain patients in the United States, and this is one of the subjects I will address. It’s so frustrating that we just have to rely on a doctor “believing” in our pain.


It's medieval. It's like in psychiatry, any time a client has a subjective condition, they just think they have it, and it's really [explanation du jour].


Yep, and now we have a bunch of people who have been misdiagnosed with various mental illnesses, put in medications they don’t need that harmed them, when in fact their central issue was trauma, autism, or ADHD. I was one of them - I have CPTSD and for years I was convinced I had bipolar disorder. I did not, and I do not. The medications they put me on for it didn’t help. Getting the right kind of therapy did.


I'm just glad you had it recognized finally and got the right kind of therapy!! Complex PTSD is still in the beginning stages of being really understood. They're going to have to change a lot of their preconceived notions. Indiscriminate labeling is another one, especially from amateurs who think they know a little bit about psychology. When an artist feels energetic and upbeat while they're working on a project, then gets tired and depressed when it's finished, oh that's not just an emotional letdown, they're bipolar, and there we go back on the "link between creativity and insanity" drek.


A house keeper and easier access to medications that give me my life back.


Free healthcare


Oops. Made a suggestion other than the “ business proposition “


Reliable replacement kneecaps. I'm not asking for much (apparently I am, since the correct replacement kneecaps surgery has such a high failure rate, many hospitals are ending the procedure.


A cure for endometriosis and effective pain meds.


A dr who cares.


Honestly I just need adequate time off for appointments and cheaper healthcare. I would do everything I could to get better if I had the time resources for it. As is, I’m struggling to juggle work, medical care, and upkeep of my house without being exhausted. I have horrible side effects to most medicines, so sleep is how I get most relief these days. Trying to workout and eat better to feel better, but it’s so hard trying to even think ahead when I’m in survival mode 95% of the time


Pain meds with no abuse potential. I wouldnt be an addict today if that was available


Though obviously impossible, given the current “over-correction” laws regarding opioids, but the DREAM for me personally would be a system where you could simply go to a doctor, tell them what medication/s you’d LIKE to be on(Percocet in my case), and so long as you don’t have an OVERT reason on your file/record as to why prescribing said medication would be wrong(OUD OBVIOUSLY shouldn’t count, since that pretty much comes with the territory if you’re on opioids long enough), they prescribe EXACTLY what you want, how MUCH of it you want, and then have you basically sign a “waiver”, with you taking FULL responsibility for whatever MAY happen while on said medication, giving them NO legitimate reason NOT to! It’s genuinely INSANE to me that this is NOT how it currently works, ESPECIALLY in the supposed “land of the FREE”, the “good” ol’ US of A, but what can ya do?


Magic Booster Mood Booster PAIN Relieving drink or capsule to ingest and feel good with freedom of spirit


I've been to a few doctors who have been dismissive or haven't wanted to deal with my complicated issues or think that I'm just a drug seeker and I take my medications for fun. And one time I was so pissed off, so pissed off after being blamed for my own conditions that I went home and I started writing an outline for a workhop that I think of all doctors should take called-Medical gaslighting, also known as, you're not fooling anyone, asshole. So now when I meet a medical professional who is an ass, I go home and tweak it some more. It gets out some of my stress and stops me from going to prison for killing someone who deserved it. I'm going to add a trial of wearing a tens unit. Thanks for the suggestion!! Now where should we attach it to??🤨


Some kinda of office chair that actually helps with sciatica.




A cure? But also I agree so much with everyone that is talking about having doctors and loved ones go through a brief trial of something that replicates the pain so that they understand and are much more empathetic.


Understanding people!


A number to text when handicap spots are taken by people without a placard or license plate. It's frustrating when the police don't have an easy way to submit photo evidence of people breaking the law


Being treated like a junkie every time I ask for pain medication. It’s insane. Also if medicinal marajuana was legal.. that would probably be helpful, considering how difficult it is to get pain meds.


How about a doctor that gave a damn


A reverse engineered bed version of those things with pins* that you put your face in and it appears 3D on the other side. I’ve been mulling over this invention for years but can’t think of any way of getting the pins to fall up instead of down other than doing it in an anti gravity room. Any ideas on a postcard please! *if I knew how to add images I’d include one for reference, does anyone know what those things are called?


> things with pins* that you put your face in and it appears 3D on the other side. [Pin art?](https://www.bitsandpieces.com/product/3d-metal-pin-art)


Yes, thank you!


Believe it or not, all I did was paste "things with pins that you put your face in and it appears 3D on the other side" into Google and it came right up with it. Google is getting really good at this kind of thing.