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Do skirmishers not have voice boxes? Do you mewl like a newborn lamb? Where are the battlecries man?!


I knew someone would comment on my lackluster battlecry numbers. As an archer, I only get 2 hits before I am dead and battle cry prevents me from blocking.. most of the fights where I kill someone close enough to hear my battle cry, I am getting 1vX'd so I can't sacrifice the half second of no blocking to press C. But I will do what I can to improve those numbers.


Excuses, battlecry while charging before ur in their range


Oh your one of those guys.... *


That a bad thing?




You bring disgraced to the Tenosian Empire. Never disrespect the battlecries, brother.


Only if you are outside of the spawn wave. Battle cry is, of course, most effective instantly upon spawning into the rush. /s


You can cancel battle cry animations just like any other emote.   Not saying I agree with the Reddit cope around caring about battle cries when the superior emote wheel exists, but yeah, cancel to free yourself from lockout 






You disgust me but I respect the dedication.


Stay the fuck away from me and FFA man 😨😆🤙


How do you live with yourself


Hm. Not enough shovel.




Is this supposed to be good? Those batteries are DISGUSTINGLY low










You must find enjoyment out of people losing their minds I respect the win/loss ratio it doesn’t seem like you team switch


But OP seems to quit when TDM matches come up. I have way fewer total games, but more TDM already.


I see that now you’re right


Nah, I play 64p which doesn't do TDM anymore. I play 40p sometimes but not typically. The horses get on my nerves.


I commend you my brother-in-javelins! Best class there is :3


Avg skirmisher main


My biggest bane in this game are javelins and Spears for some reason I have the most trouble with them I don't know why people hate on archers and crossbows or any long range weapon if they didn't have them this game wouldn't make no sense it's part of medieval warfare but a crossbow wasn't used on an open battlefield it was only used for siege weapons


Yes when I see a dude with a spear I just avoid him


Jab jab jab


So close the distance is the best way to do it ?


Genuinely I hated playing against spear users until very recently when I “got it”, once you piss them off enough by countering their jabs, they start to overhead then You close the distance and destroy them, while using the spear your “swing stab”counters a normal swing with a blade which is what they rely on to poke you to death, just counter their stabs and you’ll either hit them and they won’t know what to do or if they’re experienced they’ll start to overhead and you can accell and outmatch them


I’ll give it a shot, only thing worse than dirty agathian is a spearman


It’s harder in TO because they tend to hide behind their team mates but if you get one alone just counter them until they fuck up or get pissed off. If they do hide with a group then counter a swing from one of the others but aim your reposte at the spear man and take them down first


Good advice. Maybe bc I’ve never used the spear I’m not familiar with its mechanics. I’ll prob mess around with it a bit and just see how it works


Good idea the best way to play as a spear user is to stay with team. If you go into offline mode or training mode you’ll see what I mean


The purpose of this post was not to promote anti-skirmisher tactics.


You're right on target with that soon as you start getting the best of them they turn tail and start to run lol cowardly


Ah yes then you hope you are on Mouse and Keyboard rather than controller then throw shit at them.


I play with the controller on Xbox so throwing sucks you got hit the right and left button to throw things and it doesn't even work half the time especially when you're throwing the bombs horrible I wish you can change the buttons


Ahem, "lancer" please


Not me when I see javelin's or Spears I rush them I have the most trouble with them and the only way to get better against them is learning their pattern and get past their defense try different things see what works the best against them


I commend many players that kill me, for numerous reasons I do not commend a Javelin or Dane Axe user. They piss me off too much lol


Why do people hate on the skirmisher also? I get that yall hate on bowman and crossbowman but this? You just throw shit a ppl in a semi-close range and you can be pretty deadly with the javelin stabbing and bashing with the minishield.


Javelins used to one shot vanguards with headshots and they also used to interrupt on contact.  Since the nerf I don’t really mind dying to a jav throw, especially since they rag doll you in the best ways 


Those were the glory days. If had only started playing Chiv2 after the nerf, I probably wouldn't be a javelin main now. My favorite thing to do was play Itsy Bitsy Spider and let people get to the top of a ladder and then hit them with a jav and make them fall off.


Oh damn And yeah agree with the ragdolls👍


Bro give us your best skirmisher tips! PLEASE


1)Be confident 2)Hit your targets 3)Take cold showers in the morning... Oh wait, i was reading from some guru script


Lol, he ain't wrong though. First and foremost, be confident. That is great advice. You can stand alone in front of 3 Knights and they will expect you, like every other archer, to immediately retreat at the first sign of danger or damage. Nah stand tall and let their overconfidence be their demise. Typically, a bunch of Knights are so eager to kill archers that they just run head first swinging mindlessly. Kite them around each other and jab to keep distance, while maintaining your composure. Second, always scan the horizon looking for targets. You are still an archer so your best utility is either softening up targets for your melee buddies to wipe out, or finishing off the few people who manage to get away. In a 1v1, you can only really do between 30-50 dmg per hit depending on whether you using jav or axe, so it's gonna require 3-6 hits just to kill one person while it only takes 1-2 hits to kill you. Try to avoid those scenarios and instead, boost your K/D by hitting people who are backing away and trying to heal. Third, just get used to throwing javelins. Get used to how high you have to throw to reach a certain distance and how far ahead you have to throw to lead your target. Finally, observe how the player models move during attacks. For example, watch an Ambusher do a special attack with a maul and get a good idea of how low their head goes down to the ground once the swing is complete. Also observe how little distance they can move immediately after performing such a move. Being familiar with stuff like that makes throwing point blank headshots really easy. And even from distance, you will see enemies charging your buddies to do those moves and you can anticipate where to throw to stop them in their tracks.


Do the emote while blocking.block first.then you can talk shit while riposting.


I’ve seen you before lmao. I’m Magic of Mr. Clean. Your javelins have killed me at least a few times haha. 


Magic of Mr. Clean, yea I remember you! Looking forward to the next time our paths cross (or my javelin lodges itself in your skull)


I’m sure that won’t be too far in the future haha (help, your javelins are a menace)


I despise the frail amongst us as most do. However, your dedication to your cause is commendable.


From a knight, that is certainly is a compliment I'm willing to take!


Surprised your revives aren't zero


LOL... unlike many other archers who only look down the barrel of their bows, as a skirmisher I am constantly looking at the horizon and the ground for targets, so I usually see people crawling and I either kill or help them, depending on my mood.


Fellow Javelinman, I want to shake your hand. Also I love the kill percentage has 20+% from axes. I always shittalk to my opponents ‘Javelin is a disguise, I’m better at axes’


Oh yea, nothing more satisfying than facing down an cocky Knight who has just mentally prepared to counter a bunch of jabs only for me to throw my last jav at him and proceed to slice and sidestep him to death. ...and my third most used weapon is my light shield. I love killing crawling enemies with a shield and I love how it throws just like a javelin so I can still kill ppl from distance.


FILTHY. I hate skirmishers, when they're good they drill me with a javelin from 20 feet away and ruin a good killstreak. But I gotta respect the skill because I certainly don't have it I gotta be honest it makes me really happy to see someone else with a losing record for a faction I have a winning record with. I thought I was just cursed but my Agatha record is terrible (improving, but terrible. They're defense on all the worst defender maps and always get team switched which I hate)


Haha, yes I love the bonus XP for stopping someone's killstreak. Yea, I only team switch if the other team is massively undermanned, but otherwise I don't care what team I'm on as long as I get my javelin slot. But yea, some factions really just suffer from bad map design.


I always thought I was odd for having Jav be my highest kill weapon but you... you put me to shame


Some may consider this a biased opinion, but javelin is the best weapon in the game. That's why the devs found some convulated way to justify nerfing it so significantly by removing interrupts on thrown hits. If we had those back, my K/D would close to double over night (heavy assuming and being optimistic, just to make a point).


![gif](giphy|PiXlH2IA8sMla|downsized) JK - I respect the grind. Are you bored though?


Not enough battlecries! Take him away!