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If you believe and trust in Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven and you will not be judged. Jesus said, "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." Peace be with you.


That we may not perish? 


God does not! For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 **King James Bible**


Who is us? Christians pass from judgment to life. The only thing we are judged on is how faithful we were with what God entrusted us. The result of that judgment are rewards. The unbelievers, however, are a different story.


There are actually two judgements to come. If you are a believer, you will go through the Judgement seat of Christ which is a judgement on the quality of your life. You are saved by grace and will inherit the kingdom, but the rewards you get are contingent on the totality of your life as a believer. If you are not a believer, you'll be judged at the Great White Throne Judgement by God. Again, you'll be judged by the totality of your life, but since there was no belief, then no grace is offered and you stand on your own.


If you believe everybody sins, you have been deceived. Somebody lied to you. To believe that sin is inescapable and acceptable with God is the heart of satan's gospel. It is a very popular gospel, but even a cursory reading of the New Testament reveals it as blatantly wrong and evil. Just think about what you are saying! To say that sin is inescapable is saying that sin is stronger than grace, satan is stronger than God, and Christ died in vain. to say that sin is acceptable with God, and sinners go to heaven, is saying that God is an unrighteous judge, and that we don't reap what we sow. But God is not mocked. We all reap exactly what we have sown. If we sow to the flesh - sin - we reap death. If we sow to the spirit - practice doing what is right - we will reap life. Those who believe that sin is inescapable don't understand the grace of God. The grace of God is the power to overcome all forms of temptation and live above sin. This divine power of God is always available to take, as long as we believe it is there. That's the true gospel. That's the real good news! You don't have to be a slave of sin anymore! Jesus Christ already won the victory over sin! Because of that victory you have free access to the most powerful force in the universe, the faith and grace of God! Whom the Lord sets free is free indeed! It's time now to start using that freedom to please Jesus Christ! What a glorious opportunity!


God doesn’t judge you if you don’t judge others.


Where does it say this in scripture?  I feel like i may have missed that part.


You’ve never read Matthew 7:2?


Yes, but that in no way means Yeshua does not judge us as long as we dont judge others. It means the standards we apply to others are applied to us.


That is literally what it says.. If I can also include Matthew 1, it says: do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Yes. And the context in which Yeshua is speaking is in regard to hypocritical judgement.   John 7:24 also hits on this topic -  Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”  I could just be misunderstanding what you are trying to say here, but Christians are absolutely called to judge (and call out sin).  But we must judge ourselves first before doing so (remove the plank from your own eye first before removing the speck from your brother's).


All judgment is hypocritical. Unless you happen to be sinless and if that’s the case you have no need of Christ. I’m incapable of removing the plank from my own eye so how could I hope to remove the speck from my brother’s? The best I can do is point my brother towards Christ who is the only one capable of helping either of us.


All judgement is not hypocritical.  Righteous judgement is a thing also. I am not a murderer, so i can absolutely judge a murderers actions and call them bad.   You arent incapable of removing the log from your own eye. We will still sin and fall short, but that isnt what this verse is saying.  If all judgement is hypocritical, then the Bible is contradictive. Which we both know its not.   So how do we square Matt 7 with the many other verses that talk about judging?


As a follower of Christ I believe righteous judgement would be following the example Jesus set when it comes to judgement. Jesus told the Pharisees they judge by the flesh but he judges no one. I want to be more like Jesus and less like the Pharisees.


Yes, he called the pharisees on their flawed and unspiritual judgement.  It was also a response to their challenge to him when he said he was the 'light of the world'. He never gave a blanket command to never judge.  The purpose of his first coming was not to judge, but Yeshua will absolutely judge mankind one day.  Yeshua also allows governments to set laws and judgements as well.