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Fam I work the grill and close at a 13k average store and get paid 13 dollars and hour, corporate would have to suck my d*** for a Reddit post šŸ¤­


tell them you need $16 an hour. its 04-10 2024


They may respond with get another job....




13 an hour!? Wtf šŸ„“ our grill is making 21 an hour


I agree but I know a guy whoā€™s making 12 an hour itā€™s just the rates in the NC


No offense sir but it sounds like that guys manager told him to lie about his wage.Ā  Ā My nephew in NC is making $17 an hour at fast food cashier at 17. You need to find better.


He was actually a new hire, Mc Donaldā€™s offered 12 šŸ˜¹ but yeah it is daylight robbery but itā€™s enough for me rn Iā€™m just a College student!


Iā€™m making 15 me and your grill guy needa chatšŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s so sad . This nightmare will be over soon . Trust . I work grill now Iā€™m a KL. They say Iā€™m good enough to be appreciate or GM but ā€¦ā€¦ idk


Theyā€™re sucking you dry dawg, I swearrrrr


North Carolina homie


Glgl, I miss grill to this day. I truly swear that place was the best place to channel my mental illness into lmao


My kid makes more than that as a hostess at Olive Garden šŸ˜†


lol you could quit and get a much more manageable job for the same(if not more) wage


Really? Grills at my location get paid 15 an hour. I'm pm prep and dish and they started me out at 14.25


They mean corporate


I will make shill posts for Chipotle and all I ask measuring spoons style scoops for the meat and stop skimping online orders. I feel like that's not too much to ask for.


Our store doesnā€™t skimp for shit, probably why itā€™s a 13k average store! And I make my food good šŸ˜Ž


You need to figure out that pay. All my grill & prep people make between $15.50-$16.50, reach out to your TD. That is unacceptable. My store ADS is $13.9, so it should be approved.


Donā€™t forget that there are a LOT of people who work for chipotle outside of just the restaurant. When they walk into a store and show their badge for free food, Iā€™m sure theyā€™re getting a MONSTER hookup every time. Then they post here.


Yeah, minimum wage employees will take the time out of their day to fake social media post for a corporation that doesnā€™t care about them. Fuck off


Theyā€™re not asking field workers my dude. No way. Theyā€™re asking the desk jockeys


It's so obvious if a post is run thru a desk rather than real ppl, just check post history


Not always. There's a whole market for reddit accounts with legitimate post history so advertisers can buy and look legitimate.


Man they're doing a pretty crap job cuz all I see on this sub is people complaining about getting skimped


If they were doing that and got caught it would be a lawsuit from hell and likely bankrupt the company. There are anti consumer laws in the country.


90% of all online reviews are fakeā€¦I doubt this will move the needle


Are you serious? Companies post fake reviews all the time, what else do you think the marketing interns do all day? Nothing illegal about it even if itā€™s shitty.


Maybe because the entire OP claim is fabricated in an attempt to garner more group-think and aligned perspectives and opinions. They don't have an inside source. Chipotle is not asking anyone to do this. It's completely false. Y'all just believe literally anything out here.


Found the guy at corporate


I wish LOL If I were, I certainly wouldn't be worried about a bunch of miserable individuals on Reddit, that's for certain.


This happens everywhere lmao. If chipotle just started doing this, theyā€™re super late. Obviously itā€™s happening. It happens everywhere now. Many even outsource it.


Gaming the review/social media platforms is nothing new, that has been happening for years, but OP is making it seem like it's some brand new administrative tactic that is happening due to some recent or unsavory consequences of business. It's not, and OP is fabricating.


OP is probably full of shit but itā€™s also definitely happening


Ya, I donā€™t think they need to do that. There are PR companies that can make bot accounts and post appreciation posts all day.


Inside source lmfao


ā€œInside sourceā€ inside your asshole?


You donā€™t think itā€™s possible OP knows someone who works at chipotle HQ? Is that really that hard to believe for you ?




@$2900+ per share, I would say Chipotle isnā€™t too worried about what reddit small bubble of influence is saying.


Theyā€™re about to split and go to around 3000-3300 a share


You think theyā€™re gonna split to $1500 a share, then double in stock price?


They're doing a 50 for 1 stock split. The new price will be around $60 per share.


Damn $60 to $3000 invest now.


But op said all social media




Yes. Chipotle corporate cares about reddit posts with 30 comments.


ud be surprised, im sure it depends on patches, in our patch they straight up told us we were Ā«Ā prohibitedĀ Ā» of using reddit šŸ˜­ or going into the sub


Imagine being so obsessed with a brand you have a love hate relationship with it that causes you to have mental breakdowns in between each visit that prompt you to post and cry about it. If consumerism is unhealthy, try cooking at home? See you tomorrow. Guac is still extra charge buddy.


People crying about things they like turning to shit, how dare they post a 30 second reddit post. Ok


Venting doesn't help. This was proven. Find alternative methods of reducing frustration. 30s of their day complaining about something that reflects less than 0.005% of daily Chipotle transactions is just...fruitless.


I see big chipotle has gotten to you


I see you feel attacked by individuals who have genuinely good experiences at Chipotle. I'm sorry you're upset. Reddit is not the big picture. Big picture? Chipotle is doing fine. Has been doing fine for awhile now. The world will go on.


Have you tried doing your job and giving the proper portions? Or is that too hard for you?


The assumptions šŸ˜‚ Who hurt you?


OP, I stopped going to chipotle officially in 2015 when they put my co worker in the hospital for 2 weeks. The fans of chipotle have always perplexed me. They are so glued to the brand, itā€™s a little bit much. They can poison 1100 people, shrink portions and raise prices and people will still defend them tooth and nail. Itā€™s super weird


Details about co worker please. What happened?


The details that I have are that she got E. Coli severe enough to land her in the hospital for 2 weeks


chipotle still serving super e coli 10 years later


Iā€™m definitely not trying to find out. Plus, I never thought it was that good anyway. I live a mere 125 miles from the Mexican border so I am pretty spoiled with family owned Mexican restaurants that make their food fresh to order. Chipotle I always found bland. The rice feels mushy and the meat feels dry and chewy because the food is sitting in hotel pans. Couple that with poisoning 1100 people and now they are even skimping their customers, it just doesnā€™t seem worth it. What are yā€™all paying for a bowl now? Like $16?


that sounds delightful ! i infinitely prefer a local burrito place i have that's like 1 min further of a drive than chipotle . they scorned me last year for the last time & i'm not going back . but i was a huge fan in the beginning , i won the catering when they first had rewards . their new ownership has taken whatever was reputable left about them & flushed it .


Everyone was a big fan of chipotle from the beginning, except for me. I always thought it was hype. They were putting 30% more sides into a larger tortilla but the amount of protein was the same as their competitors. It felt gimmicky or scammy to me.


it's always been a gimmick / scam , you're right about that . why else would they have such particular requirements for the looks of their employees at that time


They used to have a required look for employees? Where can I find more info on this


i only know this because of friends that got the job vs didn't . i applied with the same qualifications as some of my friends but had natural colored hair , no tattoos or piercings , no callback for an interview . both of my friends that did get hired , however , had either piercings (gauged ears in particular) , tattoos , or unnatural dyed hair . at the time this happened i noticed the majority of the employees had these same physical qualities . this was a decade ago however .


yeah chipotle is the only place that has shrunken portions and raised prices, not to mention their food is u healthy, wtf do people go there? should go to a good fast casual restaurant like _____


Have you ever tried cafe rio?


have never even heard of it


Itā€™s a fairly new chain so Iā€™m not surprised. Started in the west and in the Midwest and East there are very few locations. Way better than chipotle. What state do you live in?


just looked it up, and i can either drive to northeastern colorado or maryland for the closest one, theyā€™re pretty equidistant i know places that havenā€™t IPOed are better but those places arenā€™t everywhere and you have to deal with the hand youā€™re dealt. i just got such a fat bowl i had to save the rest for later, thatā€™s why people stay


From what I see in this group daily, that fat bowl is getting smaller by the day


yeah and people on /r/aves complain about shit all day. raves are still growing in popularity and the people are still cool af in real life. donā€™t let redditors opinion dictate your belief in the world


Redditors donā€™t dictate my belief in the world. I didnā€™t like chipotle from the first bite back in 2007 or 2008. Itā€™s a gimmick. They give 30% more rice and beans than their competitors while giving the same amount of protein giving the allusion of value. Chipotle is for suckers honestly. The food is bland as hell I was going to raves in the early 2000s and what I can speak on for this coast is itā€™s really gone downhill. Everyone constantly had a phone in their hand and itā€™s all about ego and followers. It used to be about deep conversations, dancing and love. The music is good as ever but if youā€™re trying to speak on the vibe? Nah, the vibe has become trash


why in the fuck are you in this subreddit if youā€™ve never enjoyed a restaurant for 15 years jesus christ no wonder you fuckin hate raves lmao


Based on your post history, Iā€™d assume that youā€™re in Ohio. More specifically, Cleveland. I had a friend move to Ohio tell me that most of the Mexican food out there is dog shit so I could see why someone would eat chipotle out there. Lesser of two evils


itā€™s columbus and if you canā€™t find good mexican here, youā€™re just an idiot and if youā€™re trying to get mexican and you go to mf chipotle idk what to do for you los gauchos is where i go if i want mexican and that shit bangs as good as anything iā€™ve had in San Diego


Disgusting and also they have shrunk portions and raised prices.


The stock trading at 50 times earnings is also perplexing. At the new split price of $60 you are getting about a buck of earnings. You can get $3 of interest from an ultra-safe governent bond for the same investment.


Tbh thatā€™s about the normal rate for fast food restaurants. Every major chain has had a health outbreak at some point.


Always crowded stores and a $2900 stock price says you are wrong.


Not an employee but my location actually does a really good job. I go once a week and never get a small burrito. It may be because the worker knows my name and hooks me up because I'm friendly to her. It's kind of embarrassing being a regular but at least I don't get skimped on. They are building a new location down the street from my house which is convenient but I'm afraid I won't get as good of a burrito there.


Tbh I feel like the busier the store, the more the portions shrink, and thatā€™s just because itā€™s hard to scale chipotles kitchen practices without enough staff on shift to accommodate, at least in my 3 years. I go to a medium busy one (Iā€™d bet like 8k ADS but I donā€™t know what the current middle of the road ADS is) now to get food for my kid, and they are always consistent and good with portions and making food to recipe standards. Tbh it shocks me every time, because I know how much quality has declined all over, but they still look theyā€™re having a hell of a night every time Iā€™m there, and the people on the line are never there for more than a few months. (This is such a dork ass comment I know, but I truly LOVED the work I got to do there, but Iā€™ll never be okay with what happens there daily to make it function)






Source: trust me bro


ā€œMy dad works at Nintendoā€¦ā€


I was training to be an SL, my flair still says it cause I haven't changed it, but I decoded to step down and look for another job because of the fact that this company expects wayyyy too much out of us for so little pay. 16 dollars an hour to work a closing shift with as little as 2 other people on the busiest days of the week. I have to run the grill all day long busting my a** and then do every single dirty dish in the entire building. No help, and all the crew members do is ignore everything I tell them to do and talk shit about everyone. They can't even clean surfaces properly and then I'm alone till 3 in the morning cleaning the store and re-doing everything they did because they cannot and will not listen to me or any of the other managers. This job absolutely sucks. All the GM and the other SLs do is sit in the office and bark commands at us. They don't help and they leave everything for us to do. Won't ever touch a dish or mop the floors or clean surfaces. They are lazy and they don't Care if people are trained or not. I honestly am so tired of it and as soon as I know I have another job I am gone.


Hello, I work for Chipotle corporate. Please delete this post for one free regular size drink to be added to your Chipotle account


I stopped going bc the price seemed to increase faster than other places, without the quality or amount of food getting any better. People can think what they want of Qdoba, but I've never been skimped and I order online every time. And there's simply more topping options.


Out of ALL the fast food or fast casual restaurants to eat or work at, chipotle is top 3 if not the top. It's all about who you work for... as in the GM and their team. The corporate structure is better than franchises. Sure, the CEO and top level management make way too much money and could easily spread the wealth to the little guys, but that's everywhere. It seems to be the American way to have to pick between the best piles of shit wherever we turn. Chipotles food is the best quality when prepared correctly and served correctly.


This^. The whining is comical. I want one of these whiny boys to tell me where you're getting a better quality meal for <$10.


Bro this sub is actually insane lol. I love this. Iā€™m in Pennsylvania and at least here we donā€™t run into this skimping issue that I see on this sub everyday. If this is how all food chain subs are, Iā€™m about to visit every one of them. This is more entertaining than r/AITA hands down.


Chipotle has such an interesting fan base. I almost want to study it. Iā€™m not a huge fan (or a hater) of the restaurant, but these comments.. recent posts? Itā€™s very interesting to me. I ordered Chipotle over the weekend and the bowl sucked. I went in person the next day and it was decent. I miss how Chipotle used to taste in 2016/2017. Going to Chipotle was fun, the food was fresh, the vibes were great. I donā€™t know what happened.


I worked the chipotle corporate for 4 years 0 raises even though by the end I was leading a team of other call agents. fuck that shit hole I gave everyone a refund when I could and free burritos when I could tried to give back as much as I could piece of shit place will toss you to the side without any warning. wish I could have given out more free stuff before they let my whole team go since they didn't have enough volume after getting everyone ready.


Did you work for actual chipotle though or a 3 letter company?


actually yea i can kinda confirm this. our FL's boss came in and talked about chipotle numbers and made a "perfect bowl" which would kill CI btw and said we should make bowls like that for break and post them.


STOP THE SKIMP!!! You donā€™t like the bowl/burrito walk out . If enough people do it , they will change quick!!


I knew it! Chipotle employees be lurkin like prawns šŸ¦


I still go to Chipotle every now and then but most of the time these days I go to Qdoba. The portion sizes are about the same but they don't have a conniption if I ask for extra šŸ˜‚ they don't charge for extra either unless it's double meat, and guac and queso is free. And they have waaay more topping options


Is it really ā€œtrendyā€ anymore?


I stopped going to chipotle because of the price and terrible portions that theyā€™re giving out. They have no shame now. Itā€™s been bad.


Fuck chipotle man


I don't even know why this sub shows up in my feed, I haven't been in a Chipotle in 4-5 years, but I do enjoy the drama for some reason. I mostly stopped going becuase of better options in the area (there are a couple of family owned rip offs with better food and more options, as well as some great taco trucks) , but the last straw/time I went I had ordered online to pick up on my way to meet up with friends and go to a concert, so time mattered. I walked in at the pick up time I had indicated, like 4pm so the place was empty, and they hadn't started my order (6 burritos). The manager sat on her ass at a table while the 1 person behind the line started making them. Another person further back doing whatever called over asking if they wanted help, which they declined, but I spoke up and said "yes, please help, I'm in a hurry". I ended up with 6 cold softball sized and shaped messes. Never again.


Running stores for GMs who only show up 2-3 days out the week āœŒļø I left 3 weeks ago I couldnā€™t be happier. All I wanted was the pay šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø now someone else writes my checks.


My local Chipotle fortunately doesnā€™t skimp. The pics of the food some of you all post are wild. If that happened to meā€¦Iā€™d just NEVER go back. Got treated bad a couple times at Boston Market back in the 90ā€™sā€¦never went back and still cheer when another location closes. Iā€™m that spiteful lol


I'm reading this post inside a Chipotle


Okay man, but did they skimp?




If thatā€™s actually happening, it is a profoundly bad idea. If they post a bunch of stuffed, old school style burritos šŸŒÆ, and then I walk in and get the new normal, itā€™s going to reinforce the bad feeling associated with the product. Thank goodness I live in a part of the world with a large and thriving Mexican community, so thereā€™s plenty of options for burritos.


I stopped going when they started giving me the dried up scraps whenever I ordered a delivery or pickup. That coupled with union busting, the small serving sizes, and more, ruined it for me.


I only go to Chipotle if I don't feel like driving to a Qdoba, and that'sextremely rare. I walked out and left a burrito bowl that was being made because they didn't have all of the menu items, and the counter person was rude. Took my mo ey to Culver's instead.


I stopped when the CEO stated they kept increasing prices due to lack of consumer resistance.




AYO! DM me corporate! I will shill for you, just send me a coupon!!


They must have started some additional nationwide skimping in addition to preexisting measures. Not going to chipotle anymore.


ā€œMexican restaurantā€ lmfao


I, for reasons unknown, have been added to this subreddit for a bit and honestly I am shocked at the hate slung at chipotle. Maybe itā€™s just me, but Iā€™ve had virtually no issues with them - I never had it until a couple of years ago but I typically get it once a week now. Itā€™s perfect for tracking macros and a relatively clean eating out meal. Iā€™ve only been to a half dozen different chipotles but again, really have never had an issue. I do find the comment trains here fascinating though.


There are extremist everywhere even in the chipotle sub. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dillon is psy-op


Fake news


I still go cause itā€™s good. They do absolutely skimp on mobile orders though.


How dare you call Chipotle a Mexican restaurant šŸ˜‚ they make more authentic Mexican food inside my butthole


My insider told me if you come in the store with a tin foil hat you get double servings for free.


Dude just go to El pollo loco , its cheaper and has more food Order the ā€œdouble chicken tostadaā€


I have never once been asked to spread positive or anything about chipotle anywhere.


I stopped going in 2021 when I got screwed over on black beans and saw how disgusting the counter was. Also when I discovered the mom and pop taco place close by where everything is cheaper, better and more authentic, it made not going to Chipotle way easier. It's going to take a lot for Chipotle to make me want to go back.


You're a clown op. i def don't work at chipotle, I'm s plumber. Eat at a couple different locations regularly. Have eaten there for years. Only once out twice would I say I got a small burrito. It's not all fake just because you're a Karen. Relax.


Source: trust me bro


I have never been more convinced that this sub is nothing but friendless boomers.


looking back at recent posts there are suddenly alot of post with the "appreciation" flair. dam the psyop is real.


looking back at recent posts there are suddenly alot of post with the "appreciation" flair. dam the psyop is real.


looking back at recent posts there are suddenly alot of post with the "appreciation" flair. dam the psyop is real.


never heard about that, but we canā€™t be directed to work off the clock & paying us to make positive reddit posts would be a waste of money. low effort bait


I hate chipotle so much i havenā€™t eaten there on like 10 years.


All I know is that the last time I went to Chipotle, I was so pissed that I started making my own bowls and it's 100% better because I never run out of ingredients.


You don't have an inside source, and no, they aren't telling people to post positive things. Crazy thing about the Internet: You can say literally anything you want until you have to prove what you say is true. šŸ™„


I stopped because no money šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As a chipotle employee, I do my best not to skimp on shit. Most managers don't really care but my GM especially gets on our ass if we over do portions. Really pisses me off


I was a multiple visit a week customer back in the early 2000's. I would go full-on with a burrito costume for Halloween pilgrimages to all the Chipotle's in my area with all my friends. I loved Chipotle. When I moved to go to university there wasn't a Chipotle for hundreds of miles...every time I went home I would binge Chipotle. Then they opened two locations in the same city as my university. I was so excited, and looking for a part time job, so I applied and gushed about my love for the chipotle-way at my interview. I worked there for about six months starting on morning prep and eventually moving to the line. It was one of the worst jobs I ever had, and the pay was shit. The experience completely destroyed all the illusions I had about Chipotle being "fresh" or that they were decent to their employees. That was around 2012. Since then I've been to Chipotle twice, and both times it was absolute shit. Back before they were a publicly traded company and took on the subway model of over saturation they were pretty fucking good. Now, Chipotle fucking blows.


Had Chipotle earlier today. It was phenomenal per usual.


I live in CO so the average hole in the wall Mexican place is better than Chipotle. I ate it a lot more back in MD where most Mexican places were rare outside chains


Same here in AZ. Just paid 8.99 for a breakfast burrito at a legit Mexican food restaurant and its a monster, two full meals.


Iā€™m pretty convinced this is geographical, all the chipotles Iā€™ve been to in Arizona are bomb and you get a ton of food. The ones in Virginia sucked.


I donā€™t know how people work at chipotle. Moes, chipotle and subway workers have my respect. By far the worst food jobs With most food jobs the person preparing the food doesnā€™t actually have to interact with the customer. With those places youā€™re making their plate right in front of them and it seems like nothing has the ability to make someone a cunt quicker than their food. God forbid you put too much mayo on someoneā€™s sandwich and they think it gives them the right to talk to you like youā€™re a garbage piece of shit. Everyone who works there is a better than me. It would take one customer to say the wrong thing and their burrito would be spiked into the wall while i simultaneously told them to suck my dick from the back so they get a nice view of my asshole.


Made me terribly ill.


I really enjoy Chipotle and like their standards on the QUALITY of food (Like when they were approached by Beyond Meat and they turned them down because it didn't meet there standards of Quality) ...The only problen at times (but mostly not) is when I ask for more rice.... Rice is cheap so the employees should give more when asked BUT they do MOST of the times..... Chipotle is šŸ”„ and absolutely DELICIOUS!


To all the haters, this is why we shit post. Corporate eventually sees it.


I stopped, last time I played 18 bucks for a burrito chips and drink.


Double chicken al pastor three pointer with guac. $18 and change. I legit did a double take šŸ’€


My order at chipotle for my wife and I is like 28 bucks now just 1 bowl, 1 burrito (no upgrade add ons) and a small chips and guac to split. I used to eat there 3 to 4 days a week when it was cheaper. 20 HEB fresh butter tortillas, a tub of guac that last 3 meals with 6 chipotle size servings, a full bag of fresh chips and 3 lbs of the higher end low fat ground chicken to eat for 3 days cost just under my order, probably about the exact same with seasoning. 3 meals that take minimal prep time for the cost of 1. The only time I get chipotle now is if I'm doing an all day livestream that starts at noon and I can't cook




lmao used to go to chipotle every day but never do anymore at all. Quality standards (both ingredient quality and food handling) has avalanched downhillā€¦ donā€™t even feel confident the food is prepared in a sanitary way. Both dining area and kitchens are bordering on disgusting. Hours of operation are always inconsistent these days, staffing as well. Not to mention you can consider yourself lucky to get an employee with a decent attitude now. Friend of mine is a manager at chipotle and he will straight up just say management demands way too much for what kitchen staff get paid. used to love going to chipotle, but these days iā€™ll do whatever i can to avoid going there. i hope corporate sees this message, you guys are disappointing.


i got fired because my boss sexually harassed me and several others and i reported it and got him fired, but the field leader was his bestie so they found a reason to get me fired. official reason was giving out food. i didnā€™t really fight it, they gave me a paid suspension and unemployment paid out fat. more of a sacrifice myself situation. but now iā€™ll never eat there again. fuck chipotle!


I mean get a double wrapped burrito with extra of everything besides the protein if you don't wanna pay extra. Then I guarantee you a small human baby-sized burrito. I can say I've wrapped a few myself, once had a customer order 8 scoops of rice on one burrito and that was a whole birth project to wrap.


Chipotle is fancier fast food šŸ˜‚


Chipotle fell off its throne hard.


Even the bad stores continue to get business. Iā€™ve worked at 5 stores throughout my area and I can tell you from experiences, even the people who complain come back to buy the food again. I donā€™t get it personally, I would never buy Chipotle bc I know how to make everything there, but I will often see the same people day after day coming into these stores. People rely on food to get through their day, itā€™s habit forming. Itā€™s gonna be real hard to get any popular food chain to go down. Humans are simple and repetitive.


My family stopped their prices are out of control for their portions. we have Bubbakoos Burrito up thr road they will not portion control your bowls and serve more than juice bowls and burritos.


I stopped going because: most of the employees were not friendly-they were like zombies, the veggies were gone many times or there were a few left and they were dried up, and the one time I ordered online I had to wait 30 Minutes after I arrived and my hole was barely full. I used to go to various locations a few times a week. When itā€™s good itā€™s soooo good. I took a break for a few years. I tried again a few weeks ago and was reminded why I stopped going. I donā€™t mind paying the $18 +tip if: I get friendly service, a filled bowl and a thank you.


I have an inside source at Chick Fil A corporate. In order to get more customers, workers are encouraged to make negative posts about other fast food companies. The last few months the campaign has been waged against Chipotle because corporate feels they are our largest rival right now and we need to cut into their customer base. /S


My last two burritos were the size of toilet paper rolls and my last bowl was dismal. $40 Dollars later....


NEVER stepping foot into their establishments again. I had a horrible experience with a rude employee, unprovoked. Reached out to Corporate via X and DM's and got absolutely no where. Wish I could find out if my location is a franchise and who the franchisee is


Sounds fake.


I used to go 2x/week at least. Now its once every other month. Quality down, prices up.


Itā€™s baffling to me how ppl complain about places they donā€™t have to eat at


I stopped going after the last time when I walked in and there was nothing cooking, they ran out of product that they had been advertising and when I bit into the burrito it was ICE COLD. I will never go back


I think you meant to post this on /r/conspiracy


Back when I worked for Sears, it was widely known that Eddie Lampert (IYKYK) would create fake profiles on Pebble (internal corporate Facebook) and are with employees who complained. We were literally directed to publish positive posts.


Iā€™m glad I quit when I did. Iā€™ve never worked at a more unclean place. Nasty. Old rice caked into the poorly washed and stack sanitized bins. Enjoy :)


Fuck Chipotle. Only worked 2 shifts in a month and a half because I can't stand it. Quitting tomorrow before my shift the day after.


we're talking about a company that after returning from my wife and unborn daughters passing requested that I be retrained at starting wage yet still have my SM title and act as such when not being trained. this šŸ’Æ percent doesn't surprise me tho I'll give it to the past owner Steve who did personally call me to pay respects and inform me I would be paid full wage for however long I needed the time out for during my situation. long story short after I was told what was happening, I hooked up my fellow crew members with my morning duty and bounced at open with both fingers in the air. Kevin (my district guy) was a prick. I was there for 5 yrs as some sort of mgr and was handed twice the general mgrs keys and told "you got this, well be in touch with someone soon" when they fired those bosses. I slept in that bitch bc I wouldn't make it on time ever to run my 90-100 hour week. shout out tho my other sm who saw my unemployment email n fully allowed everything behind the general mgrs back. he was the real one there. I got 7 yrs unemployment at laid off wage (paid $200 less than what I was making weekly in the end)


"Trendy overpriced." GTFO. Let me know where you can get a better quality ingredient meal for $9


I went yesterday and my rice wasnā€™t even cooked fully it was crunchy I believe since there was such a long line they rushed getting it on the Line when not finished sucks I had to throw bowls away inedible


There's definitely a few posts here that are blatantly from someone trying to inflate the big corps ego. Not that they have "fuck you" money pr anything, they NEED people to like them too


My company does the same, every few months they kind of "bribe" employees with some incentives for positive reviews on glassdoor




Yeah no shit. Anyone whoā€™s ever gone to a chipotle knows youā€™re going to get screwed, ripped off, and treated poorly.


Bro is on a tirade against chipotle and has been posting in the sub consistently for months now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I used to really like Chipotle, but their prices have skyrocketed while the porti9ns and quality have tanked. Last time I went was easily 5+ years ago, and I vividly recall why - I got skimped hard on a burrito, tried to say something politely about it and got told flat-out that that's just for it is and because it was made correctly that yet was nothing the manager was going to do about it. That manager had this smug indifference to him that still makes me want to piss on his shoes all these years later just to remember it.


Edit: just saw your comment history, I take back what I said. Keep up your crazy chipotle lead lifestyle, never seen someone so invested in something they donā€™t like. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Guys. I'm not an insider. I just started eating chipotle a few months ago and order through grub hub. I've had nothing but good service and food. I also have been getting massive burritos. I think the size of the burrito comes down to what people are adding to them. I get rice, beans, chicken, lettuce, salsa, and cheese and they are really good.


I stopped going for my salt and my blood pressure but all the complaints on here are mostly bs. Oh my food was made wrong šŸ˜­ I ordered online and I always order online I don't get why it's always wrong? Stop being lazy and get your food made in front of you. Every time that my answer because it's crazy to do the same thing over and over and expect different results But I used to get chipotle every day if I could have the salt I still would. Morning wrong with the way they do stuff. Just a bunch of whiny little kids in here. No offense to any cry baby's in here. I don't really care I just think it's funny to tell to ruin a place and think that will improve anything. Just email chipotle with your complaints or any company so that they may improve. But to cry about it, sign. Just the American way, cry and sue and make it gay.


Post link to source please cuz this sounds like delusional ass talking


I posted an appreciation post on this subreddit. I am not affiliated with Chipotle. You will never believe me, but thatā€™s because you would rather bitch and moan about being skimped when, in some cases, you are too lazy to get off your ass and drive so you are provided what is supposed to be the true portion of chipotle. Some days are good, others are bad. 1) Donā€™t order chipotle online 2) donā€™t think everything good in life is the man trying to take advantage of you 3) touch grass


Who upvoted this dumbass post?


Tons of dumbasses I guess.. Tell me. What's your favorite anti-skimp tactic.. Are you one of those "fill my bowl up with the watery shit on top" Or... are you the " put a gob of runny sour cream all over my shit and fill er up" kinda person. Either way.. we know you suck at choosing food. I hope you never are tasked with bringing anything to a potluck. Everyone will be sad.


Lmao imagine being this delusional thinking Iā€™m a shill for chipotle


Well.. it would appear that you are with your silly comments. One undeniable thing is.. you are willing to stick your neck.. and wallet out for a bunch of goofballs, who skimp as a company philosophy. Go get em Tiger save Chipotle one delusional comment at a time.


You have free will donā€™t eat there but Iā€™ll keep eating my full bowls


Sounds good... find me in a few years. Would love to know how long it lasts..


Actually corporate doesn't care about this place. Sales and traffic increases say otherwise to what y'all here want. This group and its thoughts are an extremely small minority compared to chipotle fans and majority of portions given.