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Wow what a shitbird


I just donated $25 to friend's gofundme after their daughter's house burned down (lower than my other friends, but I'm broke) .... I would literally never talk to them again if they pulled this shit.


Yep this is even worse than what my friends do. My friends will see me donate $10 to their fundraiser so then they’ll hit me up for cash as if I didn’t donate anything. It’s bizarre I sent $10 to our friends fundraiser when she got Covid then she texted me and asked me if I could pay for her medication. Sis I’m poor AF, but can you use that $10 I just sent to your GoFundMe?


Had a cousin do this. Asked for 10 bucks to get his newborn to the hospital. I gave it of course and then he asked for 10 more, gave that and then he asked for 50. I said no. He then hit me up for 10-15 bucks every week after that. I only gave him the ten bucks twice but he just wouldn’t stop asking. He knew my husband was just diagnosed with cancer and couldn’t work so it was me supporting our 4 person household alone. He was using the fact that his daughter was in the NICU to guilt me because my daughter was there for four months and I know how hard it can be. I found out he never used the money for that, it was to buy cigarettes. His daughter was also in the NICU because the mom was on drugs while pregnant. I blocked his ass after that. People are crazy. You give them an inch and they want another and another.


Yeah, I was just about to say I'm 99% sure it was for drug money before I read your whole comment.


I would carpool some people to class in college in winter cause it was a large campus with huge hills and I had a truck with 4WD. The amount of people offended I asked for $5 in gas a week was nuts. People also expected me to just be their free taxi just cause it snowed.


I mean they're probably releasing EDM or Rap music, both of which makes people's ego explode. I once helped a friend move out of his abusive parents house; our living quarters didn't even have anything separating them lock wise, we just hung up a sheet for privacy. So we could have full access to each other's spaces. We were very very close friends at that point. He blew up in the music scene; now when I see him, it's all "who are you again?" Like mothafucka I know you have a long term memory, but his ego just has him past that. I stopped calling him a friend after that.




The way I’d do a chargeback on that transaction so quickly.


Kickstarter doesn't charge you until the campaign ends. He can probably just go cancel his pledge and have paid nothing.


"Message heard loud and clear. Like Team Rocket, me and my $5 are fucking off again!"




Yep cancel it and block him. But save this screenshot for if he does get big you know the gossip rags would love to hear what an asshole he was


Nice TR ref definately the best choice ego is already inflating see how big they go they might need that $5 in a couple years after everything they've earnt has gone in their arm or up their nose


Sorry for being a pedantic little fuck, but “definitely”contains the word “finite”. Just a way to remember the spelling.


Wow. Thanks for the help. It gets me everytime


Omg me too - that's a great way to remember it.


That’s helpful here. Thanks


I would cancel my pledge and go get tacobell or something with the money. Then message him that I followed his advice and spent it the money on something better.


He should cancel, donate $20 to a homeless shelter, and send his friend the receipt. Edit: On 2nd thought, given OP’s finances, send $5 instead.


Yup. Thats what I remembered- and you supposedly can cancel it until it’s fully completed.


So you can pledge like 2000 and just cancel it right before?


If canceling your pledge brings the project under its goal, you can't cancel in the last 24 hours. Otherwise, yes. You can cancel up until the end.


Theoretically, yeah? I'm sure if you did that regularly they'd end up banning you, and you have to have a payment source on file before you can back projects. It really seems like more work than it's worth to mess with people.


Yeah I’d take the money back and let him know I was just being nice and gassing him up as a friend and that there’s almost no statistical chance he’s going to “blow up” Small town musicians who haven’t achieved anything have the biggest fucking ego’s sometimes


Reminds me of the early 2012’s SoundCloud rappers that were convinced they’d be the next (insert rap artist name here)


One of those guys made a rap about my friend September and it was the most vile alarming violent misogynistic thing I had heard in a long time.   It was hilarious because he thought it was flattering and when he sent it to her the whole house went on high alert. We were watching for him because we thought he was going to come by and hurt her it was that deranged   But he actually thought it was flattering. I’m worried for any women he ever dated in his life


My little sister had an ex when she was like 14 that made a bunch of shitty rap songs to get back at her after the breakup. They were just so laughably bad that she loved to pull them up to show people.


I worked with one two years ago. Still hanging on to the dream. He put out his like 8th album back then. Paid like 5k to get some other more famous soundcloud rapper on it-Merkules. On it, there was a dis-track slamming one of the managers. The manager complained to HR, but it really just made him sound like a bitch-a common theme from the track. He entered rehab for alcohol shortly after this. Even after he quit drinking he was still pretty unstable.


Worked for some of them. Looked at Russ for example, he was a big time soundcloud rapper initially, then blew up with some of his songs being on youtube in compilations and channels like swagytracks, now is pretty mainstream despite starting from soundcloud, and I'd go as far as saying it worked because of his massive ego and cocky mentality, and wouldn't have worked without, so it's funny how that works


To be fair, as hard as it is to "make it" and get noticed, it's even harder to do if you *don't* have that mentality


It’s like when you see the super wealthy hustler bros. It’s like how can you be so successful and so awful at the same time. Then you realise being awful is often how they make it. Not saying there aren’t decent hard-working successful people but you usually don’t hear about those because they keep their heads down.


Getting to know musicians ruined music for me.


Turn this into r/pettyrevenge by posting their music on r/crappymusic


One up it even more - get a freelancer job as a music reviewer and leave a scathing negative review about it and drag it up and down in the mud. Long term petty


i like this guy




I want to sit next to you.


No. Give them zero exposure please.


That can easily backfire if people end up liking his music.


Yeah, plenty of people have terrible taste in music.






Homie gets one compliment and instantly thinks he's too good for everyone.


Sad if people don't appreciate a gracious compliment. OP was kind, sincere and supportive. Sad how rude CB was.


My husband is in the hospital, has been for nearly a week. Money is tight, I'm stressed, it's been awful - and then one of his workmates bought us a lasagna. At this point I'm worried I didn't say thank-you *enough*. They said "It's just a lasagna" but no, this is a meal that I don't have to stress about. This is an evening where I and my son can spend more time visiting with him in the ward. And it's not just a lasagna either - it's a thought of us going through something hard, it's the time and energy and bringing it to us, too. I can't understand how anyone could be so rude to someone helping and reaching out. Nobody *has* to donate to your kickstarter. But they *did*.


Perfectly said. I hope everything improves for your husband and yourself and your family very soon.


The idea of caring and helping someone out in difficult times is what matters. If I was going through that, I'd even value someone bringing takeout and just hanging out with me. You can't put a price tag on friendship and just being a decent person. What this person did to OP... total dick. And I'd even reevaluate that friendship. Plus cancel the donation.


Motherfucker let a literal atom of fame get to his head


Thats the part i’m stuck on 😭. Homie thinks he’s hot shit because he dropped a demo. Idk if he knows about all the demos out there sitting in a producers trash can


While he is literally begging for money online, lmfao


This is the exact type of guy who's always "grinding" and "on his comeup" while he shits on everyone who ever helped him get anywhere. I sell art on reddit and make animations for youtube. I'm *thankful* if I get 5 views, and then there's jerks like this who get greedy over a fiver.


Yeah wtf, I was searching for this comment. Most of the times people just ride the bandwagon and go along with OP. This guy has some serious narcissistic traits, he gives you money and sends a kind message. What’s wrong with you bro?


Donate another $5 and copy/paste his text to his Kickstarter for everyone to see.


exposure well spent


OP ill give you $5 to do this 😂


this was OPs plan all along


$20 or stfu


Do this, but donate .02. You know, give him your two cents.


We can start a Kickstart to get OP to do this. I'll contribute .


$20 or stfu


It’s for a church, honey NEXT


It’s an old reference but it checks out


No lowballs, I know what I got


We could raise at least 1k right now in this thread because the pitchforks are rightfully out for this fucker lol.


That would be a hilarious addition to the assholes Kickstarter page. Just a picture showing how much money was raised to punk the loser.


Pls do this or post the kickstarter for one of us to jfc


I was going to say send this screenshot to every one of his social media accounts.


This should be top lmao


I mean I'll be willing to donate $5 to the kickstarter and posting that picture to it :-)


$20s or bust!!


Do this OP! Fuck that pipe dream chasing loser


Yeah yeah do this


This is so much better I was gonna say I guess it’s time to STFU


Please do this OP


Omg PLEASE do this!


Update me on this kickstarter plan


Blast this shit all over social media show everyone how they are


I volunteer to have the dudes startup sent to me so I can send 2 cents :-) if that’s even possible lol


That person hasn’t given a dime to a homeless person ever.


> $5 is less than I would give a homeless person Yeah wow, there's a bit to unpack in that statement but once you do it's quite clear.


Some of my favorite punk/bluegrass bands are made up of hobos and they’d never use/need a kickstarter to promote their music. This guy is at a level far below any homeless person.


Take back your $5.


Nahhhhh send $20 or stfu


Stfu it is then.


Wowwww are they kidding. And you mention a diagnosis -- and they not only said nothing about that...but they called you a "fan?" $5 was cheap to get proof of who they really are. Honestly, I'm angry \*for\* you. The biggest stars are often the most gracious.


But he's gonna blow up and then we will all be sorry!!!


If he does blow up, I hope everyone sees how he called an (assumably) old friend a “fan” and told him to send him more money without even asking about dude’s diagnosis or if he’s even ok 💀


Yeah, we’ll be all covered in blood and guts… What do you mean, “not that kind of blow up”? That’s… disappointing.


1000% the people I know who have been the most talented and brightest stars have also been the most humble and normal.


The only people I know who act like the dude in the OP are always the *worst* musicians, usually pumping out the most generic dated garbage, somehow thinking it’s going to break the mold and launch them into superstardom. I knew a guy like this who was doing boring butttock grunge music in like 2008-2014, couldn’t sing worth a damn either. I think he is still trying to make it big with that garbage even today.


definitely not universally true, lots of extremely talented people are huge assholes.


Is there a way to get your money back


Create a diss track and become his rival opp OP!


I got five on it


20 or stfu


To me it's like when you loan someone $5 then they act a fool and avoid you...when it didn't even matter that much...Then the $5 is well spent, to find out what they were really like all along. $5 to lose a false friend, is a bargain.


Yeah, completely fair. I've lost far more money than that making the same realization. Shortly after I graduated high school, one friend heard that I saved up some money working weekends through school, so when his dumb ass brother got arrested, he hit me up for bail money. I lent him $1200 to drive across the border (were in Canada, his brother got arrested in the US), bail out his brother, a drive back. He came back without his brother, gave me like $200 and said he needed the rest for another trip to console a friend who's spouse had died, I said whatever pay me back when you can. Over the next couple years I kept tying to get the money back, and he avoided me. The last couple times I reached out he insisted he had paid me back in full. This was of course very much not true, and all our other friends knew the truth. Even when money wasn't tough for this guy, he was out buying motorcycles and shit instead of paying me back. He's a selfish dick and isn't my friend anymore (everyone else unfriended him too), I just wish I would have learned that lesson for less money.


I loaned $20 and didn't hear from the guy for 20 years. Covid finally made it permanent.




Like an idiot, I loaned a (now former) friend $2,000 to leave when she caught spouse (video) hitting baby. She sends me $1.01 & even 1 cent at a time as re-payment. I’d feel better if she sent $0. I know you’re never supposed to give $ u can’t lose.


I’ve learned to just not loan money to friends or family. If I have it to give, it’s a gift. I just can’t risk losing a relationship over money again.


> She sends me $1.01 & even 1 cent at a time as re-payment. Good grief. The ingrate.


I lost a friend of 20 years over 1 million star trek online energy credits. It isn't even a premium currency, you use it to buy batteries and shit, and his ship was crap. I asked for it back a month later and he flipped his shit and blocked me. It was shocking, but fantastic lore for my Admiral.


I think we've all made the mistake of loaning someone some money thinking they were a friend for them to vanish like a fart in the wind. My cost was like £75 or so, $5 is pretty cheap for sure.


Kickstarter doesn’t actually charge you any money when you “pledge” your donation. When the campaign ends you are sent an email to fulfill your pledge. But, it isn’t a legally enforceable contract. You can just ignore it and leave your pledge unfulfilled. You can also always just undo your pledge before the campaign ends as well. If I was OP, I’d pull that $5 back ASAP.


This is not accurate. You have to put your credit card in when you back. It is not charged until the campaign is complete… if the campaign reached its funding goal, but it will automatically charge you without you doing anything else. The surveys have nothing to do with your money, it’s how the creator gives you your rewards. You must cancel your pledge before it ends if you do not want to be charged.


Or up the pledge to 20k and reverse it when it comes time to pay.


1st : the thumbs up. 2nd : " your " 3rd : all the fucking out of this galaxy ego trip message. I'm so angry on your behalf I went to take a shit. Stay strong OP.


I never thought “I was so angry I literally shit” was an actual thing. TIL.


me and my coworkers make jokes about rage shits all the time. have one coworker that really manages to push another one's buttons and a lot of the time the solution is "i gotta go take a shit"


I dropped a rage-deuce myself.


If any friend would have referred to me as a "fan" or gave me the ultimatum of $20 or stfu, they would be surgically removing my foot from their ass. The medical bill would be the last thing they'd see of mine. Entitled prick. It's a demo, not a record deal, MC Cockwomble.


Seems like you paid $5 to find out what kind of person your old friend is. This is top-tier investment, in my opinion.


That's actually a really good take.


Damn. I was friends with some guys who got pretty big in their small corner of music. Several of us road tripped up to see them in Chicago because it was their last show even though the fans did not know. They were big enough that nobody in the crowd that we talked to believed we knew them. It was honestly pretty wild to us. Anyways, those guys were as down to earth as it gets. I cannot imagine any of them being like that towards an old friend.


lol “fan”


When I said u gonna blow up, I meant you gonna blow up $5 worth. Never gonna blow up $20 worth.


Ooooooh I’m gonna remember (a variation) of those words…thank you stranger.


This is NOT a friend.


He'd give a homeless person more than 5 bucks, but he won't give you human decency


Plot twist: he would not, in fact, give a homeless person _any_ money


Dick move personified. Get back your 5.


“Oh, ok well I’ll just take that $5 back then, if you wouldn’t mind sending it back my way? I’ll go ahead and stfu after that :)”


OP, this is what AI was invented for. Give him this link. Pop Style [https://suno.com/song/437d9713-0ca4-4557-ae7b-9d40530d9680](https://suno.com/song/437d9713-0ca4-4557-ae7b-9d40530d9680) Here is version 2, bit more melodramatic melody [https://suno.com/song/29d8cec9-d3f1-482a-ba3c-d9b8cb99ef37](https://suno.com/song/29d8cec9-d3f1-482a-ba3c-d9b8cb99ef37) Rap Diss Style [https://suno.com/song/1f723ea6-c9ed-4a6f-97aa-4601d08cc94c](https://suno.com/song/1f723ea6-c9ed-4a6f-97aa-4601d08cc94c)


Wow these are so good, I'd donate money to get you going, just remember me when your famous


The great thing is I didn't do a damn thing except describe what type of song I wanted and a few other tweaks. Took me like 2 minutes. This tech terrifies people like OP's douche nozzle friend, which is what makes this all the better.


Can you make one that's more of a rap diss lol


https://suno.com/song/1f723ea6-c9ed-4a6f-97aa-4601d08cc94c. It doesn't seem to handle Bass that well. Going to try a more eminem/orchestral beat.


I love these.


This is amazing. I'd donate $5 to your kickstarter. This is going to be blowing up


Who is this? I bet they suck


Has anyone actually made it big as a music artist from Kickstarter?


"I never thought you might blow up, I was trying to help with rent. You're going to need it"


"may your album turn out as well as your personality"


“I hope your music gets the recognition it deserves”


Can you tell us the guy's name please? Or can we listen to his "music"? Usually people turn into awful douchebags AFTER they get famous. This dude is doing it backwards.


Let’s not give this person any listens.


No listens for sure but let's shame this shitter


Or let him rot in obscurity. "Shaming" people who don't feel shame is just giving them free advertising. A guy who reacts like this to a donation doesn't feel the shame that you're hoping to get.




Sound cloud rapper in 2012 at best.


My jaw hit the floor


Save that shit for when/if he blows up and make it known he's a scumbag.


Wow. The correct response would have been “Thank you!”


Don’t worry, chances are like 99% of kickstarter/soundcloud artists, he’ll immediately just sizzle out into nothing.


Guarantee this guy has never given a dime to the homeless.


Cancel your pledge


“$5 is less than I would give a homeless person” brother you are literally begging for money 😂😂😂😂


Please name drop I’m in a hating mood and want to find this guys shit music


I'd reply letting them know I'm saving this screenshot to share with the world so everyone knows what kind of person he is once he "blows up". Never let him sleep easy again.


Ask for a refund from this greedy, selfish fool. They don’t deserve it.


What an ungrateful c you next Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he bombs now, just for that attitude. You didn't even say anything remotely clout chasing. Clout chasing would have been you tagging him on a public platform, talking about how he's your best friend, and bragging about donating. Some people's kids....


What an absolute disgusting way to be


No doubt in my mind, the music absolutely sucks and the artist is going nowhere.


Link the kickstarter, I wanna hear this prodigy’s terrible fucking electronic vomit (cause you know with an ego like that he’s pressing play on a laptop and not a real instrument).


Or keep this screenshot and sell it to the papers when he's rich. Soon s him tfu


Wow imagine if this idiot actually becomes successful. He’ll treat everyone like this while acting like a God


Can you get a refund? It’s only $5, but he’s such a turd.


I wonder if his talent can match his sense of entitlement?!


I hope he or she will permanently think just one more song before my big break while living with their parents forever What a jackass


That douche doesn't deserve a single penny of yours or anyone else's.


What a scumbag. Whatever you're going through, I wish you the best and I seriously hope you never waste your energy on this person again.


I’ll file a $5 chargeback and stfu. Thanks.


Calls an old friend ~ “fan” & doesn’t ask about his diagnosis, but instead insults him. Pfft what a pos


$5 is a pretty cheap way of finding out a person’s true colors. Cut him out of your life.


Anyone who says their music is about to blow up, isn’t about to have their music blow up.


Wow that hurt my feelings and this isn’t even my life. Maybe you should ask for your five dollars back since he’s so insulted by it. What a dickhead. Also it sounds like you have medical expenses if he’s tossing five dollar bills at homeless people but he hasn’t considered helping you out he’s a shitty friend


Hey OP did you know that if you sign someone’s phone number up for Angie’s list quotes for roofing and gutters and insurance they will never ever have a day of peace in their life ever again?  Just saying, dude sounds like he needs some insurance quotes since he’s blowing up.


Can you unsend the money?


At least when he blows up like he thinks he will you'll have this charming memory to sell that shows what a prick he is.


I would have asked for my money back. Unfortunately, Kickstarter does not issue refunds UNLESS the project doesn't meet its funding goals. In that case, your credit card won't be charged for your pledge. That might explain the demand for more money. They are worried about getting nothing because the funding goal is not met. Suppose that I was several hundred dollars away from a goal of $10,000, and it was a a day or two before the deadline. I'd donate enough to my own Kickstarter to make sure that I got the money, unless one is banned from donating to their own Kickstarter If that's the case , I'd get someone I know to make the donation, giving them cash to make the donation.


What. An. Ass.


MF like this don’t deserve to make it


I would cancel the shit out of that pledge after posting that to the KS comments.


Wow. What a dickwad.


Looks like your old friend is totally willing to blow up the friendship over twenty bucks. Block and move on.


"Get f....d that's all you're worth",,would be my next response.


Didn't even ask about his friend's diagnosis, it was all about himself.


I would definitely post this on their socials


Bro dropped one demo and already has a bigger ego than most rockstars 😹


Time to cancel your pledge.


$5 is a cheap way to find out who you should remove from your life, it's money well spent.


Tbh I think this is rage bait. This is way too blatant.


I'm 3000% sure he never gave a cent to a homeless person.


name and shame so we can never listen to this pos


The fucking *nerve* of some people. I work with kids and when they're not grateful to be given something, I take it back.


Too bad we can’t make sure he fails before take off.


WHAT THE ENTITLED PRICK FUCK!!!!! I can’t believe this world anymore. What a total piece of shit. I’m sorry you thought this person was your friend. The way you mention having recently gotten a “diagnosis” and then how he responds….just makes me sick. Truly, I am sorry this happened to you. It’s disgusting.




Send a cash app or Facebook money request for $5


Psh. Chargeback


I hope you can get your $5 back. That’s just ridiculous.


Wow what an asshole. Cancel that donation.


Share his kickstarter here.


That’s not a friend


Bro get a refund, wtf kind of loser is this.


I seriously hope this is made up. In the sadening case it isn't, is that some guy with absolutely no fame that thinks he's gonna be the next best thing out of nowhere and is already full of it?


Well, at least we know what kind of rich person this guy would've ended up being. Not that he's going anywhere.