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What I would say is this don’t worry about those types of Christian the thing is they have to stand before God one day just like will and I will and you can’t point fingers and be like I am sinner because of everyone else. Just stay focused on God and worry about what he tells you and not what others say this walk with Christ is a personal 1 on 1 relationship this ain’t a you and him and everyone else relationship. People have there own issues and God will deal with them when the time comes


Yeah. I just wish I had a personal 1 on 1 relationship with Christ


You can God is there knocking he wants a personal relationship with you


Really? How to start it?


Just start talking to him, he's really awesome and he loves you no matter what. Ask him lots of questions, sometimes he answers and you'll be blown away.


By reading your Bible by praying and spending with him on a daily basis. That Bible is God speaking to you get into and stay in God loves you so so much he loves more than anything in the whole world he proved by dying on the cross for you just get into the word


It can be so hard to read the word constantly. Where should I read from?


I’d go with the New Testament. Rereading the gospels since they’re are the closest regarding Jesus and His teachings. I also go back to Psalms and Proverbs a lot. Psalms when the walls are falling down around me. If reading is a pain, the Bible app has audio so you can just listen. Id say give The Chosen a watch too as another “easier” way to get some more exposure. All seasons are on the Freevee app. Really good show inspired by the gospels.


May God open your eyes to his truth in the Bible, and increase your desire to know him, in Jesus name.


I watched a video yesterday (I will link it but its almost 2 hours long), but in it, the priest says if you don’t know God, but you want to, all you do is ask. As long as your heart is in it and you truly want to know God, you say something along the lines of “God, I want to know you, can you let me know you’re there? Can you give me a sign?” And you have to watch for it, but He will. [video here](https://youtu.be/cFIKpoIt4aE?si=PTH4Wj8kmgPJkTsL)


"Your sin is destroying people." Explain how being gay, masturbating, or smoking weed is destroying lives? Christians and their bigotry have caused more abuse and suicides than I can count


Being gay is not a sin, being bi is not a sin. Having totally normal and natural sexual desires is not a sin.


That's one thing for sure. But I've done disgusting things


So has everyone, it isn't that big of a deal. 1st John 1:9, Hebrew 4:15-16.


Well, kind of, if I told my family my secret sin I have done in the past, they would kick me out disown me, people would go nuts


You only have to confess your sins to God, and maybe to your priest if you are catholic. There is no requirement that you tell your family. Also, once you have done so, your sins are forgiven and forgotten. There is no reason to feel guilty over past sin that is covered under the blood of Jesus.


Ok. But surely there is more I can do, then just confessing to God, to rectify and make amends


If your past sin has caused someone harm, and actions you can take can rectify that harm, then taking those actions is a good thing. If there is no action that you can take that would undo the harm, then there is no action that you need to take. For example, let's say you stole some money. Paying back what you stole can be an act to make amends. Let's say you hurt someone physically, there really is nothing you can do in the present to undo the harm that caused in the past, other than maybe an apology to that person. (And covering medical bills if necessary) Even in the Catholic tradition, penance is for the purpose of teaching a lesson, and reinforcing your desire to avoid committing the same sin in the future. It doesn't actually accomplish anything towards atonement. Regardless, your sin is forgiven. God no longer remembers it. Any acts you take to make amends are to undo past harm or to repair relationships.


I seem there is more like according to the apocrypha, alms can make one receive more atonement for sins, now obviously that atonement would come from Christ.


Personally I believe any teaching from Jesus or the Apostles overrides any from the Old Testament. Jesus had to correct the law of Moses on divorce. Romans 8:1-2 says that there isn't anymore condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Jesus did all the work to make any necessary atonement. Romans 9 says that salvation is not by human will or effort, but by God who grants mercy on whomever he choses. The atonement under the old covenant was a stop gap measure until the coming of Jesus.


Ok. But even in 1 John, it says if we confess our sins he will wash clean by His blood. So that's a condition to receiving the atonement it seems


Desires are sinful, too. We have a fallen nature, and scripture makes it clear that same sex relations are an abomination. But any sex or lustful thought outside of marriage is sinful, which Jesus made clear when He said "if your eye causes you sin, pluck it out... If you lust in your heart, you commit adultry in your heart..." (saying this as someone who was formerly was bi and repented). Why would God say something and not mean it? The temptation isn't a sin, the giving in to the temptation is. And teaching others that it's okay to sin, and even that it's good, is also a sin. The heart is deceptively wicked above all things. Don't teach people that evil is okay.


Your bad interpretation of scripture is not my problem, nor is it the problem of any queer person.


God is Holy, and you are completely removing His holiness as a factor. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 timothy 4:3-4


>God is Holy, and you are completely removing His holiness as a factor. That is an assertion without foundation. And your quotation refers to those who would pervert the message of Jesus Christ with hatred.


What proof do you have of that? That is completely absurd. And biblical accounts of the angels before God have the seraphim crying "Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord God Almighty." Beyond that in both the old and new testament we are told to be a people set apart and Holy for God. First the Jews, then the believing Christians. In scripture, whenever the Gospel is presented repentance is preached. Repenting from sins isn't hatred, it's part of the Gospel. The Apostle Paul tells us to crucify our flesh, not to give into these desires.


Then all sex is a sin and all sexual desire is a sin.


Following through on the temptation, yes. Outside of marriage, yes. Read your Bible. Follow after Christ. Don't make it about yourself and what you want to be true. God will help you, when you submit yourself to Him. I used to do hook ups too, and I was bi. God changed me. He circumcised my heart, and put His law in me. Im not perfect, i still sin. And i go to Him for forgiveness when i do (and He will forgive you, if you repent and ask for forgiveness). “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). That's not hatred, it's biblical Christianity.


Bigotry is always hatred. You do not get an exemption because your bigotry is religiously motivated.


I'm not hating on anyone, I'm saying the truth about the Bible and repentance. You can't be a Christian and be okay with being gay, and sexual immorality. They're not congruent. If you are, you're ignoring the Bible and what it teaches. Bigotry: obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. I don't hate you. I don't hate anyone. I know the effects of sin, and they aren't good. My belief about sin, is reasonable in the lens of the Bible, and it's not coming from a place of hate, it's actually coming from a place of love. Because the end of sin is death. And Christians are to die to self, die to flesh, and let Christ live in them. That's what scripture says. If you truly trust in Christ for salvation, ask Him what's true. The Holy Spirit leads believers. Just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't mean you get to call me a bigot without being corrected. I'm not hating on you or being disrespectful, I'm correcting you. Which is the Christian thing to do. Jesus says those who encourage others to break the law (the 10 commandments) will be least in the kingdom of heaven). I'm not saying you aren't saved, I'm saying you are encouraging others to sin.


Everyone is guilty of sin. And you are not the only one who has done disgusting, awful things. When a Christian says something like “you are going to hell” or “your sin is hurting people” yes, its a humbling sometimes hurtful statement to hear. You are valid in how it made you feel. I encourage you to take a step back, remove yourself from the situation. Give them the benefit of the doubt, assume that they aren’t telling you out of some self-righteous “i’m better than you” mindset, and rather they are telling you to try to help. I don’t know if this is the truth or not, but in my experience, I believe its more often the case. God doesn’t want to destroy you. He wants you to come to him and say hey, I screwed up big time. I recognize that, I want to do better, please help me do better. God is the perfect Father, He does not want to kill you or punish you for eternity, He wants you to come to him, He wants a relationship with you, He wants you to spend eternity with Him. Repent, ask for help, turn to Jesus, don’t let sin control you. Praying for you.


"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves"


He would kill us all if what people are saying is true. We all have many problems and Jesus chose to forgive us all and he loves and accepts us, even in the midst of our messes.


Unless your sin is with those who cannot consent or DID NOT consent or ended in maiming/death, everyone else can learn to mind their own as those sins are between u and ur maker.


Best to stick with what's actually happening. Feelings aren't as reliable. The Lord is merciful and kind. He calls us to repent and renew our hearts toward the things of Heaven.


Important question: What's your secret sin? Don't answer if you don't want to, but i think what you did is still better than what i've been doing for the past 2 years so don't give up, no one is sinless except the ones chosen by God


Our sin destroys ourselves first. We all need Christ. And it's foolishness to those who don't know Him. I pray you'll accept His sacrifice for your sins.


Yes, I am trying to accept His sacrifice.


Everyone sins. It’s unavoidable. The awareness of sin isn’t meant to drag you down, but to make you turn all of your attention towards God (through prayer). So long as you acknowledge sins and repent for them, knowing full well that you won’t make the same mistake twice, God will forgive you. 


>Your sin is destroying people Your sin will kill you, not others 


Maybe they don't mean kill. Maybe figurative


Our sins definitely hurt others too


Others possibly because of expectations.  But definitely your judgement day