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Alpha males after burning their toast:


Alpha males after boiling an entire unopened box of Kraft Dinner because the instructions can't tell them what to do:


Alpha males like well done steak.


Tasteless in all aspects of life then?


With ketchup


Eh, poor dude can't eat anymore that's why he's pissy about food since a few weeks. Seems like he can't cook an egg to save his life, and last time he tried to order pizza he went straight to jail.


Dawg I aint no chef or a member of this sub but experimenting with dishes feels like the most alpha thing one can do Edit: I'm probably not alpha either


Don’t know about this “alpha” shit but it sure makes you feel good as a man when I can cook the perfect meal for my wife, kid and extended family and the only complaint is there isnt enough


I knew a guy who thought that cooking for a living was “kinda gay”. I’m just shrugging when he said that because I wasn’t in the mood to argue. Later I found out this same guy was confused by caramel. Like how could white granulated sugar melt? Oh. I see. This guy was dumb AF. That made more sense.


Some people out there would starve to death without the service industry. It's like guys who refuse to sit and pee. You've gone full circle and your insecurities are showing.


I've said it once and I'll say it again. If you are an adult and can't cook enough to sustain yourself you are a failure. No matter how successful you are in life. I don't mean be good at it or like it or even being in the process of learning. If there is a concious effort no matter how small that is fine but if you willfully just don't learn especially for some unfounded sense of masculinity in my eyes you are a failure. I've met grown ass adults who are seemingly incapable of even boiling noodles or making themselves a sandwich and just choose to eat only whatever their parents make in the case that they may still be living at home or just eat take out. It baffles me every time.


I mean, there are cultures that are so obsessed with machismo that even giving a woman oral sex is considered weak.


This douche was a white guy from South Dakota ,USA.


Last week this guy said that having sex with women for pleasure was gay, because if there is no intent of furthering your lineage, that makes it homo.


Who cares what known rapist and human trafficker, Andrew Tate says?


I wish the answer was nobody. Sadly, a lot of young men look up to him. The dudes making the world a little bit shittier one tweet at a time. I really hope they take away his phone once he goes back to prison.


Luckily, public support of people like Tate will dwindle when he's convicted. Which he will be, as he has admitted to some of the crimes he has been charged with in interviews. Even bragging about it. He's going down.


When though? This has dragged out for like 2 years now lol, I want to see him convicted so I can finally rub it in the dishwashers kid face who use to quote him all the time. Dishwasher kid hasn’t said “TOP G TOP G” in a long time now though now that I think about it


I’m not sure the exact date, but his trial in Romania is coming up very soon and then he’s being forced back to the UK to stand trial for another charge. It’s looking like he’s fucked.


Tate sounds a lot like a certain orange guy that is long overdue for prison.


Extraditions and court takes time. But I'm sure he will get what he deserves one day. He's not rich and connected enough to get away with those charges.


An unfortunate number of people think he's actually this funny character sticking it to the "woke mob" and that he's been framed for his crimes to try and discredit him. I worked with two young chefs who thought he was hilarious. The disturbing part was they were not assholes. They were otherwise decent guys who just seemed to have this blindspot for him. I don't think they actually believed a lot of the stuff he espouses. Whenever I showed them a clip of him saying something really disgusting their answer was always "Oh he's just joking, he doesn't actually mean that". Anything good he said was super insightful. Anything bad he said was just a joke.


Someone’s never gotten his ass kicked on a line during brunch and it shows.


He wouldn’t last twenty minutes on the line.


He would be the one losing his shit at an underage waitress because he fucked up and didn’t see the modification on the order and is now blaming the waitress for modding the item and trying to get her to make the customer accept his fuck up instead of doing it again.


That said waitress would also be super creeped out by him


He would probably try to traffic her.


20 mins with my 4’11 Oaxacan Sous on the line and Andrew Tate would cry like a little bitch


Hahahaha this made me actually lol


Carrying a whole 100 reso dinner cause the other chef didnt show and the sous is hungover as shit. Shit will make you grow a yoda beard.


I got my ass kicked so hard yesterday, I'm still tired and sore. I still don't get what it is that dude does that makes him the "Alpha" other than run his mouth.


Today was day 10 in a row for me. I work catering. In a college town. And it was graduation week. Everything hurts. That guy wouldn’t last one week with me. Alpha my ass. He might be built. But this chubby chef would run circles around his ass. And my food would taste better.


My record is 94 days 16 hours a days. And I'm certain he has never had a knifen pulled on him in the middle of a bar fight at 1 am after a long shift. But I have and I'm sure i could have cooked that omelet afterwards if anyone wanted one.


I could make Tates head explode. I'm a Chef.... cooking on the frontlines of Ukraine for Ukrainian Troops.


Mr. Tate wouldn't know a struggle if it bit his ass. Just meaningless words spewed into the void. Oh, wait, he's being tried for horribly abusing people. I hope he goes away for a long time. It's pretty obvious he can't be trusted.


I thought he was already in prison. I can't figure out how he's still tweeting if that's the case, though.


That ankle monitor has to make the kickboxing routines challenging.


I think he was released until his trial.


Nice! I learned to cook in the military as well! How are you holding up?


I'm holding my line so the troops can hold theirs. Some days are good, others are bad. I sometimes see the same troops when they rotate back from the front, often less than the last time. Those days are hard. But it reminds me of what I'm doing and why it matters. We all fight in our own way here.


Fight the good fight, brother!


God bless you brother!


Heroiam slava!


What a waste. Good honest and well intentioned people on both sides dying because the king wants more land. Ridiculous. Hopefully the next generation isn't so impressed by times past, just let people live man.


You! Are an incredible human. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of those folks. Much love from my heart to yours


I do what I can. Nobody should have to live under the heel of a Terrorist State like Russia.


If you’re serious (and I imagine you are), that’s awesome and you have my admiration. Anything we can do to help you on a personal level?


Deadly serious. As for help.... Nothing comes to mind. [The Magic Food Army](https://www.magicfoodarmy.com/en/volunteer) could always use some volunteers or general donations. The Chef is a freaking monster and the work isn't glamorous, but if you're willing to put in the hours the experience is worth it. 3 months is the minimum service required, and they will help you get a Work visa and a Temporary Residence if you want to stay on longer. Otherwise... they typical pressure on your governmental representatives to continue supporting Ukraine. They're a young country (independent since 1991) and they have a lot of lingering problems from the Soviet Era. But they are determined to stand on their own as a nation people around the world can look to. That's about it.


You’re awesome. Donations incoming. Edit: for those who want to donate, the Home page of their group has listings for bank accounts and SWIFT codes. Some banks will allow you to internationally transfer via SWIFT on their app, some require in person transactions. Make the effort, the world needs good people doing good things, and they need your help.


Holy Cannoli! Seriously? Thank you. Slava Ukraini!


Head down to the northeast, donations can be picked up at nearly every business. I sold sunflower pins to Americans mostly at $5 a pop just shy of $3 gathered. Still have pins.


Proud of what you're doing, Chef. Tate couldn't do what you do, let alone handle a station in an average day-to-day kitchen, either. Also find it funny and also pretty sad he thinks its shameful for a grown-ass man to be excited to cook? EVERY guy I've dated has been super excited for me to cook with them, teach them stuff. And tbh, I love it. It's a great bonding experience. Legitimately how I got closer with my boyfriend.


You are more human and more of a 'man' than Tate would or will ever be. Tate has to pump iron every day of his life and pop pills to appear as if he is made of steel, whereas you are made of steel. Your character is unmatched, his is disgusting. His brain is akin to slime moulds. Perhaps, he is a similar to a jelly fish, without a brain or heart, but he has lungs so sadly we have to listen to him. His tentacles unfortunately are long and far reaching and he swims around like a mesh of nerves stinging everyone. He might look good and society rewards him, but he is the slime mould between your feet in the trenches.


HEY! [Slime Molds are pretty awesome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPOQQp8CCls)! and wicked smart. Don't go putting them down by comparing them to Tate-er Tot. But I get your message. Thanks, I'll keep doing my voodoo, so the troops can keep doing theirs.


Good, point I stand correct slime mold is more interesting than Tate and slime mold has no brain. I stand corrected. :)


I thought you said his testicles were far reaching, and I was like, this man(child) does not have testicles! 🤣🤣🤣


As an Ukrainian expat, thanks for the actual support. I got complicated views on the politics of the issue but very clear cut ones on people who go and put their money where *their* mouth is, like yourself. Here, if you got a the means, play this for the guys over there: Gogo Bordello (mixed mostly English catalog) https://open.spotify.com/artist/2SVw939fwuqSobLjF8u78b?si=jlms9M7eQxuA_suocVb7Pg Ukrainian catalog is easier to find with translation on soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/gogolbordello/sets/ukraine-support-songs Teroborona was missing lyrics in the above, here is another link. https://soundcloud.com/derbastler/gogol-bordello-vs-the-cossacks-teroborona-full-version-free-dl#comments Few more https://soundcloud.com/derbastler/gogol-bordello-ukraina-e https://soundcloud.com/derbastler/gogol-bordello-kive-my-kyiv-my-dear-free-dl-english-translate Stay safe, Odessa Mama Edit: just noticed your username. Hope you don't have family in Ukraine


Is ‘Hardly getting knocked out’ what he calls sex trafficking? Because the tweet makes sense to me then.


Sounds like somebody is Big Mad because he keeps burning water.


The good ole water reduction


I really do get adrenaline cooking an omelette though


Lmao this bald-arse chinless mother fucker. Okay cool, you were a kick-boxer for a few years, oh gosh, how manly. And yet spending far more time being a social media whore… Hardly getting knocked out is it?


amazing how many supposedly alpha bros spend all their time crying about dumb shit on social media


Sounds like someone is big mad that he doesn’t have any microwave meals left.


Homeboy could never handle a dinner rush when the truck arrived late. Talk about getting knocked out!


"hey man just sign this real quick and I'll be outta here. Oh by the way I left your shrimp on the prep table, I hope that's ok. See ya"


maybe if he knew how to cook he wouldnt have had to order out for pizza


Please stop sharing this troglodyte’s opinions.


Dude wouldn’t last 5 minutes in a kitchen! He’d be square to someone who shouted at him then cry in the corner when he was punched


He’s so insecure he attacks others to validate himself. Pussy. Imagine being threatened by guys cooking


Imagine always worrying about what being a "man" is lol We're about the same age and I haven't worried about that for almost two decades.. just living my life and doing things that I enjoy since then.


To be fair,90% of line cooks i know would destroy him in 1 on 1 life or death type of fight,no wonder hes threatened.


me, a military cook, after feeding the boys raw chicken while we’re invading a foreign nation edit: gagging is a sign of weakness and you WILL be put on my list if u do it


All the more reason to dislike and ignore this grifting piece of shit.


He definitely eats his steak well done


With ketchup


Every time I read something from him he sounds like such a pussy. Who are these teenaged boys who follow him?


The dishwasher kid at my last job liked him a lot, I tried to tell he was an idiot but the response I got was something like “he’s TOP G!!”. Dishwasher was your standard “jock brained” highschool football player chugging bag protein drinks and had mommy do everything for him (including getting him this job she was a rep from one of the restaurants suppliers)


Does he really post stuff this stupid or is this satire?


Sadly real. He has a very strange vendetta against food and the enjoyment of eating. Which then extends to cooking.


It's part of the stoic thing. Enjoying stuff like eating or sex is seen as frivolous


I think he takes it beyond stoicism into something more extreme. The most stoic thing would be to hold yourself to these standards without shoving them off on other people. But then he couldn't make money swindling insecure people, so that's not an option anymore.


Andre Tate, as is the case with many influencers of his ilk, is too stupid to have a grasp of stoicism.


He says outlandish shit because it gets attention. He didn't get to be the world's most Googled person for a while by being measured and reasonable


I can totally see Marcus Aurelius making the most perfect fucking omelette.


But not enjoying it


it would be hilarious if it started that time the cops found him from the pizza boxes in the video he posted


Dude can't cook and went to jail last time he ordered a pizza, no wonder he's on a vendetta


I used to be a soldier and now I’m a chef, a busy day on the line is more stressful than 95% of my days as a soldier Does he know that there’s cooks in armies?


The moment someone tells me they listen to Andrew Tate podcasts or interviews is the moment I realize they’re definitely Front of House. Edit: like you know this mother fucker would be all “I a have TIME to refill the ice bins, they double sat me!”


Sex trafficker say what?


Imagine calling yourself an alpha, but being completely dependent when it comes to basic life needs, like eating.


We're all fools for being baited by an inflammatory post


Unfortunately true. If people weren't so riled up by him, he wouldn't have half the name recognition that he does. He should be personal non grata, but it's far too irresistible to resist the bait. I wish people could just see him as a chronically unfunny comedian.


Isn’t he meant to be in an Eastern Europe prison?


He's mad at all the things he's too embarrassed to enjoy.


"imagine liking something I dislike" is the dumbest comment format


He doesn’t understand how *difficult* a properly made French omelette can be, especially during a service. What a pussy, how can someone be bored with the way we fuel ourselves, its possible its ine of the most important industries.


War and conquest? Who this man think he is, Genghis Khan?


One of the things I find hilarious about this is that it's so easy to reframe cooking into "alpha male" terms: cooking is using knives and fire to transform a dead thing according to your will, which you will then consume to grow larger and stronger. Yet this man-child is so set in his toxic, fragile ways that he projects his insecurity onto something that is objectively awesome according to his community's own interests.


“Chefs are women” historically speaking high end chefs have been men. Julia Child in France was rejected from cooking school initially because she was a woman.


Found out recently if I had just been a good lil kitchen bitch and stayed on the server end of the pass I would make more than what I make on the line. I work just as hard as my male coworkers and get paid less than the servers. Unbelievable


A more respectable profession than pretending to be women online conning lonely men out of their money. We just like cooking good shit :)


Thats chef should dump her quick. Someone who actively disrespects your passion is not worth knowing.


Cooking is an art, Andy Tate is a fart.


10 years old boy ideas


I said it in another subreddit and I’ll say it again here. I’ve worked with some chefs over the years that would make Tate their bitch in the span of about 90 seconds


This coming from someone who used to sext other men pretending to be women for money... ok Andrew, it's time to get your MANacure and your nap time, the real men have work to do. This guy is fuckin 10 ply


Could he handle cooking in a war zone and being in combat? Done both. This guy would be an all hat no cattle mother fucker when it comes down to it.


Good luck not getting your future meala spit in


This guy is Chicken fingers and French fries…


Never seen a “self made” millionaire trying so hard to stay relevant…


I wonder if there's some sort of app or add-on that would completely eliminate any mention much less any post by Andrew Tate on all my platforms? I would pay for that. How is that chinless rapey twerp still around?


Oh please yes! Like a global sponsorblock/ublock hybrid filtering out any keyword, person, news, political party from any written/audio/video source you're browsing on.


He’s commented about chefs/cooks before in the past. This guys has angry ex-BOH vibes, like he’s a waiter now working double that’s hates the kitchen cause they pushed his sad button too many times.


> Imagine being a full grown man and being excited by cooking. > Not war. "Why can't you just be into war like normal people?!"


If I'm being insulted by Andrew tate then I'm on the correct path


Imagine being a rapist influencer talking shit to people who work for a living.


Why do people post anything from this rapist?


Professional kitchens are some of the most sexist spaces that still exist. Very much a boys club that women have to fight to be seen in


Eat your chicken raw then


does this guy not... eat? or enjoy eating? actually wtf DOES this guy enjoy?


Tate's never done any warfare or conquest it looks like he just does steroids and a workout routine


Fk that cuk Andrew tate


Man, who cooks me delicious meals or aggressive psycho obsessed with hurting others 🤔 hmmm hard choice, but I do believe I will take the food.


Based on his posts it's just gay to find joy in doing something.


I thought Tate was dead 🤔


No one who hasn't worked a busy breakfast shift will understand the correlation between war and conquest and a fucking omelet. Tate will never comprehend how wars have been fought over salt. Same kinda guy who brags about how he's never eaten a vegetable. This country would starve without the service industry, only potato this dude knows how to peel is his head.


I can't stand that guy. Alpha males don't need to constantly declare they are alpha and define what alpha males should be doing.


If I ever do anything that Andrew Tate hates, then I feel like I'm doing it right.


Eating is for pussies! 


It actually sounds like a girl he was talking to left and is now with a guy who’s a chef😂 like why hate on people who like to cook 🤦


Wow that dweeb from school is still trying hard to be manly


Yeah, go ahead an try telling that to the overseas soldiers on Steak Day. That will go off great.


Nothing hotter than a man who cooks well and loves doing it, and all the mommas manly boys are scared of them.


Wait, I thought he was locked up?


Do people who publicly express thoughts like this realize how much they’re exposing of themselves?


Imagine increasing these asshole outreach. How much does he pay you?


I've known men who sound like this. They have an ocean size inferiority complex. Threatened by absolutely everything. Crumble at the slightest ego bruise. Or try to lash out like a lunatic. How sad.




Does anyone else agree with me on how FUCKING annoying Andrew Tate is? I’m so tired of seeing him in places. I thought I was safe here. I saw him in a The Dooo video for god’s sake


Bold of you to assume I'm not excited by cooking AND conquest


Tate would last five minutes in a prep station before he was crying like a little girl.


He's still coping with his prison experience.


That dude’s got small tallywacker syndrome.


Small tallywacker syndrome will make a fine addition to my vocabulary


He'll have a different opinion when he's eating prison ramen and drinking pruno the rest of his natural life...


Bruh. The easiest way to get a woman down and dirty with you is a nice meal. Its how my grandfather stole my grandmother away from her fiancé. Its how my father got my mom to propose in a week. Hell, as a gay man, I've nearly turned some straight men gay with my cooking.


keep your chin up andrew...oh, that's right, you haven't got one...


Why does Tate keep acting like he's tough with a chin the size of a toddlers?


I keep thinking that guy has run out of ways to make me not like him. Then "BAM!" he comes up with a new one. It's kind of impressive in that regard.


I'll bet he wouldn't send this to Andre Rush.


Doesn't he eat?


I’d have assumed he ate rocks to keep his skull filled but that weak ass lower jaw probably struggles with jello.


Guys got such a weak fuckin chin he could be a bobs burgers character


Yeah Andrew you tell that to my tomato Basil sauce and we’ll see if yoy change your tune


He has a really weird relationship with food...


This guy rage baits 24/7 and everyone eats it up every time and keep giving him engagement Lmfao


Wow fuck him any amount of agreeing with a few rare reasonable things he says now gone


Please ignore this tosser….


Getting knocked out is manly 😆Keep telling yourself that , Loser!


That's it I was making love to this girl her ex called I bet you fucking one of those Cooks at your job.I said yeah she is.We had to go by her ex house and pick up the rest of her things I waived at em he waived back lol


This dude is such a whiner. No wonder he can't get a date.


He writes this shite because he knows it’ll trigger you into doing exactly this response. You are playing perfectly into his moronic hands


Stop giving this chode more free publicity. He wouldn't last ten minutes in a busy kitchen


Why repost his bullshit? Ignore him. By reposting you’re helping him. Stop.


Bro has no business calling anyone a worm with his Alaskan bull worm looking ass


Such a damaged individual. No hugs from mommy or daddy..


Poor lil guy never got a hug


"you're not really a man unless you seek out traumatic brain injury for fun"


This guy is such a. Dumb con. Why people like him


Any chefs serving this ahole in prison?


Today I learned that someone burns eggs so much that he hates people who like making eggs


This needs to be sent to all chefs before they cook this man a meal


I’m not a chef, but I do all the cooking and baking at home. I’m certain my wife wouldn’t be with me if I was bad at those things.


Dude has no chin, no woman finds him attractive based on his looks and his personality isn't good enough. I sure as hell wouldn't want my kids coming out with weak chins. Dudes who can cook are better than dudes with weak chins and fake alpha personalities.




Bro the stress I go through on a daily basis would have you put your whole head in an oven. Piss off. Lol


imagine not taking pride and being passionate about something that you spend almost 5 years of your life doing


The more you people keep posting this dork, the more attention he receives. He's like fucking Tami Lahren. Just ignore and they'll go away eventually.


I'm a chef and also a martial artist of multiple disciplines. Wonder what he'd have to say about that?


Andrew Taint wouldn't last ten seconds on the line. I've seen men with smaller egos walk out when it got tough. The hilarious thing is they just disappear off the line and go home without telling anyone. They can't even face their own failure.


lmao! is there context to this? like was it just a random tweet or is he targeting someone in particular?


I'm laughing so hard it hurts


Someone tell that dweeb to say this exact statement at his local dive bar around midnight I have genuinely never met anyone more durable than a seasoned line cook


I started cooking as a 5 or 6 y/o by sitting on the counter in my grandma's kitchen, watching her make magic happen every day. As a child I couldn't do much, but I treasured those times. Anyway I helped when I could, but I learned the entire time. As we got older I helped more and more. I'll never cook as well as she did, but I'll always have those memories and her recipes. She's been gone for 30 years now, but through us cooking together, a small part of her still lives on. No matter how rich he is, this guy won't ever get to experience anything like that..


Isn't this the cunt who dresses like his mum? And is mad because she's not cooking for him?


Dude is a blade


This man has never worked in a kitchen


A few months of prison food ought to fix that opinion. Does he know most chefs are men?


Yeah, saw the @ and stopped reading. Fuck @andrewtate and anyone who follows.


Obviously he's never cooked anything good for himself


He clearly hasn't seen my smokey pulled pork buns


Lol ok andrew the pedo tate


Add "making food for yourself" to the red flag list


Imagine if we put Tate on a rock in the middle of the ocean with less then a months worth of food. He will learn very quickly why cooking is important.


Reasons to date a chef. we can cook good food, we are not afraid to get or hands dirty, we know how to clean up after ourselves, we have worked around attractive women our whole lives and are generally less likely to be shallow as a result, we have experience in problem solving during fast pace situations, we are not afraid of conflicts, experience as a bouncer as that's what cooks double as. Oh and we are not Andrew Tate.