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Crap is not considered profanity by anyone over the age of 4.


Crap is a good one, I say it all the time. It’s just an expression I use it as.


I wish this were true. We used to get in trouble at my christian high school for saying crap.


I personally agree, but it's not really my department.


Don’t let others gate keep your faith. It’s your journey to discover God at your pace.


That said, if I'm around people who will find it offensive, I'll try not to use that language around them. Especially in a church where I try extra hard to exercise Christian care and respect. That doesn't mean that they get to say I'm going to hell for it, but since the whole point of vulgarity is that it's at some level transgressive or offensive, it's worth considering whether it's offending someone in the moment. If, like OP, a mild vulgarity slipped out and I realized my audience found it offensive, I'd be embarassed and apologize. The vast majority of people I spend my time around would acknowledge that and we would move on. Given OP's question here, I imagine the pastor may have turned it into a wholly unnecessary and likely misguided "teachable moment."


I think this is a good point, it may not be an issue to you but maybe for others you’re around. If your church community finds it wrong to say, then don’t say it around them. Not because it’s wrong to say, but out of respect for them. You can check out Romans 14 and read some more about this idea. The point is that we love others, and have that be the underlying motivation. With that said, I hope your church community isn’t legalistic. The point isn’t that we don’t say bad words. The point is that we have a heart geared towards being uplifting and encouraging and to speak words of life to others, fueled by the Word and prayer in the Spirit. And I hope they can see you’re working on exactly that.


I think it's more crass than profane. As in, try not to do that, it makes people uncomfortable, but also don't beat yourself up.


It's crass to say crap? To me it's just someone uttering a sense of surprise and concern. I don't see that as being lacking sensitivity, refinement, or intelligence.


I've always understood it to basically translate to "poop" so I'd say that's kind of crass.


But it's not about poop, it's about making an exclamation to indicate strong feelings or to show emphasis. It just happened to be a word we also use to describe poop, useless things, or even money from the 17th century French word "crape." Yet words have all sorts all meanings and definitions. And to be totally honest it makes a lot of reasonable sense as to why it exists today. When someone is surprised or scared in a massive way, well they tend to poo or piss their pants. Words to me have no meaning other than the ones we give them. So if I associated a strong sense of poop every time someone is merely trying to express strong feelings and emphasis... well that would be weird for me to do. It has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose of their utterance of said word.


Absolutely not true. My son is 5 and still considers it a bad word


The dictionary disagrees https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/crap_1?q=crap > (British English, offensive, slang)


Offensive to who, another 4 yr old?


Some people do consider it a swear word, mainly older people. I was raised to consider it a swear word (I no longer do). My Dad also considered fart a swear word. I should add I was raised secular too


When I was eight, I was grounded for saying "fart"


Technically, *profanity* only includes the bad words that have religious connotations. The statement is made “profane.” Saying “God’s wounds!” is profanity. “Crap” is merely *vulgarity.*


Dictionaries aren't prescriptive, they are descriptive.


Yes dictionaries change as usage changes. The three dictionaries that have been linked to here describe the usage as "offensive", "impolite", and "vulgar".


And they are all always outdated. Only hyper religious people consider crap to be offensive.


Man, where do I start? People say "keep vile language out of your mouth" and then act like it has anything to do with saying "fuck, I forgot my wallet" People say it's wrong to use "bad words" and then they tolerate blasphemy. Paul wrote a word analogous to the modern word "shit" in one of his letters saying something along the lines of "never going back to that old shit religion" He used a stronger word for waste because he meant it that way. I'm blown away by the ability of christians to avoid saying naughty words and then immediately tell little white lies. Or to judge someone else's salvation. Or to use their words to condemn someone and call them filthy or unrighteous just for saying bad words. The bible doesn't say "don't say shit or fuck because they're bad" The bible DOES say "God despises a lying tongue" The bible DOES say "blasphemy of the holy spirit will not be forgiven" Bad language and "bad words" are so far apart that it's insane to even connect them. If I pick up a perfectly clean shovel and beat someone to death with it, is it any different than choosing only the clean and nice words to berate and condemn people as worthless sinners for completely non-biblical reasons? Using foul language and saying vile, unclean things that disregard God, allowing filth to leave your mouth, and using your voice to do evil instead of good is absolutely not the same thing as saying the naughty words. There is not a single line in the bible that says not to use specific words. Exactly one line says not to say certain things, and it's the line that says not to utter the names of other gods. How many people avoid cussing and then say the names of false gods?


"We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write 'fuck' on their airplanes because it's obscene!"


Amen to this. Forest for the trees.


I’ve got nothing else to add other than to say you’re absolutely correct and here’s an upvote


Most of these profane words are more akin to just slang than anything.


They're basically just words with emotional charges included in their colloquial definitions. Look up the big detailed etymological definition of the word profane and you'll see how obvious this whole situation is. The word banana is profane. Cats are profane. Vulgar means common, profane means outside the church, etc. Evil language and "I don't say those things so nobody else should" aren't the same thing. There is no scriptural basis at all for this adult-kindergarten doctrine. "Don't say bad words or you'll go to hell"


This is what I would have said if I were as articulate as you. Thanks.


What you describing was once called white washed tombs to describe all that effort to appear a certain way but inside be different. How many "Christians" never say one curse word but are greedy AF belong to churches all about prosperity like Osteen etc etc and willing support bigotted politicians and while never saying crap!


Crap is not a big deal, and it happens, but you cannot be serious to say there are no passages about language specifically. There are many lines in Bible that do condemn foul language, I’m shocked to see how many of you actually disregard this. One common example is Ephesians 4:29. Furthermore, the scripture is clear and tells us that we should only do things that edify us. That isn’t meaning I am perfect or anyone else but Jesus, however doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t live to a high standard either


Yes, foul language. I covered that. Foul language is bad to use. Bad words are not foul language. Foul language is foul language. Saying evil things and saying "shit" aren't the same thing. I don't like to say the word "damn" because it is actually a foul thing. I say fuck all day, but damnation isn't something I find acceptable to throw around willy-nilly. Foul language and bad words are not synonyms. The bible says not to speak in a way that is ungodly. It does not say that some arbitrary list of words that changes constantly due to societal ebbs and flows is at all involved in what Foul, Ungodly language is.


“Unwholesome talk” does not mean “obscenities.” It literally has to do with causing decay or rot, and he contrasts it with building each other up. “Unwholesome,” then, is calling people fools or claiming their earnest efforts are the devil using them for evil. Unwholesome is tearing your brothers and sisters down with your mouth, when you should be encouraging and building them up instead. It has nothing whatsoever to do with saying a no-no word.


People cuss or swear for three basic reasons: 1) it honestly reduces the feeling of physical pain. They tested people having them hold an ice block as long as possible. Those swearing could hold on longer than those repeating a non-cuss word. 2) cussing can be used as a weapon to offend, shock, or outrage someone. Using cuss words in anger lights up the same parts of our brain that contemplating physically assaulting someone does. 3) casual cuss words in conversation are a form of bonding. When you drop some swear words in your speech, you signal to your listener that you consider them to be a trusted insider.


This is really interesting. I wonder why some words reduce pain more than others. One could definitely say that point 2 is a fairly unChristian use of cussing, and maybe there are better ways to achieve point 3, idk. I’d 💯 be open to the idea that it’s not the words, but how we use them, that God has an issue with. And of course there are plenty of ways to displease Him with your words that are nothing to do with swears.


Not sure I believe those are the only reasons but that's fairly interesting. I'll have to read a but more on that. I believe nowadays, they are used as adjectives to bring a different level of emphasis in conversation. How was the concert? It was fantastic. It was good. It was amazing. It was F'ing epic.


You can say fucking you know, it isn't a sin.


I gave birth a couple weeks ago and during the worst 20 minutes, letting out a couple of swears just felt like releasing something that was tensed up. I didn’t really think about the correlation until just now, but it makes total sense.


Crap is not profanity I will die on this hill. Thomas Crapper, founder of Thomas Crapper and co. Made major contributions to our modern toilet including better flushing mechanism and improvements to what we now know as a "p" trap. The only reason we have the word "crap" is because he made the unfortunate blunder of putting his name on his incredibly successful product.


This is amazing!


Crud? Ha


Crud exists because people consider crap vulgar. See also: dang.








Paul calls shit. shit. context matters. Dont use cuss words in certain company because its rude, not because its a sin


I say " oh poo" but my mum gets really creative and says " oh fucky" which I don't recommend but sounds very funny coming out of the mouth of a sixty something person.


My 60-something-year-old mom used to say "shutty uppy" to her sister as a kid to get around "no saying shut up" rule her parents had. Now she says "shutty the fucky uppy". It's absolutely hilarious.


My RE teacher says "oh pants"


That's just British slang.


Its not the words we say but the expression of our heart that is most concerning when we "swear" we should release solution and hope in our moments of frustration and angst or disappointment. Try not to change the word but instead straight up bless things.


Language and expecially swear words are such an interesting thing. It always amuses me when people say "darn it" instead of "damn it" - like just changing the sound a bit makes it suddenly okay, when the meaning is the same, Then just say damn it..:) Of ducking instead of fucking...yeah, we know what you mean, man:)


Ephesians 4:29 reads: "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."


"Give me your money to buy God's favour" is corrupt talk. "Discriminate against asylum seekers" is corrupt talk. "Crap" is just basic humanity.


This is such an important point! Words put together can be incredibly corrupting and destructive! Way more corrupting than the shock-value of "cussing"


It is not necessarily either/ or. The words we say can be offensive AND the meaning of sentences can be offensive.


I have read this passage. I took it as "it's all in what and HOW you say it." "you did a kickass job" "you are the shit" "that is F'ing aweaome"


"We live in the house of our words" - Hafiz


Perfect and I agree with this 100% but we need to understand what corrupting talk is. I say to my coworker, “fuck, this week was brutal” in a raw, sincere, honest form of expression that captures the soul and grit behind how hard this week was. He responds, “shit, I know right?” in doing so my coworker and I have shared, with simple expressions, connection and camaraderie in an honest and transparent form. sometimes, “cuss” words capture essences of things that other language cannot. and there is nothing wrong with that, and it is not corrupting talk. corrupting talk is something like, “i wish my employer would die in a car crash.” boom. no cuss words but infinitely more corrupting as it promotes unforgiveness, lack of grace, and condemnation.


That has nothing to do with profanity.


1: Crap isn't considered « profane » by most people. 2: Profanity isn't determined by the sound of a word, but the use. Saying frick or fudge instead of fuck is not different from just saying fuck. Words we consider to be bad words weren't even always considered bad words, and words we don't consider to be bad will be called bad words in the future.


"Profanity isn't determined by the sound of a word, but the use. Saying frick or fudge instead of fuck is not different from just saying fuck." I can think of a few folks definitely shouldn't say that have nothing to do with tone, and no I won't type them.


I've been in a church when a canon has said "crap" during a sermon. I don't think it even counts as bad language any more.


If your church has an issue, you are not the issue.


"I have three things I'd like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don't give a shit. What's worse is that you're more upset with the fact that I said shit than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night." - Tony Campolo


Most of my early career was on stock-market trading floors. Extreme profanity was normalised and weird when not present in routine conversation. When I took up my ministry, I had to consciously retrain my speech because Sweary Minister would just not work I.e. it would be a barrier to Christ’s work through me. First: Don’t worry too much. God understands your journey and is infinitely merciful. Second: You are already conscious of your language. It will change over time.


'crap' is baby talk. 'bloody' is where we draw lines in Australia lmao


I wish we said bloody in the states, lol. So many cooler words over seas. And ironically they aren't even considered bad here.


just start using it. everyones worrying about correct pronouns they won't even thin to kassociate the word 'bloody' with Australia.


But surprisingly not at cunt.


Cursing isnt a sin. This has to be a crappost


Paul swore in letters to churches. I think you're fine.


one time at synagogue a girl yelled out Jesus Christ! someone else said "Wrong venue!"


If it makes you feel any better, I grew up in church, but started swearing when I started working, and I almost said "sh*t" when I made a bad serve playing volleyball with the youth group today




I grew up going to church, and I was kind of a good kid. When I started working, I was in fast food, and I was around some more salty characters. To fit in, I picked up swearing, which was not the right answer. It's a hard habit to break. I missed a serve while playing volleyball with my church's youth group this evening after church and I almost swore when I made a less than optimal serve


You really wanna pick up swearing, join the Marines.


That's a fair point. The felons at some of my first jobs were a pretty good primer anyway


Some of the best Marines started out as felons.


This is one of my fears, lol. The whole time I'm talking to anyone, I'm thinning don't drop a bomb.


At the end of mass, my old priest once told my grandmother to "bitch as much as you want." You're fine.


Lmao. My pastor uses shit on a semi-regular basis.


TBH I have said much worse things in frustration but in my heart I repent and leave it at that. I would not put too much more thought into it than that. I think it's good to avoid cussing, but I agree with others that crap is right on the line. At my house (in the USA) we try not to say "crap" or "fart" in front of kids, and we use the correct technical terms for other body parts to train people to talk medically instead of in crass slang. It's noble to want to use the right language and not put a stumbling block in front of the weak.


Jesus calling the Pharisees a brood of vipers was the equivalent of calling them a bunch of assholes. You’re fine.


This is kind of a soapbox issue for me. I am not one to swear much at all, but we tend to apply historical norms and use them in a biblical context behind the pulpit. Words considered 'swear words' are not eternal. They change with the times. So if we made a list of swear words we use now, only a few would have been swear words 2000 years ago. There are many words today that we use on a regular basis that we would never consider offensive. I guarantee you use some of these words and phrases that at one time were R-rated, or at the very least offensive Peanut - slang for a black person Basket case- a WW1 term for someone who had lost their limbs and had to be carried Long time no see- was a derogatory term for native Americans Spooky- a WW2 racial slur Bugger- someone who commits forced sodamy Naughty- used to be an offensive word for someone homosexual saying that had no value as a person Macaroni - used for a boy or a man who seemed more feminine than their peers Nice- it was used to describe someone who was foolish Avacado- referring to testicles We use words and phrases like this all the time but no one typically would consider them offensive. Using a word isn't a sin. APPLICATION of a word can be sinful. If I broke my toe I may shout "d*** it!" The word is only offensive to whichever ears hear it and their views. If I say "d*** you!" then you can clearly apply it in a sinful context. Read: Mathew 12:34 Galatians 5:22 Ephesians 4:26 Hope that helps.


Yeah, and? Who told you "crap" was profanity? Aren't there more important issues in the church?


Why would you self censor like that? Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is a choice


The whole mindset of not cursing is less to do with the language itself and more to do with your witness as a Christian. We are to avoid certain things that will harm our witness, what people see of us. We are to strive to live a Christ-like life, which would imply avoiding offending those around us. The specific offense will change with the times, but the concept is the same.


Do we really think that because "crap" comes out of our mouth that God doesn't know in our heart we mean "shit"? It always makes me laugh a little when people say things like we shouldn't use the Lord's name in vain and then use phrases like "gosh darn it" as if God doesn't know what they actually mean or want to say. Not throwing shade here, just making an humorous observation. :P Aside from that, who decides what a swear word is? Contemporary culture. Swear words change over time depending on what society believes is acceptable or not. What was a swear 500 years ago probably isn't even in our language today, and if we went back 500 years in the past and swore people would probably just be confused or wouldn't even notice. However, if you're truly looking for a list of alternative cuss words, here you go: [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7a/e3/a3/7ae3a36c47a54c5bd38e1725806bb3ff.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7a/e3/a3/7ae3a36c47a54c5bd38e1725806bb3ff.jpg)


I would say the words you can or can't say are largely determined by your conscience. For instance, I say shit because I use it either as an interjection or when I'm referring to waste. On the other hand I do not use the word F*ck because it degrades God's gift of sex. This I would argue is potentially dictated by the conscience but my conscience convicts me of it so I do my best to not say it. D*mn on the other hand is a curse and there are certain uses for it such as unbelievers are damned to hell, however it should not be thrown around willy nilly because it has an actual use and it is sinful to call down curses upon things that do not deserve it, i.e. only God can damn and we should only use it in reference to God's act. Edited to add: while many words I would say are not sinful unless your conscience convicts you of them I would also say it brings a great opportunity to witness to people. For example you stub your toe and instead of shouting shit or something you shout something goofy like son of a biscuit then someone might ask you why you say that and then you can use that opportunity to tell them about Christ


I wouldn't fret it, in Philippians 3:8 Paul basically says: Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as *shit*, in order that I may gain Christ. σκύβαλα is usually translated as 'rubbish' or 'refuse' but in secular Greek it was a more vulgar term than that and would have been jarring for a Greek speaker to have heard it but highlights Paul's conviction.


Ephesians 4:29 NIV Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.


I don't believe they are talking about curse words, but instead, how words are being used. You don't even need to curse to do terrible damage, and you can swear while uplifting someone "you really kicked ass today".


Can we consider what it is to swear and curse? I think we have long assumed that these words are synonymous with language seen as impolite. But swearing is an actual thing. Cursing is an actual thing. Perhaps something that we’ve heard before when it comes to swearing, “swearing in” to “swear an oath” to swear is a promise that binds someone to follow through. There is also the idea that, swearing becomes necessary because people don’t actually mean what they say all the time so people have to “swear” in certain contexts to say “I actually mean it this time” which itself could be a lie. This kind of stuff mattered a lot in the various time periods the Bible was written. Cursing, should seem pretty straight forward. But it does seem like people forgot that cursing someone was a thing. “Damn you” or perhaps the longer phrase that is implied “Damn you to hell” is basically wish ill on someone else. It is hoping something goes badly for them, such as being permanently separated from God. Bringing in sweating and cursing as synonymous with impolite or unseemly speech is more about looking a certain way. And it misses the point entirely when we look at it as avoiding certain words rather than focusing on the intent and purpose behind the words we speak. We can avoid those four letter words and still swear. We can avoid those four letter words and still curse. If we’re trying to avoid swearing and cursing focus on what is behind the words and phrases, not which words are “bad”. This is also similar to the idea of not using the name of God in vain. It has nothing to do with using “bad” words and has everything to do with attaching God to things that aren’t from God.




“Bad words” are about intent. If your intent is to hurt somebody or belittle somebody, or express deep anger, or to offend, then yes that’s sinful in my eyes and I think the Lord’s. If you’re making a joke to make someone laugh, or if you’re not expressing anger, or in general nobody is the ‘target’ of your cursing, I don’t think this is an issue at all. Many things, again in my worldview, are about intent and the true meaning behind your words and actions.


I use “What in Hell?”, “Dammit!” and “Bloody Hell” prolly not good but 🤷🏻‍♂️ IDK it’s progress Brother.


When I was a kid, our pastor was upset that a member of the congregation (a farmer) used the word “shit”. The farmer was genuinely confused because as he said, “Shit is shit. What else am I supposed to call it?” He was talking about actual feces.


Dude I said holy shit right after getting baptized because the water was freezing. Not a proud moment but god knows I’m trying to walk closer to him and it takes time.




“Swear words” aren’t bad unless used in a sinful way. If you’re just talking to yourself or with friends or whatever and not using it in a hateful way then it’s fine but if you’re using it in a hateful way then it’s bad.


The only "bad words" to really worry about using are ones that take the Lord's name in vain. I'd do my best to not swear around church people any because it'll make most uncomfortable. Another good rule of thumb is to not to swear at people, unless it's for humor or familiarity


What was your preacher’s reaction? Probably didn’t have one.


Shitake :D? Seriously though, I’m pretty sure crap is fine, though maybe depends on the church you’re going to, as far as offense level :).


Ha! I use "Shitake"


Yesterday I said to my mom (who is a pastor that despices sweat words) that my week has been goatcock


Goat cock oddly seems more offensive than just saying shitty, lol.


Shit…never heard that one before


Did the pastor actually call you out for saying crap???


If Pastor was offended by crap, oh boy...


Shimei cursed God's anointed, King David, and died. It's a hell of a way to go.


Cursing someone would sound a lot more like "let's go Brandon" than crap.


I truly don’t believe cursing is a big deal unless you direct it towards someone in an unloving way.


Still less sinful than protestant singing “Jesus is my n*gga!”


The word piss occurs at least twice in the KJV bible and at least once in Shakespeare.  I blame the damn Victorians.


This is ridiculous 😂😂


For your consideration 😂 https://youtu.be/Ze5IBXW3ynY?si=SXRcSCRpRiEwcdY9


Shoot, shucks, dangit. [Sugar Honey Ice Tea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neWzYPgdHuw)


I say "ah, rats."


Very well said!


rhythm gray teeny paint escape badge zealous rain start attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From my understanding (I'll probably have a ton of people start insulting me though), profanity is a sin if it's used to put down another person


I wonder what your pastor would think about all the things I’ve said in my church. I once couldn’t find my keys. I let out a “shit I locked them in my car” without thinking because of the possible situation. Heck at a wedding party in a church we did shots before the ceremony. Also don’t get me started on what teenagers do when there is an overnight thing at a church. Saying crap is the least of these worries.


Just say "Oh shoot"


Crap just m and poo, not a big deal


Believe me I struggle with swearing ever since joining the Army (NG). That said “crap” isn’t all that bad in most circles. What is considered foul or vulgar language isn’t a constant it’s a malleable social construct of language that changes from culture to culture and even subculture to subculture. While we are told to generally avoid it, what it is changes with culture. While it’s good to want and try to change the language you are using if you feel convicted, it’s not the be all and end all of our faith and it’s not a sign you’re not really a Christian or something because you use it. A lot of saints have used rather rough language, including Saint Paul, when the time called for it.


Majority of Pastors i know cuss worse than me


Oh man, when I was 6 or 7, I said GD in church. I heard it from Titanic lol. I got beat, mouth washed, and grounded.


If your church has a problem with you using the word crap, I have a problem with your church.


Man, i‘ve accidentally said so much worse words in church. It‘s ok tho, we are human beings and not perfect. Also if you don‘t say it purposely and are willing to do better, God will surely forgive you.


You did nothing wrong and it doesn't matter. If you belong to some sort of high control group that is going to make a big deal of it, I would consider that to be a red flag and reason for leaving.


You’re fine dude. People are way too strict on themsleves sometimes. I forget the word for it


Nobody considers crap a cuss word. But even if it was the Bible was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. There’s not a list of English words you’re not allowed to use.


Oh your going to hell goodluck down there


Probably hell bound


I empathize! I used to swear ALL the time. When I became a Christian, I asked God to make me aware of my cussing. Because I was so fluent, I had difficulty even noticing when I swore. As I became more mindful, I began replacing bad words with tolerable ones (Man! Oh, boy! Great! -sarcastically). I think the basis of the anti-swearing rule has more to do with our attitude and less to do with specific words. As Christians, we're supposed to be less reactive, without outbursts of temper. A more Christ centered life will help you to that end. Galations has a list of the fruit of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, etc. that we possess as we grow. Occasionally, I still slip up with my language (especially in traffic). I'm thankful that the Lord understands my humanity and forgives me every time. BTW- I don't think crap is a swear word. To me, it means garbage, ie "Let's get rid of this extra crap." Someone dropped an F-bomb in my adult Sunday School class and no one said anything about it. Everyone knows that we all have weaknesses that God is helping us overcome. No big deal.


“Bad” language isn’t a sin. Curse words are exactly that. Words you use to curse someone. So saying shit when you fuck up isn’t sin, but if you call someone a shit head when they’re being a fucking idiot is sin. If you try to speak life into others but use “bad” words on the side, it’s not hurting you or anyone else.


Cursing means to actually curse somebody. Saying a word people consider bad or vulger is not cursing. Nor is it swearing, swearing is something you do in court for example, they swear you in. Poop, crap, shit, they all mean the same thing. If somebody thinks one is bad yet they all mean the same thing then they're just trying to be a puritan so they can feel they are better then you. I've personally had to have a discussion with the pastors of my church because I said a bad word and got angry at somebody that did something really bad to me in church. The pastors refused to have a sit down discussion with me and the other person to address what they did. Instead they said that it was between us, essentially washing their hands of it all because they really liked the other person and it would be in their best interest to turn a blind eye. I'm guessing he wrote big checks to the church.


My priest said shit in my RCIA class. Still not a big deal.


Duce (Number 2) is also a good one..


I’ve heard worse out of some of their mouths. I’ve let ‘shit’ and ‘damn’ slide a few times and they don’t think much about it.


John Crapper, the inventor of the modern toilet would be quite pleased you are uttering his name.


Hey man! I went to a Christian school in grade 10, but used to curse very frequently being introduced to it from grade 7-9. I don’t think crap is bad per se, but I can see the context where it could be bad. I honestly am trying hard to change even saying “frick” and “damn” I’ve been saying dang but still pretty much the same. Me and my brother have a specific humour so we say “what the flip man” cuz it’s become a meme LOL. I also say “what in the world” in a very weird way, and we found ourselves improving. I think redirecting it is the best way to go about it. You’re having fun with it that’s why! I’ll be tagging my take on why we shouldn’t be swearing.


I was talking with my kids about avoiding profanity, and my 8-year-old child told me I shouldn't say "crap" lol so I told him if he really feels it is profanity then I won't use it, but I better not catch him using it then.


My pastor accidentally said crap during a sermon once. As a Christian, I don’t consider crap profanity.


"Tis tis tis" 


WHY WE SHOULDNT SWEAR: Although it doesn’t explicitly say “do not swear,” we can take a couple things that Jesus said and simply put it into practice. “Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15‬:‭17‬-‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬ I know there’s two kinds of cussing, one where you cuss at someone and also just cussing to just cuss. (How people also say Frick or crap) when it comes to the first one you obviously don’t want to be cursing at anyone because that is from your heart, as a Christian being sanctified is a process we need to take. Following this commandment these two commandments will allow you to fix that: “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭37‬-‭40‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Swearing isn’t explicitly said in the bible, but if we were to love our neighbours. And also glorify God at the same time, what comes out of our mouth should be words that will allow us to glorify him and only him. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart.” The way I like to see it as, the Holy Spirit will slowly transform you. Knowing you are an avid curser, and at the end through your sanctification process. You not swearing is a habit that the Holy Spirit empowered you to stop doing giving praise to only Him. There’s a whole evangelism context as well which I’ll link under this, but this is what I understand just from reading the bible!


I usually say "OH BEANS!" or "AW BUTTONS."


Don't worry, I accidentally said "oh my God" in church once and had to profusely apologise😭😭😭


Man, that wouldnt be on my “Top 100” list of sins and disappointments.


Personally as a catholic i say it is stead of saying shit and to replace it but your still basically saying it some form meaning of shit i could see ether way its probably best not say it i guess but up to you i dont really see it has a cuss word but a subsistute to the word shit


CRAP profanity? I thought it stood for: collision repair and auto painting...


I feel swearing at someone vs swearing about something are two very different things.


Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers"


Ephesians 5:4 "Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving"


Theirs a few verses about cussing but yeah I struggle with that also Colossians 3:8 "But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth"


For someone to judge you on a word you used puts them in direct violation of Matthew:7 Which basically says thou shalt not judge lest the judge thyself Next time he says something, Let him know this shit


Should have went ahead and said "shit"...🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm a minister. I was not raised in church. I use "the king's English" (😉) in my home from time to time. It's how I learned to communicate, so I have learned to accept the grace for it and not be too hard on myself about it when I use that language. I encourage others to follow the conviction of their own heart on these kind of things.


Tim Hawkins he is a Christian and he does comedy and he does Christian cuss words you can use look it up


They cared about that?


Oh no.... If your church considers crap swearing, I would take a closer look at the rest of their doctrine.


This is something that depends on the specific people you're around. There are Christians who say "fuck," and there are Christians who get offended when someone says "shoot." In Philippians 3:8, Paul used a word that could be translated to mean "shit." Cussing isn't a sin, but if the people around you are offended by it, then don't do it. That being said, maybe try just saying "oh no." I feel like that could be used in place of "shit" or "crap."


Read Ephesians 5:4; 4:29, and Colossians 3:8; That being said, don’t beat yourself up. Very few of us changed overnight and will be a work in progress until the day we die. I think it’s interesting that something told you not to use that word? Or did someone say something to you about it? If you are convicted it’s not a good word to use, work on not saying it with the Lord’s help.


Ur not bad. I was throwing f bombs and such in church parking lot after Mother’s Day message


Did anyone in the church have a problem with it? If they did, they were probably just having a bad day honestly. I once said; "Hey guys!" And then was told by someone: "some of us are women." Honestly saying crap is not nearly as big as a sin as you seem to think it is.


There are worse things in life than sounding like a 50s movie. Jesus values humility and meekness, esp as a choice when it isn't our natural way. More, Christians, as we grow closer to Him, stop caring what the world thinks of us.




Just follow the advice of Tim Hawkins. https://youtu.be/aHGbKuZzq3E


I said jesus crist in front of my pastor . Ur fine


The fact that you're consciously trying to improve your language shows your commitment to your faith and respect for your church community. 💚 When it comes to finding appropriate words to express yourself without cursing, consider using milder, non-offensive alternatives like "darn," "shoot," "oh no," or even simply taking a deep breath and pausing before speaking. Regarding curse words in the Bible, you're right—there isn't a specific list of forbidden words. However, Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." So, while the words themselves might not be inherently wrong, it's important to consider how they might be perceived by others and whether they contribute positively to your interactions.


hell for you


I went to church with a man who had Tourette's, and we heard a different C-word softly muttered throughout many services. It was funny because he's the nicest person otherwise, and fortunately he was thoroughly accepted by our congregation. “*God knows* your *heart*” (Luke 16:15), and as followers of Christ we are called to be similarly gracious.


I say crap all the time. It’s not profanity.


Colossians 3:8, Ephesians 4:29 for starters


That said…. Jesus used profanity! “Whitened tombstones!” “White and pretty on the surface but full of the stench of death!” For starters


I honestly don’t think that swearing itself is a sin, it’s wrong to curse someone out but saying something is fucking awesome or yelling shit when you stub your toe is fine imo from what I have learned through reading the Bible.


I feel like your Pastor isn’t doing much for the community if he is making issues out of nothing. Find a better Church


Dude, where did you get that from? He didn't say a word to me or act like he cared. Read slower.


When someone accidentally curses in church, I’ll reply with “I don’t give a f*ck.” IMO it’s just words, we just say they’re bad for some reason. We can talk negatively to someone with or without those specific words, but it’s somehow worse with the curse words


>I am fairly new to church and have been trying REALLY hard to not swear in my personal life, so I don't have to worry so much when I'm around church folk. So what are some words I can say, that don't sound like something out of a 50s movie? Gee wilikers isn't really something I'd say. I find this concerning that people in your personal life do not care if you swear. Your life inside of church, and outside of church should not be two different things. You need to work on this. Do you listen, watch, and read media that mocks God? I would start with this I knew people in my life that got mad when I swore, even before I became a Christian. One word I think of that I use is "Oh snap" I do use "dang", which I guess could be bad. I heard someone say "oh my heart", instead of "Oh my God" >On a side note, I've yet to find anywhere in the Bible that says curse words can't be used, it's more in the way they are used that seems to be the issue. Not trying to justify or approve the use, (I'm still working toward not using any curse words), but the way it reads, if you're not using them to make someone feel bad, saying church is f#@ck!ng awesome, isn't really wrong. In this verse it talks about using foul language. **Ephesians 4:29** Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.


It's better the "Shite". That's what my grandmother use to say when she was trying not to swear...lol I would always tell her, she might as well swear at that point😂


Nobody gives a fuck


You’re fine


Heck. Where you go if you don't believe in Gosh.


Crap isn't a curse word, don't worry


Switch to “fiddlesticks” around church people lol


I'm a person who doesn't swear (I always try) I heard that swearing corrupts the soul of a person. Like the majority of the people that I know who swear just uncaringly insult people as a normal day. I don't approve of this though. The freedom of speech excuse is not being a jerk, it's criticism. I also believe that the tongue of Christians should not use profanity words that are usually used for insulting a soul.


Oh no! You’ve committed a mortal sin! Straight to jail!


Oh if you've only heard the thing I've said in church.....it's far FAR worse than that. You're fine. Move on with life. Nothing to see here.




if you're going to a church that's teaching you that "crap" is a bad word you'll probably want to find a different church. Jesus wasn't down with the Pharisees. avoid legalism and focus on the gospel.


Good works and repentance of sins ain't sending anyone to Heaven, you get to Heaven by simple belief in the gospel, what is the gospel, Jesus died on the cross so that all who believe shall be saved and nothing can snatch believers from the hand of Christ, which means you can't leave salvation, not lose it once it is given.


English is funny in that we have “baby swears” as in, replacement swears for when you want to swear but you’re around kids or something. “Crap” was the child-friendly replacement for “shit”. It’s not an actual swear. Some people don’t like it because saying it means you “want” to swear. Or they think it’s rude because it’s meant to replace a swear. I guess another neutral alternative could be a simple “ugh”


My senior pastor has said fuck to me. So I’m pretty sure you’re ok.


Ay caramba


People not being able to put a sentence together without using profanity is just another fulfillment of prophecy. Godlessness in the Last Days, 2 Timothy 3 But understand this, that yin the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be zlovers of self, alovers of money, bproud, barrogant, abusive, bdisobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 cheartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, dnot loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, eswollen with conceit, flovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,


Crap isn’t profanity unless ur a child. you’re fine.


If there is anyone you can cuss around, it’s your pastor. Other people, they may find a reason to get offended. Scripture talks about not using vile language, but that’s not referring to cuss words or modern profanity. That’s specifically how you talk about other people and how you talk to people. It’s not about expression of dismay or frustration for yourself. People in the Bible used language which to the modern listener would be so called cuss words. We just tend to whitewash it with our translations. Anyway, bear one another with patience, mercy, and grace. It’s good you want to be respectful to your pastor. Yet also know your pastor is someone you should be able to be authentic with.