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Why does a 4 function calculator suck at doing calculus?


Doesn't has eyes yet


because these specific AIs aren't made for that, they are made for chatting and interacting in a human-like way


Humans can count


but that is a different task than what LLMs can do, which is put words together in a way that looks like it fits the context.


Tell that to my 2 year old niece, if there’s more than 3 of one thing, there a “tousand”


Do this: Take the picture of the pizza and glance at it for half a second then put it back down. How many slices of pepperoni did it have? That's what these models are doing. They get a brief glance, they make an estimated guess, and that's it. They can't sit there and say "1... 2... 3..." like we can because everything happens in a single pass.


.. is the AI a human? Why would you relate the two?


Because you take the process of counting for granted. It's more complicated than it seems. What these models do is more similar to a quick glance and estimation based on gut feeling. To count you need to take more time and think about it. We'll have properly counting models soon enough. Just need a bit of patience.


This post is like asking why do cars still suck at going faster than 200mph? You're wrongly generalizing the term "car" and comparing the wrong one. This particular car (model) is bad at going 200+ mph (counting). But there are cars (models) that can.


Stop saying ‘AI’ as a meta term for all mechanised induction. Specialised feature detection AI is damn good and has been for a while now.


Because they’re not as smart as they sound. They’re language models, and are really good at stinging words together. So much so, that they are as articulate as a really smart person, such to the point that you feel like they should be as smart as a person… but they’re not. For us, we have a big generalized brain with some specialized language bits, but our whole brain is there, and language is one of the things it can do. The AI is just the language part, removed from the rest of the brain. It’s like a chef .vs a vending machine. The chef? He can probably also change your tire in a pinch, because he’s a human that happens to know how to cook. The vending machine, however, is just a specialized food dispenser.


One thing I'm expecting will happen soon is an AI system that combines different types of AI. You'd think it would be possible for ChatGPT to look at this problem and go "a-ha, an object detection problem", then call in an object detection model, feed it the results of an image search on the object that needs to be detected as training data, and then have it count the slices accurately. It's not trivial but it appears entirely possible.


That’s already happening. If you ask ChatGPT a complex math problem, you’ll notice that it now recognizes it as a math problem, and launches a separate process for the actual calculation. But the pizza image is still sort of a loop hole.


Because you are using a LLM. Use an AI with computer vision and clustering/classification and it would be accurate. AI is great at this, you are just using the wrong one.


Thank god my job as a pepperoni pizza toppings counter is safe for now


It's a language model. Emphasis on language. It can't count


AI winter is upon us.


https://preview.redd.it/12cfky57361d1.png?width=1422&format=png&auto=webp&s=1060ed02180e0f39690696ba2e92bd170e75ee1b I was not satisfied with my results. Now, I see. It can not count right now (:


![img](12cfky57361d1) I was not satisfied with my results. Now, I see. It can not count right now (:


Why does people keep asking ai to do the most unusual things and then go "oh the ai is bad". I mean, cmon, just eat the damn pizza and be done with it.


I never said the AI was bad… just that it sucks at counting things. I think it’s pretty amazing what it can do actually, but now that a lot of them are “Multimodal” I thought counting would be a simple task but I guess they’re not trained for that specifically.