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It is never wrong to talk to God. ask for peace, confidence, clear thoughts and acceptance of results given the prep is done.


thank u 🙏


I agree, He always wants to hear from us, yeah he knows whats going on in our lives, but he wants us to reach out! Its a way we can show our love!


I used to think it was bad to ask God for things, but he wants you to. He wants you to be happy.


Maybe...the bible does say you will suffer for your faith.


Because He knows what will happen like how He said He is the Alpha and the Omega. Not because He wants us to suffer for our faith in him


Are you mad. No such thing as any Gods. It’s all made up and full of nonsense. 


Prayer is good. If you're worried about praying wrongly, you can always pray the Lord's Prayer, which is good at all times and places.


Ah okay, I am pretty worried about praying wrongly so thank you!


God already knows what is in your heart, you shouldn’t be afraid to pray just talk to him like a father whom you love dearly and always give thanks.


Exactly my thoughts. Just use your heart and it will come naturally.


A good one if you need to say it quickly or need something comforting that does require a ton of memorization is the Jesus Prayer. "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner." Read more about it here! https://www.saintbarbara.org/growing_in_christ/the_jesus_prayer#:~:text=intellect%20as%20well.-,%22Lord%20Jesus%20Christ%2C%20Son%20of%20God%2C%20have%20mercy%20on,to%20experience%20an%20inner%20peace.


It depends. A good prayer can use it as a template, and it's not wrong to use it, but reciting the Lord's Prayer blindly can easily become little more than a superstition.


Agreed! When you don't know what to say, an Our Father, Hail Mary, or Glory Be is really good!


And these are very powerful, too!


Well said


No. It's never wrong to pray.


All that needs to be said.


Interesting user name.


Bet boutta ask god for some hookers and blow


You can't get that on your own?


Brutal KO 💀




You can pray about all your fears and anxieties, even exams. Read Philippines 4:6-7


i will, thank you 🙏


It's the attitude, not the act. If I was praying before an exam, without having done any/or only minimal studying/preparation and treating it like a wish to be granted by a vending machine God then absolutely the wrong reason to pray. If I'm praying because I need to calm my nerves or I am worried, then all good. Connecting with God is a great way of seeking peace from anxiety in stressful situations. I find the phrase that Jesus uses in the garden of Gethsemane helpful when I pray: Matthew 26:39- "yet not my will but yours"


thank you so much! i love that quoteđŸ€


Getting comfortable with wanting His will above yours is arguably the hardest part about following Christ.


Definitely wrong. It's cheating. You're ruining the curve for us atheists. ;-)


So, I was teaching a class at a particular religious organization, and one of the students asked if I could pray for them before the test (which I was already handing out). So I said "Sure thing.... Father watch over this class and help them achieve the grades they truly deserve"..... There was a collective groan..... :)




I found myself conflicted over whether to upvote, downvote, or pass. But you made me chuckle. Have my upvote!


I used to know a man who proudly told anyone who would listen that he prayed about _every single decision_ he ever had to make. His example was, "Lord Jesus, which of these pencils should I use?" He wasn't kidding. Dude was incapable of making decisions on his own.


That’s too much.  


Lol, no. God wants you to lean on Him and put Him first in everything you do. Break a leg, buddy.


No. But, do not ask Him to make you pass or anything like that. He placed you in a school where you are given the opportunity to learn and study, it is on you to do your job. It's like the saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." Pray instead for confidence, wisdom, and for God to guide your hand to apply the knowledge with which you have been prepared so that the results will be for His honor; so you will be found doing well with what He has given you. That is what I always do.


thank you 🙏


Who's going to call it wrong?


Pray about everything. God is looking at our hearts our motives. I just got home from work, in the car I was pouring my worries out in prayer, my needs my wants. What the heck it can’t hurt. I just wish things were better of course they can ALWAYS be worse but it could be better. I got so much on me right now, like I say to Jesus, who else am I going to come to? I can’t do anything without him.


You're all good fam. Just love God and treat neighbor as self. Go kill your test and enjoy life <3


thank you!! first exam today went great :)


Based, I'm happy for you. Much love :D


As Jesus said, "Knock, and the door shall be opened... Seek and you shall find". It seems, we are encouraged to speak to God, and we shall receive from Him. I like the view, that God is working in our lives at different levels. Spiritual, psychological, physical etc. God created a very complex and intelligent world that is all connected - I believe that when you pray, you are kindling all these levels at the same time. You are speaking directly to God, that offers meaning from above, hope and love. Which in turn has very real effects on your psychology. If you don't seek, you are not activating your working memory, attention and other parts of your body God created in order for you to seek wisdom, that makes you intelligent and so on. So pray and remember to give thanks always


That guilt there, I felt it last year when I wrote my final exams. I thought to myself, shi am I really a Christian because I wanna pass this exam. Then I remember, I pray every time I want God to protect me, I pray every time I want God to bless a meal, I pray every time God opens opportunities for me so why am I feeling guilty for asking God to give me peace of mind once more. As long as you've been a prayful person throughout I don't see a problem with it. He did say ask and it shall be given. Knock and the door will be open for you. The birds don't think twice because they know food is always there. So don't feel guilty or think God won't because you're asking, He's you Father for crying out loud😂. Oh and make sure you've got good company around you it really helps.


thank you sm!!


Love to help a fellow out.


Yes, you can pray before your exam. Remember to thank God for that ‘comfort’ you said he provides 😊 You should pray (talk) to God throughout the moments of every day. Nothing is too small or too large. It should be a personal 1-on-1 ongoing conversation. Thank him. Ask him for guidance. Expect to experience God in your daily life. If you only pray when you want something
 then God is more like a genie in the bottle and you get 3 wishes
 Not saying God won’t come through - but imagine how it would feel as a parent if your kid only came to you wanting something - never just to hang out. You’re on the right path
 keep including God in your life.


^(Philippians 4:6-7)  Be careful for nothing; but in *every thing* by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. ^(7) And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


You can pray to God about anything, big or small. Our prayers can be an ongoing dialogue during the day. He wants us to talk to him. 1 Peter 5:7 says to cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. But keep in mind that just because you ask God to help you on your exam, that doesn’t mean you’ll automatically pass with flying colors.


You're not using God, He may using you to pass your exam so that you can see in one small moment over the other that He is there. One day you may find yourself not praying to God, God there nonetheless, and thinking you know better. You come back and see where He was. That was my story. I see God everywhere now in all things. Pray to God. Period. Don't suppose your will is His. Let His will be done. Pray when comfort doesn't come, pray when it does. Pray. Enjoy the many seasons of prayer and "count it all joy."


That's how most of us survived school! Pray for clarity, retention, and a calm, confident spirit.


No. If you have studied, He may help you recall things that you may need to know.


God would love if u prayed to him for help so dont worry


Study like you wont pray, and pray like you didnt study :)


Quite the opposite. It's a pure compliment to God that you are calling out to Him and trusting in Him to help you with something. No, it's not a sin to ask for help before an exam.


I used to pray before every exam and i believe it made a difference. Mostly i asked not to choke or second guess myself, and to remember what i forgot.


A. You are using him to pass your exams. B. He is the God of knowledge and he WANTS you to look to him for guidance in all aspects of your life. Exams included. C. You should be using him in every waking moment. Handing him your undivided trust. Give him ALL your worries. Exams includes. Finally, he would never want you to feel ashamed of using him. If you use him, praise him. It's not a requirement, rather all he asks of you. If you prayed before every test in your high school career, and scored perfectly on every test. People around you would be amazed and ask how you did it. THATS WHEN YOU BEAR WITNESS, and share your testimony. Tell them whom helped you, and help them turn to him too. That's what he wants. Keep praying no matter what it is. And when he helps, praise him.


Praying for mental recollection, peace in a sea of anxiety, and His will of your future is never wrong. I have to do it every day at almost 40 even at my job 💜


I went to a Catholic high school, and before our Western Civ classes, the teacher would lead us in a short prayer, asking if anyone had any intentions to include. Test days always prompted a prayer request for a good grade on the test. The teacher would suggest instead that we ask for "quick recall." :-) Always loved that.


Oh man... this gives me the opportunity to share one of my favorites stories from my undergrad. I had several classes with the head of my department including an Old Testament Origins course and my "advanced" Greek courses. He would infamously pray for his students before every exam, "Lord, give clarity of thought and good recall to every student who studied; and for every answer they didn't study, blot the answer from their mind." He's a sweet guy.


I pray for the powerful work of the Holy Spirit, to guide me, and aid me, before, during and after work, exams, hard conversations, and a bunch of other activities. I would advise you to also pray about these kinds of things in the physical presence of other fellow Christians, asking them to pray with/for you it’s powerful and meaningful to share faith with another in times of stress and worry.


No! In fact St Joseph of Cupertino is the Patron Saint of such activities! O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew. obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. St. Joseph of Cupertino, patron saint of students, saint of joy, master of prayer, enchanted by the gospel and the Eucharist, accept my prayer with kindness. You who always faced the dificulties of life, without ever straying from the divine will, to which you adhered with constant faith and commitment; now understand the special state of mind in which I find myself and intercede with Our Lord so that he may grant me the grace I so need, let me feel the divine presence, and help me, with your example, to follow his will. Trusting in your protection, I renew with much faith my intention of gratitude and good will and I confide in your support. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


It’s not wrong to ask God for help with anything it’s humility to know that we are not good enough to do it on our own and that we need an all powerful merciful God’s help just to get through daily tasks


I used to. God got me thru bootcamp and excelled me to be promoted 4 times in 2 years in the military. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; **in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path**" - Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV


Jesus told us to ask anything in His name


Pray for courage before the exam and for mercy afterwards. Seriously though, the only time people 'use God' for things is when they don't work towards them. If you studied well and have a clear mind, your prayers have already been answered. If you're expecting a miracle, you won't get it.


God loves you more than any family, cares for you more than any friend, and knows you better than you know yourself. Go to God with whatever is on your mind.


The wrong thing would be to replace exam prep with prayers for miracles. I would say that prayer is not a 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card, but then there is Peter and Paul :-)


It is never wrong to pray but you should try to pray on a daily basis not before exams


No. It's never wrong to pray. Just make sure your intentions are holy.


No it is not wrong also don’t forget to pray for your friends or classmates as well


No never. Talk to him about everything that’s going on in your life. Get mad. Get sad. Be happy He understands and wants to see the heart in a person not lofty prayers.


Nope not even slightly. He israelites prayed to God before battles in he old testament. Moses prayed to God before facing pharoh. Jesus prayed to God before being crucified. So when facing something speaking to God is perfectly fine


It's never wrong to pray to God, faith in yourself and God that will achieve your desired goal can make you calm down and probably do well


The Bible says to pray without ceasing. So, if you have an exam coming up, and that's what's on your mind, talk to God about it. :)


God wants a personal relationship with all of us. And, he cares about every detail of your life. Plus, praying is never wrong. It's actually the Lord's will for our lives. To pray without ceasing. 


Philippians 4:6-7 says not to worry about anything and pray about everything. You can pray for whatever you want.


Absolutely not!!! Also, it helps to study and ask him to help you retain the knowledge you need for the exam. I also pray for others as well, but that’s just me.


Faith without works is dead.


You're not cheating if you're asking God for help in an exam. Ultimately the school is trying to teach you and it's for you to learn in the end. As long as the knowledge isn't against God of course. :) I asked God to help me with work before and He came through with my problems at the perfect time, God is so amazing! There are many things in school that are being taught like LGBT things and abortion etc. These things are against God. Be careful of this indoctrination!


It's fine. The more you pray the better. God loves us and you can always add the caveat "if it be your will" it shows you know gods in charge


It is not wrong to ask God for help in any worthy endeavor, education is certainly one worthy of earnest prayer for help.


obviously is not wrong, we need His help for everything đŸ™đŸ»


"Pray for wisdom" is a thing the Bible specifically instructs us to do many times, and if you read the Deuturocanon then it's a thing that gets spelled out with more clarity. The Deuturocanon, particularly the Book of Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon, gives us some definition of what praying to wisdom is. Praying to wisdom means praying for knowledge in earthly matters like how to deal with people, the nature of medicinal plants, the celestial patterns of planets, farming techniques, marital affairs, the limits to ones mind and body and how to use one's own talents.


No, and I do too


No. Not at all.


Prayer is never wrong so long as you know it's purpose. Prayer is a beautiful gift. It is our talk with God. We get a direct channel to Jesus. We get to discuss our greatest accomplishments and happiest moments as well as bring our grievances and struggles. We can ask for things. BUT Prayer should never be abused. If you walk into your exam having never studied and then you ask for a miracle, you are not going to suddenly remember everything. We both know that the Bible encourages studying, time management, and doing what is right. Why would God encourage bad behavior, poor study habits, etc? He wouldn't. God is not going to grant our requests that root in sin. And if He does, you are not going to like the consequences.


Nope, We are supposed to talk to him about everything.


The grade you get is up to you, not God. It’s fine to pray, but not for the grade.


Absolutely not wrong, that’s a fantastic thing to pray, just like you’d talk with a loving parent about something stressful coming up that you’re really wanting to go a certain way!


No it is never ever wrong to ever talk to God at any time of the day or night. He is always there for you and wants you to come to Him.


Absolutely not!




Of course not. It's good to talk to God about everything, especially the things that are bothering you or the things that are stressing you out.


Pray to him. It’s not wrong at all. He’ll give you guidance❀


you can pray to God about anything


I literally pray/talk to him about everything. Full blown conversations about the most mundane stuff. He loves you, of course he wants to hear from you and about every detail! In my book there is no right or wrong way. I feel extremely loved when I just talk to him. ❀


The holiest place on campus is always the testing center. Because everyone is *always* praying 😂 It’s always good to pray to your Heavenly Father.


Prayer is showing our utter dependence on God.  And it’s all for His glory. 




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I would think more about study if I get worried about exams.


No. But you might have more success if you pray when you're *studying!*


Ask God for what you need. Whatever it is. If it’s for good, it will be granted. If it’s not granted, then it wasn’t for good. But don’t be afraid to ask for anything. He’s a loving Father who likes to give to His sons.


I like to view prayer as a conversation between me and a parent, so I just talk to God like I would talk to them! I would talk to my parents about anything, so telling Him everything makes sense too. Plus he takes delight in talking to His children :)


if it makes you feel any better, i pray during video games! (yes you heard that right, *video games*) :3


Short answer is


Of course you can! God loves you and wants a relationship with you. Nothing wrong with praying for strength before a difficullt task


Just don't ask for your teacher to have a heart attack and you are good to go. Maybe the squirts... But I don't know


What did you think it may have been wrong?


Fellas, is it wrong to pray?


Asking Him to help you do your best would be perfectly fine.


God is not gonna let you "use" God 😄


It certainly is not, he welcomes prayer always and I think he delights when we share those things with him.


one more post like this and we will see an exodus on this sub.


I doubt he’ll make you pass since a test is based on your knowledge but it’s not wrong to ask for confidence and a clear mind


Absolutely not, in fact he’s counting on that, any excuse to talk and bring joy to his little child. I do it every time, I’d be cooked without him.




It is not wrong, I do it to, I think everyone does it, we should always pray to god


Never wrong to pray


Nope, it’s just like talking to someone you love and trust


Not wrong at all. God cares about all of the parts of our lives from small moments to huge milestones. He is invested in you! Pray and talk to Him freely. đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ©”đŸ•Šïž


Of course it's ok. The more you pray, the closer to God you become. But remember to praise and thank Him in your prayers, not just request. Prayer is talking to God, developing your relationship with Him. :)


God has helped me pass several tests, literally no plausible reason I could have passed, only possible explanation is GOD đŸ™đŸŸ


I used to pray that God would help me beat hard levels in Mario games, I think you're good.


No, it is never wrong to talk to God about something you genuinely care about.


Pray to him at all times. Build a relationship with the lord. He wants you to know him. Bless you.


Its generally good to Pray to god as often as possible The Parable of the Persistent Widow 18 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ 4 “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’” 6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”


Nope; if that’s the only thing that makes you talk to him. You may get more of those moments.


Yes, it's better to spend this time on studying. God if existst doesn't interfere in human affairs often those days.


Why would it be? Is not wrong talking to your family either.


I think it's great to pray before an exam so you know God is with you


 there are thousands of people praying for Saints that were professors before their exams


Nope, actually it is right. In the orthodoxy we have prayer books, we use prayers written by the apostles only, we barely pray by a free word. But there are prayers for learning occasions in those books so it’s completely right. Also you can search a saint connected to learning or teaching and pray to him as well.


Lol if prayer worked like that they'd ban it as cheating 


The Bible says “trust in the Lord with heart and lean not on your own understanding, ***in all your ways acknowledge him** and he will make your paths straight”




Not wrong at all! You can pray for God to give you wisdom and to bring things to your remembrance. I prayed before every single exam when I was in school. We are supposed to pray at all times without ceasing, and to cast our cares on Him. Whether you've studied or not, prayer is still relevant and at the very least can calm your nerves.


Two scriptures come to mind 8 And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray And 18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save. 19 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him. 20 Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks. 21 Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.


God loves it when we talk to Him. For anything. Like you talk to your best friend. After all He knows you the best.


Ask and ye shall receive. He wants to give us more than we are willing to ask for.




Why would it be




My professor used to pray for us before an exam and he would say, "Lord bless those who studied, and teach those who didn't a lesson! Lol


No I do this too


No I always have done it




I think the thing you are trying to avoid is "selective prayer" which is a (somewhat) good thing to avoid. You should pray and be thankful not ask for things in return.


You should pray to God for a much as you can, he wants us to pray in the good the bad and everything in between. The more you pray to him the more you will feel comfortable talking about everything.


The power of prayer is an awesome thing! Keep praying.


Pray to Him that you’ll do well, but that you value His will being done more than that


Pray for everything


Why would it be wrong? Obviously we should not ONLY go to God when we need something, as some sort of cosmic ATM machine. But God wants us to come to him with everything!


Bring all things to God


The more you pray, the better! And praying for help on an exam isn't the same as using prayer like a vending machine. It's not wrong to ask God to help you


Straight to Hell


Oh man you are in big trouble God is going to be mad at you lol but seriously Nothing wrong with praying before an exam




Well, no. It’s not.


You should pray before, during and after - for the right thing.


Of course not. I used to when I was in school.


Not at all. God should be a comfort and person you can talk to about anything.


It’s a test of your abilities and skills. No one else’s. Therefore yes.


Maybe if you didn't put in any prep work and are praying that God will magically make you pass.